TC - Minutes - 02-07-08SOW
FEBRUARY 7, 2008
The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp .
at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead.
INVOCATION Chairperson Masuda
Present: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Masuda, Commissioner Gay,
Commissioner Hunter, Commissioner Lewin
Absent: None
Approval of January 3, 2008, Commission Meeting Minutes has been deferred to the
next agenda in March.
Speaking before the Commission:
David Raymond
4208 Encinita Avenue
Rosemead, CA
Mr. Raymond stated traffic has increased on Encinita and some crosswalks on that
street are not lighted. He would like the Traffic Commission to take a look at those
things, and suggested looking at things such as crosswalk indicators powered by solar.
The street is adjacent to a park; there is a lot of youth activity going on, especially at
night, and it is dark. Particularly the crosswalk closest to Encinita School, there is
absolutely no street lighting. Especially during the summertime there are a lot of kids
crossing the street, a lot of activity. He believes the City should really take a look at the
area because the traffic really has increased. There are a lot of problems getting out of
the driveways. There could be some red zoning or red markings done in the residential
area. Requested that the City take a look at the problems there.
Commissioner Gay stated Mr. Raymond lives up the street from him and Mr. Raymond
has frequently come to him and talked about the traffic and the fact that on the
weekends when the park is busy, the cars are parked and blocking the driveways. It is
really hard to get out without taking a chance of backing out and someone running into
your vehicle.
Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting February 7, 2008 Page 1
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki thanked Mr. Raymond for coming. She stated that
Commissioner Lewin had asked her at the last meeting to take a look at the whole area
of Encinita. She wants to get as much data and information as possible. With Mr.
Raymond indicating that weekends are also problem, that issue will be added to the list
of data collection times. She will be taking a look at that whole area of Encinita,
basically between Lower Azusa and Mission to see what improvements, if any, can be
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki is very familiar with some of the technologies Mr.
Raymond spoke about and all the items mentioned by Mr. Raymond will be considered,
including the crosswalk up by the school. Staff will look at pedestrians, especially
during school time, and maybe pedestrians on Saturdays. As requested by
Commissioner Gay, the Commission will be notified of the taking of data collection.
With regard to previous Encinita work that needs to be done, Deputy Traffic Engineer
Itagaki stated she has reviewed and looked into it, and Engineering did pass it on to the
Code Enforcement personnel (Don Anderson). She does not know why the work has
not been done, the information has been given to them. Engineering is no longer the
ones handling that, but she will keep up on it.
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report and distributed pictures of the
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki was contacted yesterday, February 6, by the owners of
the liquor store. They indicated they would not be able to attend the Traffic Commission
meeting. They did reiterate their need for short-term, 20- minute parking due to the
adjacent shop, and people visiting the medical center further west also parking in front
as well. The owners were aware of this item being on the agenda at this meeting.
It is staffs recommendation that based on the lack of available off - street parking and the
field observation, the installation of approximately 31 feet of green curb with the "20
minute" stencil on it be installed in front of 9442 East Valley Boulevard, Tony's Liquor.
Chairperson Knapp asked for comments from the Commissioners.
Commissioner Lewin commented that a liquor store of the nature of Tony's actually is a
20- minute type parking situation. Unless the store has many patrons at the same time,
the average customer generally spends no more than 10 minutes in such a store. He
believes the request is a reasonable one.
Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting February 7, 2008 Page 2
Commissioner Gay agrees with the staff recommendation.
Chairperson Knapp requested a motion.
Commissioner Gay made motion to accept staff recommendation that the Traffic
Commission recommend the approval of the 31 feet of 20- minute green curb at 9442
East Valley Boulevard, also known as Tony's Liquor.
Commissioner Hunter stated that sometimes stores that have limited parking have
signs indicating, for example, "For Tony's Liquor Store Only." She wondered if that is a
Deputy Traffic Engineering Itagaki stated on- street parking is public parking and the City
cannot state it is for a particular use. If somebody wants to run into the adjacent
business for 20 minutes, they can park there. What the 20 minute parking designation
provides is an opportunity for the owners, if they believe the person parking will be there
for a longer period, to get some enforcement of the 20 minute parking restriction.
Commissioner Masuda had no comments.
Commissioner Lewin seconded to accept staffs recommendation.
Vote results:
Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Gay, Commissioner Masuda,
Commissioner Hunter, Commissioner Lewin
Noes: None
Abstain: None
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report.
Based on the available off - street parking and the minimal impact to on- street parking,
staff recommends the installation of the red curb on the west side of Rosemead
Boulevard starting approximately 130 feet north of Mission Drive.
Staff also recommends the repainting of the existing red curb.
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki also commented that she received a phone call from the
management company of the apartment complex. They were concerned that parking
would be removed from in front of the apartment. She indicated to them that there is an
existing fire hydrant, and vehicles should not be parked there; actually they would only
Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting February 7, 2008 Page 3
be losing about one spot. The person she spoke with indicated he would take a look at
the location; he did not return a call to her, but he had expressed his concern was that
the apartment tenants like to park on the street.
Chairperson Knapp wished to add painting "right turn only" on the street.
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that one of the reasons that was not included as
part of this item was because Rosemead Boulevard is under the control of Caltrans.
She would like to start with the red curb and then make a request to Caltrans for a "right
turn only" lane.
Commissioner Hunter asked why the red curbing is not maintained? Is Caltrans
responsible for that?
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki indicated it might be Caltrans, she is not sure. She
agreed it is pretty bad. She does not want to contact Caltrans before receiving approval
from the Commission and City Council.
As far as the red curb is concerned, the City can probably repaint it; it's something that
she'll have to check with Administration about the maintenance of red curb on
Rosemead Boulevard.
Commissioner Hunter stated it would make the street look better, newer; it looks old and
tacky in its current condition.
Commissioner Masuda asked what is the required clearance on either side of a fire
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki answered 15 feet on either side.
Commissioner Masuda asked if the cars parked there are illegally parked?
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki responded with yes. She indicated they try not to put a
red curb at every fire hydrant because, as Chairperson Knapp said, hopefully people
know they're not supposed to park there. However, there are instances where there
has been difficulty and the red curb will be installed.
Commissioner Gay stated it only makes sense. It's a big apartment complex, and if fire
trucks cannot get in there, that could be pretty bad. One question about spacing of the
lanes, as you travel southbound on Rosemead approaching Mission, spaces are 21 feet
and 11 feet, would that technically be enough to get that right turn lane in?
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the width is pretty narrow. In the northbound
direction, they are all 11, which is minimal. If she was to go to Caltrans with the design
of a street that had 11 foot curb lanes, they would not accept it. But because it is an
existing situation they might be more flexible.
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Commissioner Masuda wondered if a "right turn" lane is too long will it encourage
drivers to sneak through and go straight, because the street is so wide you can
comfortably fit two cars there.
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that with the existing parking all along Rosemead
Boulevard it would take only one time to try to do that and realize that they'll have to
sneak back in on the other side of Mission because there are cars usually parked there
too. But she acknowledged that that is a good point.
Commissioner Lewin wondered if the City is allowed to restrict parking along Rosemead
Boulevard as appears will be done, what exactly can and cannot be done by the City.
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki responded that generally in the past, with regard to any
parking restrictions on Rosemead Boulevard, Caltrans has been open to allowing the
City to make whatever restrictions the City feels necessary. Generally Caltrans has not
denied us requests for red curb; usually they are very open asking if we have given
public notice, gone to public meeting, and they are generally not going to deny that.
Commissioner Lewin asked why was the point of 45 feet chosen for the apartment
complex? What criteria was used to decide the length?
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that actually it was at the request of Chairperson
Knapp. She wanted to go beyond the fire hydrant. It's 15 feet beyond the fire hydrant.
Commissioner Lewin stated this will actually clean up part of that street. He travels this
route a lot and in front of that complex there is frequently cars that have been broken
into, cars that have been hit, usually a lot of broken glass and trash and such in front of
that area, so this will actually effectively remove 64 feet of "storm water" issues. He
believes that perhaps in the future it could be taken even further, but this is a very good
start and hopefully it can be done quickly.
Chairperson Knapp moved that the Commissioners accept the recommendation of staff,
seconded by Commissioner Hunter.
Vote Results:
Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Commissioner Gay, Commissioner Masuda,
Commissioner Lewin, Commissioner Hunter
Noes: None
Abstain: None
Commissioner Masuda had no report.
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Commissioner Hunter had two items. One is a recommendation for a situation she
believes could cause a very serious accident. At the Chamber office there are two
adjacent driveways and no red curbing. Because of parked cars near the two
driveways, it is practically impossible for drivers leaving the location in those driveways
to see cars turning from Valley Boulevard onto. She has noticed it is getting worse all
the time because of more traffic. She suggests red curbing going north, all the way
from the driveway on Muscatel to Valley.
The second item is to apologize for her recent absences from Commission meetings,
but the absences were unavoidable.
With regard to Commissioner Hunter's report, Commissioner Masuda asked if that were
to be looked at in terms of a red curb from the driveway all the way to Valley, has a left -
turn lane been looked at going north on Muscatel.
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that one of the reasons a left turn lane cannot be
put in is because parking is allowed. She is not familiar with the width of Muscatel but
parking would probably need to be removed on both sides of the street to fit a left -turn
Chairperson Knapp stated she believes there is only one parking spot on the east side
of Muscatel, and it is just behind the driveway in front of the library.
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki suggested staff look at the area and the possibility of
adding left -turn lanes on Muscatel.
Commissioner Lewin asked about the possibility of counting the number of times drivers
drive around a car waiting to turn left. He recalled times when cars behind left- turning
cars would pull around the turning car and suddenly appearing from behind the car
waiting to turn left.
Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that that count can be done too.
Commissioner Lewin stated the idea of looking at Muscatel is definitely worth
considering. He will keep an eye out now that it has been mentioned, though there are
probably many other intersections that could be looked at; this is something the
Commissioners need to keep an eye on in driving around the City.
Commissioner Gay offered an update regarding the study on Encinita. Right now the
RYA League (girls softball and boys baseball) is starting to play and there are over 400
kids playing. With summertime coming on, the park will be very crowded. The
basketball courts are continuously crowded with young adults. At any given time there
is anywhere from 20 to 100 kids playing basketball. And when baseball isn't going,
there will be AYSO and adult softball in the evening. There is a whole lot of activity
there. Those are some prime times, especially on the weekends and in the evening,
after 4:00 or 5:00 at night.
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Chairperson Knapp asked if the side streets are being utilized by people, meaning
crossing the streets.
Commissioner Gay stated they are, there is not enough parking at the park.
Chairperson Knapp asked if the school ground is available for parking.
Commissioner Gay stated the school ground is available after hours and people use it,
but there's not that many spaces.
Chairperson Knapp wondered if the suggestion should be made to the City that another
parking lot be built someplace. Discussion followed about taking away from green
space, and Commissioner Gay stated AYSO is using parking available off Lower Azusa,
but this is still insufficient.
Mr. Raymond again spoke about the problems at Encinita and Chairperson Knapp cited
the work done several years ago that appeared to resolve a serious problem at that
time, and only recently have problems again been brought to the Traffic Commission.
There being no further business to come .before the Commission, the meeting is
adjourned until March 6, 2008, at 7:00 p.m.
Jl:mec (06160)
Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting February 7, 2008 Page 7
I, Gloria Molleda, City Clerk for the City of Rosemead, do hereby certify that the
Traffic Commission minutes of February 7, 2008 was duly and regularly approved by
the Rosemead Traffic Commission meeting on the 6 th of March 2008, by the following
vote to wit:
Yes: Knapp, Masuda, Gay, Hunter, Lewin,
No: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
loria olleda
City Clerk