CC - Item 4B - Extension Of Agreement With Willdan Associates For CDBG And Home Program ServicesTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEME CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL C W1 CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 28, 2002 RE: EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN ASSOCIATES FOR CDBG AND HOME PROGRAM SERVICES In compliance with Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines, the City of Rosemead issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Community Development Block Grant and HOME program services, with a deadline of May 31, 2001. The City received two (2) proposals to the RFP and the City Council awarded the bid for those services to Willdan Associates. The original agreement was approved for July 1, 2001. The agreement provides for two (2) one year extensions. In the past year, Willdan has done the following: • Completed the City's Annual Funding Plan for CDBG and HOME • Completed the City's CAPER report, closing FY 2000-2001 • Monitored and tracked progress of the City's subrecipients • Provided Code Enforcement and Housing Code Compliance services • Done outreach for the City's commercial and residential rehabilitation programs • Operated the Residential Rehabilitation program • Did RFP process for lead testing and risk assessment in Residential Rehabilitation • Implemented a First Time Home Buyer program using HOME funds • Held a Homeownership Fair for lenders and potential home buyers JUN 112002 ITEM No. Extension of Agreement with Willdan Associates for CDBG and HOME Program Services, 2 Updated the 2000-2001 Rehabilitation Program Report (the 2001-2002 Report will be updated in July) Continued the City's compliance with environmental regulations Provided assistance to owners of commercial property applying for assistance in the City and Commission's Commercial Rehabilitation Programs ' The current contract with Willdan allows for two additional one-year extensions of the contract on mutual consent of the contractor and City. Staff is recommending that the contract be extended for a period of one year. All expenses incurred by the City under this agreement are eligible CDBG and HOME expenditures. A copy of the Program Cost Summaries have been attached for the Council's review. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve a one (1) year extension to the City's agreement with Willdan Associates for CDBG and HOME program services and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary agreements. Program Cost Summaries EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ROSE MEAD COST ESTIMATES FOR CDBG ADMINISTRATION it/ The specific tasks to be performed by Wilidan in administrating the City's CDBG Program for the 2001-2002 Fiscal Year, and two (2) subsequent fiscal years, are as follows: COST TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 1. Prepare the City's annual Grantee Performance Report or $7,621 $7,926. $7,926 CAPERS requirement. 2. Prepare the City's Annual CDBG and HOME funding plan, $14,023 $14,584 $14,584 including project descriptions and cost summaries. 3. Prepare public notices for and conduct two annual public $9 300 $9,672 $9,672 hearings on the use of CDBG , and HOME funds. 4. Work with Finance to prepare quarterly Cash Transaction $5,621 $5,846 $5,846 Reports and maintain the IDIS reporting re uirements. 5. Work with Finance in preparation of drawdown requisitions for each project and $5,913 $6,149 $6,149 maintain projects and database in IDIS. 6. Prepare all performance reports: annual, bi-annual for each project (includes $6 172 $6,419, $6,419 Contractor Report, Semi-Annual , Labor Standards Report, Section 3 Reports, etc.). 7. Coordinate with HUD staff regarding CDBG and HOME $15,264. $15,875 $15,875 monitorin . 8. Coordinate with Finance in preparation of the City's annual $6 172 $6,419 $6,419 budget and annual audit, in the areas of CDBG. 24 Program Cost Summaries COST TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 9. Prepare all agreements with $5 865 100 $6 $6,100 City subrecipients: , , 107. Monitor all subrecipients, including invoice processing $11,052 $11,494 $11,494 and annual site visits and follow u. 11. Prepare all RFP's for subrecipients, including Fair $7,712 $8,020. $8,020 Housing Services.. 12. Environmental Review, including annual review, public $8 600 $8,944 $8,944 notices and Request for , Release of Funds. 13. Handle all correspondence and telephone and walk-in traffic of $8,600 $8,944 $8,944 the office. 14. Provide timely status reports, staffing schedules, and ' $9 000 $9,360 $9,360 s meetings with City Manager , office. 15. Prepare program literature and brochures, program updates, $8,200 $8,528 $8,528 attend City Council as necessary. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $129,115 $134,280 $134,280 25 Program Cost Summaries EXHIBIT "B" CITY OF ROSEMEAD COST ESTIMATES FOR OPERATION OF RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAMS irk/ The specific tasks to be performed by Willdan in administrating the City's Residential Rehabilitation Programs for the 2001-2002 Fiscal Year, and two (2) subsequent fiscal years are indicated below. The total cost must reflect all tasks necessary to complete one case. The tasks may vary slightly depending on the rehabilitation work or the program component involved. However, the consultant is generally responsible for the following: COST TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 1. Prepare application intake and approval based on federal $40 $42 $42 income guidelines and program eli ibilit uidelines. 2. Conduct initial property inspection for code violations and rehabilitation work necessary to bring the property $200 $208 $208 into conformance with the City's adopted rehabilitation standards. 3. Prepare and submit historical $40 $42 $42 clearance documentation. 4. Prepare and obtain property $22 $23 $23 environmental clearances. 5. Prepare work description and . $89 $93 $93 obtain homeowner approval. 6. Prepare plans, specifications, and contract documents for $56 $58 $58 biddin purposes. 7. Set up contractor walk-through and be present during walk- ' $39 $41 $41 s through to ensure homeowner uestions are answered. 8. Receive and review bids, including checking license of $42 $43 $43 contractor and ensuring s/he is not debarred. 26 Program Cost Summaries COST TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 9. Take information to Council for approval in accordance with $51 $53 $53 City's Rehabilitation Guidelines. 10. Prepare Owner Participation Agreements, Contractor $56 $58 $58 Agreements, and obtain proper signatures. 11. Prepare loan documents and $42 $43 $43 financial statements. 12. Prepare and execute promissory note, deed of trust, and all required loan documents $56 $58 $58 for processing a loan. Prepare covenants, execute, and record if a grant. 13. Conduct progress inspections to ensure work is proceeding in a timely manner and according to $105 $110 $110 plans and/or schedule of completion. 14. Authorize progress payments. $33 $34 $34 15. Conduct final inspections, prepare Notice of Completion, acquire homeowner signatures for work completed. to $56 $58 $58 homeowner satisfaction and in accordance with contract specifications. 16. Execute contract completion by acquiring lien releases from contractor (building permits, etc.) and close out cases by $50 $52 $52 ensuring permanent file contains all documentation required for government audit purposes. 17. Be available to answer questions from the public and $50 $52 $52 from applicants. 18. Maintain the City's deferred loans. Process demand and $50 $52 $52 repayments. 27 Program Cost Summaries COST TASK. 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 19. Provide interface between Community. Development $50 $52 $52 Division and Finance. 20. Provide timely status reports, staffing schedules, periodic ' $70 $73 $7$ meetings with City Manager s ' office. 21. Prepare program materials, brochures, outreach materials, $6G $62 $62 Council agenda items, and provide program outreach. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $1,257 $1,307 $1,307 ~i t i Program Cost Summaries EXHIBIT " C" CITY OF ROSEMEAD COST ESTIMATES FOR ADMINISTRATION OF COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM The specific tasks to be performed by Willdan in administering the City's Commercial Rehabilitation Program for the 2001-2002 Fiscal Year and two (2) subsequent years are indicated below. Total cost is to reflect all tasks necessary to complete one case. The tasks may vary slightly depending on the extent of the rehabilitation work to be performed. However, the consultant will be generally responsible for the following: COST TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 1. Conduct initial meeting with applicant. Review application $304 $316 $316 and approve program participation. 2. Review proposed improvements at property location to qualify, $530 $551 $551 eligible improvements. 3. Inspect property , for code violations and to ensure ' $290 $301 $301 conformance with City s adopted codes. 4. Prepare work write-up and/or itemized cost estimate. Review $510 $530 $530 work write-ups and/or cost estimates of architects. 5. Prepare loan documents and/or $166 $172 $172 approve estimated rebate. 6. Approve, proposed work by Planning and Building & Safety $160 $166 $166 Departments. 7. Conduct bid process procedures, review bids, select $600 $624 $624 contractor, award bid. 8. Conduct preconstruction meeting with contractor, $400 $416 $416 property 9. Conduct progress inspections and approve work done in $1 650 $1 716 $1 716 conjunction with approved , , , schedule. 29 Program Cost Summaries j; COST TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 10. Conduct final inspection, obtain all lien releases from contractor, approve final payments and/or $300 $312 $312 approve rebate; file Notice of Completion. 11. Conduct outreach, make $450 $468 $468 presentations as appropriate. . 12. Staff office, answer inquiries $400 $416 $416 from public and applicants. 13. Prepare reports, periodic meetings with City Manager's $480 $499 $499 office, staffing schedules. - ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $6,240 $6,487 $6,487 30 Program Cost Summaries EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF ROSEMEAD COST ESTIMATES FOR HOUSING CODE COMPLIANCE -147 The specific tasks to be performed by Willdan in administering the City's Housing Code Compliance Program for the 2001-2002 Fiscal Year and two (2) subsequent years are indicated below. Total cost is to reflect all tasks necessary to comp!ete one case. The tasks may vary slightly depending on the extent of the code compliance work to be performed. However, the consultant will be generally responsible for the following: COST TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 1. Using City's complaint form, document source of complaint $82 $85 $85 regarding substandard housing conditions. 2. Conduct initial site inspection from public right-of-way, within 15 days of request. If necessary, obtain permission to enter premises from person in $309 $321 $321 control of premises. Note and photograph substandard conditions. Prepare plot plan of property, as required. 3. If permission to enter is required, refer case to City Attorney to obtain a search warrant. Refer $82 $85 $85 life/safety hazardous conditions to Building Official, if required, for possible summa abatement. 4. Review building permit job file, zoning files, and assessors records to determine permit $121 $126 $126 status of the property and owner of record. 5. Send Notice of Violation signed by Building Official via certified mail within five (5) days of the inspection along with information $54 $56 $56 on, and an application for, City's Housing Rehabilitation Program, if applicable. 31 14 k Program Cost Summaries COST TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 6. Reinspect property fifteen (15) days - after notice to see if substandard conditions have $82 $85 $85 been corrected. Close and document case if conditions are corrected. 7. If conditions are not corrected, but progress has been made, $54 $56 $56 arrange single extension of time and schedule reins ection. 8. If voluntary compliance efforts fail, order a title search. Issue a Notice and Order by the Building Inspector within 5 days of the $54 $56 $56 second inspection and notify all interested parties. Post Notice and Order on property. 9. During the thirty (30) day posting period, make every effort to contact the owner personally or $54 $56 $56 by telephone to obtain compliance. 10. If efforts for compliance fail, schedule case for an Administrative Hearing. Prepare and send Notice of Hearing via certified mail to the vested owner $82 $85 $85 and allow receipt at least ten (10) days prior to hearing. Post notice for at least ten (10) days prior to hearing. 11. - Conduct hearing before the Building Official. Building Official will issue a decision regarding the existence of substandard conditions, and issue a citation $155 $161 $161 with deadline for abatement if substandard conditions exist. Deadline for abatement shall not exceed ixty 60 days. 12. If owner is instead found in compliance, close and document $54 $56 $56 case. 32 E~7 Program Cost Summaries COST TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 13. If owner is not found in compliance, notify owner of the time and place of the hearing before the Rehabilitation $54 $56 $56 Appeals Board (City Council) which shall be held within thirty 30 days. 14. If Board does not find substandard conditions at the $54 $56 $56 rehearing, close and document case. 15. If Board confirms substandard conditions, and citation stands, transmit citation to the District Attorney for prosecution. Give $54 $56 $56 notice to the State Franchise Tax Board that the rental housing unit has been determined to be "substandard." 16. Prepare periodic reports, status reports, staffing schedules, $309 $321 $321 attend Rehab. meetings, and City Council as necessary. 17. Staff office, provide answers to questions from public either at $155 $161 $161 counter or by telephone. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $1,809 $1,878 $1,878 Program Cost Summaries EXHIBIT "E" CITY OF ROSEMEAD COST ESTIMATES FOR OPERATION OF FIRST-TIME HOME BUYER PROGRAM The specific tasks to be performed by.Willdan in administering the City's First-Time Home Buyer.Program for the 2001-2002 Fiscal Year and two (2) subsequent fiscal years are indicated below. The total cost must reflect all tasks necessary to complete one case. The tasks may vary slightly depending on the rehabilitation work or the program component involved. However,, the consultant is generally responsible for the following: COST TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 1. Prepare application intake and approval based on federal $302 $302 $313 income guidelines and program eligibility guidelines. 2. Conduct initial property inspection for violations and rehabilitation work necessary to $181 $181 $192 bring the property into conformance with HOME requirements. 3. Apply City underwriting criteria $121 $121 $125 and prepare loan summaries. 4. Provide interface between City, title company, escrow company, $121 $121 $125 primary lender, etc. . as - necessary. 5. Review proposed loan documents and ensure $302 $302 $313 compliance with City lender requirements. 6. Obtain Voluntary Transaction _ paperwork, lead requirements, $61 $61 $63 and follow up on status of any required repairs from inspection. 7. Prepare loan documents, payment requests, and provide interface between escrow $242 $242 $250 company and City for loan closing. 8. Prepare and maintain client files. $121 $121 $125 34 COST ' TASK 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 9. Prepare and maintain HOME funds, match reports and lending $61 $61 $63 summary. 10. Prepare summaries for IDIS $61 $61 $63 d raws. 11. Provide program outreach, including presentations to $61 $61 $63 lenders. 12. Provide office staffing, answer program questions, and handle $302 $302 $313 telephone and walk-in traffic. 13. Prepare periodic progress reports, attend meetings of City $181 $181 $192 Manager Is office. ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $2,117 $2,117 $2,200