CC - Item VA - Consideration Of Request From Family Counseling Services Of The West San Gabriel Valley For Funding Of The Violence Prevention Program In An Mount Not To Exceed $8000TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEM ,E~AD~CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRQ~Oi1 , CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 19, 2002 RE: CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM FAMILY COUNSELING SERVICES OF THE WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY FOR FUNDING OF THE VIOLENCE PREVENTION PROGRAM IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $8000 ' Attached for your consideration is a request for funding in the amount of $8,000 from Family Counseling Services. The $8,000 will be used to fund and preserve this valuable and cost effective violence prevention program, which provides anti- gang/violence workshops, professional parenting services, and individual counseling for children and families held at elementary and intermediate schools that serve Rosemead residents. Currently CDBG funding is being used for this program. This funding requires adherence to federal income verification procedures from parents of participating children. So far, Family Counseling Services has received less than a third of the forms, which does not meet compliance requirements. Consequently, they are requesting that the City provide $8,000 in funding through General Funds for the operation of the Rosemead Violence Prevention Program. It is staffs position that Family Counseling Services has made a good faith effort to satisfy these rigid HUD-imposed verification procedures. We will continue our efforts to persuade HUD to accept a more reasonable verification process. If we are successful, Family Counseling has agreed to reimburse the requested $8,000 to the city. RECOMMENDATION If the City Council is in favor of the request, it would be appropriate to authorize the expenditure of $8,000 from appropriated reserves. ccstaffmolencepreventionprog ram I COUNCIL HGEP-MA AUG z 7 2002 ITEM No. A A 64- SERVING Alhambra Baldwin Park BassettfLa Puente El Monte South El Monte Montebello Monterey Park Rosemead San Gabriel South San Gabriel Temple City BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sterling Louviers, Chairman Bruce Ray, Vice-Chairman Francis Marindale, Treasurer Carol Numrich, Secretary Barbara Messina. Public Affairs Officer Mary Cammarano Peter Chan Our goal is to provide these students with the anti-violence information by the start of Bill Crowe the new school year. This is why we are requesting assistance in the amount of Marten Garcia $8,000.00, so we can provide these services without requiring income verifications. David Gutierrez Teri Muse Thank you for taking this matter into consideration. If you have an} questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact us at (626) 285-2139. INTERIM EXECUTIVE OFFICER Freddy L. Martin, DBC CLINICAL DIRECTORS Colleen Whyte, Ph.D. Mark Rosenblatt, Psy.D. Anna Aithal, Psy.D. 10 wraiwy MsriaPgaq August 14, 2002 r ~o I'1 City of Rosemead 8868 E. Vallev Blvd Rosemead. CA 91770 RE: Violence Prevention Program To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of Family Counseling Services of WSGV, we are writing in regards our Violence Prevention Program. This new project gives us a great opportunity to provide anti-gang/violence workshops and to address the issues of anger. Another wonderful component of this program is to provide professional parenting services, workshops, and individual counseling for children and families in the Rosemead Elementarv and Intermediate Schools. However, in order to provide any services to students during school hours, our contract stipulates that we must obtain income verification from the parents of these children. In the past, we have tried to acquire this type of documentation and had limited responses from the parents. We received about a third of the forms. Sincerelv, Alejandra Vega Program Director Fre Martin, D C Interim Executive Director 314 E. Mission Road, San Gabriel, CA 91776'(626) 285-2139 Fax (626) 285-2180 III. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-38 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS The following Resolution was presented to the Council for adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-38 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $522,836.75 NUMBERED 38764 THROUGH 38864 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-38. Vote resulted: Yes: Vasquez, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. W. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-A CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AND THE GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGARDING THE JESS GONZALEZ SPORTS COMPLEX MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council approve the agreement and direct the City Clerk to obtain the necessary signatures. Vote - resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM FAMILY COUNSELING.SERVICES OF sw~ THE WEST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY FOR FUNDING OF THE VIOLENCE PREVENTION PROGRAM IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $8,000 CCnMB-27-02 Page a4 Councilman Taylor stated that he is concerned that Family Counseling Services, as stated in the staff report, has received less than a third of the required forms back from the participants. Mayor Bruesch explained that the Family Services contract is operated on a referral basis. A family is referred and either returns the form or not. Mayor Bruesch continued that HUD changed their forms and now require that one-quarter of those forms.from the parents be verified through W-2 forms or paycheck stubs. Family Counseling is trying to continue their service to the classrooms without going through the data collection requirement from HUD. Councilman Imperial asked who will be monitoring this program. Mayor Bruesch replied that it will be monitored by the Family Counseling monitor and status reports will be provided to Council. Councilman Taylor requested that this program be monitored also because even though the parents are not responding, this program will be implemented regardless. . Mayor Bruesch stated that the forms are sent home with the 6 s graders, and the forms are returned back to school. However, they are not filled out completely. The parents refuse to list their income range. rK -Mr:-Bruesch continued that the parents will still be required to bring in proof of income. HUD requires W- 2 or income tax forms. Mr. Bruesch stated that translates to about 200 kids that will have to bring in those forms and that it is unconscionable to ask the school staff, kids and parents to do that. The schools do not have enough staff to handle that type of data collection and without the requested funding, the program will end in I 1 of the 13 schools in Rosemead. MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER CLARK that the Council authorize the expenditure of $8,000 from appropriated reserves and that the program be closely monitored with status reports provided regularly. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None he Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR $2500 TO FUND PUBLICITY AND ADVERTISING FOR THE 75Tn DIAMOND JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY Mary Jo Maxwell, Rosemead Chamber of Commerce, explained that people outside of Rosemead should also receive information about the Jubilee through advertising in the San Gabriel Valley Newsgroup, which covers four cities. . MAIMS-27-02 Page N5