TC - Agenda - 10-06-05AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Regular Meeting OCTOBER 6, 2005 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairman Quintanilla, Vice - Chairperson Matsdorf, and Commissioner Knapp Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Knapp Invocation: Chairman Quintanilla I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 4 2005 and September 1, 2005 II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes). III. OLD BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTION ADTACENT TO A FIRE HYDRANT BE REDUCED - 7665 GRAVES AVENUE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR CURB MARKINGS AT 3953 MUSCATEL AVENUE B. REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF ROSE STREET AND RIO HONDO AVENUE C. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT GRAVES AVENUE AND JACKSON AVENUE V. STAFF REPORTS A. UPDATE ON CITY COUNCIL'S ACTIONS VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VII. ADJOURNMENT - To the next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission on Thursday, November 3, 2005, at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at: Rosemead City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard; and at other locations pursuant to RMC Section 1.08. r, ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION AUGUST 4, 2005 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Quintanilla at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. - ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Quintanilla, Vice - Chairperson Matsdorf and . Commissioner Knapp Absent: None Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Knapp Invocation: Commissioner Quintanilla I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Tuly 7, 2005 It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for July 7, 2005. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTION ADTACENT TO A FIRE HYDRANT BE REDUCED - 7665 GRAVES AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation: Based on the field observation and measurements, it was recommended the request to reduce the distance a vehicle can park next to the fire hydrant in front of 7665 Graves Avenue be denied. There are no recommended changes to the parking restrictions on Graves Avenue between 7651 and 7715 Graves Avenue. Speaking before the Commission was: Dolly Leong (Property Owner) 7665 Graves Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Leong stated that she has spoken to City staff and does not agree with the findings of the Traffic Engineer. She does not feel there is adequate parking in front of this location. Ms. Leong urged the Commission not to make a decision tonight until all the facts have been re- examined. Commissioner Knapp stated that she agrees with Ms. Leong and wants to look further into this before making a decision. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Matsdorf, and carried unanimously to defer this item until staff can look further into it and bring it back to the October meeting. IV. NEW_BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT DEL MAR AVENUE AND HIGHCLIFF STREET Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation• Based on the guidelines of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street does not satisfy any of the 8 warrants for the installation of a traffic signal. Therefore, the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Highcliff Street was not recommended at this time. Speaking before the Commission was: Bob Bruesch President of the Garvey School District Board 7570 Wilmar Place Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Bruesch stated that this is a re- occurring problem. They would like a pedestrian activated crossing light. Del Mar has a 45 mph speed limit, going north bound, if a car sees that the light is turning yellow, they speed up. He has seen cars coming through the intersection at a screeching halt and yelling at the crossing guard as he /she approaches the middle of the street. Mr. 'Bruesch stated that Del Mar is being used as a by -pass for the 60 freeway or 10 freeway, and during the hours afterschool and/ or rush hour when children are crossing there is no crossing guard. Speaking before the Commission was: Michael Cognet, Assistant Superintendent Garvey School District 2730 North Del Mar Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Cognet read a letter from the Superintendent stating his reasons for wanting a traffic signal at Del Mar and Highcliff Street. i Commissioner Knapp stated that a pedestrian activated crossing light is a much better recommendation than a traffic signal. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki's recommendation would be for a full signal, because of the location. Assistant City Manager Wagner stated that he received a call from Mrs. Schmidt, who lives in the area, and is in favor of the traffic signal at this location. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Matsdorf, and carried unanimously to install a full traffic signal at the intersection of Del Mar and Highcliff. V. STAFF REPORTS Assistant City Manager Wagner stated that the staff has received 8 bids on the Public Safety Center at Zapopan Park, and recommend award of bid on Tuesday. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Matsdorf thanked staff for all their hard work. VII: ADTOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 1, 2005 The regular of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Quintanilla at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Quintanilla, Vice - Chairperson Matsdorf and Commissioner Knapp Absent: None Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Matsdorf Invocation: . Commissioner Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Deferred until October 6 2005 II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission was: Leann Dalessio 1030 W. Crumbly Street West Covina, California 91790 Ms. Dalessio passed out letters to the Commissioners regarding cars parking in front of the Chamber of Commerce blocking their driveway, and thought perhaps the curb could be painted. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that she will look into it, and bring it forth to the Traffic Commission in the month of October. III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR LEFT TURN SIGNAL PHASING ON DEL MAR AVENUE AT GRAVES AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation: Based on the reduced visibility discussed above, it was recommended that _ left turn phasing be installed in the northbound and southbound directions of Del Mar Avenue at Graves Avenue. Commissioner Knapp recommended that perhaps the County could share the cost of the signal. It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS - None VI. Commissioner Matsdorf reminded everyone that school starts up again on Tuesday, September 6 1 h!. Chairman Quintanilla asked about the bus stop in front the beauty shop. Assistant City Manager Wagner stated that the City has met with both the owner of the Beauty Shop and the owner of the shopping center, and will be asking MTA to remove the bus stop. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m. . Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: September 27, 2005 RE: Request for Parking Restriction Adjacent to a Fire Hydrant be Reduce - 7665 Graves Avenue — Follow -up DISCUSSION At the Traffic Commission's regular meeting on August 4, 2005, this item was discussed. Ms. Dolly Leong gave testimony to the Commission and suggested the Commission delay action on the item until specific questions she had could be answered. Ms. Leong indicated that City plans for Tract 47192 show that the fire hydrant was to be installed at the property line of the project. She further indicated that the water company indicated to her that the water company has no control over where the fire hydrants are placed. Ms. Leong requested Commission delay action until City staff could answer these questions more sufficiently. requested the City Engineer respond to Ms. Leong's questions. Attached is a memorandum from the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION Based on the August agenda item and the City Engineer's memorandum, it is recommended the request to reduce the distance a vehicle can park next to the fire hydrant in front of 7665 Graves Avenue be denied. There are no recommended changes to the parking restrictions on Graves Avenue between 7651 and 7715 Graves Avenue. Attachment Q:yn15606 -Rsd TE 2005-067raific Commission Agendas \October- raves Fire Hydrant Foiiow up.doc MEMORANDUM TO: JOANNE ITAGAKI, DEPUTY TRAFFIC ENGINEER , FROM: KEN RUKAVINA, CITY EGINEER DATE: AUGUST 17, 2005 SUBJECT: FIRE HYDRANT @ 7665 GRAVES AVENUE The fire hydrant at the subject location was installed in August 1997. A permit was issued to Southern California Water Company for this and other water - related facilities associated with the development of Tract 47192 at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Graves Avenue. A copy of the permit and plans for the proposed water facilities, including the fire hydrants, are attached. Title 20 of the Los Angeles County Government Code governs size, type and location of fire hydrants. However, the code is not specific as to the placement of fire hydrants along a street frontage. The code does state that the location of fire hydrants shall be approved by the fire chief or fire marshal and by the road commissioner. There are no standards with regard to the placement of above - ground facilities directly in line with a property line. Generally, the attempt is made to place all above ground facilities, whether it be fire hydrants, street lights, etc., in the vicinity of a property line; however, the City has the right to place necessary public facilities anywhere along a property frontage. Plans for the subject fire hydrant show it to be placed in the vicinity of the property line between 7665 and 7701 Graves Avenue, but since dimensions.are not given, the planned location of the fire hydrant within the parkway can be considered more schematic than specific. The City's public works inspector would have approved the location. I have investigated the site and determined that there is adequate curb length for one parking space without encroaching into the "no parking" zone of the fire hydrant. Even if the hydrant were shifted east to the property line, only one parking space would still be available. Therefore, I do not recommend any action be taken. MAYOR: JAY T. IMPERIAL MAYOR PRO TEM: GARY A. TAYLOR COUNCILMEMEER9: MARGARET CLARK JOHN H. NUREZ JOHN TRAN August 17, 2005 Ms. Dolly C. Leong 8455 Mission Drive Rosemead, CA 91770 Re: Tentative Map 47192 Dear Ms. Leong: �il� f�&mcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 - FAX (626) 307 -9218 Pursuant to your request dated August 8, 2005, we offer the following: 1. The fire hydrant was approved to be in the vicinity of the property line between 7665 and 7701 Graves Avenue. There is no requirement or City /County standard that the fire hydrant be located directly in line with a property line. 2. The permit for the installation of the fire hydrant is attached. 3. Melrose Avenue is a public street. Sincerely, CITY OF ROSEMEAD Ken Rukavina, P.E. City Engineer Enc. M. U U z W �a z F ° Q X W W a ❑ Z ° O U z 0-0 U a 0 0 Q U J AL Q W � M G w H U N v K 0 C o 6 K Alit g a �a 6� A S$ ° E� $a v 8s tB 0 ° w wN .LL $sw a 3 Z w a3 5 e s W LL €w �9 Q-al $ �s � S 5 EE b bs� 5 i is � D sus s rb a � � k ass 15 o g$ » = m � LL W gg� 4 iwrc� u~ �ge <a lF1a �s$ » I C" �I �I W U 2 Q 7 N LL O 0 W F F.. LL Q z x N W rc a W F C' W CL co i u Mi NI N M » � Q O � o ^ . 'a \UT)1 1 O N rn LL Ii = W u1 Z U w r LL ? U w K G H 2 ~ LL � X 11 » 0� LL W 0 N w 3 Q J 7 7 N N v K 0 C o 6 K Alit g a �a 6� A S$ ° E� $a v 8s tB 0 ° w wN .LL $sw a 3 Z w a3 5 e s W LL €w �9 Q-al $ �s � S 5 EE b bs� 5 i is � D sus s rb a � � k ass 15 o g$ » = m � LL W gg� 4 iwrc� u~ �ge <a lF1a �s$ » I C" �I �I W U 2 Q 7 N LL O 0 W F F.. LL Q z x N W rc a W F C' W CL co i u Mi NI N M » � Q O � o ^ . 'a \UT)1 1 O N rn LL Ii = W u1 Z U w r LL ? U w K G H 2 ~ LL » 0� W 0 N w 8 s ss k _8r 8 5� 8 n =s- 5 YpB 04gg�py $ 6 O � Is 3 8 $ E S 3 33 � a IWO sP_��•g����m 8�� q 8 e.�c L 65 g v 1 N �4 I , M Ll va Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI „TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: June 29, 2005 RE: Request for Parking Restriction Adjacent to a Fire Hydrant be Reduce - 7665 Graves Avenue REQUEST Staff received a letter (attached) from Ms. Dolly Leong regarding parking in front of 7665 Graves Avenue. Ms. Leong was concerned that the existing fire hydrant in front of 7665 Graves Avenue reduces the length of available parking in front of 7665 Graves Avenue. In Ms. Leong's letter, she has requested that the fire hydrant be relocated. She has also requested that vehicles be allowed to park closer to the fire hydrant than the usual 15 foot restriction. Graves Avenue in the vicinity of 7665 Graves Avenue transitions from a width of 55 feet to 64 feet. There is one lane of traffic in each direction separated by a two -way left -turn lane. Exhibit A depicts the north curb line of Graves Avenue between 7651 and 7715 Graves Avenue. Pictures will be available at the Traff ic Commission meeting. DISCUSSION Field observation of Graves Avenue was made during the early afternoon hours. On- street parking on the north side of Graves Avenue in the subject area was occupied with 4 vehicles parked between 7651 and 7715 Graves Avenue. There was one vehicle parked in front of 7665 Graves Avenue. As shown on Exhibit A, the frontage of 7665 Graves Avenue is approximately 55 feet wide.. A fire hydrant is located approximately 9 feet from the east property. line. There is approximately 28 feet between the fire hydrant and the driveway. The remaining 18 feet is driveway. Based on the location of the fire hydrant, there.is approximately 13 feet of available parking in front of 7665 Graves Avenue. July 7, 2005 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Parking Restriction Adjacent to a Fire Hydrant be Reduced - 7765 Graves Avenue Page 2 of 2 Ms. Leong has asked that the -fire hydrant be relocated. Development projects are often required to install fire hydrants at the direction of the Los Angeles County Fire Department. - When the project is under construction, the City's Public Works Department issues a permit to install fire hydrants at the direction of the water company. The water company directs where the fire hydrants are to be located. As such, there is no reason for the fire hydrant to be relocated. However, if Ms. Leong still wishes to have the fire hydrant relocated, she can inquire with the Southern California Water company. If relocation is acceptable, Ms. Leong can pay for the cost to relocate the fire hydrant. Ms. Leong has further requested that vehicles be allowed to park closer than 15 feet to the fire hydrant. She correctly states that California Vehicle Code Section 22514 (b) allows local agencies to reduce this distance if the agency adopts an ordinance or resolution reducing that distance. However, staff would not support such an ordinance since there has not been any previous need to reduce this distance. The 15 foot parking restriction from a fire hydrant is commonly known by motorists and does not require the City to make special notification such as red curb painted at each fire hydrant throughout the City. The parking in front of 7665 Graves Avenue is limited to one parking space. This parking space is minimal in length and provides enough space for most vehicles to park without blocking the driveway or fire hydrant. RECOMMENDATION rt Based on the field observation and measurements, it is recommended the =z request to reduce the distance a vehicle can park next to the fire hydrant in front of 7665 Graves Avenue be denied. There are no recommended changes to the !' parking restrictions on Graves Avenue between 7651 and 7715 Graves Avenue. Attachment 18 -May -05 TO, ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 E. VALLEY BLVD. ROSEMEAD, CA. 91770 FAX (626) 307~9218 RE: 7665 Graves Ave.: Parking restriction, parking limitations, pavement marking etc. Dear Chairperson, traffic commissioners We submit the following for your consideration not limited to the referenced above (1) Fire hydrant was Incorrectly Installed 9 feet encroached Into 7665 Graves Ave. (2) 7665 Graves Ave. - limited frontage: Street frontage 52 feet less: F.H.encroach 9 Less: driveway to rear yard 13 . Less: no parking from F.H Net frontage 15 feet Exh.1 Exh.2 Exh.3 Therefore, only one car street parking space. 4 This-only available one car parking space was occupied 7655 Graves Ave. on May 14, 2005, that I had no space to park. The residents @7665 Graves Ave. have more than one car. (3) 7701 Graves ( Lot 31 of T.M.47192 - 31 lots subdivision) ExhA 7701 - 7735 Graves Ave. ( fronts on Graves Ave ) have 2 car garage, 2 parking space driveways + one or more street parkings.) i.e. 5 + (4) City of San Gabriel : Reduced distance from Fire Hydrants. Exh.S feet from F.H. ( 3 feet cn 418 W. Bencemp & -t feet on 420 Bencamp ) , (5) Veh. Code 522514 (b) Reduce Distance Exh.6 Due to not limited the circumstances listed above, we request you: (1) To relocate the improperly installed Fire Hydrants (F.H) thelencroachad 9 feet C 7665 Graves Ave., or (2) No parking restriction or distance from this fire hydrant not limited due to City's errors and/or potential fraud of the owners of tm. 47192 intentionallly Installed this fire hydrant that encroached nine (9) feet Into our property ( 7665 Graves Ave) or, (3) Reduce distance from this fire hydrant etc. Thank You. Yours Truly, 4.7, tlg P.O. Box 6939 Rosemead, Ca. 91770 (626)287 -4033 }� Encl. 15, RE: 7665 Graves Ave: Parking restrictions: Fire Hydrant - EXHIBIT 1 714 b e Av�" 5285 25 - - SCALE 1 _ 80, CODE3980 90 a AO W A.4 a 5 3 \ .?9 S3 ,S3 Ja J 1160 jZ Jllfk . � . � 11 11 iT� VV YYY J4 ate•. _ . � lar -d fj ej I X12 j82I: 31 __... 701;5 4 j b Y i 80 y Q vI 4 Ir / J eo 0 RE: 7665 Graves Ave: Parking restrictions: Fire Hydrant - EXHIBIT 3 RE: 7665 Graves Ave: Parking restrictions: Fire Hydrant - EXHIBIT 4 a y ,. -, -•: c.. •..L. ` �_Cd � _:: f: �i. .:�� -.. � .b,_ � ibulQ' -4' N _ i ! s- . i�� �W, A RE: 7665 Graves Ave: Parking restrictions: Fire Hydrant - EXHIBIT 7 b�mauy3i11 7a7 O -SOI mvo T r r a� a 1 r r O r r r r Ln r Q In Q (D ^ Q Z_ 6 W Q w 0O Z L ¢ ^ ^ f— o m V1 = w 0 >w x �a U o LLI a m S e V W U °< Z m i `a Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC_ ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: September 27, 2005 RE: Request for Curb Markings at 3953 Muscatel Avenue REQUEST Ms. Lee Ann Dalessio, Executive Director of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce has requested the installation. of curb markings in front of the Chamber at 3953 Muscatel Avenue. Ms. Dalessio indicates that vehicles sometimes block the driveway, park all day or move their trashcans,to park. CONDITIONS Muscatel Avenue is a 40 -foot wide north -south roadway with one lane of traffic in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a single yellow skip strip centerline. Parking is generally allowed on both sides of Muscatel Avenue. The posted speed limit on Muscatel Avenue is 30 mph. The Rosemead Chamber of Commerce is, located at 3953 Muscatel Avenue. There is approximately 40 feet of on- street parking. This provides for 2 vehicles to park in front of the Chamber. Exhibit A depicts the conditions in the vicinity of 3853 Muscatel Avenue. DISCUSSION Field observation of 3953 Muscatel Avenue occurred during different time of a typical weekday. During these observations, vehicles were parked at 3953 Muscatel Avenue approximately 75% of the time. Some of these vehicles were short term (15 — 30 minutes). and some were longer. Overall, there did not seem to be a consistent pattern to the vehicles that parked. Ms. Dalessio has made the request for some sort of curb marking in front of.3953 Muscatel Avenue. There are several options that are possible. These definitions are from the California Vehicle Code (CVC) section 21458. Red Curb is for "no stopping, standing or parking whether the vehicle is attended or unattended, except that a bus may stop in a red zone marked or signposted as a bus loading zone." October 6, 2005 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Curb Markings at 3953 Muscatel Avenue Page 2 of 2 Yellow Curb is for "stopping only for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers or freight for the time as maybe, specified by local ordinance." White Curb indicates "stopping for either of the following purposes: a) loading or unloading of passengers for the time as may be specified by local ordinance. B) depositing mail in an adjacent mailbox." Green Curb indicates "time limit parking specified by local ordinance." Blue Curb indicates "parking limited exclusively to the vehicles of disabled persons and disabled veterans." Currently, the City has installed all these curb markings in various areas of the City. Red curb at 3953 Muscatel would not be recommended because it would remove available parking for the Chamber which has limited parking available to it's patrons. The blue curb installation, however, has been installed as a pilot project and would not be considered at this location. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission receive comment from the Chamber to determine which curb marking would best meet their needs. Staff has no objection to the installation of curb markings except for red or blue as stated previously. Attachment 0:406606 -Rsd TE 2005 -06\Traffic Commission Agendas \October -3953 Muscatel curb markings.doc Rosemead Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Information Center 3953 N. Muscatel Ave., Rosemead, Califomia 91770 of ".ciL97 August 31, 2005 JoAnne Itagaki Traffic Engineer Willdan Associates 12900 Crossroads Parkway South, #200 City of Industry, CA 91745 Dear Ms. Itagaki: / I ROEEMEAD ° CHAMBER 9 of .' COMMERCE \ \ YA,M / Rosemead Chamber of Commerce 3953 N. Muscatel Ave. P.O. Box 425 Rosemead. CA 91770 web: w ..msemeadcaorg _ee111&r11 LQkmsiO Executive Director Phone (626) 268 -0811 Fax(626)288 -2514 E -mail rosemeadcc ®aol.com E -mail: ladalessio2 ®aol. corn First let me begin by introducing myself, I am Lee Ann Dalessio, Executive Director of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce. I am in need of some help. Of late we have been having a problem with people parking their cars in front of our Chamber office. While this per say is not generally a problem it's how they are parking their cars that is. You should be able to get two cars parked at the curb however, some people are not so courteous and therefore when someone else tries to park behind them they end up blocking our driveway. Which as you know is against the law. Also, on trash day they Out our black waste can back up on the grass parkway instead of leaving it at the curb for pick -up. What l am requesting is that the City of Rosemead either paints the curb red for no parking; paints the curb yellow for loading and unloading orpaints the curb green for 20 minute parking. Any help that you may give to us would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, ( J�,w(�r;l.. Lee Ann Dalessio Executive Director TEL: (626) 288-0811 FAX: (626) 288-2514 "Businesses inine4tvvebiter.simp 19771' VALLEY BLVD 5 3GALE� I'•,O' R 30(0A1 10 AM- 2 PH 1 1 LEGEND EXISTING RED CURB h Y m \ 1 1 / I J J f - 2 I) < -- v 14.5 3653 4p 1 1 rr 1 V I 1 ' h Y h 1� 5 EXHIBIT A 1 I 1 DEypl BY: J.1. CITY OF ROSEMEAD D RAM BY: B.T. «m BY MUSCATEL AVENUE AT �• VALLEY BLVD 9/37/0 SINE: PLAN NO. Y -gyp• TR. SHT. 1 OF 1 SHT. 9tF.ZV'ZVV9 VV:79 .. Staff Resort Rosemead Traffic Commission NVVV1 C.VV" VVJ TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI; TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY \� DATE: September 29, 2005 SUBJECT: Request for Stop Signs at the Intersection of Rose Street and Rio Hondo Avenue Rg91JEST A request from Ms. Lucero was made at a recent City Council meeting for the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Rose Street and Rio Hondo Avenue. Ms. Lucerolndioated that the speeds at this intersection are high and that several collisions have occurred at the intersection. CONDITIONS A complete description of the intersection will be provided at the Traffic Commission meeting. This will include an exhibit of the intersection. DATA The reported accident history at the intersection of Rose Street and Rio Hondo Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 2000 through July 31, 2005. One accident was reported at this intersection. This collision involved a southbound vehicle entering traffic sideswiping another southbound vehicle proceeding straight (411/00, 12:00 PM). The primary collision factor was unsafe starting/backing. Additional traffic count and pedestrian data was collected at this intersection. This data will be presented at the Traffic Commission meeting. DISCUSSION The traffic data for this intersection was collected late in the month of September. This did not provide staff sufficient time to review and analyze the data and complete the Commission agenda. Therefore, a complete report will be presented at the Traffic Commission meeting. 0- .0j56W4W TE 200S06\TrafOC comrW=ion AgendesWNbbbnR060 & Rb Hondo Stop Repuatdoo SEP.29 09:55 I Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission #0001 ?.003/009 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION _. Q FROM: - JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY l DATE: September 27. 2005 ` RE: Request.for Traffic Signal at Graves Avenue and Jackson Avenue REQUEST Councilmember Nunez has requested staff analyze the intersection of Graves Avenue and Jackson Avenue for the installation of school,pedestrian signs and a traffic signal. Councilmember Nunez indicated that the Maryvaie campus accommodates a school on the site and should -be so identified. Commissioner Knapp has also requested staff to review the need for a traffic signal at this intersection. She indicated that speeds and the volume of on Graves Avenue COND�ONS Graves Avenue is a 54 -foot wide east -west roadway with one lane of traffic in each direction. A two -way left-turn lane separates opposing lanes of traffic. Parking is allowed' on both sides of Graves Avenue except where red curb exists. Jackson Avenue is a 40 -foot wide north -south roadway with one lane of traff ic in each direction. Single yellow skip striping separates opposing lanes of traffic. Street sweeping parking restrictions are posted on Jackson Avenue. The posted speed limit is 30 mph. Exhibit A will be .available at the Traffic Commission meeting and will depict existing conditions at the Intersection of Graves Avenue and Jackson DATA The reported collision history at the intersection of Graves Avenue. and Jackson Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1. 2000 to July 31, 2005. These collisions are _summarized in Exhibit B. There were 16 collisions reported during this period; 1 in 2000, 5 In 2001, 3 in 2002, 3 in 2003, 3 in 2004 and 1 in 2005. Of the 4 collisions reported since 2004, 2 were broadside collisions. SEP.29'2005 09:55 October A 2x04 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Traffic Stgnal at Graves Avenue and Jackson Avenue Page 2 of 3 #0001 P.004/009 Twenty-four hour traffic volumes were obtained for the intersection of Graves Avenue and Jackson Avenue in September 2005. These counts revealed the following: Turning movement counts including pedestrian crossing volumes were taken on Wednesday,, September 21, 2005. These counts revealed the following: 24 -hour Traffic Volume Peds Xing Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound G raves Avenue -- - 4,823 4.980 Jackson Avenue 897 922 -- — Turning movement counts including pedestrian crossing volumes were taken on Wednesday,, September 21, 2005. These counts revealed the following: Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Peds Xing Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound G raves Avenue — - 486 7:45 A 478 7:30 AM Right — — 438 5:30 PM 528 5:30 PM J ackson Avenue 110 T30 AM 126 7:45 AM -- — 10 92 5:00 PML 82 5:45 PM - -- -- Turning movement counts including pedestrian crossing volumes were taken on Wednesday,, September 21, 2005. These counts revealed the following: Field observations were made of t pedestrians crossing Graves Avenue Most vehicles on Jackson Avenue Graves Avenue. he intersection throughout the day. The appeared to be employees of Maryvale. experienced little or no delay to access Staff did contact the school located on the Maryvate campus. The school is Logsdon School and currently teaches 56 students ranging in age from kindergarten to 1 e grade. Logsdon School is a non - public school with students who experience severely emotional and/or behavioral problems. Currently, 611 Northbound Peds Xing Southbound Peds Xing Peds Xin Left Thru Right East L Left Thru Right West 7:30 - 8:30 A 4 0 9 2 68 2 37 10 2:00 - 3:00 PM 5 1 3 1 33 1 26 9 Field observations were made of t pedestrians crossing Graves Avenue Most vehicles on Jackson Avenue Graves Avenue. he intersection throughout the day. The appeared to be employees of Maryvale. experienced little or no delay to access Staff did contact the school located on the Maryvate campus. The school is Logsdon School and currently teaches 56 students ranging in age from kindergarten to 1 e grade. Logsdon School is a non - public school with students who experience severely emotional and/or behavioral problems. Currently, 611 Eastbound Peds Xing Westbound Peds Xin Left Thru Right South L Left Thru Right North Le 7:30 -8:30 39 409 10 0 9 416 68 0 2:00.3:00 PM 43.1 247. 6 0 8 276 58 0 Field observations were made of t pedestrians crossing Graves Avenue Most vehicles on Jackson Avenue Graves Avenue. he intersection throughout the day. The appeared to be employees of Maryvale. experienced little or no delay to access Staff did contact the school located on the Maryvate campus. The school is Logsdon School and currently teaches 56 students ranging in age from kindergarten to 1 e grade. Logsdon School is a non - public school with students who experience severely emotional and/or behavioral problems. Currently, 611 SEP.29'2005 09:55 _ 40001 P.005/009 Clolober 6, 20M Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Traffic Signal at Graves Avenue and Jackson Avenue Page 3 of 3 the students live at Maryvale. In the past, students have lived off campus and this could occur in the future. Traffic signals are traffic control devices used to determine right -of -way at intersections. They are not speed control devices and, when not properly installed, can increase speeds. The installation of signals is based on guidelines provided by Caltrans. These guidelines are based on years of study and are the standard used by the City. The data collected were compared to the Caltrans guidelines. Exhibit C will be provided at the Traffic Commission meeting and depicts how the intersection of Graves Avenue /Jackson Avenue measures up to the Caltrans guidelines. Three of the 8 warrants are satisfied. These include the Four -hour Vehicular Volume, Peak Hour and the Coordinated Signal System Warrants are satisfied. This indicates that especially during the .peak hours, the intersection of Graves Avenue and Jackson Avenue experiences enough traffic volume that additional control of right- of-way assignment is necessary. RECOMMENDATION Based on the satisfaction of 3 traffic signal warrants, the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Graves Avenue and Jackson Avenue is recommended. 1 3 MI- 160UI1tnSD18006 Agendas 6 Doavnents%June•Graves & Jackson Stop•31mal and RC Request.dw 5EP.29'2005 09:55 #0001 P.006/009 n r ' ti 6 5 e c v � E o sc IL 5fl 7 as m E a Q> c a> Q> QS QS < 1 5 Q> Q> O c 9yy`t 6 y yy{1 1L @ @ym SGa O� dL C 9ajFt wa N Uj a 6U6y IL U .f2 - 0. aA (L (0 O N c F 5: w a E _ 'b E C' - . e d m ~ Ca d C d r a v N to f O J 7 a a W g _ E CL w oo E � �E @YE 0 § 1 ExE YEg 0 Ma e 1F'- in :1 1 7 :1 to fir' Oi � iF o Im 0 a L N pp� Co � 5 5 C L by C V O f M Z W N W 4 Y V1 f) N Y Y t) 3 V a ° r W m 2 '`l o Y ss ss g o ° c Ya�i w a , �m : 0 m i c O> > > 6> > y O> > 6.> > O> 6> 6> e o o v °f Y e a e g c s C o Y m Q �^ _ �^ w m tj��� b o 5 5 N c c C c :s c e C O $ W m ' � 3 C C G D IE 1 s t J Y SEP.29'2005 09:56 n O N l� b h 6 t O e a m � A E CL � O S � W O r . G C V W V C W ` H e �a d > ° e LO N l7 � r b e a� G O p �. It c �e b JO Y � C � O b 3 N LL �� LL 3 N o O E V O 6 S6 N O � � o U C; o 0 �o O � r r� `o °> m �s o> 00 � o a 0 3 v m p N O N b „ N b o o � a ' m in 0 3 0 E Z L a 1. 5 00 9 0 #0001 P.007/009 0 . e E ; O L. A K EF4r r. 41151T � 7 0 � e $ 9 a E� b a �g � e g oeo ° e `•� N H y • � N 0 . e E ; O L. A K EF4r r. 41151T � 7