CC - Item 4E - Request For Speed Limit On Muscatel Ave Bewteen Klingherman St And Fern AvenueTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD~CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWD, CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 7, 2002 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SPEED LIMITS ON MUSCATEL AVENUE BETWEEN KLINGERMAN STREET AND FERN AVENUE A resident of the subject site is requesting traffic controls on Muscatel Avenue between Klingerman Street and Fern Avenue due to concerns about speeding vehicles. Based on a field review of the site and its reported accident history, staff reported back to the Traffic Commission and recommended the installation of speed limit signs and the placement ofa radar trailer (Exhibit A). At the July l l °i meeting, the Traffic Commission unanimously approved and recommended for City Council adoption and action. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the staff recommendation as approved by the Traffic Commission on July 11, 2002. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A - Traffic Commission Staff report, dated June 25, 2002 Exhibit B - Traffic Commission Minutes, dated July 11, 2002 AUG 13 2002 Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: June 25, 2002 RE: Request for Speed Bumps on Muscatel Avenue between Klingerman Street and Fern Avenue REQUEST A letter (attached) requesting speed bumps on Muscatel Avenue from Mr. Scott Steadman, 2450 Muscatel Avenue, has been received. Mr. Steadman indicates especially during the afternoon hours, 4:00 to 6:00 PM, traffic from the Edison facility is driving faster than the speed limit of 25 mph on Muscatel Avenue. He is requesting the installation of speed bumps or stop signs on Muscatel Avenue to prevent this speeding. CONDITIONS Muscatel Avenue between Klingerman Street and Fern Avenue is a 36-foot wide north-south roadway. Single family residential homes front Muscatel Avenue. There is on-street parking allowed on both sides of the roadway except on Fridays between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM for street sweeping. There are no centerline stripes or speed limit signs on Muscatel Avenue. Muscatel Avenue intersects Klingerman Avenue to form a "T" intersection. Muscatel Avenue is stop controlled at this intersection. The intersection of Muscatel Avenue and Fern Avenue is stop controlled in all four directions of the intersection. Dubonnet Avenue intersects Muscatel Avenue to form a "T intersection. Dubonnet Avenue is stop controlled at this intersection. Exhibit 1 depicts the general conditions of Muscatel Avenue between Klingerman Street and Fern Avenue. DATA The reported accident history on Muscatel Avenue between Klingerman Street and Fern Avenue was reviewed for the period from January 1, 1999 through EXHIBIT A July 11, 2002 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Speed Bumps on Muscatel Avenue Between Klingerman Street and Fern Avenue Page 2 of 3 December 31, 2001. The review of the reported accident history revealed two reported accidents summarized below: Location and Description PCF' Day. Date & Time 1. 503 feet south of Fern Pedestrian Violation Friday, 3/16/01 & Westbound pedestrian was 5:30 PM struck by a northbound vehicle proceeding straight. 2. 100 feet north of Dubonnet None Stated Wed., 7/14/99 & Northbound vehicle making 11:00 PM an unsafe turn rearended a northbound parked vehicle. PCF' = Primary Collision Factor The estimated 24-hour traffic volume on Muscatel Avenue is approximately 2,500 vehicles per day. This is slightly higher than expected on a residential street because of the added affect of vehicles from the Edison facility. However, it is still within an acceptable range on a residential roadway. DISCUSSION Field observation of Muscatel Avenue between Klingerman Street and Fern Avenue was made during off peak hours. At that time, less than 5 vehicles were observed. The vehicle speeds observed during this period was estimated at 25 to 30 mph. On-street parking during this time was light to moderate throughout the block. , The favorable reported accident history indicates motorists appear to travel on Muscatel Avenue in sensible manner. The City's current policy is to deny the installation of speed humps on public streets. This is primarily due to the lack of approved standard designs for the speed humps. Other cities have installed speed humps on a "trial" or "study" basis and have determined, under their own legal advice, whether their city is taking on additional liability. Through numerous studies, traffic engineers have concluded that "stop" controls are not necessarily effective as a speed deterrent or useful as a means to displace unwanted. traffic volumes. These studies found that speeds resume within a few hundred feet of the actual "Stop" location and that compliance to unjustified "Stop" controls is poor. For these reasons, "Stop" controls for the sole purpose of controlling the speed and volume of traffic is not recommended at this time. July 11, 2002 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Speed Bumps on Muscatel Avenue Between Klingerman Street and Fern Avenue Page 3 of 3 For Muscatel Avenue, a stop control at Dubonnet Avenue is not recommended. This is due to the amount traffic on both Muscatel Avenue and Dubonnet Avenue. Motorists on Muscatel Avenue might begin to violate such a stop control because they feel it is unreasonable to stop when there is little or no cross traffic from Dubonnet Avenue. Most drivers are reasonable and prudent with no intention of maliciously violating traffic regulations; however, when an unreasonable restriction is imposed, it may result in flagrant violations. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that 25 mph signs be installed on Muscatel Avenue north of Klingerman Street (northbound) and south of Fern Avenue (southbound). Figure 1 depicts this recommendation. It is also recommended that the radar trailer be placed on Muscatel Avenue (northbound) during its next available assignment in the City. Attachments P:\06-160UI1\RSDQ002 Agendas 8 DocumentsUuly-Muscatel Speed Bumps.doc )O or pcf,ec "eA d") 5/o ~~,z ~KSS A w~i~ ~G1 IYuG(~ jl?u$ ~ ~7Ci.J 2 ~ee .l ~iNJ j~t7 u~ /t 3 y e,4r OLC( Ckjc1 ~n7 , Ctwe.e.J U J C4,,-.S dN'wNuScAjel Vav-k JI&'d W4s J{PVC.I~ a~ 11.Q '4U'vcie. .SLR 1 el haq a i~ rb ck.e,.~ ~2j={- 1( DvvS-R Ul(( Uvxr h,:s PAC Scr14p U J F,5 ^ GQN(~ Lel-~ Wr , Gd(so.,j 1S0 k;LNQ-V- ,1 3 9,1W,v. _13orn., T~ 1( q ra 4ke C, raw ~ ~ OF tel;So.j e< ti--Le .2..5 -A . +o fie ~J SA L.ec( 4o ~'allcJI'Aj 0 ✓\1 01VSCI)ez- Nam 1 icoi-4 S~<~~mn~.1 vS-o {~~s~w+te~ lAU~ ~~sc~e~d ~t1770 26 ~ ~o- ! az y ~s y la rQ N o S Peed L, vn 1 F i NCJ O N gym. su~K tq + Ail m KL,`r~o•~r ,ri.~A ~~,(.U m~scwc~ wv¢ ~y~o lmv5c~leL IaV--e ?ose 171 1?/7 ; CO Fern Avenue Install: SPEED LIMIT 25 sign on R1-Stop Lp R1-Stop r R1-Stop J 10, '3 P,X 9L Z ~v Q T Q yv J / Install: SPEED LIMIT 25 sign on existing street light pole. Not to Scale Klingerman Street ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING JULY 11, 2002 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Vice- Chairman Quintanilla at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Vice-Chairman Quintanilla Commissioners Knapp, Ruiz & Matsdorf Absent: Commissioner Baffo Ex Officio: Administrative Assistant: Traffic Engineering Deputy: Sheriff's Department: CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Knapp Invocation: Vice-Chairman Quintanilla 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Jessica Wilkinson Joanne Itagaki Deputy Paine It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, to approve the minutes for June 6, 2002. Vote Results: YES: NOES: ABSTAIN ABSENT: 07-11-02/sb Commissioner Knapp, Baffo & Ruiz None Commissioner Quintanilla Commissioner Baffo EXHIBIT "B" II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - NONE Speaking before the Commission was: Jim Flano 8655 Landisview Lane Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Flano stated that he would like to see the [traffic signal] light fixed at San Gabriel Boulevard and Walnut Grove so that Landisview and Walnut Grove is green and doesn't cause [traffic] problems. Mr. Flano also stated that the proposed expansion of Rush Street over Whittier Narrows should be pushed as part of the new development at Walnut Grove and Rush. III. OLD BUSINESS - NONE IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR LOADINGIUNLOADING ZONE IN FRONT OF 4405 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: Based on field observations and favorable reported accident history, the installation of a 30-foot passenger loading/ unloading zone is recommended immediately south of the northerly driveway of 4405 Rosemead Boulevard. The loading/ unloading zone shall be identified with white curb and one sign reading "Loading Zone 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 to 3:00 p.m. Monday - Friday" (green on white). Should the Traffic Commission approve this recommendation, this request will be forwarded to Caltrans for their approval. The approval by Caltrans is necessary because Rosemead Boulevard is under their jurisdiction. After Caltrans approval is received, this item will be forwarded to City Council. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Matsdorf, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation 07-11-02/sb B. REQUEST FOR SPEED BUMPS ON MUSCATEL AVENUE BETWEEN KLINGERMAN STREET AND FERN AVENUE Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: It was recommended that 25 mph signs be installed on Muscatel Avenue north of Klingerman Street (northbound) and south of Fern Avenue (southbound). It was also recommended that the radar trailer be placed on Muscatel Avenue (northbound) during its next available assignment in the City. It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki updated the Commission on the Janson School issue. She attended a meeting at the district office, at which time they decided to allow pick-up-and drop-off of pre-school daycare children through the new parking lot, and they've also allowed teachers to park there. This will be considered phase I, and the neighbors seem to be happy with this decision. In addition, the school will continue to allow pick-up and drop-off all around Janson, in order to reduce traffic. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp stated that she has received request from residents in the area of Ramona Boulevard and Ivar Avenue, to look into a stop sign on Ramona/ Ivar. Commissioner Knapp thanked everyone for all their help with the Parade, and encouraged everyone to watch it on cable (Charter Communications). Vice-Chairman Quintanilla stated that the sensor at Valley and Mission/ Rio Hondo needs to be looked at. Vice-Chairman Quintanilla thanked Commissioner Knapp for all her hard work on the Parade. 07-11-02/sb VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS - Con 't Commissioner Knapp requested that the August meeting be moved from August P1 to August 81h. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Matsdorf, and carried unanimously to move the August meeting to August 8th VII. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Knapp asked that the meeting be adjourned in memory of Commissioner Baffo's mother, who passed away this past weekend. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m., with 13 people in the audience. 07-1]-02/sb CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA CONTRACT CITIES 22"n ANNUAL FALL SEMINAR, SEPTEMBER 27-29,2002, DANA POINT "'tt~-E REQUEST FOR SPEED LIMIT SIGNS ON MUSCATEL AVENUE BETWEEN KLINGERMAN STREET AND FERN AVENUE CC-F AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY FROM KASRH2ARAT PORNSAWAN MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council approve the aforementioned items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None t1e Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-B CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD FOR CONVEYANCE OF COUNTY- OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN CIVIC CENTER PLAZA AND ADJACENT TO CITY HALL Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked how the City is going to acquire that piece of property? Mayor Bruesch replied that through negotiations, the County has agreed to quitclaim the property to the City at no cost. Mr. Nunez stated that the County should not be giving property away. Mayor Bruesch stated that since City Hall was built in 1968, it was assumed that that piece of property belonged to the City and was utilized as such. Mr. Bruesch continued that recent surveys taken in preparation for City Hall expansion revealed that the property belonged to L.A. County. Through negotiations with the County, the County agreed to transfer the County-owned property to the City. Bill Crowe, City Manager, explained that the County originally appraised the property at $203,000, at which time the City requested that we negotiate the value with them. Subsequently, the Board of Supervisors approved conveying the property to the City at no cost. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ that the Council approve the conveyance agreement with the County of Los Angeles that provides for the transfer of County-owned property to the City and the continued joint use and maintenance of civic center facilities. Vote resulted: CCAIIN:8-13-02 Page a5