CC - Item 3C - Resolution No. 2002-53RESOLUTION NO. 2002-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS WITH RESPECT TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PAYMENT FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE RECONSTRUCTION OF VIRGINIASTREET WEST OF DENTON AVENUE WHEREAS, the improvement project will take place at a location within and adjacent to the boundaries of Project Area No. 1 as depicted in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the reconstruction of the Virginia Street west of Denton Avenue will serve to upgrade City streets, improve public safety and reduce maintenance costs throughout the network of streets that have been previously improved with financing from the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency; and WHEREAS, the total Community Development Commission obligation for the.project shall not exceed One Hundred Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($145,000). NOW, THEREFORE, the Rosemead City Council resolves as follows: Section 1. The Rosemead City Council finds, determines, and declares: (a)The payment by the Rosemead Community Development Commission for costs associated with the reconstruction of Virginia Street, as depicted in Exhibit "A", is of benefit to the Project Area. This finding is based on the fact that the improvements will serve to improve the infrastructure and eliminate blighting conditions by providing standard street improvements, including drainage and street lighting, enhanced public safety and improved vehicular access along roadways within and adjacent to Project Areas No. 1, thus enhancing the value of abutting properties. (b)That there are no other reasonable means of financing such buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements available to the community. Although the City has a General Fund surplus, the uncertainty of continuing municipal revenue sources militates against the depletion of the existing reserves until such time as revenue sources and major required expenditures are stabilized. Section 2.. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of November, 2002. MAYOR ATTEST:. CITY CLERK COUNCIL AGENDA NOV 12 2002 ITEM No. ZE FA" 1h Cam' o~ o ~ , 0 f i ,axy --esn ^t a ~ ~ ~ artoatt« . y V J I _ BENIINallfq-- T y l N PROJECT LOCATION A John Brady, 8337 E. Village Lane, Rosemead, thanked the Council on behalf of himself and other residents in that area for reconsidering the project and for listening to their concerns and objections. Mr. Brady stated that they are willing to work with the City. However, their preference is for a nice residential development in that area. John Salas, 4426 Walnut Grove, Rosemead, owner of a barbershop on San Gabriel Boulevard in Rosemead, stated that the majority of people he has talked to favor a Wal-Mart here. Mr. Salas continued that Wal-Mart would benefit the City concerning revenue and employment opportunities. Mr. Salas confirmed that Southern California Edison has to sell that parcel regardless, and that Wal-Mart is a good store for that area. Mr. Salas concluded that the City has already lost a lot of businesses. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM VASQUEZ that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-52. Before vote could result, more discussion ensued. Councilman Taylor corrected Section 1. A., to read San Gabriel Boulevard. Councilman Taylor requested the addition of an amendment clarifying that the EIR would proceed only if Wal-Mart files a complete application. , Councilman Imperial, maker of the Motion, and Mayor Pro Tern Vasquez, second, agreed to the addition of the Amendment. Vote resulted: Yes: Imperial, Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None ~C. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-53 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Council adopt Resolution No. 2002-53. OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS WITH RESPECT TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PAYMENT FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE RECONSTRUCTION OF VIRGINIA AVENUE WEST OF DENTON AVENUE Voter resulted: MUM] 1-12-02 Page P3