CC - Item 3A - Approval Of Amended Memoradum Of Understanding With The Los Angeles county Sheriff's DepartmentTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 26, 2002 RE: APPROVAL OF AMENDED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZING ALLOCATION OF CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT PROGRAM ("CLEEP") FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING CITY PORTION OF THE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL CRIME INFORMATION SYSTEM ("LARCIS"). At the regular meeting of the City Council on September 25, 2001, the Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Sheriff s Department and the City authorizing allocation of $119,807 of California Law Enforcement Equipment Program grant funds for the purpose of funding the City's portion of the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System ("LARCIS"). Attached are copies of the minutes and staff report from that meeting. Sheriff Lee Baca has submitted the attached amended agreement for your reconsideration and approval. Reconsideration is necessary as the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors took action at their meeting of December 11, 2001 to amend the agreement. Also attached is a copy of the Sheriffs letter that justifies amending the agreement. As councilmembers will recall the FY 2000 California Law Enforcement Equipment Program- High Technology Grant (CLEEP) funds were designated to be used for development and enhancement of LARCIS - a computer program designed to house and provide electronic access to crime information on a local and regional basis. We propose to use FY 2001 funding of $47,074 for various computer system enhancements and security/surveillance technology. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the continued participation in the CLEEP program and approve the amended Memorandum of Understanding. COUNCIL AGE: "Did MAR 2 6 2002 ITEM No.11Z.M"A" C~OUnf-r Of dins Angeles $herif#'s Flepartment 412abgnttrtrru ,~9 4700 ttmnnttuuletsttr,l IPA untereg Park, Talifornia 9175 4-216 9 LEROV O. BACA, sHEAiFF January 8, 2002 Mr. Frank G. Tripepi City Manager, City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead. California 91770 Dear Mr. Tripepi: LARCIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ~ Of L OCf L'9lIfOP~LLP The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your request in August 2001 to enter into e Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Sheriff's Department committing your FY2000-01 California Law Enforcement Equipment Purchase - High Technology Grant (CLEEP) funds for the development and implementation of the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS.) I am pleased to inform you that on December 11, 2001, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Allocation of California Law Enforcement Equipment Program (CLEEP) between the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and the Contract Cities. The Board added one amendment to the MOU which states that the Contract Cities Joint Liability Trust Fund is not applicable to this particular agreement. Attached is a copy of the transcript from the December 11, 2001 Board's meeting. This amendment made by the Board of Supervisors clarifies that the LARCIS MOU has its own indemnity provisions, separate and apart from the Contract Cities Joint Indemnity Agreement, which are broad in scope. The LARCIS MOU provides that each party agrees to hold the other harmless from all liability, in any form, which results from negligence or misuse of the LARCIS system. The joint indemnity agreement with the contract cities is limited to tort liability only, and should not apply to the LARCIS MOU. The unanimous vote by the Board on this is indicative of the Board's full support for this project. I appreciate your patience and look forward to working with you in the upcoming weeks to finalize our agencies' commitment to LARCIS. W aradfion of cSeruice Mr. Frank G. Tripepi -2- January 8, 2002 The Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System is a relational database program designed to house and provide electronic access to crime information on a local and regional basis. The system design provides participating cities and police agencies area specific statistics and investigatory leads based on reporting crimes and information stored within the LARCIS database. User specified parameters provide the basis for searching massive amounts of data that has traditionally been beyond the capabilities and resources of investigators and administrators. In addition to making information readily available, the regional aspect of LARCIS provides a county-wide platform where crime and suspect information can be shared across jurisdictional boundaries in furtherance of crime analysis, crime suppression and suspect apprehension. Please sign and process the attached MOU and return it to Sheriffs Headquarters, Contract Law Enforcement Bureau, 4700 Ramona Blvd., Monterey Park, CA 91754- 2169, Attention Sergeant Jenny Ha. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Sergeant David Webster, Data Systems Bureau, LARCIS Administration at (562) 466- 5216. Sincerely, LEROY D. BA , SHERIFF LEE A. DAVENPORT, CHIEF TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TO THE ALLOCATION OF CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT PROGRAM (CLEEP) FUNDS BETWEEN THE LOS. ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AND THE CONTRACT CITIES This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) made and entered into this , 2002, by and between the City of Rosemead, a chartered municipality/general law city organized under the laws of the State of California ("City') and the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, a political subdivision of the State of California ("County"), and both of whom are collectively referred to as the "Parties." WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead and the County have given high priority to the need for a coordinated approach to address the need for a County wide crime information system; WHEREAS, in September 2000, the City of Rosemead accepted funding through the State Budget Act Fiscal Year 2000-1,.a single line item as Budget Item 9201-106-0001 in the Budget (Ch. 52, Stat. 2000) for "California Law Enforcement Equipment Purchase Program - High Technology Grants ("CLEEP or CLEEP Grant"). WHEREAS, the Parties desire to participate in the coordination, development and implementation of a County wide crime records management and information system hereafter referred to as the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS). WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead agrees to commit all funds obtained from CLEEP to the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department's LARCIS Account. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein set forth and the mutual benefits to be derived therefrom, the Parties agree as follows: Purpose The purpose of this Agreement shall be for the City of Rosemead and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to participate in the coordination, development and implementation of the LARCIS Program. 2. Responsibility of the City The City of Rosemead shall allocate the entirety of the city's CLEEP grant to the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department for the purpose of funding their portion of LARCIS. The City will be responsible for the purchase and maintenance cost of the LARCIS telephone data circuit. Furthermore, the City will be responsible for additional computer terminals and any future relocation of access lines for the City. The LARCIS terminals must be used for LARCIS access only and cannot be connected to any other network including the Internet. 3. Responsibility of the County The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department will expend the CLEEP funds provided from the City of Rosemead on and for the sole purpose of designing, building and adapting the hardware and software and storing the data for the LARCIS database. In addition, the CLEEP funds will be used to purchase Sheriffs Data Network hardware and one computer terminal for the sole purpose of providing the city with access to LARCIS. The County will provide management for the network connection and system user support for access to LARCIS. The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department will provide hardware and the following online access to city hall by the dates listed below: June 1, 2002 -Wide Area Network Connection to Sheriffs Department - LARCIS Statistical Reports on City Crime Activity December 31, 2002 - LARCIS Ad Hoc Crime Query on City Crime Activity - Crime Mapping of Ad Hoc Query - Status and Case Assignment of Crime Reports 4. Payment Terms The City of Rosemead will pay an amount equal to the city's CLEEP Grant to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Administrative Services Headquarters, Fiscal Section, 4700 Ramona Boulevard, Monterey Park California 91754, in a single payment or in two equal installments, on September 30th of 2001 and 2002, respectively. Payment should be accompanied with a memorandum explaining that the payment is for the specific purpose of developing LARCIS. The following account has been set up to accept payment: Budget/Unit Organization No. 15687/15759 General Support/Data Systems Bur. Revenue Code: 9857 Contract Cities FIS/Service Code: 414 LARCIS/CLEEP Funds If for any reason the June 1, 2002 deliverables, in accordance with Section Three (3), have not been met by the September 30, 2002 payment date, the City of Rosemead may postpone its second payment until the deliverables are complete. 5. Access to LARCIS Each Contract City's Sheriff's Department's personnel will have "complete access" to LARCIS in accordance with the users manual. The Sheriff's Department's personnel will use LARCIS for law enforcement functions within the contracting city. The City of Rosemead by contributing to LARCIS will get "full city access" for the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Director of Public Safety. Full city access is defined as receiving an electronic account via the Sheriffs Data Network. This account will enable access to run statistical reports, informational queries, and case status and assignment information specific to their city. Full city access does not involve access to statistical information relative.to any other city nor does it include crime/case "specific" information. The data available in this access shall be in compliance with federal and state law and the Sheriff's. Department's Policy. 6. Cost of Maintaining and Staffing LARCIS LARCIS will not increase the cost of the existing Service Contract as a result of the expenses associated with the maintenance or operation of the system. Furthermore, these costs will be managed within the existing cost formula, and will not be passed on to the contracting city. The Sheriffs Department will not bill any additional sums for the cost of the LARCIS hardware or software, either newly installed or as upgraded over time. This guarantee does not apply to the replacement of mobile digital terminals with in car computers. 7. Warranty and Hold Harmless There are no express or implied representations or warranties regarding this agreement or the services provided hereunder, including, but not limited to, the implied warrantee of fitness for a particular purpose. The County also disclaims.any liability for information contributed to the LARCIS database by law enforcement agencies not operated and controlled by the County. Except as set forth hereinabove, each party agrees to hold the other harmless from all liability, in any form, which results from negligence or misuse of the LARCIS system. The California Contract Cities Liability Trust Fund is not applicable to this particular MOU. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles has caused this Agreement to be subscribed by the County Sheriff and the Council of the City of Rosemead by its duly authorized officers, the date(s) being written thereafter. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES By LEROY D. BACA, SHERIFF Date: 2002 APPROVED AS TO FORM LLOYD W. PELLMAN, COUNTY COUNSEL By Deputy County Counsel CITY OF ROSEMEAD A municipal corporation, By Mayor Date: 2002 By City Clerk Date: 2002 03/06/02 03:08 FAX 2138871912 LA SHERRIFF -DEC-26-2001 15 37 FROM LfI.CO.5HERIFF.DEPT. The Uncff Gal Tr-scripcof tiw Hvmcing of Tha Lox AngetoxCaunty boa+ri of1:up4rnson TO DALILA Sun. Knabe: I.BELIEVE, I HELD ITEM NUMBER 53 AND I MIGHT HAVE COUNTY COUNSEL AND THE SIiERIFF THE PURPOSE OF HOLDING 53 WAS TO BRING IN A MOTION THAT WOULD EXEMPT THE CALIFORNIA CONTRACT CITIES JOINT LIABILITY TRUST FUND AND I'LL "ASK COUNTY COUNSEL TO ADDRESS THE ISSUE. Speaker= THANK YOU. MR. 'CHAIRMAN;','SUPftPVISORS,~' THE STANDARD JOINT INDEMNITY AGREEMENT THAT WE HAVE THAT YOUR BO:9Rb.HAS APPROVED BETWEEN THE-COUNTY AND CITY FOR SERVICES HAS A PROVISION THAT MIGHT BE (PELLMAN) REQUIRE TO BE A PART. ASK THE BOARD TO APPROVE THIS WITH A PROVISION WE WOULD ADD THAT THE i LIABILITY TRUST F"RID IS NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS PARTICULAR AGREEMENT. _ Sup. Knabe: WITH '.IMT AMENDMENT, THEN I'LL MOVE IT. Sup. Yaroslavsky, Chair: 50 THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY,THIS NEW UNIT OR BY, THIS UNIT WOULD NO'T BE AVAILABLE TO THE CONTRACT CITIES UNLESS THEY SIGNED UP? Counsel Pellman: 'rHw.r,S CORRECT. THEY HAVE TO SIGr UP I?OR AN AGREEMENT TO BE ABLE TO GET THESE SOCIAL SECURITIES. WE MAKE IT CLEAR THAT THESE SERVICES THE LIABILITY TRUST FUND WOULD NOT BE THE BASIS OF I4T=11SHING A FUNDING MECHANISM IF THERE'S LIABILITY. THAT FUND IS BASICALLY FOR TORT LIABILITY AND SIMILAR KINDS OF LIABILITY. Sup. Yaroslavsky..Chair: FURTHER DISCUSSION? IF NOT, MR- KNABII MOVES, BURKS SECONDS. UNANIMOUS VOTE. Sup. Knabe: I B::LIHVE TRAT'S THE ITEMS, ALL THE ITEMS I HELD. Az} r A6 NOTICE - Thh transcript was prcparcd from tctcrision dascd captioning and Is nat cortifled for ita content or form. TnTAI P.A1 0 002 P. 01/01 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 RE: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZING ALLOCATION OF CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT PROGRAM ("CLEEP") FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING CITY PORTION OF THE LOS ANGELES REGIONAL CRIME INFORMATION SYSTEM ("LARCIS"). The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is requesting approval of the attached Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Department and the City authorizing allocation of S 119,807 of California Law Enforcement Equipment Program grant funds for the purpose of funding the City's portion of the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System ("LARCIS"). The State Budget for FY 2000-01 contained a single line item for "California Law Enforcement Equipment Program - High Technology Grants" also known as "CLEEP". It appeared, without guidelines or direction as to how funds were to be expended. The State Controller's Office has taken the position that CLEEP funds must be paid "...to each city police chief, [or] county sheriff...," and that the money may only be used "...for purchase of high technology equipment." Shortly after we received this surprise funding windfall, Sheriff Lee Baca requested that all contract cities allocate the entirety of their CLEEP funds to the Sheriff's Department for the purpose of funding a portion of the LARCIS project. Unbeknownst to the contract cities, the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department was one of the main forces in the enactment of the CLEEP program. As Sheriff Baca was instrumental in securing the funds, he made a plea for the contract cities to commit their FY 2000CLEEP funds for the express purpose of developing and enhancing LARCIS - a computer program designed to house and provide electronic access to crime information on a local and regional basis. The system design provides participating cities and police agencies specific statistics and investigative leads based on reported crimes and information stored within the LARCIS database. It has been represented by the Sheriff s Department that through utilizing the contract cities fir' is ,sa `r3~, SEP ITEM No. 1 e - CLEEP funds, LARCIS can be up and running three (3) years sooner than originally projected. Large parts of the system will be functional by September 2002. After a series of meetings with technical and executive personnel in the Sheriff's Department, the Contract Cities City Managers Committee recommended that contract cities allocate their CLEEP revenues for the LARCIS project; which will significantly improve the flow of information available to officers in the field and to City staff. Further, the Executive Committee of California Contract Cities Association has recommended that all contract cities allocate the entirety of their CLEEP funds to the Sheriff's Department for the purpose of funding our portion of the LARCIS project. Attached is the MOU, negotiated by representatives of the Contract City Managers' Committee, which contains the terms and conditions for the contract cities' sharing in the implementation, funding and development of LARCIS. The MOU provides that: • Rosemead transfer our entire FY 2000 CLEEP grant allocation of $119,807 to the Sheriff's Department and stipulates that the money may only be used to develop LARCIS. • The fund transfer is to take place in two installments. The first half is due in September of 2001. The second installment is due in September 2002 upon completion of certain agreed upon deliverables. • In return, Rosemead will gain access to some portions of LARCIS, and will be protected against additional cost for maintenance or later upgrades of the system. Given the tremendous advances afforded by the LARCIS system plus the earlier availability of this technology, staff concurs with the recommendations of both the Contract Cities City Managers Committee and the Executive Committee that the City Council enter into this agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Rosemead and the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department and appropriate 516,000 from Appropriated Reserves to Emergency Services (Organization 4350) and appropriate 546,400 from LLEBG Unappropriated Reserves to Law Enforcement (Organization 4300), both of which were previously funded by CLEEP funds. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TO THE ALLOCATION OF CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT PROGRAM (CLEEP) FUNDS BETWEEN THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AND THE CONTRACT CITIES This Memorandum of Understanding made and entered into this 2001, by and between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, a chartered municipality/general law city organized under the laws of the State of California ("City") and the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, a political subdivision of the State of California ("County"), and both of whom are collectively referred to as the "Parties.", WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead and the County have given high priority to the need for a coordinated approach to address the need for a County wide crime information . system; WHEREAS, in September 2000, the City of Rosemead accepted funding through the State Budget Act Fiscal Year 2000-1, a single line item as Budget Item 9201-106-0001 in the Budget (Ch. 52, Stat. 2000) for "California Law Enforcement Equipment Purchase Program - High Technology Grants (CLEEP)." WHEREAS, the Parties desire to participate in the coordination, development and implementation of a County wide crime records management and information system hereafter referred to as the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS). WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead agrees to commit all funds obtained from CLEEP to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's LARCIS Account. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of. the mutual covenants herein set forth and the mutual benefits to be derived therefrom, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement shall.be for,the City of Rosemead and the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department to participate in the coordination, development and implementation of the LARCIS Program. 2. Responsibility of the City The City of Rosemead shall allocate the entirety of their CLEEP funds to the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department for the purpose of funding their portion of LARCIS. The City will be responsible for the purchase and maintenance cost of the LARCIS telephone data circuit. Furthermore, the City will be responsible for additional computer terminals and any future relocation of access lines for the City. The LARCIS terminals must be used for LARCIS access only and cannot be connected to any other network including the Internet. 3. Responsibility of the County The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department will expend the CLEEP funds provided from the City of Rosemead on and for the sole purpose of designing, building and adapting the hardware and software and storing the data for the LARCIS database. In addition, the CLEEP funds will be used to purchase Sheriffs Data Network hardware and one computer terminal for the sole purpose of providing access to LARCIS. The County will provide management for the network connection and system user support for access to LARCIS. The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department will provide hardware and the following online access to city hall by the dates listed below: June 1, 2002 - Wide Area Network Connection to Sheriffs Department - LARCIS Statistical Reports on City Crime Activity December 31, 2002 - LARCIS Ad Hoc Crime Query on City Crime Activity - Crime Mapping of Ad Hoc Query - Status and Case Assignment of Crime Reports 4. Pavment-Terms The City of Rosemead will pay an amount equal to the CLEEP grant to the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, Administrative Services Headquarters, Fiscal Section, 4700 Ramona Boulevard, Monterey Park California 91754, in a single payment or in two equal installments, on September 30th of 2001 and 2002, respectively. Payment should be accompanied with a memorandum explaining that the payment is for the specific purpose of developing LARCIS. The following account has been set up to accept payment: Budget/Unit Organization No. 15687/15759 Revenue Code: 9857 FIS/Service Code: 414 General Support/Data Systems Bur. Contract Cities LARCIS/CLEEP Funds If for any reason the June 1, 2002 deliverables, in accordance with Section Three (3), have not been met by the September 30, 2002 payment date, the City of Rosemead may postpone its second payment until the deliverables are complete. A4emorandum of Understanding 5. Access to LARCIS Page 3 Each Contract City's Sheriff's Department's personnel will have "complete access" to LARCIS in accordance with the users manual. The Sheriffs Department's personnel will use LARCIS for law enforcement functions within the contracting city. The City of Rosemead by contributing to LARCIS will get "full city access" for the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Director of Public Safety. Full city access is defined as receiving an electronic account via the Sheriff's Data Network. This account will enable access to run statistical. reports, informational queries, and case status and assignment information specific to their city. Full city access does not involve access to statistical information relative to any other city nor does it include crime/case "specific" information. The data available in this access shall be in compliance with federal and state law and the Sheriff's Department's Policy. 6. Cost.of.Maintaining and Staffing LARCIS . LARCIS will not increase the cost of the existing Service Contract as a result of the expenses associated with the maintenance or operation of the system. Furthermore, these costs will be managed within the existing cost formula, and will not be passed on to the contracting city. The--Sheriffs Depart ment will not bill any additional sums for the cost of the LARCIS hardware or software, either newly installed or as upgraded overtime. This guarantee does not apply to the replacement of mobile digital terminals with in car computers. 7. Warranty There are no express or implied representations or warranties regarding this agreement and the services provided hereunder, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Memorandum of Understanding Page 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles has caused this Agreement to be subscribed by the County Sheriff and the Council of the City of Rosemead by its duly authorized officers, the date(s) being written thereafter. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES LEROY D. BACA`-SHERIFF Date: , 2001 CITY.OF ROSEMEAD A municipal corporation By - Date: By Deputy County,Counsel Date: 2001 By Date: Mayor 2001 City Clerk 2001 MEMORANDUM August 13, 2001 To: City Managers From: Lee A. Davenport, Chief Technical Services Division::,. Subject: 2000-2001 GRANT FUNDS TO LOS ANGELES-REGIONAL CRIME INFORMATION SYSTEM (LARCIS) On July 26, 2001, Governor Davis signed the State budget. Under Budget Item 9210-106-001, the budget requires recipients to report how they expended technology grant funds from the 2000-2001 Budget, as.well as the new technology grant funds in this year's budget. This requirement was intended to correct an oversight in last year's budget when technology fund expenditures,did,not require a report. The State requires that cities report to the Department of Finance by August 15, 2001, on how last years technology funds were expended or are going to be expended in the future. Failure to report by August 15, 2001, will require cities to return 2001-2002 technology grant monies within 30 days. In August last year, the Sheriff sent a letter to all contract cities requesting they expend their technology grant funds for the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS). This project will provide the Sheriff's Department with a tremendous crime fighting tool to aid in the apprehension of criminals and the recovery of stolen property. The Executive Board of the Contract Cities Association unanimously supported this proposal. A subcommittee was established to draft a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Sheriffs Department to document the intended use of the funds and set forth some direct benefits to the contract cities. The MOU has been completed and is in the hands of your Association. The subcommittee was chaired by Norwalk City Manager Ernie Garcia, and included City Managers Vangie Schock from Lawndale and Ed Dilkes from Bradbury. 2000-2001 GRANT FUNDS TO -2- August 13, 2001 LOS ANGELES REGIONAL CRIME INFORMATION SYSTEM (LARCIS) Last week when the Sheriffs Department was informed about. this new requirement in the State budget, we contacted the State Department of Finance. Because of the short notice, we asked if there were options to fulfill the State mandate in order to aid our contract cities in fulfilling the reporting requirements. We were advised that until the cities could send in their own reports, a letter sent by the Sheriff's Department listing each city and their intent to use the 2000-2001 technology grant funds for LARCIS would suffice. The Sheriff's Department has prepared this letter and will add any city to this letter, if requested. If a city is not included in this letter, they must report to the State by August 15, 2001. This email, by necessity, circumvents the. sending out of.the MOU and related documents by your Association. The Sheriffs' Department felt it was important to notify you of the State requirements and provide as'muchinformation as possible to enable each city to act by August 15, 2001. Attached are the following documents in draft form for your review. $ Subcommittee Cover Letter $ Subcommittee Staff Report $ Memorandum of Understanding $ Letter to State Department of Finance on behalf of contract cities. If you wish your city to be added to the letter to the Department of Finance or should you have any questions please contact Lieutenant Bill Bengtson at (562) 465-7992 or Sergeant David Webster (562) 466-5216. California Contract Cities Association 10535 Paramount Blvd., Suite 0100 • Downey, California 90241 (562) 928-5533 • FAX (562) 928-9557 August 14, 2001 TO: EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS CITi' MAP:AGERS/ADN1IN'ISTRATORS FROM: JOE ESQUIVEL, PRESIDENT RE: CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT:PROGRAM (CLEEP); LOS ANGELES REGIONAL CRIME INFORMATION'' SYSTEM (LARCIS) ALLOCATION - LA COUNTY/CONTRACT CITIES"`M_EMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) The City Manager's Committee in February, initiated a sub-committee (Ed Dilkes, Ernie Garcia, Vangie Schock), chaired by Ernie Garcia to analyze the Sheriff's proposal and determine its value and equity among our contract cities. Several meetings and discussion were held with the Sheriff. To our satisfaction, all questions were answered. A report was issued to -all forty=two, contract cities' "city managers and the City Manager's Committee made a recommendation, to the Executive Board; the Board of Directors approved the allocation of CLEEP funds to the Los Angeles County Sheriff for the purpose of funding our portion of the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS). This action took place at their meeting held March 21, 2001 in the City of Downey. We then advised our cities on May 30, that during the budget process, funding should be set aside to be disbursed as follows: 50% of funds allocated by September 30, 2001 and 50% of funds allocated by September 30, 2002. We believe this to be an important program and will benefit all our cities contracting for law enforcement. Attached is the report and recommendation (Attachment A), of the City Managers/Administrators as adopted. Also, attached is the MOU (Attachment B), each city will adopt which incorporates the Board of Directors' endorsement of this important program. We urge your participation in this program and adoption of the MOU. c: Sheriff Leroy Baca Chief Lee Davenport Captain John E. Radeleff Attachment A Memorandum To: Contract Cities City Managers From: CLEEP Ad Hoc Committee Date: 8/28/01 Re: Recommendations Regarding California Law Enforcement Equipment Program (CLEEP) Summary and Recommendation: " The Committee recommends that all contract cities allocate the entirety of their California Law Enforcement Equipment Program (°CLEEP") funds to the Los Angeles County Sheriff for the purpose of funding our portion :of,the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System ("LARCIS°). After a series of meetings with technical and executive personnel in the Sheriff's Department; the'-Committee is satisfied that LARCIS will significantly improve the flow of information available to officers in the field, and to City staff. (See Discussion, Point 2) The Committee is also satisfied that issues of use and funding have been resolved and can be reduced to writing before funds are released. Four specific agreements in principle have been negotiated to ensure that the contract cities will bear a fair proportion of the cost, and that the funds will be spent efficiently. These agreements are: 1. Each Contract City will pay its 2000-01 CLEEP Grant, in two equal installments; to the Los Angeles County Sheriff for the purpose of designing, building, and adapting the hardware and software and converting and warehousing the data for the LARCIS data base. Payment will be made in two equal installments on September 30, 2001 and September 30, 2002. Cities may use either the CLEEP funds which were received in FY 00-01 or may budget and appropriate other funds, in like amount, for the fiscal years 01-02 and 02-03. Any interest earned on the funds prior to disbursement shall remain with the city. 2. After contribution of the CLEEP funds. anv increase in the cost of the LARCIS project shall not be passed back to the contract cities. The proposed wireless connection system and installation of remote terminals are separate from LARCIS, and will result in additional cost to contracting cities. 3. After contribution of the CLEEP funds, any additional cost for maintenance and operation of the LARCIS project shall not be passed back to the contract cities. 4. Each city which contributes its CLEEP Funds shall have "Complete Access" to the LARCIS system for code enforcement, safety planning and other legitimate municipal purposes. Non-contributing cities will have "Limited Access." A written protocol defining and governing such access shall be drafted and executed prior to the release of funds. Each of these issues, including a description of the LARCIS Technology, follows hereafter. Discussion: 1. The CLEEP Fundin¢ The State Budget for FY 2000-01 contained a single line item for "California Law Enforcement Equipment Program - High Technology Grants. It appeared, without guidelines or direction, as Budget Item 9201-106-0001 in the Budget (Ch 52, Stat. 2000) It is unclear whether a similar line item will be enacted in the future. The Los Angeles County Sheriff immediately requested that all Contract Cities pay the entire sum into the LARCIS account. Unfortunately, this request was not preceded with any information about CLEEP or LARCIS, and it met with considerable resistance. Issues of cost allocation, access, and the technology itself were raised by different cities. The Contract City Manager's Association formed the Ad Hoc Committee to collect enough information for an informed decision and make a recommendation on how to proceed. Discussions with staff in the Assembly have confirmed that the LA County Sheriffs Office was one of the main forces in the enactment of the CLEEP program. Based on those discussions, it appears unlikely that the High Technology line item would have been developed without the LA Sheriffs involvement. The Controller's Office takes the position that the CLEEP funds must be paid, "...to each city police chief, [or] county sheriff.. and that the money may only be used "...for purchase of high technology equipment." They have no enforcement plans and do not have audit standards prepared or contemplated. 2. The LARCIS Technblou+ . LARCIS is a large data base system. It will integrate data from several LA Sheriff Department systems, and from 50 independent cities, into a single system. Every police department in LA County will be able to share data about people; automobiles, incidents, and property involved in crime. It will literally be possible for a Deputy in Norwalk to look at the. name of a suspect and find his "street name," together with an incident report in Torrance from the prior vear, and the fact that . his vehicle,license turned up at the scene of an investigation in LA. The Deputy would have instant access to all incident rep orts i nvolving the suspect or the vehicle, regardless of whether they arose in Norwalk or any other city in the county. In all, LARCIS will integrate more than 50 databases, some of which are now accessible only from single terminals in individual police departments. Access will be immediate and complete. LARCIS is based on reliable technology with years of testing, and should give many years of satisfactory performance. It is also a "generalizable technology," so that future upgrades should be less expensive than they might be with . a more "cutting edge" technology. After a thorough review of the technology, the Committee has concluded that LARCIS is appropriate for the intended' purpose and reliable technology for the future. 3. Cost of LARCIS One of the main concerns of the Contract City Managers focused on the total cost of LARCIS. Numbers were thrown about, but they did not seem to be finalized. The Sheriff's Technology Division now has a firm budget of $30M for the entire project. The Sheriffs Department has already spent $20M on LARCIS to date, of which $4M was for hardware. The remaining $ IOM is needed to develop software and convert existing data into a coherent whole and transfer it into a big (Really Big!) hard drive called a "Data Warehouse." The Committee is satisfied that the cost of LARCIS is within acceptable parameters. 4. Proposed Allocation of CLEEP Grant Funds by Contract Cities The Committee recommends that each Contract City show the CLEEP Grant funds in a special budget account. Each city should budget and pay these funds to the L A County Sheriff's Department, in two equal installments, on September 30 of 2001 and 2002 respectively. Payment should be accompanied with a memo explaining that the payment is for the specific purpose of developing LARCIS. In making this recommendation, the following issues were studied and resolved. a. Fairness of Cost Sharing The main "fairness" issue resulted from the fact that independent cities are not contributing to the direct cost of LARCIS. As it turns out, the direct cost of hardware and software for use by independent cities is only $4.5M, and is already funded. The cost of development and converting LA County data into readable format is six times greater, approximately $25.5M. That is where Contract Cities' contributions will be spent. All independent Cities must pay for their own data conversion, so the terms are identical to both groups. Each Contract City which contributes to LARCIS will get "Complete Access." Although the MOU governing this part of the agreement has yet to be drafted, the general concept would permit the Sheriff to use the LARCIS system for every law enforcement function within the contracting city, and some members of city staff would have access to much of the system for code enforcement, public safety and related functions. Independent Cities and any non-contributing contract city would have only "Limited Access." They would not even receive the reports and compilations of data that the system will provide, and city, staff would have no access privileges whatsoever. Greater access, for those cities, would require an additional payment, equivalent to the CLEEP grant amount. b. Fairness ofAceess Contract Cities and the County will prepare an MOU or Protocol describing the personnel, the rules and the procedures applicable to city access to LARCIS, but it is generally agreed that each contributing city will have a reasonable level of access as a matter of right. 5. Cosi'of Maintaining and Staffing LARCIS The Sheriff has assured the Committee that it will not increase the cost of the existing Service Contract as a result of the expenses associated,with the maintenance or operation of LARCIS. These costs will be managed.within the existing cost formula, and will not be passed through to Contract Cities. The Sheriff hds: also agreed not to bill any additional sums for the cost of the hardware or software, either newly installed or as upgraded over time. The only exception to this guarantee is that in two years mobile hardware will be installed in patrol cars. That expense.is outside of the LARCIS system, and will have to be separately budgeted and funded. Attachment B MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TO THE ALLOCATION OF CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT PROGRAM (CLEEP) FUNDS BETWEEN THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AND THE CONTRACT CITIES This Memorandum of Understanding made and entered into this 2001, by and between the City of (Name of Contract City), a chartered municipality/general law city organized under the laws of the . State of California ("City"). and the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, a political subdivision of the State of California ("County"), and both of whom are collectively referred to as the "Parties." WHEREAS, the City of (Name of Contract City) and the County have given high priority to the need for a coordinated approach to address the need for a County wide crime information system, WHEREAS;. in September 2000,• the City of (Name of Contract City) accepted funding through the State BudgeVAct Fiscal Year 20004,'a single line item as Budget Item 9201-106-0001 in the Budget (Ch. 52, Stat. 2000)' for= "California Law Enforcement Equipment Purchase Program - High Technology Grants CLEEP WHEREAS, the Parties desire to participate in the coordination, development and implementation of a Countywide crime records management and information system hereafter referred to as the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS). WHEREAS, the City of (Name of Contract City) agrees to commit all funds obtained from CLEEP to the Los,Angeles County Sheriffs Department's LARCIS Account. NOW, ,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein set forth and the mutual benefits to be derived there from, the Parties agree as follows: Purpose The purpose of this Agreement shall be for the City of (Name of Contract City) and the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department to participate in the coordination, development and implementation of the LARCIS Program. Responsibility of the City The City of (Name of Contract. City) shall allocate the entirety of their CLEEP funds to the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department for the purpose of funding their portion of L_ARCIS. The City, will be responsible for the purchase and maintenance cost of the LARCIS telephone data circuit. Furthermore, the City will be responsible for additional computer terminals and any future relocation of access lines for the City. The LAARCIS terminals must be used for LARCIS access only and cannot be connected to any other network including the Internet. Responsibility of the County The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department will expend the CLEEP funds provided from the City of (Name of Contract City) on and for the sole purpose of designing, building and adapting the hardware and software and storing the data for the LAARCIS database. In addition, the CLEEP funds will be used to purchase Sheriffs Data Network hardware and one computer terminal for the sole purpose of providing access to LARCIS. The County will provide management for the network connection and system user support for access to LAARCIS. The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department will provide hardware and the following online access to city hall by the dates listed below: June 1, 2002 - Wide Area Network Connection to Sheriffs Department - LARCIS Statistical Reports on City Crime Activity December 31, 2002 - LAARCIS Ad Hoc Crime Query on City Crime Activity - Crime Mapping of Ad Hoc Query - Status and Case Assignment of Crime Reports Payment Terms The City of (Name of Contract.City) will pay an amount equal to the CLEEP grant to the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, Administrative Services. Headquarters, Fiscal Section, 4700 Ramona Boulevard, Monterey Park California 91754, in a single payment or in two equal installments, on September 30th of 2001 and 2002, respectively. _.Payment should..be accompanied with a memorandum explaining that the payment is for the specific purpose of developing hARCIS. The following account has been set up to accept payment: Budget/Unit.Organization No. 15687/15759. General Support/Data Systems Bur. ,,kevenue,Code: 9857 Contract Cities FIS/Service Code: 414 " LARCIS/CLEEP Funds If for any reason the June 1, 2002 deliverables, in accordance with Section Three (3), have not been met by the September 80; 2002. payment date, the City of (1Vame of City) may postpone its second payment until the deliverables are complete. Access to LARCIS Each Contract City's Sheriffs Department's personnel will have "complete access" to LARCIS. The Sheriff's Departmenes.peisonnel will use LARCIS for law enforcement functions within the contracting city. The City of (Name of Contract City) by contributing to L_ARCIS will get "full city access" for the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and Director of Public Safety. Full city access is defined as receiving an electronic account via the Sheriffs Data Network. This account will enable access to run statistical reports, informational queries, and case status and assignment information specific to their city. Full city access does not involve access to statistical information relative to any other city nor does it include crime/case "specific" information. The data available in this access shall be in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act and the Sheriffs Department's Policy. 6. Cost ofMaintaininiand Staffing LARCIS LARCIS will not increase the cost of the existing Service Contract as a result of the expenses associated with the maintenance or operation of the system. Furthermore, these costs will be managed within the existing cost formula, and will not be passed on to the contracting city. The Sheriffs Department will not bill any additional sums for the cost of the LARCIS hardware or software, either newly installed or as upgraded over time. This guarantee does not apply to the replacement of mobile digital terminals with in car computers. IN FITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles has caused this Agreement to be subscribed by the County Sheriff and the Council of the City of (Name of Contract City) by its duly authorized officers, the date(s) being written thereafter. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES By LEROT D. BACA, SHERIFF Date: 2001 By Date: 2001 (NAME OF CONTRACT CITY) A municipal corporation By Mayor Date: 2001 n The following item was taken out of order in deference for those in the audience wishing to speak on this item. VH. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION B. CONSIDERATION Oil PROPOSAL FROM NMS. AMERICA, SUSAN JESKE FOR A HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTATION ON STUDENTS AGAINST VIOLENCE AND THE, IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION Don Wagner, Assistant City Manager, corrected the staff recommendation authorizing the expenditure of COP funds, rather than LLEBG finds. MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILWOMAN CLARK-that staff be directed to coordinate the event with Ms. Jeske and Rosemead High School, and authorize the expenditure of COPS lands in an amount not to exceed $1,000. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Imperial, Clark, Vasquez No: Noue Absent: ' None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. At this time Councilwoman Clark requested that Assistant Fire Chief Dan Scott come to the podium to discuss concerns from the Council. Councilwoman Clark stated that she was concerned with the possibility of biological warfare and asked how would the City coordinate with the Fire Department to notify the residents of such an attack. Assistant Chief Scott responded that he will gather information and work with City staff on coordinating a notification process. For the present, television and radio can be used for mass conununication; some cities have the ability to notify their residents through the telephone, the SherifUs or volunteers can go door-to-door, and use bull horns up and down the streets. At this time, the Council returned to the Consent Calendar. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR; (Items CC4 ; CC 1 Were': reYiioved for discussion purposes). . CC-A AU'I'IIORILA'ION TO ATTEND TLIE ANNUAL: CALIFORNIA CIIAI'7'ER OE'FlIE ANMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE, OCI-013EIZ 20-22, SACRAMENTO CC-13 REQUEST TO EXTEN1) "NO PARKING" CURB AT 8657 GRAND AVENUE - CALIFORNIA AMERICAN WATER COMPANY -1TEN'I TO 'BE CONTINUED TO 1019101 ~ C-D APPROVAL, 01, MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) WITH THE LOS ANULES COUNTY SIIERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AUTI:IORIZING ALLOCATION OF CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENTEQUIPNIENT PROGRAM ("CLEEI"') FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING CITY PORTION OF LOS ANGELES 1 REGIONAL CRIME INFORMATION SYSTEM ("LARCIS") CC-E SELECTION OF JOIIN BAIRD FOR ART CONSERVATION SERVICES, AND JOAN NIORAN AUCTIONEERS FOR SALE OF ROSE PAINTING CCAGI7NDA:9-25.01 Page s7 Friday, March 22, 2002 To: Rosemead City Council From: Mr. Charles Bolding sr. 8612 Olney St. Rosemead Ca. 91770 Subject: Additional traffic controls in the vicinity of Jansen School Due to prior obligations, my wife, Virginia, and I will not be able to attend your scheduled City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 26th, 2002. I appreciate being afforded the opportunity to express my comments/thoughts via this letter in regards to the staff parking and student drop off/pick up lane currently in its final stages at Jansen Elementary. It is growing very apparent to my family, as well as, the rest of the neighbors who will be directly affected by this recent installation, that the Rosemead School District and the City Council have completely disregarded the financial, safety and piece of mind that we will suffer due to this construction in our area. I believe all the residents in this area of Rosemead who are aware of what the \ School District has done and, is doing to us, feels betrayed by not only the school district, but also by our city government. The school district has eliminated the residents from the j decision-making process completely. We are, after all tax paying California residents, who expect the respect of our state and local governing bodies. It would seem that our City Council has decided not to be our voice in this matter. The Council never informed the residents of this construction project. A hearing was "allegedly" held to hear opinions and concerns on this matter sometime last year Did it not seem odd to the Council Board that NO ONE from the affected area of our community turned out to show its support or opposition to the matter? We attended the last School District meeting and lodged our complaints about the pending staff parking and student drop off/pick up lane and what we felt the impact would be to our neighborhood. We, also voiced what will happen on weekends when they, the School District, allows the use of their parking facility by organizations other than school personnel and/or school related functions. We were not given an answer at that meet, but were told they would respond at some future date. This past weekend at least one member from the School District was on our street and had posted signs disallowing the use of the parking lot adjacent to Olney Street and after a brief discussion I found out that the church would not be granted its use in the future. We are pleased to say; "at least we can have our quiet, serene and safe bloclCl ack for two days out of the week." Thank you,, Q IJo-~tf^~ S ¢ ar es Bolding sr. tai C`7 W L L 0 U) U ~L /-~--0 v_! CD 0N w 0 CD 0 VJ Z) co 1 - N V ALL ^ A e y F d U'w r . V U-, MEADSL E : ~ y~ ~ a E { E: 2LY40 F+F b C w a- ve.1° N N 'i V.. y N !*c T ~ 1 ❑ . V n Y = IIM m c a 6pKNrV N r V O V J Xf s ~x S° Y C a3 a m IU C a> 0 Q Z 0 C O N V V N N w a EN o C2 K N ~ U J c v U co c D c K s .2 L V ,V N ❑ "Fa c❑' n °v v$ E v 3 ° x_ w. E a d) 0 M ?s (^p, x O U ' a W /D T (0 N U c N ~ Q W > _ O C c a) C rn M d -0 c NO l0 c w T~ aI ? E ~ E g i~ m 7 0 V N 11 rn~O0 mE~"c C T m 7 J y l 5 N N N 75 ~ p -vi (0=2 2 rn u m u 01 0 « p~ C C 0 V l0 CY C O m ` mL'p N Y ~d CL c_ O1N22 Ndd '0 'D'O NC? I? d' c d ~0 0 O ~ a) n. o_cCdlzd~ rro~ xa~ rn O c //AAvv,, ~ T O OS N d Y~ T T m C N j N Q) U O ❑ U c _ 0, C 2 ~ N _ -Z .0 O N ❑ N ❑ 41 1 _ E 0)O V) m C . ` ` ) c 'c p N a p O a) U w a") U~E S '5 ~ E C U 2 z , E o m ° 00 v o co) m m u r m m m Qa E E~~cm 2ln t5'pc ru rc d rma (D q) Ut D UU UU~~O QU ::F~ EXHIBIT A %I co W L L O N 4 •L C +1 a> U) Q) C' NW O V/ U) 0) C C N lV EL ^L W 'k wak$~e:t"3 m ~ ~ Z' A b a '3i c E 1''t"° 9 g m 7 r A lA{ 9 f C q Q 0 Q W a m sxti W u tT tat < a C ft V 1~ Wq A E°- g[u' 3} Via: f ~~3 QZ li y1 f h l t d bl+ t 1 _ 0- KX, 4 .t 1r ImI'~I TM II K U TM, as Y ,l4 a: C: m A ~ v A E Eo m a a n U m J C v 2` ~ U ' m i6 ai f6 5 m E 7 7 u`> 2i EL d p 'a a m E 2 a r v A v E E W O y p X X w N aoo-a ~ 1' ` T a7 N O C N ~ Q > O ~cm C C O C m ra a) ~ N Q) m W a/ _ W N a1 N 2' a) Fn Er > O N U T E T ' O o;;_ ~ TE CO E m LL Co LL 0~ E r,LL rna0 'Ul > m T of l ~J O O C O E LL J2 J ' n , , „ In Cc -5 E ~J CD w a) E J " a] J ~a mC C ~ ai y O E d c m m 2 '065~~o0 0 . (13 aoo00-NC? Cv m aLLd.aaio~ of xxof RIM C O I C T O N a) O C 0 T > N > O p O - V U yv U Q O , p ` N ui p E a1 N m C E m'` N c'c O - y 7 E (D o (D o E E C m o m Y O E O CD=J V M :3 0 0 C_) U ~ c ~ cm o acn E - ` 7 Q L C N C - L rn'5 m ~Ut ma2 02 0):D 0. ~z '000"o co m m ca U) O UU UU~~ QU ao®®o®ry 1, 2 M 4 that the Chamber will be 75 years old, and will be celebrating it with their 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Festival on September 28th. They would like to hold their festivities in front of City Hall, and are requesting that the Council approve the closure of Valley Boulevard. Joan Hunter, Chester Gee and Ernie Ayala, Chamber Members and President, all spoke on behalf of the Chamber's Jubilee Festival and asked for the Council's approval to close Valley Boulevard between Ivar and Muscatel on September 28th in order to hold a car show and to provide food booths and entertainment. The following item was taken out of order: V. A. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR STREET CLOSURE OF VALLEY BOULEVARD BETWEEN IVAR AND MUSCATEL ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2002 FOR THE ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 75TH ANNIVERSARY JUBILEE AND CAR SHOW MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the council conceptually approve the request, further documentation will be required (a site plan, a parking/circulation plan, and an event agreement) before final City Council street closure approval. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, Bruesch, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: Imperial Abstain: None `&he Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. The following item was taken out of order. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR CC-D REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROLS IN THE VICINITY OF JANSON SCHOOL Bill Crowe, Director of Administrative Services, presented the staff report. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch stated that the City has been struggling with traffic problems with Janson School and other schools for many years. Mayor Pro Tern Bruesch pointed out that there are two different agencies involved with this issue. The City does not have control of what school districts do on their property, nor does the school district have control of what the City CCMIN:3-26-02 Page n2