TC - Minutes - 06-26-08�e.
JUNE 26, 2008
The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp
at 7:00 p.m., in the Community Recreation Center, 3936 North Muscatel, Rosemead.
INVOCATION Vice Chairperson Masuda
Present: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairperson Masuda, Commissioners
Gay, Hunter, and Lewin
Absent: None
Minutes of May 1, 2008:
Commissioner Lewin requested that the third line on page 5 be corrected to read
"Commissioner Lewin visited the location on two occasions....."
It was moved by Commissioner Lewin, seconded by Commissioner Gay to accept and
approve the amended minutes of the May 1, 2008, meeting.
Vote Results:
Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairperson Masuda, Commissioners
Gay, and Lewin
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Hunter
Speaking before the Commission:
Mr. Manual F. Cox
4527 No. Earle Ave.
626- 627 -1511
Crosswalk at Earle and Mission used for the park and school needs signage review.
There is speeding on Mission and Earle. Sidewalks are incomplete and something
needs to be done to stop the speeding and racing.
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Speaking before the Commission:
Mr. Sal DeLaCruz
4533 No. Earle Ave.
626- 291 -5535
Mr. DeLaCruz commented that two years ago he asked for speed bumps and he was
told that the City of Rosemead does not allow speed bumps. He pointed out that there
are speed bumps in the City. Something has to be done to stop the speeding on Earle
before something tragic happens.
Commissioner Gay asked if most of the speeding is on Mission.
Mr. Cox replied that speeding occurs on both Mission and Earle, coming off Mission
heading southbound Earle towards Shuey (towards Wells). He wondered if the stop
sign at Wells /Earle should be larger.
Commissioner Lewin made inquiry about the location of the speeding and racing, and
the time of day. Mr. DeLaCruz stated it was on Earle in the afternoon, mostly school
hours. Kids racing. Mr. Cox stated it is a long block, no breaks, great for racing. He
believes a camera would be a deterrent to the speeding. There are no posted speed
limit signs.
Chairperson Knapp suggested that there should be more police enforcement in this
area during the appropriate times. She also suggested the installation of larger stop
Speaking before the Commission:
Mr. Todd Kunioka
8400 Wells Street
626- 309 -9924
Mr. Kunioka stated the same problems occur on Delta as described on Earle and
Mission. Drag racing occurs. He asked about possibility of speed humps or bumps
along Wells.
Speaking before the Commission:
Jim Flournoy
8655 Landis View
Sunday at 2:00 in the morning a delivery truck arrived at Wal -Mart. There was a lot of
noise. The truck routes need to be regulated. A friendly letter to Panda to discourage
deliveries on Delta might be all "that is needed.
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Chris Marcarello, Deputy Public Works Director, presented the Staff Report.
Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission review and provide recommendations on
the information presented, take resident input, and forward to the City Council for further
Mr. Marcarello introduced Bill Dvorak and Diana Turlik of Kimley -Horn for the
presentation of the traffic study.
(Kimley -Horn presentation followed.)
Chairperson Knapp asked about cost of in- pavement lights of wide streets such as
Earle /Mission compared to Rush. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that the
cost of in- pavement lights are based on the width of the street and the number of travel
Vice Chairperson Masuda asked about bulb -outs at crosswalks. Mr. Dvorak referred to
the drawing of the bulb -outs.
Commissioner Gay asked if there is any special funding for lighted crosswalks. Mr.
Dvorak responded there is state funding for some lighted crosswalks. Commissioner
Gay asked if there could be funding for both bulb -out and lighted crosswalk. Mr. Dvorak
responded that it could be done but wondered if both would be of benefit.
Commissioner Gay cited the Edison traffic and that people are afraid to cross because
of traffic. The median landscaping blocks visibility southbound Angelus. The median
landscaping needs to be lowered for better visibility.
Commissioner Lewin stated there is speeding on Rush. Delta is part of the equation yet
has not been studied. Sight distance is severely limited for left turn from Delta. If study
had been completed for Delta as well, he wondered if warrant would be satisfied if
Angelus /Delta /Rush volumes were combined.
Mr. Flournoy indicated speed is the number one problem and number two is the left turn
issues. He would also like to see if the signal at Wal -Mart is justified.
Commissioner Gay stated the issues are to slow down the traffic, make it a safe
crossing for students and clean up the median landscaping for visibility.
Larry Bevington indicated that he believes the signal warrants indicate that if there is a
complicated intersection that a signal or yellow flashing light should be installed.
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Mr. Peter Wu, from the audience, was recognized by the Chair. Mr. Wu explained his
lateness at the meeting and stated that he was present at a Traffic Commission meeting
a couple of months ago and spoke about Mission /lvar and the new construction on
southeast side of Mission. Traffic will be heavier when construction is completed and
something will need to be done. He was informed that that item will be agendized and
he will be notified.
Mr. Kunioka also believes that Delta needs to be considered as well as bulb -outs
combined with flashing lights.
Chairperson Knapp called for recommendations to be forwarded to the City Council.
Commissioner Lewin: Install bulb -out and flashing light with solar power; extend red
curb from Delta.
Commissioner Gay: Remove vegetation in median on west side. Provide information
for funding sources.
Vice Chairperson Masuda: Can bulb -outs be placed on a temporary basis to see if they
are a calming effect to slow down cars? In- pavement lights will be a continuing cost
and maintenance to the City.
Commissioner Hunter: No signal needed; need some safety feature for children; more
done on Delta.
Chairperson Knapp: Delta visibility (left turns); does not want a cul -de -sac; likes in-
pavement lights.
Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki asked Commissioners for any special items that they
would like included in this analysis.
Commissioner Lewin would like distance between Grand and Halkett, and Halkett and
Mission. Also adult pedestrians versus kid pedestrians; separate the two.
Chairperson Knapp questioned the request for a marked crosswalk in order to gain
access to a mailbox when residents can place mail in their own mailbox and it will be
picked up by the postman.
Vice Chairperson Masuda stated that every time he crosses Walnut Grove, he runs
across. Even with the four -way stop at Grand and Walnut Grove he doesn't think it is
safe. Edge line dots or some warning device at the curve might cut down on the
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number of sideswipe (of parked cars) accidents. Stop marking at southbound Walnut
Grove at Grand cannot be read, it is very faded. Chris will take care of it.
Vice Chairperson Masuda, all issues have been covered.
Commissioner Lewin: Valley Vision Plan meetings. On a couple of occasions he has
heard that Caltrans can supersede work along Valley because of the 10 Freeway.
Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki has no specific information regarding that issue.
For Chris, is the loading zone sign on Muscatel at library coming soon? Chris
responded it is.
Westbound Ramona at Walnut Grove (agenda item for next meeting). Needs lane
directions /signs of existing movements, perhaps create two lanes.
Chairperson Knapp, coming off the off ramp at Walnut Grove and Hellman, there are
two large potholes. Chris will look at it. Also, extend the left turn for the southbound
Walnut Grove at Hellman /Ramona. This work has been approved and has not been
completed. Referred to Chris.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was
adjourned until July 17, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. (July 3 rd meeting cancelled due to the
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I, Gloria Molleda, City Clerk for the City of Rosemead, do hereby certify that the
Traffic Commission minutes of June 26, 2008 was duly and regularly approved by the
Rosemead Traffic Commission meeting on the 4` of September 2008, by the following
vote to wit:
Yes: Knapp, Masuda, Lewin
No: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Deary, Rusell
Gloria Molleda T
City Clerk