CC - Item 4B - Approval Of Proposal to Provide Engineering Services For The Reconstruction Of The Garvey Ave Bridge Over The Rio Hondo Channel(1~2 / TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: rFRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE DATE: MAY 20, 2002 RE: APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE GARVEYAVENUE BRIDGE OVERTHE RIO HONDO CHANNEL Attached for your consideration is an engineering proposal from W illdan for engineering design, design and construction survey, geotechnical engineering, hydrologic/hydraulic analysis, environmental review, utility coordination, contract administration, construction observation, and federal labor compliance services for replacement of the Garvey Avenue Bridge over the Rio Hondo Channel. The Garvey Avenue Bridge over the Rio Hondo Channel was originally constructed in 1936. The bridge consists of continuous concrete T- beams over nine 67-foot and two 26-foot spans, for a total bridge length of approximately 655 feet. There are 3-foot sidewalks on both sides of the bridge. The existing bridge is approximately 52 feet wide with an approach roadway width of 78 feet. The right-of-way width is 100 feet. The Garvey Avenue Bridge is currently on Caltrans Eligible Bridge List (EBL) and has been deemed structurally deficient, with a sufficiency rating of 46.6. The Caltrans EBL classifies a bridge as structurally deficient when its sufficiency rating is below 80. Bridges with a sufficiency rating between 50 and 80 are recommended for rehabilitation and retrofitting; bridges with a sufficiency rating below 50 are recommended for replacement, as is the case with the Garvey Avenue Bridge. Conceptual investigation thus far indicates that the most feasible replacement solutions are to provide cast-in-place prestressed concrete box girders on pier walls or precast prestressed "I" girders supporting a reinforced concrete deck. The proposed bridge will be widened from 52 feet to 100 feet wide to accommodate a striped center median, four travel lanes, and shoulder and sidewalk on both sides. The new bridge abutments will be constructed to eliminate areas for transients to set up camp. A,if ~I :r's-'~tti MAY 2 9 2002 ITEM No. ~.~=a May 20, 2002 Page 2 It is anticipated that the Garvey Avenue Bridge will be constructed in two stages. One-half of the bridge will be removed with traffic in both directions being redirected to one side to maintain one lane in each direction during construction. After half of the bridge is constructed, traffic will be redirected to the other side in a similar manner. Evaluation of the impact of construction within the Rio Hondo Channel will be conducted and will include code compliance for such issues as containment of waste or hazardous materials. The construction cost for this project is estimated to be $9.0 million. With engineering and other incidental costs, such as material testing, etc., total overall project costs are estimated to be $10.9 million. Staff has been successful in securing $6,240,000 in Federal funding for the replacement of the bridge and it is now programmed in the Highway Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement (HBRR) Program. An additional $1,298,000 in Federal and State seismic retrofit funds have been secured and are now obligated for this project by Caltrans. The remaining balance of funds required for the project, which will cover the City's matching funds for construction and the engineering costs will be from the City's Proposition C fund reserves that have been set aside for the past several years in anticipation of this project. Consequently, no General Funds will be expended on this project. Construction of the project is anticipated to occur in the Summer of 2003, and is estimated take 400 working days to complete. The proposed fees are as follows: • Preliminary and Final Design $588,500 • Design Survey 28,500 • Geotechnical Engineering 44,600 • Hydrological/Hydraulic 9,500 • Environmental 28,390 • Utility Coordination 38,000 • Construction Survey 49,500 • Contract Administration 497,900 • Construction Observation 455,600 • Federal Labor Compliance 76,000 Total Proposed Fixed Fee $1,816,490 The total fee, excluding geotechnical engineering, hydrological/hydraulic, environmental, utility coordination, and federal labor compliance, is in conformance with that portion of the City's agreement with Willdan which pertains to design engineering services. It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the attached engineering proposal and direct staff to begin the preparation of the necessary plans and specifications. Attachment N;~U WILLIDAN Serving Publ Agencies May 20, 2002 Mr. Frank Tripepi City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, California 91746-3497 502/908-6200 fax 562/695-2120 www.willclan.com Subject: Proposal for Professional Engineering for the Replacement of Garvey Avenue Bridge over Rio Hondo Channel Dear Mr. Tripepi: As requested, Willdan is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional engineering design, design and construction survey, geotechnical engineering, hydrological/hydraulic evaluation, environmental study, utility coordination, contract administration, construction observation, and federal labor compliance services for the replacement of the Garvey Avenue Bridge over the Rio Hondo Channel. The Garvey Avenue Bridge over the Rio Hondo Channel was originally constructed in 1936. The bridge consists of continuous concrete tee beams over nine 67-foot and two 26-foot spans, for a total bridge length of approximately 655 feet. There are 3-foot sidewalks on both sides of the bridge. The existing bridge is approximately 52 feet wide with an approach roadway width of 78 feet. The right-of-way width is 100 feet. The Garvey Avenue Bridge is currently on Caltrans' Eligible Bridge List (EBL), and has been deemed structurally deficient with a sufficiency rating of 46.6. This bridge is programmed through the Highway Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement (HBRR) program to be replaced. Conceptual investigation thus far indicates that the most feasible replacement solutions are to provide cast-in-place prestressed concrete box girders on pier walls or precast prestressed "I" girders supporting a reinforced concrete deck. The proposed bridge width would be 100 feet within the existing right-of-way, and this width will provide shoulders and sidewalks. It is anticipated that the Garvey Avenue Bridge will be constructed in two stages. One-half of the bridge will be removed with traffic in both directions being redirected to one side to maintain one lane in each direction during construction. After half of the bridge is constructed, traffic will be redirected to the other side in a similar manner. Evaluation of the impact of construction within the Rio Hondo Channel will be conducted and will include code compliance for such issues as containment of waste or hazardous materials. May 20, 2002 Page 2 SCOPE OF SERVICES We propose to provide the following basic services for the project: Preliminary and Final Design FIELD INVESTIGATION 1. Conduct a thorough field investigation of the existing bridge crossing. 2. Assess the impact to the flood control channel during bridge removal and replacement. 3. Observe and document conditions, constraints, and impact of the project on the properties in all four quadrants and bike trail under the bridge. DATA RESEARCH 1. Collect and review as-built roadway plans. 2. Collect and review as-build bridge plans. 3. Collect and review existing utility in and around the project. 4. Collect and review right-of-way maps to determine impact on existing facilities. 5. Collect and review any other data pertaining to the project provided by Caltrans, Army Corps of Engineers, LACDPW, and other involved parties to extract any valuable information to support the engineering. PRELIMINARY ROADWAY GEOMETRICS 1. Establish geometric control of the roadway including limit of approach roadway, begin and end stations of the bridge. STRUCTURAL DESIGN 1. Collect and review data obtained from environmental and hydrologic recommendations to determine impact to bridge design. 2. Review and incorporate geotechnical evaluation and recommendations. 3. Provide existing bridge stage construction. May 20, 2002 Page 3 4. Provide structural analysis and design based on latest Caltrans Design Specifications and Caltrans Design Criteria. 5. Coordinate bridge design with roadway design. APPROACH ROADWAY DESIGN 1. Prepare approach roadway and bridge plan and profile. 2. Prepare typical roadway and bridge cross section. 3. Prepare construction details. TRAFFIC CONTROL AND SIGNING AND STRIPING 1. Perform field review to verify and document existing conditions. The field review will include locating existing markings, signing and striping. 2. Prepare traffic control plans for the Garvey Avenue Bridge widening at a scale of V=40'. The plans will be prepared using the City's standard design criteria and Caltrans 1999 Standard Plans and Specifications. 3. Prepare signing and striping plans for Garvey Avenue at a scale of V=40'. CHANNEL DESIGN 1. Prepare under crossing plan and profile for the west levee of the Rio Hondo Channel. The west levee will be reconstructed to place the new down ramp under the bridge. Current ADA, LACDPW, and Corps of Engineers criteria will be followed. ACCESS ROAD AND BIKE PATH 1. Realign access road and bike trail from levee to Garvey Avenue. New entrance gates and fencing and driveways will be provided. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Prepare complete plans including: title sheet, general notes, site plan, roadway plan and profile, cross sections, existing bridge demolition, new bridge plans, construction staging plans, and traffic detour plans. 2. Attend coordination meetings, as necessary, with the City personnel at various times during the design phase to obtain additional input and review work. May 20, 2002 Page 4 3. Prepare specifications and contract documents to conform to applicable requirements of the City of Rosemead and Caltrans. 4. Prepare final project cost estimates. Design Survey 1. Conduct aerial topographic survey of the project site. 2. Conduct ground survey to supplement the aerial. 3. Establish roadway centerline and cross sections, channel centerline and cross sections, and other cultural features. 4. Provide survey for Rio Hondo Channel 400 feet upstream and 400 feet down stream of existing bridge. Geotechnical Engineering Task 1 - Research and Review 1. Research and review of published and unpublished geologic and geotechnical maps and documents including data available from the U.S. Geological Survey, the California Division of Mines and Geology, Los Angeles County, and other public agencies and institutions. Task 2 - Field Exploration 1. Permitting with local agencies for permission to dig. Locating the borings in the field and notifying Underground Service Alert. Coordination of drilling activities with utilities personnel. 2. Excavation, sampling, and logging of four borings to evaluate subsurface soil conditions. The borings will be excavated with an all terrain rotary wash drill rig. Borings will be located near each abutment and roughly centered in the channel bottom. Abutment borings will extend to a depth of 100 feet below ground surface or refusal whichever is shallower. The channel borings will extend to a depth of 80 feet below ground surface or refusal. Relatively undisturbed ring samples, standard penetration test samples, and bulk samples will be collected at regular intervals in the boring. An experienced engineer or geologist will log earth materials in the field in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System - Visual/Manual Procedure. The all terrain drill rig is capable of drilling in water up to about 12 inches deep assuming the current is slow. The rig can drive through flowing water to the boring locations. Small sandbag diversion dikes will be constructed upstream of each boring location. This proposal does not include May 20, 2002 Page 5 drilling in the channel bottom when there is more than 12 inches of flowing water. Prior to drilling, we will core through the concrete river bottom. After drilling, the borings will be backfilled with cement/bentonite slurry and a concrete patch will be placed. 3. Performance of two cone penetrometer soundings for quantitative liquefaction analyses. Soundings will be excavated near each abutment. Soundings will extend to a depth of 100 feet or refusal. Task 3 - Geotechnical Laboratory Testing 1. Geotechnical laboratory testing will be performed on representative samples of soil to evaluate the engineering characteristics of this material. Testing may include any or all of the following: In situ moisture and density Grain size distribution Atterburg limits Consolidation tests Compaction curves • Direct shear tests Chemical analyses Task 4 - Geotechnical/Geologic Analyses and Design Recommendations 1. Preparation of a geologic map showing the locations of the borings and the surficial distribution of earth materials. 2. A description of the field and laboratory procedures used in the investigation. 3. A discussion of the materials encountered in the borings and measured engineering properties. 4. Logs of exploratory borings summarizing the soil conditions encountered and results of the geotechnical laboratory testing. Preparation of a Caltrans Log of Test Borings Sheet. 5. Quantitative liquefaction and seismic settlement analyses at abutments. 6. Recommendations for foundation design at abutments and piers considering vertical load-supporting capacities and settlement effects due to structural loads. Detailed pile design analyses will be completed to evaluate stiffness, lateral capacities, group factors, etc. Analyses of existing foundations, if required. 7. Recommendations for seismic design of the proposed bridge in accordance with Caltrans design criteria. May 20, 2002 Page 6 8. A discussion of the corrosivity and chemical attack potential of onsite soils, including corrosion and chemical attack mitigation measures, if necessary. 9. Recommendations for general site grading, including subgrade preparation, fill placement, retaining wall backfill, and site drainage. 10. Recommendations regarding staged construction. Hydrological/Hydraulic 1. Collect and review any data pertaining to existing hydrologic/hydraulic requirements provided by Caltrans, Army Corps of Engineers, LACDPW, and other involved parties. 2. Perform hydraulic analysis to determine requirements for structural configuration to convey the design flood. 3. Obtain permits from the Corps of Engineers and LACDPW for all channel work. Environmental Willdan will prepare an Initial Study (IS) and a Categorical Exclusion (CE) with supporting studies for the proposed replacement of the Garvey Avenue Bridge. The IS and CE will discuss and analyze the potential environmental impacts resulting from the project, as required by CEQA and NEPA, respectively. A field reconnaissance survey will be conducted to identify any sensitive environmental resources in the area, inventory adjacent land uses, and catalog the presence of any sensitive receptors in the project area. Information gathered in the field will be used to complete the Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) form which will include narrative explanations to each of the questions on the form. Preliminary studies of the project indicate that the appropriate environmental determination for the project will be a Negative Declaration (CEQA) and a Categorical Exclusion (NEPA) with supporting studies. To support these determinations, the following analyses or "special" studies will be provided. 1. Willdan will characterize biological and botanical resources in the project area and vicinity; assess project direct and indirect impacts to these resources; and if necessary, identify general mitigation measures which may reduce potential impacts to levels that are less than significant. Willdan will consult with appropriate agencies, including the CDFG and USFWS; search the California Natural Diversity Database and California Native Plant Society Database lists; and conduct a reconnaissance-level field investigation. Locations of significant biological and botanical resources, including observations of special-status species or suitable habitat, will be identified on an appropriate base map. May 20, 2002 Page 7 Willdan will consult with the USFWS and CDFG as appropriate to determine mitigation measures that may be required to assure protection for those species. Willdan will prepare a brief report documenting the findings of the biological evaluation. 2. An assessment of the findings from the hydrology study which will be included in the environmental initial study. These findings are expected to address potential floodplain and hydrological impacts resulting from the project (both short-term construction-related impacts and long-term impacts). 3. An assessment of the project's impact on public services and utilities, including temporary disruptions caused by construction activities, such as bridge closures and detours. A supplemental traffic analysis, for example, will be performed which analyzes and assesses the bridge replacement project's construction- related impacts on traffic and traffic circulation in the project area. This includes an assessment of impacts resulting from any temporary road closures, detours, or ramp closings. 4. A Draft and Final Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR) will be prepared which includes a summary of findings pertaining to the bridge's historical significance and the following attachments: • an Area of Potential Effects Map (APE Map), that would include the ground to be disturbed for removal of existing bridge abutments and construction of new bridge abutments; an Archeological Survey Report (ASR), which includes a records search by the South Central Coastal Information Center; Native American Coordination; Bridge Evaluation Form, prepared by a qualified architectural historian; and, Historical Context Statement, based on a letter dated May 7, 2001, to the City of Rosemead from Caltrans, regarding evaluation of the bridge within the context of Los Angeles flood control efforts. Preparation of the aforementioned studies and their environmental review will be coordinated with Caltrans Office of Environmental Planning. Utility Coordination 1. Coordinate with utility companies to implement upgrade of its facilities, as needed, within the project limit. 2. Identify conflicts of proposed construction with utilities and provide preliminary coordination for resolution. May 20, 2002 Page 8 3. Send notification of preconstruction conference to affected utility companies. 4. Provide attendance at the preconstruction conference by the utility coordinator. 5. Review project scope of work with each utility company at the preconstruction conference and review possible conflicts and work with each utility to assure that specific needs of the project are understood. 6. Coordinate with City construction observer during construction to expedite the identification of any unknown utilities found during excavation. 7. Coordinate relocation work by utility companies. Construction Survey 1. Provide construction staking as required for construction of the Garvey Avenue Bridge. Contract Administration BID ADMINISTRATION SERVICES 1. Provide the City with 30 sets of final plans and specifications for bidding. 2. Conduct pre-bid compliance conference and prepare attendance record. 4. Respond to questions during the advertising phase. 5. Prepare project addenda, as necessary. 6. Review and analyze bid results and prepare a bid summary. 7. Verify contractor's references, bonding, insurance and Contractor's license. 8. Provide recommendation to award project. RESIDENT ENGINEER SERVICES 1. Assist City with public awareness and an information program to keep residents and local interests advised of project status, and impacts to traffic flow circulation. 2. Prepare special concerns to be presented at preconstruction conference. May 20, 2002 Page 9 3. Conduct meeting and prepare preconstruction conference minutes and distribute to attendees. 4. Review Contractor's safety program in consultation with City staff. 5. Monitor activities related to the project, such that the project is constructed pursuant to contract documents and in a timely fashion. 6. Log and process submittals, shop drawings, construction schedule, and detailed traffic control plan. 7. Closely review schedule and advise contractor to take action on schedule slippage. 8. Document Contractor's 20-day Notices, Mechanic's Liens, and Stop Notices. 9. Assume responsibility for coordination with inspection staff and City staff. 10. Monitor activities of engineering/architectural support, surveying, testing, and work by utilities or other agencies. 11. Monitor environmental mitigation measures full conformance. 12. Closely monitor ADA improvements and NPDES conformance. 13. Establish and attend weekly construction progress meetings to cover the following: • Resolve all old business issues to the maximum extent possible. • Address all items of new business as presented by any party. Review project schedule and address any deviations. Review submittal log in terms of items needed and resubmittals required. List status of construction items recently undertaken or ongoing. • List planned construction items for following week. Review Contractor's safety program. 14. Prepare minutes for the weekly construction progress meeting. 15. Provide claims mitigation monitoring, including proactively applying foresight to discover unforeseen conflicts. 16. Respond and log contractor's Request for Information (RFI). 17. Assure that all questions, conflicts, and issues are immediately brought to City's attention and addressed, with appropriate directives to Contractor. May 20, 2002 Page 10 18. Coordinate review of questions by City officials and project design engineer and/or architect. 19. Conduct site meetings, where necessary, with Contractor and City staff to review job progress, scheduling, and coordination. 20. Provide value engineering on contract changes. 21. Attend project management and critical interface meetings. 22. Assist in negotiation and preparation of change orders, including memorandum of explanation. An immediate and thorough analysis of validity of all potential claims will be performed. 23. Monitor materials documentation and testing results and enforce corrections. 24. Prepare and obtain approval of progress payments, including verifying federal compliance status impact on payment. 25. Monitor preparation of punch list at substantial completion, and follow up. 26. Routinely review construction files to ensure conformance to agency standards and good construction management practice. 27. Ensure City received as-built set of drawings at completion. 28. Ensure that regulation compliance audits are complete and Contractor is clear on submission of all reports and documentation, prior to close out. 29. Assist City with Stop notices and Release of Retention. 30. Provide memorandum of clearance to issue Notice of Completion. 31. Prepare a complete set of original as-built drawings. Construction Observation 1. Review plans, specifications, and all other contract and construction related documents. 2. Conduct a field investigation of the project area to become familiar with the existing facilities and the project environment. 3. Become familiar with traffic control plans, construction schedule, construction sequence, and permit requirements from other agencies. May 20, 2002 Page 11 4. Meet with City staff to review the scope of work and establish project schedules. 5. Attend preconstruction meeting. 6. Provide full-time construction observation of the work to monitor materials and methods towards compliance with plans, specifications, and contract documents, and address and document nonconforming items as they are discovered. 7. Observe Contractor's operation and production with respect to quality and progress, discuss discrepancies with the Contractor as they occur, and report to construction administrator and City. 8. Monitor Contractor's safety program on a daily basis. 9. Provide daily oversight and proactive measures to provide compliance with environmental mitigation measures. 10. Monitor compliance with Cal OSHA requirements and direct Contractor to provide compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, including but not limited to, Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act (NPDES). 11. Meet with the Contractor at the beginning of each day and review proposed work plans, including specific details that may affect progress. 12. Coordinate activities of engineering support and surveying. 13. Coordinate quality assurance testing by field and laboratory personnel that meet Quality Assurance Program requirements. 14. Coordinate Contractor's fieldwork with utility companies and other agencies. 15. Attend weekly job site meetings and other meetings with City staff, merchants, engineer, public relations personnel, Contractor, and construction administrator, as needed. 16. Photograph in color (35mm negatives) continuous property frontages along street alignment prior to construction and once immediately following construction. Place 3"x5' color prints in a three-ring binder and make available to Public Works during construction and submit the three-ring binder with photographs to the Public Works Department at completion of project. 17. Maintain copies of all permits needed to construct the project and enforce special requirements of each. 18. Maintain detailed daily diary on construction progress. May 20, 2002 Page 12 19. Prepare weekly statement of working days, and submit to Contractor and City. 20. Prepare clear and concise letters and memorandums, as needed. 21. Maintain complete field file bound workbooks during construction on site, including a cumulative record of quantities constructed, daily and weekly reports, working day reports, change order documentation, photographs, and other documentation. File will be made available to City staff at all times. 22. Review the construction schedule and enforce requirements for updating schedules and maintaining appropriate progress of the work. 23. Coordinate engineering support at response to construction clarification requests. 24. Assist public relations firm and City in establishing good relations with the surrounding neighborhood. 25. Analyze delays and review claims on a timely basis including immediate notification and consultation with the resident engineer and make recommendations to the City. 26. Review, evaluate, and discuss with the City, all requests for changes of work, including costs involved; prepare change orders, including provision of cover memorandum of explanation. 27. Maintain all data for change orders, and record information with regards to the time of dispute, time of notification by the Contractor, and action taken by the inspector. 28. Provide complete measurements and calculations documented to administer progress payments. 29. Prepare documentation for final payment to the Contractor 30. Maintain a set of red marked as-built plans and independently compare routinely with Contractor's set for same purposes. Ensure all corrections are shown on both sets. 31. Submit a clean set of plans marked in red for as-built corrections on record drawings. 32. Prepare punch list at substantial completion and follow up. May 20, 2002 Page 13 33. Recommend and schedule, with the City and applicable agencies, the final inspection. Prepare, distribute, and inspect corrections of the final punch list for completion and acceptance. 34. Prepare documentation for final payment to the Contractor. 35. Upon project completion, provide the finished set of project workbooks to the City. Federal Labor Compliance 1. Obtain latest wage decision and log in verification with funding agency, as required. 2. Prepare labor compliance sections in bid documents in accordance with latest applicable regulations. 3. Submit bid documentation to appropriate agency for review and approval when needed. 4. Conduct pre-bid compliance conference and prepare minutes and attendance record thereof. 5. Check and update wage determination schedules published within ten (10) days of bid opening, and provide addendum to contract with required verification of receipt by bidders, as required, pursuant to Davis-Bacon Act. 6. Verify eligibility of contractor and subcontractors under Department of Labor regulations to perform work bid, and monitor work to allow for verification of eligibility of added subcontractors. 7. Attend preconstruction conference and prepare minutes and attendance record thereof. 8. Send all required notifications of intent to award bid and start construction to appropriate agencies. 9. Monitor compliance with labor laws, Clean Air Act, and Federal Water Pollution Control Act. 10. Verify posting of required labor information and posters and provide photographic evidence of same. 11. Conduct employee wage interviews at the job site at a frequency and quantity as required by applicable regulations. (Lists of employees or subcontractors on the May 20, 2002 Page 14 project each day required by funding agencies will be provided by field inspection personnel not included in this proposal). 12. Check weekly payroll forms and related documentation submitted by contractor and subcontractors for compliance with regulations, and prepare all payroll certification forms. 13. Check wage compliance in format showing method and calculation of verification to be filed with proposals. 14. Check and verify apprentice classifications and use, and equivalent service classifications and actual activity. 15. Complete all required labor compliance and EEO forms and submit to appropriate agencies in a timely manner. 16. Maintain files will all bids, contracts, bid spreadsheets, correspondence, submittals, forms, and other information pertaining to the project in chronological order with tabs indicating major activities. 17. Prepare and pursue wage discrepancy charges, including any appeals filed. 18. Receive, pursue, and document all complaints and actions taken. 19. Maintain regular communication between City and contractor regarding compliance with applicable regulations, with a base of "Certified Mail" letters, including all delinquent items, and coordinate with City staff for withholding payments. 20. Coordinate project file reviews by authorized county, state, or federal agencies. 21. Submit complete files of federal labor compliance to the City. May 20, 2002 Page 15 FEE Our proposed fixed fees are as follows: • Preliminary and Final Design $ 588,500 • Design Survey 28,500 • Geotechnical Engineering 44,600 Hydrological/Hydraulic 9,500 Environmental 28,390 • Utility Coordination 38,000 • Construction Survey 49,500 • Contract Administration 497,900 • Construction Observation 455,600 • Federal Labor Compliance 76.000 Total Proposed Fixed Fee $ 1,816,490 The current estimated construction cost for the project is $9 million. The total fee, excluding geotechnical engineering, hydrological/hydraulic, environmental, utility coordination, and federal labor compliance, is in conformance with that portion of the City's agreement with Willdan which pertains to design engineering services. The construction contract period is estimated to be 400 working days. Compensation for weekend construction and construction beyond the allocated working days and hours of the construction contract will be on time-and-materials basis. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at (562) 908-6214. Respectfully submitted, WILLDAN 9 z William C. Pagett, P.E. Senior Vice President AF:mec:mh 95610-02106-155/P02-104 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $565,183.15 NUMBERED 37712 THROUGH 37875 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-23. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: Bruesch Abstain: None The Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-A RECEIPT AND AWARD OF BIDS FOR THE ROSEMEAD RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM, DEFERRED LOAN- 4458 BARTLETT AVENUE !sE:-B APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE GARVEY AVENUE BRIDGE OVER THE RIO HONDO CHANNEL CC-C ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR 2002 SLURRY SEAL PROJECT ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS CC-D APPROVAL OF F112EWORKS STAND LOCATIONS MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council approve the aforementioned items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: Bruesch Abstain: None w t4 l' Mayor Pro Tern declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION - None VI. STATUS REPORTS - None CCMIN:5-28-02 Page u3