CC - Agenda 06-25-02AGENDA REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA NNE 25, 2002, AT 8:00 P.M. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: 8:00 P.M. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: COUNCILMAN TAYLOR ` INVOCATION: REVEREND STUART YORK OF THE ROSE AD j CHRISTIAN CHURCH . ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: COUNCILMEMBERS CLARK, IMPERIAL, TAYLOR, MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ, MAYOR BRUESC APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JUNE 11, 2002 - REGULAR ME rl~ OF INTEREST TO CITIZENS WISHING TO PARTICIPATE 1) Those wishing to speak on any Agenda Item, including public hearing, should have their Speaker Request Form submitted no later than the time immediately following Oral Communications. 2) Immediately after approval of the minutes and again at the end of the meeting, there is a period of time set Aside for those persons wishing to address the Council on matters not listed on the Agenda entitle: ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE (please complete the Speaker Request Form stating your preference to speak either at the beginning or at the end of the meeting). PRESENTATIONS: I. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE H. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE M. LEGISLATIVE l '5--0 A. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-25 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS / Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2002-25, for payment of City e penditures. B. 'RRRESOLUTION NO. 2002-26 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF GRANT FUNDING REQUEST UNDER LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTPROGRAM This Resolution authorizes submittal in the amount of $94,317, and approves matching funds of $10,480, from unappropriated reserves. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2002-26. CCAGENDA:6-25-02 Page #I jLC. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-28 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING AN APPROPRIATIONS LINIITATION FOR THE 2002-2003 FISCAL YEAR AND ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR 2002-2003, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE AMOUNTS BUDGETED Consideration of Resolution No. 2002-28, adopting Appropriations Limits, the 2002-2003 Annual Budget, and making the appropriation for amounts budgeted. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2002-28 approving the 2002-2003 Appropriation Limit according to Article XIII-B (Gann Initiative) of the Constitution of the State of California, and approving the 2002-2003 Annual Budget, and making the appropriation for amounts budgeted. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR - RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL (CC-A AZ ROVAL OF PARTNERSHIP WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY f MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FOR USE OF HOME FUNDS In compliance with U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines, the City wishes to partner with the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission for use of Rosemead entitlement funds. Recommendation: Approve partnership with the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission; authorize the City Attorney to finalize the Agreement; and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all agreements. ~C-B AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AND THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO PROVIDE A GANG ALTERNATIVE PREVENTION PROGRAM (GAPP) This Agreement extends the Gang Alternative Prevention Program for Fiscal Year 2002-03. Recommendation: Authorize the extension of the GAPP Agreement with the County of Los Angeles for Fiscal Year 2002-03. CC-C AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL MAYORS AND COUNCILMEMBERS EXECUTIVE FORUM, JULY 24-26, 2002 - MONTEREY This year's topics include Homeland Security, Special Districts, Sales Tax Redistribution, Small Businesses, Water Quality, and the California Film Industry and Local Government. Recommendation: Authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, City Attorney, City Manager and staff designee. -I V CC-D 001-02 BUDGET AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER $420,845, FROM / UNAPPROPRIATED RESERVE TO ORGANIZATIONS 4100, 4110, 4130, 4180, 4200, 4310, 4330, 4630, 4640, 4650, 4720, 4830, AND 4840 A review of this year's budget indicates that some departmental accounts have exceeded their budgeted amounts. Although the total expenditures for the City are under budget, the City auditors are requesting that the City Council take minute action to approve budget transfers from unappropriated reserves to each department. CCAGENDA:6-25-02 Page #2 Recommendation: Authorize a transfer of $420,845 from unappropriated reserves to cover additional costs incurred during the current fiscal year 2001-02 for organizations 4100, 4110, 4130, 4180, 4200, 4310, 4330, 4630, 46140, 4650; 4720, 4830, and 4840. CC-E ANNUAL ADOPTION OF CITY'S INVESTMENT POLICY The City's Auditor, McGladrey & Pullen, LLP, requires the City Council to approve on an annual basis, the City's Investment Policy. Recommendation: Approve the City's Investment Policy. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION VI. STATUS REPORTS ~ A"•~"~ VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS IAI( VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE IX. ADJOURNMENT ~ ~6' KD THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR JULY 9, 2002, AT 8:00 P.M. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; and other locations pursuant to RMC Sec. 1.08.020. CCAGEND&6.2M2 page #3