CC - Minutes 03-26-02NOT -7171CIAL UNT11- ADOPTED BY THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSE-MEAD ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNC/L MARCH 26, 2002 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Councilman Vasquez The Invocation was delivered by Reverend Tony Rodriguez of Rosemead First Presbytarian Church. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmembers Clark, Taylor,Vasquez, and Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch Absent: Mayor Imperial - excused APPROVAL OF MINUTES: - FEBRUARY 26, 2002 REGULAR MEETING . MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER CLARK, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 26, 2002, 2002, be approved as submitted. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. PRESENTATIONS: Assemblywoman Judy Chu presented Holly Knapp with a proclamation for Woman of . the Year for the 49 h District. Ms. Chu stated that Ms. Knapp was her first choice, and that special ceremonies in Sacramento were held honoring all the women chosen for Women of the Year for their Districts. At 8:20 p.m. a 5-minute recess was taken and reconvened accordingly. 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mary Jo Maxwell, Executive Director, Rosemead Chamber of Commerce, announced that the "Eggs and Issues" will be held on Thursday at Charley Brown's. Ms. Maxwell stated CCMIN:3-26-02 Page 4 1 that the Chamber will be 75 years old, and will be celebrating it with their 750i Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Festival on September 28 h. They would like to hold their festivities in front of City Hall, and are requesting that the Council approve the closure of Valley Boulevard. Joan Hunter, Chester Gee and Ernie Ayala, Chamber Members and President, all spoke on behalf of the Chamber's Jubilee Festival and asked for the Council's approval to close Valley Boulevard between Ivar and Muscatel on September 28's in order to hold a car show and to provide food booths and entertainment. The following item was taken out of order: V. A. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION A. AUTHORIZATION FOR STREET CLOSURE OF VALLEY BOULEVARD BETWEEN IVAR AND MUSCATEL ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2002 FOR THE ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 75TH ANNIVERSARY JUBILEE AND CAR SHOW MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the council conceptually approve the request, further documentation will be required (a site plan, a parking/circulation plan, and an event agreement) before final City Council street closure approval. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. The following item was taken out of order. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-D REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS IN THE VICINITY OF JANSON SCHOOL Bill Crowe, Director of Administrative Services, presented the staff report. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch stated that the City has been struggling with traffic problems with Janson School and other schools for many years. Mayor Pro Tent Bruesch pointed out that there are two different agencies involved with this issue. The City does not have control of what school districts do on their property, nor does the school district have control of what the City CCMIN:3-26-02 Page #2 -does on our public streets. The City is trying to mitigate a dangerous situation where parents are double parking while dropping off their children. ' Lorenzo Luna, 8608 Olney Street, Rosemead, complained that the kids can no longer play on the school grounds or street, nor can they use the small park at the end of the block because the school permits the church to use the lots on Sundays. Mr. Luna stated that the cars come speeding down the street, and they have not received any satisfactory answers from the school board. Ed Diaz, Rosemead School District, stated that he is not aware of any agreement to allow the church to use the park on Sundays for parking. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch asked about the possibility of chaining that parking lot off. Rita Romero, Facilities Project Administration, Rosemead School District, responded that the lot will be chained off on weekends. Bill Crowe verified that he spoke with the school superintendent and was informed that the school is willing to restrict access to the parking lot off of Olney on weekends. Mr. Luna stated that when the street was repaved, the residents were promised sidewalks, That has not happened yet. Susan Martinez, 8608 E. Olney Street, Rosemead, stated that she has lived there for 18 years without any problems. Ms. Martinez said that with the redirection of the traffic she can not exit her driveway. The traffic is overwhelming. Ms. Martinez stated that she was not notified of any changes that would affect her street.' Veronica Pena, 8648 Olney Street, Rosemead, stated that she does not want the "Stop" sign installed in her yard. Ms. Pena stated that at their last meeting with the school district, it was indicated that the Principal would educate the parents to enter on Bartlett and exit on Olney, but they could not mandate that. Ms. Pena asked why are there four drop off areas.. Ms. Romero replied that they cannot mandate where parents drop off their kids; however, they will encourage that parents use the one-way access on Bartlett and exit onto Olney. Councilmember Clark asked if a westbound car can enter Olney into the parking lot. Ms. Romero replied that at present they can. However, they want the cars to enter on Bartlett and exit on Olney, and agreed that cars entering on Olney can be ticketed by the Sheriffs. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch asked if a "No Drop Off Zone" will be posted in front of the school on Marshall. CCMIN:3-26-02 Page a3 Ms. Romero stated that a sign will not be posted. However, communication will be sent to the parents indicating where the safest places to drop off their children will be. Ms. Pena asked if an Environmental Impact Study was done? Ms. Romero replied that a study was not done as additional traffic is not being created, it is being redistributed. Councihnember Clark clarified that the City has no jurisdiction over the school's decision. That they are trying to mitigate the traffic problems. Ms. Clark stated to Ms. Pena that by not having a Stop sign in her yard, vehicles will speed down her street. Ms. Pena replied that she is not opposed to a stop at that corner, but does not want the sign posted in her yard. , Edward Kuwada, 8644 Olney Street, Rosemead, asked if an Environmental Impact Study should have been done before this project. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch explained that a study must be done only if there is an increase in traffic and/or pollution and increased development. The traffic is not being increased in this situation. Mr. Bruesch clarified that the school district has always been the lead agency for environmental processing of this project. Councilman Taylor stated that after listening to the resident's comments, he does not intend to vote on this item tonight. This item should be sent back to the school board to enable the residents to voice their concerns. . Simon Molina, 8641 E. Olney Street, Rosemead, stated that the school is doing this for the safety of other kids but not for the safety of the kids in their neighborhood. Mr. Molina asked if sidewalks or a block wall in the parking lot were going to be installed in Olney. Bill Crowe, Director of Administrative Services, stated that the Superintendent indicated that the installation of a block wall would require a review by the State Architect. Mr. Crowe stated that the City is not the lead agency, nor have the responsibility for overseeing any construction or improvements. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch asked staff to investigate the cost of installing'a sidewalk at the end of Olney. Ms. Romero stated that the School Board directed staff to look for solutions, such as closing the parking lot on weekends or the possibility of constructing a wall. Ms. Romero stated that school construction is governed by the Division of State Architects. A wall was discussed as phase 2 of the project and that the approval process can take 4 to 6 months. ccMIN:7-26-02 Page #4 Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch reiterated again that any type of construction on school property is not handled by the City. Florencio Molina, 8609 Olney Street,'Rosemead, confirmed that the City is not the place to have this discussion. Councilman Taylor stated that the City has no authority with the school's project and that he is amazed that the residents were not notified. Mr. Taylor suggested that the neighbors request that the school board schedule a community meeting, have it posted and the item placed on their agenda. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch asked the school district representatives how the residents were notified. Ms. Molina stated that the invitations were hand delivered to the residents on both sides of the street on Olney. David Estrada, Vice-Principal, Janson School, stated that on July 2; 2001, the Principal hand delivered the invitations only to the residents on Olney Street. They were left on their front porches. ' Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch stated that the people on Olney are entitled to address their parking lot concerns to the school board. Robert Kress, City Attorney, stated that the consensus of the Council is that they are not ready to take action on the traffic mitigation measures until the community members meet with the school board or a designated administrative staff member in order to address their questions and concerns. Mr. Kress continued that the Council consensus is to continue this item and ask that the school district conduct a community outreach meeting to address these concerns, then the traffic matter can be placed on the City's agenda at a future date. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that this item be deferred until the residents have had a chance to meet with the school board. Before vote could result, more discussion ensued. Roland Rodriguez, stated that a crossing guard is needed at Olney and Bartlett. Leticia Adauto, 8732 Olney Street, Rosemead, stated that.Janson School is doing something good. However, crossing guards are needed at Olney, Bartlett and Marshall. Rene Noriega, 8652 Olney Street, Rosemead, stated that a Stop sign is needed at Bartlett and Olney. Vote resulted: CCMIN:3-26-02 Page #5 Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered.' A 5-minute recess was taken at 9:20 p.m. and reconvened accordingly. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS An explanation of the procedures for the conduct of the public hearing was presented by the City Attorney. The following item was taken out of order. C. PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 01-01- 3675 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Brad Johnson, Planning Director, presented the staff report. .The Mayor Pro Tern opened the public hearing for the applicant or representative to speak on the project. Howard Mehler, 135.5. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, stated that he is representing the property owners, who also own the Goodyear Tire Center as well as the adjacent back lot. Mr. Mehler stated that this project will provide an opportunity to improve a blighted lot and to add to the attractiveness of the environment. Mr. Mehler stated that plans include extensive landscaping, as well as cleanup and landscaping improvements to the Goodyear Tire Center. Mr. Mehler stated that that includes planting shrubs at regular intervals along Marshall Street, and embellishment of the 10' setback along Rosemead Boulevard. Another addition would be the installation of automatic sprinklers, and to include lease provisions to the new tenant to provide for weekly landscaping maintenance and litter disposal. Mr. Mehler stated that provisions have been made for permanent protective 6' block wall barriers for the parking area along the south and west portions; and 3' block wall plus 1' of wrought iron facing the north and east sides of the lot. . Councilman Taylor stated that the only objection he has is to the south half of the east wall which shows 6' of block wall. Mr. Taylor stated that he is concerned for security reasons that no one can see into the lot, especially at night. Mr. Taylor pointed out that people coming out of the restaurant at night can observe any unusual activity at night if that wall had fencing one could see through, such as chain link. CCMIN:3-26-02 P.geu6 Mr. Mehler continued that another safety feature to reduce criminal activity is the installation of improved lighting. Two new light standards will be installed on the east side of the lot to improve visibility. Mr. Mehler explained that the light standards will be a lower wattage (250 W MH) and have a baffle to disperse the. light.. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch asked what type of deflector will be used at that corner. Mr. Bruesch stated that deflectors, although a softer light, spread the same light over a greater distance. Mr. Mehler responded that one of the Conditions was to move the northwest standard to the northeast side. Both standards will be on the driveway side, 60' to 70' away from the homes. - Councilmember Clark stated to Mr. Mehler that she has received numerous calls from the residents next door complaining about the trash and debris left there. Ms. Clark stated that they have suffered enough. Mr. Mehler replied that much of the day-to-day maintenance rests with Goodyear Tire Company. Mr. Mehler stated that they (the property owners) have a maintenance service once a month to maintain the back lot. However, they cannot continue to improve a property just to have it lay vacant, they need a tenant. The tenant tonight, is willing to negotiate and participate in all the drafting of the plans and to commit to a long-term lease. The Mayor Pro Tern opened the public hearing for those in the audience wishing to speak in favor of the project. No one in the audience wished to speak. The Mayor Pro Tern opened the public hearing for those in the audience wishing to speak against the project. Joan Hayhurst, 8935 Marshall, Rosemead, speaking against the project, stated that the proposed block wall will be graffitied within one week. Ms. Hayhurst stated that the existing fence is an eyesore. The gardeners come once a month, but they only clean the inside of the lot. The rest of the area attracts trash and titter. Ms. Hayhurst continued that the trash bins from the Ramada Inn are always overflowing. Also, traffic has been a problem and is worse now and the left-turn lane signal eastbound onto Rosemead Boulevard is too short. Ms. Hayhurst stated that. currently, the streetlight shines into her house. . Sally Hams, 3718 Greendale, Rosemead, stated that she lives on a cul-de-sac off of Marshall. Ms. Harris stated that the driveway area to the proposed business is always congested. She and her neighbors are concerned that this will turn out to be a blighted area. Ms. Harris continued that the City would do the residents a great service by not allowing this business, and to have Goodyear start cleaning up their property. Ms. Harris concluded that the landlords have not maintained the empty lot over the years. CCMIN:3.26-02 Page #7 Alex Chavez, 8926 Marshall Street, Rosemead, stated that he lives next door to the empty lot, and that over years many promises have been made to beautify that area, but it remains the same if not worse now. Mr. Chavez stated that their kitchen window is less than 5' from the proposed block wall. The security light will shine into that side of their house. Councilmember Clark asked Mr. Chavez if he prefers chain link fencing? Mr. Chavez responded that the best solution is to beautify the area and turn it into a parking lot for Goodyear and Denny's. David Chavez, 8926 Marshall Street, Rosemead, stated that a passenger van business was attempted a few years ago. The vans knocked down the fencing and generated more trash. Juan Nunez, 2102 Del Mar, Rosemead, stated that the light standards on the northeast and southeast corner would shine into the Chavez residence. Mr. Nunez agreed that a block wall will invite more graffiti. There being no one else in the audience wishing to speak in opposition, the public hearing was turned over to the applicant for his rebuttal.- Mr. Mehler, in rebuttal, countered that this is an opportunity to improve the area. Mr. Mehler stated that 13 vans should not impact the overall traffic burden, and that the parking stalls are actually under utilized. Mr. Mehler continued that lease provisions could be imposed to ensure weekly maintenance on the part of the lessee. Mr. Mehler, stated that the lights will be pointed downwards and can be shielded to prevent excessive illumination or spread of the candlepower. ' , . The Mayor Pro Tem closed the public hearing. Councilman Taylor stated that the biggest problem seems to be the Goodyear tenants not keeping the landscaping maintained on the parkways and parking lot. . , . Mr. Mehler replied that the City issued a Stop Work Order the last time that Goodyear tried to install a sprinkler system because they had failed to pull the necessary permits. Mr. Mehler continued that he has agreed to bring the sprinkler system up to code. Councilman Taylor stated that he does not like the innuendo that the City prevented Goodyear from installing a sprinkler system. Legitimate contractors are aware that a permit is necessary. Mr. Taylor asked that when the proposed project is developed and landscaped, what happens to the existing Goodyear landscaping? How will a new agreement to maintain their property be obtained? Mr. Mehler replied that the parking area will be landscaped as well as the Marshall Street frontage. CCMIN:3-2642 page #8 . Councilman Taylor asked Mr. Mehler how they are going to get Goodyear to be a good neighbor? Mr: Mehler replied that they can pay for the landscaping and maintenance on the Goodyear property also. , Councilman Taylor stated that Goodyear, according to the complaints voiced tonight, has not been a good neighbor. Mr. Taylor continued that it will be up to the property owner to guarantee to the City that they will interlock the irrigation system and maintain the entire parcel. Brad Johnson, Planning Director, replied that Condition No. 9, while not being specific, addresses that all existing landscape areas for that parcel shall be cleared of litter, debris, and deceased trees and landscaping will be replaced with new plants. Councilman Taylor stated that new developers do this continuously. They will landscape and clean and area as required, then practically abandon the site. Councilman Taylor stated that he wants assurance of continuity in that the parcel will be maintained weekly. Mr. Johnson stated that Condition No. 21 calls out for a permanent landscape maintenance program. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch and Councilman Taylor agreed that amendment include the clause that maintenance is to include the entire parcel. Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez stated that he is amazed at the number of years this parcel has been neglected and the arrogance that Goodyear has demonstrated in not attending the Planning Commission or City Council meetings. Mr. Mehler stated that he will notify the legal department of Goodyear of the existing conditions and the need for an express agreement for landscape maintenance. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch asked if time limits can be added to the conditional use permit. Mr. Kress replied that it is not a conditional use. Mr. Kress stated that the code enforcement mechanism can be used if the obligations to maintain the property are not met. Councilmember Clark asked what recourse does the City have if they don't comply? Mr. Johnson replied that there is a conditional use permit for the business that operates out of the Glendon Way Hotel, which has time restraints on it. If these two projects are tied together, that same conditional use permit mechanism can be used to review both properties. CCMIN:3-26-02 Page a9 Mr. Kress stated that general code enforcement can be used for litter, graffiti and those types of issues. Someone from audience asked what will happen when the property is no longer managed by Mr. Mehler. Councilman Taylor responded that is why everything has to be in writing. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch addressed street lighting and technical ways to make the lights softer so that it does not impinge on the immediate area. Councilman Taylor stated that a shield can be placed on the back of the light and it will stop the shadow line at the wall. Mr. Taylor explained that the light post on the n/w comer can cut the shadow line at the property line and shine the light only to the east. Councilmember Clark stated that she agrees with the residents that the block wall will become a graffiti nightmare. Ms. Clark stated that wrought iron fencing should be required as it will allow visibility. Councilman Taylor suggested that Mr. Chavez consider his west property line. If a block wall is not installed there, then he will have workers and people meandering near his driveway, invading his visual privacy. Mr. Chavez replied that he accepts the block wall on the driveway side. Councilmember Clark requested that these issues be tied to the conditional use permit so that input can be received fr the neighboring residents as to any noncompliance, that a block wall be installed on thede of Mr. Chavez's property, the other fenced areas be of wrought iron, and the light be on the northwest pole be shielded so that it does not shine into the homes. Mr. Johnson replied that a CUP review is on the agenda as a consent item, rather than a public hearing. Councilman Taylor stated that the residents now know that they have the right to file a complaint. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch asked Mr. Chavez if he prefers a wrought iron fence or a block wall. Mr. Chavez replied that he prefers a block wall, and added that his concrete driveway is cracked from the trees that once were in the lot. Mayor Bruesch summed up that the Council is trying to beautify an area that has been an eyesore for the past 15 to 20 years. CCMIN:3-26-02 Page # 10 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR adopt Resolution No. 2002-16, approve Planned Development Review 01-01, subject to the conditions that a 6' block wall be installed on the west property and 6' wrought iron on the remainder of the property; the northwest light be positioned so that it does not shine into the homes; that the landscaping include regular maintenance for the entire parcel; and the CUP be subject to review with input from the public. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS The following item was taken out of order. A. REQUEST FOR FUNDING FROM THE WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY YMCA Councilmember Clark asked if the Council favors all or a portion of the funds earmarked for Camp Ta Ta Pochon. It was the general consensus of the Council that it would be a good use of City funds to earmark funds to Camp Ta .Ta Pochon. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Council approve this request and that the allocation come from the Appropriated ' Reserves. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch suggested that the YMCA increase their outreach efforts to the southern portion of the City, especially with the Garvey School District. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS CCMIN:3-26-02 Page #11 A. PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NO. 2002-17 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF ALLEY NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE (DEL MAR AVENUE/196.46 FEET WEST SOUTHWEST OF DEL MAR AVENUE) The Mayor Pro Tern opened the public hearing for anyone in the audience to wishing to speak on this item. There being no one, the Mayor closed the public hearing. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-17, vacating a portion of alley north of Garvey Avenue between Del Mar Avenue and 196.46 feet west-southwest of Del Mar Avenue. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 00-04; REVISION - - AMENDING THE HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE ROSEMEAD GENERAL PLAN TO MEET THE STATE REQUIREMENT FOR 1998- 2005 PLANNING PERIOD The Mayor Pro Tern opened the public hearing for those in the audience wishing to address this item. Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked if meeting the high density requirements would tax other utilities such as gas, electricity and water. Councilman Taylor responded that the State requires that Cities and Counties update their housing element. There being no one else wishing to speak, the Mayor Pro Tern closed the public hearing. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Council adopt the revised 2000-2005 Housing Element. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None CCMIN:3-26-02 Page 4 12 The Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. III: LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-14 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF . $1,718,624.96 NUMBERED 37042 THROUGH 37196 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-14. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-13 AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSIONS The following resolution was presented to the Council for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2002-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSIONS MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-13. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CCMIN:3-26-02 Pag.u13 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (CC-D was taken out of order and voted upon earlier, CC- E was removed for discussion purposes) CC-A APPROVAL OF AMENDED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZING ALLOCATION OF CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT PROGRAM ("CLEEP") FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING CITY PORTION OF THE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL CRIME INFORMATION SYSTEM ("LARCIS") . CC-B APPROVAL OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, ALAMEDA CORRIDOR-EAST CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY OF THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, AND THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY REGARDING THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF GRADE CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS CC-C AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES . MAYORS & COUNCILMEM 3ERS INSTITUTE PART II - SACRAMENTO, APRIL 18-19,2002 CC-F APPROVAL OF FIRM TO PROVIDE LEAD TESTING RISK ASSESSMENT AND CLEARANCE TESTING FOR THE RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM CC-G PURCHASE OF ONE E-350 SUPER-DUTY CLUB WAGON XL/531. CC-H AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE STATEWIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND COMMUNITY RECOGNITION DINNER, APRIL 20,2002-SACRAMENTO MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Council approve the aforementioned items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CCMIN:3-26-02 Page a14 CC-E REQUEST FOR "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" SIGNS ON VALLEY BOULEVARD AT MUSCATEL AVENUE, WAR AVENUE AND FIRE STATION NO. 42 Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked why the installation of "Do No Block Intersection signs would not be enforceable in front of the Fire Station. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch asked if a flashing signal was installed, would it then be ` possible to have the "Do Not Block Intersection" sign?. Joanne Itagaki, Traffic Engineer, replied that the Fire Station entrance is not considered a street intersection. Councilman Taylor added that the City of San Gabriel has "Do Not Block" painted on the street in front of the fire station. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch commented that Fire Station #42 has not requested any signage. Ken Rukavina, City Engineer, pointed out that Valley Boulevard in front of the Fire Station is already painted "Keep Clear". MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ to install "Do Not Block Intersection" signs for eastbound Valley Boulevard at Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. At Fire Station 42, the installation of "Do Not Block Intersection" signs is not recommended since the signs would not be enforceable. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor Pro Tem declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION - None VI. STATUS REPORTS - None VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None CCMIN:3-26-02 Page #15 IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at,8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: City Clerk CCMIN:3-26-02 Page #16 MAYOR