CC - Item 2A - Public Hearing And Adoption Of Urgency Ordinance 824 - Adoption Of Los Angeles county Building Laws By ReferencelJl ~ , TO: - HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD~-CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRONVE, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 22, 2002 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPTION OF URGENCY ORDINANCE 824 - ADOPTION OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY BUILDING LAWS BY REFERENCE Since incorporation, the City of Rosemead has adopted the Los Angeles County Codes by reference. These codes contain essential amendments and additions to the Uniform Codes or State Building Laws. Included in these amendments are the administrative portions of the laws as well as such important chapters for grading and substandard properties. The State of California now also adopts State Building Laws. In order for a city to make amendments to the State Building Laws, it must make specific findings based on local climatic, topographical, and/or geological conditions. As in past code adoptions, the City of Rosemead has used the Los Angeles County code adoption process to make those findings for its local amendments and has adopted the County Codes by reference. The County Codes were not approved by the County Board of Supervisors until September 24, 2002. Once again, the County adoption schedule did not allow sufficient time for the City to follow its standard procedure of first and second readings of the ordinance and a 30-day effective period. Therefore, in order for the City to both adopt the County Codes by reference and meet the November 1, 2002, effective date, the City must adopt its new codes by urgency. RECOMMENDATION Upon conclusion of the public hearing, it is recommended that the City Council adopt Urgency Ordinance 824, to be effective on October 31, 2002. COUNCIL AGENDA OCT 2 2 2002 ITEM No. URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 824 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 50022.2, THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE (TITLE 26 LOS ANGELES COUNTY BUILDING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (TITLE 27 LOS ANGELES COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE), THE CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (TITLE 28 LOS ANGELES COUNTY PLUMBING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (TITLE 29 LOS ANGELES COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE) AND ADOPTING LOCAL AMENDMENTS THERETO AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 15.04.010 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.04.010 California Building Code as amended by Los Angeles County Building Code adopted. (A) The 2001 California Building Code as amended by Title 26 Los Angeles County Building Code (adopted September 24, 2002, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors), together with their appendices, which regulate the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupancy, use, equipment, height, area, security, abatement, and maintenance of buildings or structures within the City, provide for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor, and c provide for penalties for violations thereto, are hereby adopted by reference, and conflicting ordinances are hereby repealed. (B) All of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of said codes, together with their appendices, one copy of which will be on file and accessible to the public for inspection at the City Clerk' s office, are hereby referred to, adopted and made part of this chapter as if fully set forth in this chapter with the exceptions, deletions, additions, and amendments thereto as set forth in this subchapter. 1 Section 2. Section 15.04.060 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.04.060 Violations - Penalties. Every person violating any provision of the 2001 California Building Code as amended by Title 26 Los Angeles County Building Code and appendices, adopted by reference by Section 15.04.010, or of any permit or license granted thereunder, or any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction thereof he or she shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The imposition of such penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue. Each day that a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense. Section 3 Section 15.08.010 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.08.010 California Electrical Code as amended by Los Angeles County Electrical Code adopted. (A) The 2001 California Electrical Code as amended by Title 27 Los Angeles County Electrical Code (adopted September 24, 2002, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors), which provides minimum requirements and standards for the protection ofthe public health, safety and welfare by regulating the installation or alteration of electrical wiring, equipment, materials, and workmanship in the City, provides for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor and provides penalties for violations thereof, with all changes and amendments thereto, is hereby adopted by reference, and all conflicting ordinances are hereby repealed. (B) All of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of said codes, together with their appendices, one copy of which will be on file and accessible to the public for inspection at the City Clerk' s office, are hereby referred to, adopted and made part of this chapter as if fully set forth in this chapter with the exceptions, deletions, additions, and amendments thereto as set forth in this subchapter. Section 4. Section 15.08.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as 2 follows: 15.08.040 Violations - Penalties Every person violating any provision of the 2001 California Electrical Code as amended by Title 27 Los Angeles County Electrical Code and appendices, adopted by reference by Section 15.08.010, or of any permit or license granted thereunder, or any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction thereof he or she shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The imposition of such penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue. Each day that a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense. Section 5. Section 15.12.010 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.12.010 California Plumbing Code as amended by Los Angeles County Plumbing Code adopted. (A) The 2001 California Plumbing Code as amended by Title 28 Los Angeles County Plumbing Code (adopted September 24, 2002, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors), which regulates and controls the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of heating, venting, cooling, refrigeration systems, or other miscellaneous heat-producing appliances in the City, provide for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor, and provides for penalties for violations thereof, with certain changes and amendments. thereto, are hereby adopted by reference, and conflicting ordinances are hereby repealed. (B) All of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of said codes, together with their appendices, one copy of which will be on file and accessible to the public for inspection at the City Clerk' s office, are hereby referred to, adopted and made part of this chapter as if fully set forth in this chapter with the exceptions, deletions, additions, and amendments thereto as set forth in this subchapter. Section 6. Section 15.12.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.12.040 Violations - Penalties Every person violating any provision of the 2001 California Plumbing Code as amended by Title 28 Los Angeles County Plumbing Code and appendices, adopted by reference by Section 15.12.010, or of any permit or license granted thereunder, or any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction thereof he or she shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The imposition of such penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue. Each day that a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense. Section 7 Section 15.16.010 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.16.610 California Mechanical Code as amended by Los Angeles County Mechanical Code adopted. (A) The 2001 California Mechanical Code as amended by Title 29 Los Angeles County Mechanical Code (adopted September 24, 2002, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors), which provide minimum requirements and standards for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare by regulating the installation or alteration of plumbing and drainage, materials, venting, wastes, traps, interceptors, water systems, sewers, gas piping, water heaters and other related products, and workmanship in the City, provides for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor and provides for penalties the violations thereof, with certain changes and amendments thereto, is hereby adopted by reference, and all conflicting ordinances are hereby repealed. (B) All of the regulations, provisions, conditions, and terms of said codes, together with their appendices, one copy of which will be on file and accessible to the public for inspection at the City Clerk, s office, are hereby referred to, adopted and made part of this chapter as if fully set forth in this chapter with the exceptions, deletions, additions, and amendments thereto as set forth in this subchapter. Section S. Section 15.16,040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 4 15.16.040 Violations - Penalties Every person violating any provision of the 2001 California Mechanical Code as amended by Title 29 Los Angeles County Mechanical Code and appendices, adopted by reference by Section 15.16.010, or of any permit or license granted thereunder, or any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Upon conviction thereof he or she shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The imposition of such penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue. Each day that a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense. Section 9. The City Council hereby makes each finding of reasonable necessity for modifications as stated separately for each such modification as identified in Los Angeles County Titles 26, 27, 28 and 29. These modifications to the California Building Standards Code, incorporating the uniform codes are reasonably necessary due to the local climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and the high potential for seismic activity, which make structures particularly vulnerable to rapidly spreading fires and structural damage. Section 10. Severability. Should any section, subsection, clause, or provision of this Ordinance for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; it being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, approved, and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 11. This Ordinance shall take effect on October 31, 2002, and shall apply to all projects submitted for plan check on or after that date. Section 12 This Ordinance has been determined to be exempt from the California Environmental 5 Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines 15061(b)(3) as a project that has no potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Section 13. The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be processed according to law. Section 14. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the California Building Standards Commission. Section 15. Urgency Findings. State Law requires localities to adopt the 2001 California Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Codes and any amendments thereto, by October 31, 2002. It is essential that the City adopt the above stated Codes and modifications necessitated by local topographical, geological, and climatic conditions by that date. In the absence of legislation effective by that date, technical codes adequate to meet the City's special circumstances will not be in effect by that date and hazards will be posed which would immediately threaten the public health and safety. Accordingly, this ordinance shall be an Urgency Ordinance and shall take effect immediately and become operative October 31, 2002. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 22nd day of October 2002. MAYOR ATTEST: NANCY VALDERRAMA - CITY CLERK 6 ANALYSIS This ordinance repeals those provisions of Title 27 - Electrical Code of the Los Angeles County Code, which had incorporated portions of the1998 Edition of the California Building Standards Code by reference, and replaces them with provisions incorporating portions of the 2001 Edition of the California Building Standards Code, published by the California Building Standards Commission, by reference, with certain changes and modifications. Unless deleted or modified herein, the previously enacted provisions of Title 27 continue in effect. State law requires that the County's Electrical Code contain the same requirements as are contained in the building standards published in the California Building Standards Code. State law allows the County to change or modify these requirements only if it determines that such changes or modifications are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geologic or topographic conditions. The changes and modifications to requirements contained in the building standards published in the 2001 California Building Standards Code, which are contained in this ordinance, are based upon express findings, contained in the ordinance, that such changes are reasonably necessary due to local climatic, geologic, or topographic conditions. LLOYD W. PELLMAN County Counsel By MARK YANAI Principal Deputy County Counsel 07/09/02 (Requested) 08/20102 (Revised) HOA138969.4 ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Title 27 - Electrical Code of the Los Angeles County Code by adopting portions of the California Electrical Code, 2001 Edition, and other building standards published in the 2001 Edition of the California Building Standards Code, by reference, with certain changes and modifications, and making other revisions thereto. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles ordains as follows: SECTION 1. Article 85, Article 90, Chapters 1 through 9, and Appendices A, B and C of Title 27 of the Los Angeles County Code are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Section 80-1.5 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 80-1.5. California Electrical Code (CEC) Adoption by Reference Except as hereinafter providedchanged or modified, Section 089-7 of Article 089, Article 90, Chapters 1 through 9, and Appendices A, B. af4dC. D, and E of that certain eElectrical code known and designated as the "California Electrical Code, 4-5982001 Edition" as published by the California Building Standards Commission and as am9Rded by the State DepaFtFneRt of Housing and GGFnFnUR;ty Development (HGD)j the are adopted by reference and incorporated heFei . b r°f°r°^=°into this Title 27 of the Los Angeles County Code as if fully set forth below, aRd shall be as Section 089-7 of Article 89, Article 90, Chapters 1 through 9, and Appendices A, B, C, D and E of Title 27 of the Los Angeles County Code. HOA138969.4 A copy of said GAWGFRia F-'--` r the California Electrical Code, hereinafter referred to as the CEC including the above-designated Appendices or portions thereof, and shall be at all times maintained by the €..-__t:. ^ff_ - Chief Electrical Inspector for use and examination by the public. SECTION 3. Section 80-3 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 80-3. Scope The provisions of this Code shall apply to the construction, alteration, moving, repair and use of any electrical wiring on any premises within the unincorporated area of the County of Los Angeles and to such work or use by the County of Los Angeles within any incorporated city not exercising jurisdiction over such work or use. The provisions of this Code shall not apply to public utilities; or to electrical wiring for street lighting or traffic signals located primarily in a public way; or to mechanical equipment not specifically regulated in this Code. Where in any specific case different sections of this Code specify different materials methods of construction or other requirements the most restrictive shall govern Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement the specific requirement shall be applicable HOA138969.4 Except as hereinafter changed or modified, the building standards contained in the National Electrical Code of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc., which are published in the California Building Standards Code, are applicable to all occupancy groups and uses throughout the County of Los Angeles Amendments to the building standards contained in the National Electrical Code, by state agencies. are applicable only to those occupancies or uses which the state agency making the amendment is authorized to regulate. SECTION 4. Section 80-4 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 80-4. Chief Electrical Inspector The office of Chief Electrical Inspector exists in the Building and Safety!LaRd Develeprnent Division of the Department of Public Works. The Chief Electrical Inspector shall administer the provisions of this Code under the peFi .teade^se supervision and control of the Director of Public Works, acting as the County Engineer, and shall be a competent electrical engineer of good moral character, well versed in approved methods of electrical construction for safety to life and property, the statutes of the State of California relating to electrical work, the ordinances of the County of Los Angeles relative thereto, and the California Electrical Code as amended from time to time. 3 HOA138969.4 SECTION 5. Section 80-5 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 80-5. Use of Terms Whenever the term "Chief Electrical Inspector" is used in any section of this Code other than Section 80-4, such term shall be construed,to mean the "Director of the Department of Public Works," acting as the County Engineer of the County of Los Angeles, or his an authorized representative. SECTION 6. Section 80-8 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 80-8. Validity If anv section, subsection, sentence clause or phrase of this ordinance is. for any reason held to be invalid such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared invalid. 4 HOA138969.4 SECTION 7. Section 81-2 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 81-2. Plans and Permits The Chief Electrical Inspector may require the submission of plans and specifications, drawings, descriptions, and diagrams as, in histhe judgment appropriate; of the Chief Electrical Inspector, is necessary to show clearly the character, kind and extent of electrical work covered by an application for a permit. When the Chief Electrical Inspector is satisfied that the plans submitted comply with the provisions of the Code and that the required fees have been paid, then the applicant shall be issued the appropriate permit. Approval of a plan and/or the issuance of a permit shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation,of the provisions of this Code or of other laws. Plans or permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code or of other laws are not valid, rt fa the wc)Fk theFe'n th zed is to .d ~ See Article 82 for requirements regarding plans, permits and fees. SECTION 8. Section 81-3 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 81-3. Fees The Chief Electrical Inspector shall collect such fees as are required by this Code and issue receipts therefor, copies of which shall be maintained as a record in h+sthe office of the Chief Electrical Inspector. t=teThe Chief Electrical Inspector shall transfer all fees collected bye to the proper authority provided by law to receive such funds. 5 HOA138969.4 SECTION 9. Section 81-5 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 81-5. Certificates of Approval The Chief Electrical Inspector shall issue upon request a Certificate of Approval for any approved work approved by him. SECTION 10. Section 81-9 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 81-9. Records and Retention of Plans The Chief Electrical Inspector shall keep records of all the essential transactions of #isthe office of the Chief Electrical Inspector. One set of approved plans shall be retained by the Building 911+sial Chief Electrical Inspector for a period of not less than 90 days from date of completion of the work covered therein. SECTION 11. Section 81-10 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 81-10. Right of Entry (a) Whenever it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of or perform any duty imposed by this Code or other applicable law, or whenever the Chief Electrical Inspector or an authorized representative has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in any building or upon any premises any condition which makes such building or premises hazardous, unsafe or dangerous for any 6 HOA138969.4 reasons specified in this code or other similar law, the Chief Electrical Inspector or his an authorized representative hereby is authorized to enter such property at any reasonable time and to inspect the same and perform any duty imposed upon the Chief Electrical Inspector by this Code or other applicable law; provided that; (1) if such property taeis occupied, hethe Chief Electrical Inspector shall first present proper credentials to the occupant and request entry explaining 4+sthe reasons therefor; and (2) if such property tae is unoccupied, teethe Chief Electrical Inspector shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the property and request entry, explaining taisthe reasons therefor. If such entry cannot be obtained because the owner or other person having charge or control of the property cannot be found after due diligence, or if entry is refused, the Chief Electrical Inspector or his an authorized representative shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure lawful entry and inspect the property. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Chief Electrical Inspector or h san authorized representative has reasonable cause to believe that the building or premises is so hazardous, unsafe or dangerous as to require immediate inspection to safeguard the public health or safety, taethe Chief Electrical Inspector shall have the right to immediately enter and inspect such property, and may use any reasonable means required to effect such entry and make such inspection, whether such property beis 7 HOA138969.4 occupied or unoccupied and whether or not permission to inspect has been obtained. If the property beis occupied, hethe Chief Electrical Inspector shall first present credentials to the occupant and demand entry, explaining h+sthe reasons therefor and the purpose of histhe inspection. (c) . "Authorized representative" shall include the officers named in Section 80-5 of this Code and their authorized inspection personnel. (d) No person shall fail or refuse, after proper demand has been made upon himsuch person as provided in this subsection, to promptly permit the Chief Electrical Inspector or h+san authorized representative to make any inspection provided for by Subdivision (b) of this subsection. Any person violating this subdivision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 12. Section 81-13 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 81-13. Stop Orders Whenever any work regulated by this Code is being done contrary to the provisions thereof, or other pertinent laws or ordinances, the Chief Electrical Inspector may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on any persons engaged in doing or causing such work to be done-, Aand any such persons shall forthwith stop such work until authorized by the Chief Electrical Inspector to proceed with the work. 8 HOA138969.4 SECTION 13. Section 82-1 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 82-1. Permits Required Cede, a person, whether acting as principal, servant, agent or employee, shall not do or cause or permit to be done any electrical work regulated by this Code without first securing a permit from the Chief Electrical Inspector authorizing hire se to desuch work. SECTION 14. Section 82-2 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 82-2. Time Limit Every permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days or more. Before such work can be commenced or recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained- and the fee therefor shall be one- half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work: and provided further, that the new permit is obtained no later than one year from the date of the expired permit or the duration of suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year. 9 HOA138969.4 Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of time within which work may commence under that permit. The Chief Electrical Inspector may extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request and payment of a fee equal to 25 percent of the original permit fee No permit shall be extended more than twice. In order to renew a permit after expiration, except as provided for above, the permittee shall pay a new full permit fee. SECTION 15. Section 82-3 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 82-3. Work Requiring a Permit No person shall install, alter, reconstruct or repair any electrical wiring, devices, appliances, apparatus, or equipment, within or on any building, structure or premises without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Chief Electrical Inspector, except as follows: (a) Minor repair work, such as the replacement of lamps, switches, receptacle devices, sockets, taping bare joints and the like, or the connection of portable motor and appliances to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed. (b) The wiring for temporary theater, motion picture or television stage sets. (c) The repair or replacement of fixed motors, transformers, apparatus, or appliances of the same type and rating in the same location. 10 HOA138969.4 (d) Electrical wiring, devices, appliances, apparatus, or equipment operating at less than 25 volts and not capable of supplying more than 50 watts of energy. (e) Low-energy power, control, and signal circuits that are not an integral part of an appliance and in which the power is limited from a source having a rated output of not more than 30 volts and 1,000 volt-amperes. (f) Temporary Christmas decorative lighting. (g) The installation of temporary wiring for testing or experimental purposes within suitable facilities. (h) Replacement of over-current devices of the same type and the same rating. (i) Portable generators, motors, appliances, tools, power outlets, and other portable equipment connected by means of a cord or cable having an attachment plug. I f tibl P id " that. d FGgF j prov aFRS e , i. The relays shall be tooter! .a Rd labeled by I Rder Fiters' I "harater' sIRG- 11 HOA138969.4 nStall-.V'r. of the relays; rl rti , rn request of and by the (`n nfa, o de Signated relay 'n Malla4'nnc # , (k) (l) Private telephone, intercom, sound and communication systems; provided, however, that a permit shall be obtained for the power supplies required by the above systems. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all electrical wiring and equipment shall comply with Section 83-2 of this Code. SECTION 16. Subsection (f) is hereby added to read as follows: Section 824. Application for Electrical Permits the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180 days beyond the 12 HOA138969.4 destroyed by the Chief Electrical Inspector. The Chief Electrical Inspector may extend initial one-year limit upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken and upon the payment of an extension fee equal to 25 percent of the plan check fee. No permit application shall be extended more than once. Once an application and any extension thereof have expired, the applicant shall resubmit plans and specifications and pay a new plan checking or review fee. SECTION 17. Section 82-6 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 82-6. Electrical Permits The application, plans and specifications filed as required, shall be checked by the Chief Electrical Inspector, and if found to be in conformity with the requirements of this Code and all other laws or ordinances applicable thereto, the Chief Electrical Inspector shall, upon receipt of the required fee, issue a permit therefor. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for. or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this Code or of any other laws or ordinances. No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code or any other laws or ordinances shall be valid. The issuance of a permit based on plans and specifications shall not prevent the Chief Electrical Inspector from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifications or from preventing construction being carried on thereunder when in violation of this Code or of any other laws and ordinances. 13 HOA138969.4 SECTION 18. Section 8278 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 82-8. Fees Except as otherwise provided herein, at the time of filing an application therefor, a fee shall be paid to the Chief Electrical Inspector as set forth in this Section. (a) Electrical Permit Fees. PERMITS. 1. 1 For issuing permits, each $ 20 9921.20 SYSTEM FEE SCHEDULE. (Note: The following do not include permit issuing fee.) New Residential Buildings: The following fees shall include all wiring and electrical equipment in or on each building, or other electrical equipment on the same premises constructed at the same time. For new multifamily residential buildings (apartments and $ .07 condominiums) having three (3) or more living units not including garages, carports, and other noncommercial automobile storage areas constructed at the same time, per square foot 14 HOA138969.4 For garages, carports, and other accessory buildings, used in conjunction with multifamily residential buildings use BRANCH CIRCUIT FEE OR UNIT FEE SCHEDULE. 3. For new single or two-family residential buildings not including $ .069 garages, carports and other minor accessory buildings constructed at the same time, per square foot For garages, carports and other minor accessory buildings constructed at the same time as single or two-family residential buildings, a fee will not be required. For other types of residential occupancies and alterations, additions and modifications to existing residential buildings, use BRANCH CIRCUIT FEE OR UNIT FEE SCHEDULE 4. Private Swimming Pools: For new private, residential, inground swimming pools for single $58 or multifamily occupancies, including a complete system of necessary branch circuit wiring, bonding, grounding, underwater lighting, water pumping and other similar electrical equipment directly related to the operation of a swimming pool, each For other types of swimming pools, therapeutic whirlpools, spas, $39.1041.50 hot tubs and alterations to existing swimming pools, each 5. Carnivals and Circuses: Carnivals, circuses or other traveling shows or exhibitions utilizing transportable-type rides, booths, displays and attractions: For electric generators and electrically driven rides, each $278 29.50 For mechanically driven rides and walk-through attractions or $11 X812.40 displays having electric lighting, each For a system of area and booth lighting, each $11 7 12.40 15 HOA138969.4 For permanently installed rides, booths, displays and attractions, use UNIT FEE SCHEDULE. 6. Temporary Power Service: For a temporary service power pole or pedestal, including all pole or $31.3933.20 pedestal mounted receptacle outlets and appurtenances, each For a temporary distribution system and temporary lighting and $155916.40 receptacle outlets for construction sites, decorative lighting, Christmas tree sales lots, firework stands, sales booths, additional pole, etc., each BRANCH CIRCUIT AND UNIT FEE SCHEDULES. (Note: 1. The following do not include permit issuing fees; 2. Where appropriate either fee schedule may be used.) 7. Branch Circuit Fees (Alternate to Unit Fees): Branch circuit fees apply to new branch circuit wiring and the lighting fixtures, switches and receptacles which are supplied by these branch circuits, including their outlets For 15 or 20 ampere 120 volt lighting or general use receptacles: First 10 branch circuits, each $12...5 13.30 Each additional branch circuit from 11 to 40 inclusive $48 3910.90 Each additional branch circuit over 40 $ 9-299.80 For 15 or 20 ampere 208 volt to 277 volt lighting, each $49.6920.80 ! 16 HOA138969.4 Exception: An individual multiwire branch circuit supplying one appliance may be counted as one circuit. Unit Fees (Alternate to Branch Circuit Fees): 8. Receptacle, Switch, Lighting, or Other: For receptacle, switch, lighting, or other outlets at which current is used or controlled, except services, feeders and meters: First 20, each $ 4391.60 Additional outlets, each $ 4--991.10 (Note: For multi-outlet assemblies, each five feet or fraction thereof may be considered as one outlet.) 9. Lighting Fixtures: For lighting fixtures, sockets, or other lamp-holding devices: First 20, each $ 4391 .60 Additional fixtures, each $ 4-091 .10 For pole or platform mounted lighting fixtures, each $ 4-701 .90 For theatrical-type lighting fixtures or assemblies, each _ $ 4-:791 .90 10. Residential Appliances of Three Horsepower or Less: 17 HOA138969.4 or fixed residential appliances or receptacle outlets for same, including $ 7-888.20 wall-mounted electric ovens, counter-mounted cooking tops; electric ranges, self-contained room, console, or through-wall air conditioners, space heaters, food-waste grinders, dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters, clothes dryers, or other motor-operated appliances, not exceeding three (3) horsepower (HP) in rating, each jNote: For other types of air conditioners and other motor-driven appliances having larger electrical ratings, see Power Apparatus.1 11. Other Appliances of Three Horsepower or Less: For any appliance installed in a nonresidential occupancy and not $ i!.1011.80 exceeding three (3) horsepower (HP), kilowatt (KW), or kilovolt- ampere (KVA) in rating, including medical and dental devices, food, beverage, and ice cream cabinets, illuminated showcases, drinking fountains, vending machines, laundry machines, or other similar types of equipment, each (Note: 1. As used in the above sentence, "nonresidential occupancy" includes but is not limited to hotels and motels, bet -yes apartments ^^c' GiRgle family 2. For other types of air conditioners and other motor-driven appliances having larger electrical ratings, see Power Apparatus.) 18 HOA138969.4 12. Power Apparatus: For motors,.generators, transformers, rectifiers, synchronous converters, capacitors, industrial heating, air conditioners and heat pumps, cooking or baking equipment, and other apparatus with a rating as follows: Rating in horsepower (HP), kilowatts (KW), kilovolt-amperes (KVA), or kilovolt- amperes-reactive (KVAR): Rating over 3 and not over 10, each $ 1 4.2915.10 Rating over 10 and not over 50, each $ X935.20 Rating over 50 and not over 100, each $ 62-9965.80 Rating over 100, each. $ 1 02.30108.60 (Note: 1. For equipment or appliances having more than one motor, transformer, heater, etc., the sum of the combined ratings may be used. 2. These fees include all switches, circuit breakers, contactors, thermostats, relays and other directly related control equipment.) 13. Busways: i For cable trays, trolley and plug-in type busways, each 100 feet or $ X019.90 fraction thereof (Note: An additional fee will be required for lighting fixtures, motors and other appliances that are connected to trolley and plug-in type busways. No fee is required for portable tools.) 19 HOA138969.4 14. Signs, Outline Lighting, and Marquees: For signs, outline lighting systems, or marquees supplied from one $ X029.50 branch circuit, each For additional branch circuits within the same sign, outline lighting $ 9-209.80 system, or marquee, each 15. Services, Switchboards, Switchboard Sections, Motor-Control Centers and Panelboards: For services, switchboards, switchboard sections, motor-control $278029.50 centers and panelboards of 600 volts or less and not over 399 amperes in rating, each For services, switchboards, switchboard sections, motor-control $ 54 X858.10 centers and panelboards of 600 volts or less and over 2 400 amperes to 1,000 amperes in rating, each For services, switchboards, switchboard sections, motor-control $11-6.80123.90 centers and panelboards over 600 volts or over 1,000 amperes in rating, each 16. Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits and Conductors: For electrical apparatus, conduits and conductors for which a permit is $46-8049.70 required but for which no fee is herein set forth. (Note: This fee is not applicable when a fee is paid for one or more services, outlets, fixtures, appliances, power apparatus, busways, signs or other equipment.) 20 HOA138969.4 Other Inspections: 17. For each extra inspection resulting from defective workmanship or $ 23 6025.10 materials, each 18. For inspection of electrical equipment for which no fee is herein set forth and for emergency inspections for the time consumed: For the first '/z hour, or fraction thereof 1 $ 292041.70 1 Or, for each hour, or fraction thereof $ X083.40 any single hazardous location area, as defined +a AFtisle 1001by $157 2 166.90 the provisions of Chapter 5 of the California Electrical Code, larger than 2,000 sq. ft. or an aggregate area consisting of smaller hazardous location areas totaling over 2,000 sq. ft., a surcharge in addition to any other applicable fees, each. 20. For investigation and review of test reports from local testing laboratories, or to comply with the requirements of Section 83-3, alternate material and methods: Reports for one (1) to ten (10) electrical items, apparatus, machine tools, appliances, or other electrical equipment $181.70192.60 For eleven (11) to twenty (20) items $3630385.40 For twenty-one (21) to fifty (50) items $545 00578.10 For more than fifty (50) items $695.50642.40 For high-voltage switchgears, transformers or substations, each $863 30385.40 21 HOM 38969.4 21. For investigation of alternate materials and methods performed by the Chief Electrical Inspector, as required by Section 83-3: For the initial filing fee $157.0 166.80 For each hour or fraction thereof, in excess of two $ 7-8.6083.40 (b) Plan Checking Fee. When required by the Chief Electrical Inspector. azplans are mane teshall be submitted for an of the ` GFk deGGFibed below enforcement of any provisions of this Code. The plan checking fees shall be paid when the plans are submitted for review. With respect to the work described below no wiring shall be installed, nor any other work for which a permit is required shall be done, until the plans have been approved. Only after the plans have been approved may the applicant apply for an electrical permit for such work. Dla ed feF the felle (4-) 698 vetts er less fall ng within the GGGpe Gf MiGle 517 Of the California RprtriGRI Co 22 HOA138969.4 i i er SeGtiGR 82 4(b) Gf this 9s An eles as ef 1 with the Gount te d superv SGF Feg g y . p s -re - C d l the Chief E!eGtFiGal uiFed b roved URIGS6 athepwise Fe t b a d ans ne e e, p y q pp e no e (7) 1 stallatiGR of lighting fixt The fee for each plan check pursuant tG subseGtiGR (b)(1) through (8) above shall be equal to seventy percent (70%) of the required permit fee as set forth in subsection (a) of this Section; provided, however, the minimum fee shall be $76083.40. 23 HOA138969.4 The fee for each plan check r aRt to ° bsept pp (b)~O of tenant improvement installations requiring review to verify compliance with the State's Electrical Energy Conservation requirements (Title 24) shall be $9-8810.40 for each 1000 square feet of tenant improvement; provided, however, the minimum fee shall be $29 3941.70. EXCEPTION: This fee shall not apply where a building plan check fee has been paid under Title 26. In addition to the aforementioned fees, the Chief Electrical Inspector may require additional charges at the rate of $83.40 per hour for plan GheGk review required by complexity of plans or revisions of approved plans or reports, or for services beyond the iRitialfirst and second plan check due to changes, omissions or errors on the part of the plan Ghesk applicant. Fees shall be $78.60 pe heur The payment of said fees shall not exempt any person from compliance with other provisions of this Code. When the Chief Electrical Inspector determines that an identical electrical design is evident in more than one building or structure in a single project, the plan checking fees for the design of the first building or structure will be as set forth above. Plan checking fees for other buildings and structures with identical electrical designs in the same project will be equal to 70 percent (70%) of the plan checking fee for the first building or structure. Such fees shall be paid at the time an application is made for such identical building or structure. D li s't'n shall be filer! d n plan nheGkiRg fee aid if the a al Rew ate of the first plan GheGk c bmittal 24 HOA138969.4 (c) Information Required On Plans. (1) Every plan required by Section 82-8(b) shall be a print or other type approved by the Electrical Section of the Building and Safety/l any' DevelGpmon+ Division. The information contained on the plans shall be drawn to scale in a professional manner, be clearly legible, and contain the information required in subsection (2) below. The l for the °le GtF;G_I wiring a bull +.nn shall be of a male Reasonable symbols satisfactory to the Division shall be used on all plans. (d) Maintenance Electrician Registration Fee. A fee shall be paid for each Certificate of Registration as Maintenance Electrician. Each registration shall expire on June 30, biennially, in even-numbered years, and each such certificate may be renewed on or before that date upon payment of the renewal fee. istration and Renewal Fee, each 25 $449154.30 HOA138969.4 (e) Investigation Fee for Work Without a Permit. Whenever any work has been commenced without a permit as required by the provisions of Section 82-3 of this Code, a special investigation shall be made prior to the issuance of the permit. An investigation fee shall be collected for each permit so investigated. The investigation fee shall be equal to and in addition to the permit fees specified in Section 82-8, but in no event shall the investigation fee be less than $2429257.00. EXCEPTION 1: The fee shall be $121.1 when the Chief Electrical Inspector has determined that the owner-builder of a one family or two family dwelling, accessory building or accessory structure had no knowledge that a permit was necessary and had not previously applied for a permit from the Building and Safety" a^d Devel^^^,Division of the County of Los Angeles. EXCEPTION 2: The foregoing provisions shall not apply to emergency work when it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Chief Electrical Inspector that such work was urgently necessary and that it was not practical to obtain a permit therefor before the commencement of the work. In all such cases, a permit must be obtained as soon as it is practical to do so, and if there be an unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit this exception shall not apply and the investigation fee shall be charged. 26 HOA138969.4 SECTION 19. Section 82-11 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 82-11. Refund In the event that any person shall have obtained a permit and no portion of the work or construction covered by such permit shall have been commenced and such permit shall have been canceled or expired without any work having been done as provided for in this Code, the permittee, upon presentation to the Chief Electrical' Inspector of a request therefor in writing, shall be entitled to a refund in an amount equal to 80 percent of the fee actually paid for such permit. The Chief Electrical Inspector will sat sfy him°°"shall be satisfied as to the right of such applicant to such refund, and each such refund shall be paid as provided by law for the payment of claims against the County. No refund shall be made when a permit has been obtained by falsification or misrepresentation and has been revoked for such cause. SECTION 20. Subsection (f) of Section 82-14 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 82-14. Inspection (f) Approval. Upon the completion of the electrical wiring in or on any building or structure of any nature, or tent, or premises, except as otherwise exempted in this Code, the person, firm or corporation installing the same shall notify the Chief Electrical Inspector, who shall inspect such installation, and if it is found by h-imthe 27 HOA138969.4 Chief Electrical Inspector to be fully in compliance with the provisions of this Code and all other laws and ordinances applicable thereto, teethe Chief Electrical Inspector shall issue, as provided for herein, the certificate of inspection or approval notice authorizing connection of the electrical service and the energizing of the installation. Approval as a result of an inspection shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of this Code or of other laws Inspections presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code or of other laws shall not be valid. SECTION 21. Section 83-2 of Title 27 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 83-2. Materials All electrical materials, devices, appliances and equipment shall be in conformity with the provision of this Code, shall comply with nationally recognized standards, and shall be certified by a recognized testing laboratory as acceptable to the Chief Electrical Inspector. 28 HOA138969.4 f * licable ;th the a t ' FGyqsqGRs of this GGd4- GGR GFFA p pp w 5 - SECTION 22. Section 84-1 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 84-1. Violations and Penalties &o,-- yAn v person ...hn 0o:;3te-; firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Code +sshall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code is committed, continued, or permitted, and upon conviction isof anv such violation, such person shall be punishable by a fine aet e ter ;g-$809of not more than $1000 or by imprisonment-ire-the GeuRty jail for a period not exseedi+4gmore than six months or by both such fine and imprisonment. The provisions of this section are in addition to and independent of any other sanctions penalties or costs which are or may otherwise be imposed for a violation of any of the provisions of this Code. 29 HOA138969.4 SECTION 23. Section 84-2 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 84-2. Noncompliance Fee If the Chief Electrical Inspector in the course of enforcing the provisions of this Code or any state law issues an order to a person and that person fails to comply with the order within 15 days following the due date for compliance stated in the order, including any extensions thereof, then the Chief Electrical Inspector shall have the authority to collect a noncompliance fee. The noncompliance fee shall not be imposed unless the order states that a failure to comply within 15 days after the compliance date specified in the order will result in the fee being imposed. No more than one such fee shall be collected for failure to comply with an order. The amount of the noncompliance fee shall be $67 5077.20 per building for Group R Division 3ARe and two family dwelling occupancies and $434.90154.40 per building for all other occupancies, and shall be in addition to the fees specified elsewhere in this Code. SECTION 24. Section 089-1 is hereby added to Article 89 to read as follows: Section 089-1. Application Section 089-7 describes the state agencies that adopt building standards, the specific scope of application of the agency responsible for enforcement, and the specific authority of each agency to adopt and enforce such building standards, unless otherwise stated. SECTION 25. Sections 089-2 through 089-6 of Article 89 are hereby 30 HOM 38969.4 reserved. SECTION 26. Section 690-19 is hereby added to read as follows: Section 690-19. DISCONNECTING MEANS FOR MULTIPLE ARRAYS Where more than one array is combined to form a single output rated more than 50 volts and/or 10 amperes, a disconnecting means rated for the output shall be installed immediately adjacent to the combiner box on the output side. EXCEPTION: If the combiner box is located adjacent to the inverter(s), the disconnecting means as stated above shall not be required. SECTION 27. The provisions of this ordinance contain various changes, modifications and additions to the 2001 Edition of the California Electrical Code. Some of those changes are administrative in nature in that they do not constitute changes or modifications to requirements contained in the building standards published in the California Building Standards Code. Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code sections 17958.5, 17958.7 and 18941.5, the Board of Supervisors hereby expressly finds that all of the changes and modifications to requirements contained in the building standards published in the California Building Standards Code, contained in this ordinance, which are not administrative in nature, are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological or topographical conditions in the County of Los Angeles as more particularly described in the table set forth below. 31 HOA138969.4 TABLE ELECTRICAL CODE AMENDMENTS CODE SECTION CONDITION EXPLANATION 690-19 Geologic The requirement of a disconnecting means will allow power to a building or structure to be disconnected during and following a seismic event. SECTION 28. This ordinance shall become effective on November 1, 2002. 32 HOA138969.4