CC - V - Request For Appointment Of Delegate For Metropolitan Transporation Authority's San gabriel Services Sector CouncilMAYOR: ROBERT' N. BRUESCH MAYOR PRO TEM: JOEVASOUE'_ COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK JAYT IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626)_307-9218 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM DATE: RE: CITY COUNTCILMEMB MAYOR BRUESC e OCTOBER 21, 2002 REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT OF DELEGATE FOR METROPOLITAN TRANSPORATION AUTHORITY' S SALT GABRIEL SERVICE SECTOR COUNCIL At tomorrow night's meeting; under Council agenda section VII. Matters From Officials I will request that the City Council consider taking an emergency action to appoint me as the City's, delegate to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's San Gabriel Service Sector Council. Attached is a copy of correspondence from the San Gabriel Valley Council of Goverment (SGVCOG) to the MTA's Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Roger Snoble, submitting the names of the current seven city delegates from SGVCOG cities (who are already serving on the Interim Joint Powers Authority (LTPA)) for appointment to the San Gabriel Service Sector Council. The remaining seven delegates not currently represented on the IJPA need to be appointed as soon as feasible. In as much as the MTA Board will be considering approval of San Gabriel Service Sector Council appointments at their upcoming meeting this Thursday, I am requesting that the Council consider an emergency action to make the City's appointment, in order that our delegate will be formally seated on Thursday. The expansion of the appointees is necessary so that member cities that were not part of the original LTPA will be able to have a voice in determining transit policies which affect Rosemead commuters. Oct-18-02 11:48 P.01 October 1 S. 20021 Mr. Roger Snoble 1. Chief Executive Officer M TA u,:One Gatewav Plaza Los .Angeles, CA 90017 Dear Mr. Snoble: In response to-the September 24; 2002 MTA action approving the creation of Service Sectors Councils and their bylaws; the SGVCOG Governing Board met on October 17, 2002 and unanimously approved the following: • Submit the current seven city delegates on the Interim Joint Powers Authority (LlP:A) to the MTA for approval to serve on the San Gabriel Service Sector Council: San Gabriel: Harry Baldwin Pasadena: Sid T• ler South Pasadena: David Rose San Marino: Emile Bavle Sierra Madre: Bari Doyle Montebello: Kathv Salazar Monterev Park: Sharon Martinez • Request that the MTA Board increase the membership on the San Gabriel S;-rviee Sector Council to allow for representation from all three County. Board of Supervisors in San Gabriel Valley and four additional San Gabriel Valley cities currently not represented on the I)PA. It is important that all affected communities participate in the initial organization of the sector so that the full range of views and interests can be included in order to enhance the chances of success for the transit restructuring effort. The following will transmit their proposed delegate to MTA under separate cover after their next meeting. LA Board of"Supervisor Don 1Cnabe appointmeut LA Board of Supervisor Gloria Molina appointment LA Board of Supervisor Mike A-monovich appointment ..,,,r;. r,:~•:;:•,:,, City of El Monte appointment City of Rosemead appointment City of Alhambra appointment City of La Canada Flintridge appointment Oct-18-02 11:48 P.02 Mc Roca Snoble October 16. 2002 F'aee 2 The SGVCOG strongly urges the MTA Board to consider approvin_ the abot;e San Gabriel Valley Service Sector Council delegates since our cities have ~vorked together ail transportation issues of mutual interest Car over 10 years. 'Ke xre aware that the•Service Sector was implemented on July I and man.v service changes decisions will be coming before the Governance Council as they relate to the bus interface plan with the implementation of the Goldline. The SGVCOG believes that the LJPA delegates should be approved at the next PITA meeting. Should DATA not approve the above recommended additional seven Service Sector Governance Council representatives, then the above LIPA delegates will continue meeting to represent San Gabriel Valley's interest and return Within ISO days with a revised governance proposal. \47e look forward to a successful partnership with NITA on implementing the San Gabriel Vallev Service Sector. Please do not hesitate. to contact me or Nicholas T. Conway, Executive Director, should you have any questions or comments regarding this impo;?ant transportation matter. Sincerely;r/ Lara Larramendi Blakely i President c City of Rosemead City of Alhambra City of La Canada Flinuidee City or El Monte LA board of Supervisors