Untitled (2)I~ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 2, 2002 RE: CONSIDERATION OF LETTERS OF INTEREST TO ACQUIRE CITY OWNED PROPERTY AT 4623 EARLE AVENUE The City of Rosemead owns the aforementioned 12,000 square foot (60'x200') R-1 zoned property on Earle Avenue. Staff has received letters from two different Rosemead residents, -each indicating their interest in buying the property and developing it with a single family residence. Attached are copies of the letters. Although the R-1 density would allow two single family homes to be developed on the parcel, the flag lot ordinance requires approximately 13,100 square feet for a lot with these dimensions to he subdivided. Also, the minimum width required for a flag lot subdivision is sixty-five feet. This lot is only sixty feet in width. Therefore it appears that the lot could not be subdivided without making findings for a variance from the minimum lot sizes and lot width. The City has not previously granted such a variance. As the prospective buyers have indicated an intention of building only one unit on the property, it might be appropriate to sell the property subject to a one-unit restriction. The Council has two options. The first option is to develop affordable housing on the property, through the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation. The second option would be to sell at fair market value and let the buyer develop one or two units on the property. Disposition of the property under the second option will require that the City declare the lot surplus property. The subject neighborhood has benefited from new housing in recent years and additional new market rate housing will help continue the trend to upgrade the neighborhood. Staff believes that the lot is more appropriate for "ownership" housing than rental housing and a sale to a private owner for market rate housing may be the best option. Redevelopment law places significant constraints on ownership housing by restricting the income of future buyers and by requiring equity sharing if sold to a non-qualified buyer. These restrictions remain in place for 55 years. In summary, the best use of the property would be to sell it for the construction of a "single family" dwelling unit. F COUNCIL ZEKDA MAY 14 2002 ITEM No. =A`_ 4623 Earle Avenue May 2, 2002 Page two RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to obtain a letter appraisal of the property and return this item for further consideration at a future meeting. Cataff.4623earle 05/oi/o2 ' Rose mead City Council, MichaeNomez a.ndAnge(a. Gomez are interested in.purchasing the property Cocatedat4623 EarCe A e, Rose)7iead, CA gj77o. 1Ne have fivcdin. Rosern.eadar( Of our chi(dhooda.nd cua-ren.t(y are renting a home in Twsein.ead I, Ange(a Gomez, attendedJanson, Mustcate(, andgradua.ted from. Rosemead Hiigh in 1985. My husband -%licha.eCGomez, a.ttendedNusca.te(, and a(so graduated from. RosemeadHiigh in 1985. We have a son who has been a, bigpart of the RosemeadHiigh. Schoo(athCetic program, an.dwiff be gradu.a.ting fi-om. Rosemeadgliigh in June. We have one of our daughters at Shu.ey in 4« grade and our other two (twins) at Savannah. in to grade. I work as a substitute Instruction Aide for the Rosemea.dSch.oo(District. 7h.e above sa.idproperty has a.fivays been. an. interest to us because my husbandsparents have Civedin. theproperty directCy behind4623 Ea.r(e Ave. for afm.ost 30 years. So as you can imagine it wouCdbe a. wonderfuCif we cou.Cd Piave the o"lortun.ity toyurchase theproperty at 4623 Earfe Ave to. 1h.a.nk you for your time, Angela.rt Gomez 877-7 Nevada Ave. Rosemead Ca.gi7;o 626-573-2211 4433 N. Earle Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 October 26, 2001 The Honorable Jay T. Imperial Mayor of Rosemead 8 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mayor Imperial: Recently, my wife and I became aware of a city-owned property on our street. The address is 4623 Earle Avenue. We would like to buy this property from the city. My family and I plan to build a two-story, single family ranch-style residence on this parcel that we will occupy with our three children and our dog "Lucky". As 15 year residents of the city of Rosemead we love it here and want to continue living here but we need a larger home. This property is perfect. I hope you will seriously consider our request. I understand that the disposition of this property will be coming up soon on the council's agenda. My family and I plan to attend that meeting. Any guidance or direction you can give me on this matter is greatly appreciated. Please don't sell this property to developers who don't care about our city and are only profit driven. We are proud citizens of Rosemead and we need to help each other first. Thank you Mayor Imperial. Sincerely yours, Dorn A. Hall, Sr. cc: City Council Members City Manager Bradford W. Johnson, Planning Director 4433 N. Earle Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 April 9, 2002 The Honorable Jay T. Imperial Mayor of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mayor Imperial: Back on October 26, 2001, I sent you a letter (copy enclosed) expressing my interest in purchasing a city-owned lot up the street from my home. I have been in contact several times since then with Mr. Bradford Johnson regarding this property. He has been very helpful and confident that eventually the disposition of this lot will come up on the council's agenda. I understand that this is probably not the most pressing issue facing our city but my family and I are still very sincere about purchasing this property from the city. To that end, I would like to give you a call next week to see what you think would be the necessary steps to expedite the sale of this property. I look forward to talking to you and any advice you might be able to give me regarding this property. Thank you Mayor Imperial. Sincerely yours, Dorn A. Hall, Sr. cc: City Council Members ✓City Manager Bradford W. Johnson, Planning Director Mr. Tripepi replied that the pedestrian buttons, obstructions in the lens covers, tweaked or vandalized signals still need to be checked and maintained. Councilman Taylor asked if the light bulbs are billed separately. Mr. Tripepi confirmed that materials, including light bulbs, are charged separately. Councilman Taylor requested that the replacement bulbs be monitored separately, as the bulbs are supposed to last several years. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council approve an one-year extension to the agreement with Peek Traffic Signal Maintenance, Inc. effective June 1, 2002,-through May 31, 2003. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-F APPROVAL OF SECOND AMENDMENT TO CITY OF ROSEMEAD/GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT FERN SCHOOL (JESS GONZALEZ SPORTS COMPLEX) Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked if the Council was aware that the Garvey School District is considering unifying their district. Frank Tripepi, City Manager, responded that the Council is aware of that. Mr. Tripepi continued that in all probability, the school district will not unify, but until a decision is made, they have requested that the Council approve a year-to-year agreement. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ that the Council approve the Agreement and authorize it execution by the Mayor. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION m=z>A. CONSIDERATION OF LETTERS OF INTEREST TO ACQUIRE CITY OWNED PROPERTY AT 4623 EARLE AVENUE CCMIN:5-14-02 Page k7 Frank Tripepi, City Manager, presented the staff report. Michael Gomez, 8777 Nevada, Rosemead, stated that his.parents own the property directly west of the aforementioned property on Earle Avenue. Mr. Gomez stated that that property has been an eyesore for 30 years and urged that whomever purchases that property to develop it, and should not leave it vacant. Mr. Gomez added that he is interested in acquiring and developing that property. Dorn A. Hall, 4433 Earle Avenue, Rosemead, stated that his family is interested in purchasing the property and building a single-family home. Holly Knapp, 8367 Whitmore Street, Rosemead, thanked the Council for their continued support of People for People through CDBG funding. Ms. Knapp requested that the Council consider contributing this property to the Habitat for Humanity organization. This organization allows first-time homeowners to build and buy their own homes in their own City. Councilman Taylor stated that he is in favor of obtaining an appraisal for the property. Mr. Taylor explained that the results will be the same, someone will end up with a home of their own. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council direct staff to obtain a letter of appraisal of the property and return this item for further consideration at a future meeting. Before a vote could result, more discussion ensued. Councilmember Clark asked what the option is for Habitat for Humanity as she is very supportive of that organization. Mayor Bruesch replied that the organization has built thousands of quality homes for low- income and first-time homeowners across the nation. Their default rate is very low. Mr. Bruesch stated that according to the Southern California Association of Governments, less than 30% of Southern California's population can afford to purchase housing. Mr. Bruesch continued that in many cases, most of the materials are donated, and the majority of the labor is donated by the churches. The organization also requires the homeowner to put in 500 hours of labor towards building their home. Councilman Taylor stated that there are families in Rosemead that would be willing to be considered to acquire this property. Mr. Taylor disagreed with the figure that only 30% of the population can afford housing. At this point Mr. Taylor called for the question. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None ,~jhe Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CCMiN:5-14-02 Page a8