TC - Agenda - 02-03-05AGENDA ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Regular Meeting FEBRUARY 3, 2005 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairperson Knapp, Vice - Chairperson Matsdorf, Commissioner Quintanilla, and Commissioner Benjamin Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Knapp Invocation: Commissioner Quintanilla I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 6,200 II. REORGANIZATION OF THE ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - This is the time reserved for members of the audience to address the Commission on items not listed on the agenda. (Maximum time per speaker is three (3) minutes; total time allocated is fifteen (15) minutes). IV. OLD BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR AUDIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS AT WALNUT GROVE AND LANDISVIEW LANE V. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST TO RELOCATE BUS STOP FOR EASTBOUND VALLEY BOULEVARD WEST OF HART AVENUE VI. STAFF REPORTS A. CONSIDERATION OF BLUE CURB INSTALLATIONS IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS B. STATUS OF SIGNAL OPERATION AT RIO HONDO AVENUEIVALLEY BOULEVARD/MISSION DRIVE VII. COMMISSIONER REPORTS VIII. ADJOURNMENT - To the next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission on Thursday, March 3, 2005, at 7:00 p.m., Rosemead City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at Rosemead City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard; and at other locations pursuant to RMC Section 1.08. ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 6, 2005 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Knapp, Vice - Chairperson Magorf and Commissioner Quintanilla Absent: Commissioner Benjamin Pledge of Allegiance: Vice - Chairperson Matsdorf Invocation: Chairperson Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - December 2, 2004 It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for December 2, 2004. II. REORGANIZATION OF THE ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION It was moved by Commissioner Quintanilla, seconded by Commissioner Matsdorf to defer the reorganization to the month of February in order for Commissioner Benjamin to be present. III. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None IV. OLD BUSINESS - None V. A. REQUEST FOR AUDIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS AT WALNUT GROVE AND LANDISVIEW LANE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report and passed out some pictures of the intersection to the Commission. After some discussion amongst the Commission, it agreed upon to defer this item to the February Traffic Commission Meeting for further information. B. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON GLADYS AVENUE SOUTH OF GARVEY AVENUE (WALGREENS) i Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation: Staff was looking for Traffic Commission direction on this item. It is understandable that Walgreens would like easier access to ifs delivery dock. However, removing parking in front of 2749 Gladys Avenue.may be a hardship to the residents. Staff is leaning towards a compromise by removing 17 feet of parking in front of 2749, Gladys Avenue. This would provide a remaining 20 feet of parking and provide a clearance to the delivery dock driveway. ' Staff recommends the Traffic Commission obtain public comment and direct staff on this item. Assistant City Manager Wagner stated that the owner of the Pawn Shop had no problem with the recommendation and thought it was a good idea. After some discussion amongst the Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, to remove 17 feet of parking in front of 2749 Gladys Avenue, and inform the residents when this item goes to City Council. C. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 2435 DEL MAR AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation: Based on the request from the resident of 2435 Del Mar Avenue, field review of the location and understanding of the parking impacts of Williams School, the installation of 10 feet of red curb on both sides of the driveway was recommended. Wilson Chow (Property Owner of 2435 Del Mar Avenue), Sent a letter stating: "My house is across the Dan T. Williams School, during school season, people always park in front of my property waiting for their children. People also love to park their "FOR SALE SIGN ". vehicles in front of our property all the time. Parents and friends love to chat and smoke beside the cars. Every time when we exit my driveway, we cannot see through the traffic on both sides, it is very dangerous and unsafe. That's why I really need a. "RED CURB" to protect the safety of our whole family." It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineers recommendation. D. REQUEST FOR RED CURB ON GERNERT AVENUE AT STEELE STREET Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation: Based on the request from the resident and field review of the location, the installation of 20 feet of red curb on Gernert Avenue north and south of Steele Street was recommended. It was moved Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Matsdorf, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. VI. STAFF REPORTS The Commission was informed that the signal operation at Rio Hondo Avenue /Valley Boulevard/ Mission Drive was approved by the Rosemead City Council. VII. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp stated the timing on the signal southbound on Del Mar at Garvey eastbound is out of sync. The Traffic Engineer will investigate. Commissioner Knapp also stated that at the new McDonalds, trayeling on Walnut Grove south from Mission, there seems to be a bottleneck at this location turning into the McDonalds. Assistant City Manager Wagner stated that red curb will be just painted at this location, according to the plans. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. with 26 people, mostly students, in the audience. . The next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission is scheduled for February 3, 2005. MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: DONALD J. WAGNER, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 2005 SUBJECT: REORGANIZATION PROCEDURES The following procedure is suggested for reorganization of the Commission: 1. The incumbent chairperson turns the meeting over to the City staff representative for nomination and election of the new chairman. 2. The City staff representative calls for nominations. No seconds are required for nominations. 3. When no further nominations are heard, the City staff representative declares the nominations closed. 4. If there is only one nominee, a motion of his /her election may be entertained. 5. If there is more than.one nomination, then the Secretary will call a roll call vote. Commissioners should respond with the name of the nominee they vote for. 6., The candidate polling a majority is the new chairperson. The newly - elected chairman assumes the chair, then opens nominations for vice - chairperson. staff Report Rosemead Traffic. Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: January 26, 2005 RE: Request for Audible Pedestrian Signals at Walnut Grove Avenue and Landis View Lane — Follow -up At the Traffic Commission's January meeting, the discussion regarding this request lead to questions by the Commission. These questions dealt with the overall obligation of the City for the installation of audible pedestrian signals. The Commission was concerned that the installation of audible pedestrian signals might obligate the City to install these devices throughout the City. The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) California supplement is now the "traffic manual" used in the state of California regarding traffic devices. The MUTCD Indicates that an audible pedestrian signal "may be considered when an engineering study and evaluation have been conducted and the following minimum conditions have been met: a) The proposed intersection crosswalk must be signalized. b) The audible devices should be retrofitted to the existing traffic signal hardware. c) The signalized intersection should be equipped with pedestrian push buttons. d) The selected crosswalk must be suitable for the installation of audible signals. In terms of surrounding land use and traffic patterns. e) There must be a demonstrated treed for the audible signals in the form of a request from an individual or group that would use the audible signal. Q The individual or group requesting the device should agree to train the visually impaired users of the audible signals." Staff also made inquiries with Willdan's expert on ADA requirements, Mr. Elroy Kiepke. Mr. Kiepke reviewed the Department of Justice's website and the ADA regulations. Currently. the ADA only regulates the installation of curb ramps within the public right -of way. It does not appear that the ADA would require the installation of audible pedestrian signals throughout the City if one were to be Installed at a location. Based on the guidelines in the MUTCD and review of ADA requirements, it appears that audible pedestrian signals would not be required unless there is a demonstrated need. And, such an installation would rot require the City to instal audible pedestrian signals throughout the City. February 9, 2005 Traffic Commlasfon Meeting Request for Audible Pedestrian Signals at Walnut Grove Avenue and Landis View Lane — Follow -up Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that audible pedestrian signals be installed at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue at Landis View Lane for pedestrians crossing Walnut Grove Avenue. Attachment • January 6, 2o0s Agenda item P:109 -i W%Jjj LSMDO5 AgwWas & Docunent9'Feb•WG & LV audible Ped clgnals follow UPAOo staff Resort Rosemead Traffic Commission 0 % TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN +,1 AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: December 27, 2004 RE: Request for Audible Pedestrian Signals at Walnut Grove Avenue and Landis View Lane REQUEST Mr. Jhon Rodriguez, 620 N. San Gabriel Boulevard, has requested the Installation of audible pedestrian signals at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Landis View Lane. Mr. Rodriguez's letter indicated that when they cross Walnut Grove Avenue at Landis View Lane they find it difficult to determine when pedestrians are given the "walking man" symbol because of the contrast In sunlight against the pedestrian signal. CONDii IONS Currently, the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Landis View Lane operates with Walnut Grove Avenue and San Gabriel Boulevard. One single traffic controller controls these two intersections. Pedestrians crossing Walnut Grove Avenue at Landis View Lane, will get a "walking man" symbol when the pedestrian push button is activated. At that same time, the vehicles exiting Landis View Lane will receive a green signal. Pedestrians are not allowed to cross Walnut Grove Avenue at San Gabriel Boulevard. Pedestrians must travel north on Walnut Grove Avenue and cross at Landis View Avenue. Pictures of the subject Intersection will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting. DISCUSSION Visually impaired people often depend on the sounds of traffic to determine when a traffic signal has changed giving them the right -of -way to cross the street. When cross street traffic has a low volume of traffic, it can become difficult for visually impaired people to determine when they have been given the right -of- way. .Aertuery 6.2005 Traflfe Canmbsion Alset&ig 4r,k" 1 " / Ve"111- Request for Audible Pedestrian Signals at \ r6�o5 Walnut Grove Avenue and Landis View Lane 1 Page 2 of 2 Many cities use audible pedestrian signals to assist visually impaired people in crossing the street. These signals "tweet or cuckoo" notifying pedestrians when the ' walking man" phase Is on. It is usually silent when the "hand" is on. Landis View Lane at Walnut Grove Avenue has a low volume of traffic. This can make d difficult for a visually impaired person to know when the right-of-way has been given to Landis View Lane. With a low volume of traffic, the visually impaired person does not hear vehicles e)dtfng from Landis View Lane and therefore is unsure of the right- of-way for the pedestrian' The City of Rosemead has not received many requests for assistance in crossing the street by visually impaired people. In my tenure at the City, I do lot know of any other such requests. Audible pedestrian signal requires the installation of a "speaker" usually on top of the pedestrian signal head. When the 'walking man° is on for the pedestrian, the 'tweet or cuckoo" sounds to notify the visually impaired it is time to cross the street. There is no sound when the red hand is on. In general, the red hand will be on when the green traffic signal light is on unless the pedestrian button is pushed. So, unless a pedestrian pushes the button to get a "walking man" signal, the audible pedestrian signal is silent. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that audible pedestrian signals be installed at the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue at Landis View Lane for pedestrians crossing Walnut Grove Avenue. P:\W16O\j11mm2oo5 Agendas b Down"Man -WO A LV aWbie pod skmis doo staff Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: January 31, 2005 RE: Request to Relocate Bus Stop for Eastbound Valley Boulevard west of Hart Avenue RE UE T Engineering staff has received a request from Mr. Ken Pike, owner of 9142 Valley Boulevard, to relocate the bus stop in front of his business on Valley Boulevard to the east side of Hart Avenue. Mr. Pike is requesting this relocation due to the buses blocking visibility of the business and taking on street parking in front of the business. CONDITIONS Exhibit A identifies the location of the bus stop in front of 9142 Valley Boulevard. There is approximately 100 feet of red curb for bus stopping at this location. According to the MTA timetables, Routes 76 and 376 that stop at in Rosemead run about every 15 to 20 minutes throughout the business day. There does not appear to be any layovers at this stop. As such, buses would not stay at the location longer than necessary (60 -90 seconds). DISCUSSION The relocation of the bus stop in front of 9142 Valley Boulevard requires more than Just moving a sign and adding red curb. Approval must be received from the MTA before the bus stop can be moved. Staff has discussed the requested relocation with MTA. MTA has Indicated that they would not approve the relocation unless a crosswalk was installed on the east leg of the intersection. As shown on Exhibit A, the relocation would require concrete work (bus pad and HC ramp installation), signal work (loop detector relocation and pedestrian signal head and button installation) and curb paintmglremoval. The removal of red curb would provide approximately 3 parking stalls In the vicinity of 9142 Valley Boulevard. The estimated cost for the bus stop relocation is $30,000. February A ZOOS TMMo Commission Meeting Request to Relocate Bus Stop for Eastbound valley Boulevard west of Hart Avenue Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Traffic Commission consider approving the relocation with the intent that the Council and applicant reach agreement on the funding of the relocation. P:WB- t66VIflRStri M Agendas & o*clmGMinFeb- Valley b Mart Bus St*dW \§ ■2 lu It � 6 | \ = ■ � [ ) ■ �_ P§ b�. G % » °M 1 ■ iz \\ m �k 2 yy \ §. - -- - - � I . _ = % | Z, • _ \�` 2 (} - � +� ■ +■ w \ y § w» & !2I u ■ °§ 2 |■; . MM > « :� ■ |��- „2e -! ~ ■ § | §, |! /| %\ Staff Resort Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: January 31, 2005 RE: Consideration of Blue Curb Installations in Residential Neighborhoods RE UES i Staff has received a letter request (attached) from Mr. Eddie Martinez, 3229 Isabel Avenue. Mr. Martinez has requested the Installation of blue curb in front of his residence because he has several health issues that make it difficult for him to walk long distances. Mr. Martinez indicates that because parking is not readily available in front of his residence he would like blue curb to be installed. He could then park in that blue curb because he has a disabled persons placard. DICSUSSION Currently, the City of Rosemead has no formal guidelines or policies for the installation of blue curb on city streets. As a Traffic Commission, we have been requested to look at installing blue curbs in front of various residences for various reasons. These requests have usually been reviewed on a case -by -case basis and have .resulted in not instating blue curb but addressing the residents concerns in other ways. Mr. Martinez's request has raised the issue of blue curb installation throughout the city. In his particular situation, Mr. Martinez lives on a piece of property with approximately 5 separate residents with only one driveway. With the one driveway, it can become difficult to park your vehicle in the driveway with easy access to you property. In addition, on- street parking may be utilized to the extent that It is difficult for Mr. Martinez to have easy access to his property. In this case, the installation of blue curb may be the only solution. Staff is looking to'the Traffic Commission for direction. Since I have been working with the City, I would estimate that I have received less than 5 formal requests for blue curb in about 10 years. Staff is requesting the Traffic Commission determine N the installation of blue curb should become a formal policy? February 3, 2005 rra/Na Commission Aftefing Consideration of Blue Curb Installations in Residential Neighborhoods Page 2 of 3 Staff has contacted 2 cities that do have a blue curb policy /process. Norwalk and Monterey Park. Here is a summary of the process these agencies use. City of Norwalk 1. The Public Safety department Is the lead on these requests. 2. The resident fills out an application and shows they are handicap by placard registration or disabled person's CA license. 3. Staff interviews the resident and reviews the location. This includes looking at driveway space and use of garage. 4. Staff contacts the surrounding residents (on both sides and one across the street) for support or opposition. S. Staff reports to the Public Safety Commission for their action. M the Public Safety Commission approves the installation, ft resident Submits a statement form indicating the blue cub is valid for one year and that the resident will advise the City if conditions change such that the blue curb is no longer needed. If the Public Safety Commission denies the installation, a letter is sent to the resident informing them they can reapply in one year or the decision can be appealed to the City Council. 6. After the resident accepts the conditions, Engineering completes a work order for Public Services to install blue curb. 7. There Is also an annual renewal process to retain the blue curb. This is also handled through the Public Safety department. Requests are also received for removal when new property owners arrive. B. Residents are not charged for the blue curb installations or the analysis preceding. City of Monterey Park. 1. The Engineering department is the lead on these requests. 2. Staff receives a letter request from the resident. The resident shows they are handicap by placard registration, disabled person's CA license, or by some other means. 3. Staff then reviews the location and considers available parking, driveway use and garage use. 4. At the staff level, the installation is approved or denied. Denials are confirmed to the resident by letter. Appeals can be made to the Traffic Commission and then to the City Council, if necessary. 5. There Is no annual renewal process. Blue curbs are generally removed at the request of new property owners. 6. Residents are not charged for the blue curb installations or the analysis preceding. The development of a policy or process will be a time consuming task. It will involve determining which department/departments would be involved in the process, what monetary costs would be associated with the process, how would the costs be paid for (funding), how would the Installations be monitored, should the resident be charged for the installationtremoval, and would the Traffic Febnrary A 2006 Tra fie ComTresfon Meeting Consideration of Blue Curb Installations in Residential Neighborhoods Page 3 of 3 Commission or City Council be the approving body. In addition, any policy produced will require the approval of the City Council. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission received testimony from Mr. Martinez and direct staff on the next step($) to take regarding a citywide blue curb policy. Attachment Letter from Mr. Martinez t P;WPrtsoU11\RSU Agendas 6 RocumentalFeb -Blve curo.00c To whom this may concern, I Eddie A. Martinez, am a disabled person. I am residing at 3229 Isable A ve. Rosemead, CA 91770 I am requesting that a blue curb be painted at the above address, due to a lack of parking near by where I live. Because of the conditions i suffer from and the diffieultie4l have to walk make it impossible to reach to reach my residence. Following conditions listed below: Sever Asthma A plate in my knee The severity of my arthritis causes my leg to give way and I frequently fall. I also use a cane or walker. C� �O `� U fw.. •�•Q� RespectWY, Eddie A. Martinez C 6 aQ D a7 7 � I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PERNANEFftE NIEOICAL GROUP 1011 SALDwIN FAIK BaUL2VARC BALU"N PARK, CALIF09NIA 91700 T.Iephar: (019) 067.2008 C A L F. •_•— . — KM•n P•rmMerb D••m,•DWD •nry bp0l+� Om•w DAP •N• �' W+cd N ny Krw FMw.rwq R ew•rn •ne nw o own•+ Dmnuo• m u+rN• sD •.. LOW In swish P, 3 S urma and k a ' �la4.- �, T Q �L � R.O. iMS ppjlfb. B>w 2A80000 .— /— y /_`�� ^ mi l ; lAA '�. CAL, Lim No. a -07M GREG � . Y.d. � �G Ne RKo.O • 8Dw nw•oph w wm'D •.Da•.ta. ppMpee,•DhKp •ne wcw grw0lnw•D•NC etrp• Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: January 31, 2005 RE: Status of Signal Operation at Rio Hondo Avenue/Valley BouleWWMission Drive As stated at last month's Traffic Commission, staff is in the process of modifying the traffic signal operation at Rio Hondo Avenue/ Valley Boulevard/Mission Drive. This modification was undertaken after city staff received a call from a staff member of the El Monte Senior Center located on Valley Boulevard and Mervin C. Gill Way. The Senior Center staff member indicated that eastbound vehicles on Valley Boulevard turning left on to Rio Hondo Avenue were unsure of the traffic movement of westbound traffic. City staff went to the intersection and observed the signal operation and traffic movements of the intersection. City staff Identified that southbound Mission Drive traffic turning left onto Valley Boulevard also have a green ball signal at Rio Hondo Avenue. The eastbound vehicles on Valley Boulevard turning left on to Rio Hondo Avenue are unaware that westbound Valley Boulevard traffic is stopped giving the right -ot -way to eastbound left turns. Upon seeing this, city staff identified the need to provide a protected left turn signal (left arrow) for eastbound left turning vehicles on Valley Boulevard at Rio Hondo Avenue. This protected left arrow will only appear in the signal cycle that includes a green for southbound Mission Drive and eastbound Valley Boulevard. Otherwise, the eastbound left turn movement will be permissive (green ban). p..\Wl80U111RSD12W5 Agendas 6 Dwumanls%Fet -RH 6 Valley 6 W99lan cletu9A0e