CC - Agenda 10-09-01AGENDA REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 9, 2001, AT 8:00 P.M. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: 8:00 P.M. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: COUNCILMAN TAYLOR INVOCATION: REVEREND TONY RODRIGUEZ OF THE ROSEMEAD I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: COUNCILMEMBERS CLARK, TAYLOR, VASQUE A� MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH, AND MAYOR IMPERIAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 —REGULAR MEETING OF INTEREST TO CITIZENS WISHING TO PARTICIPATE 1) Those wishing to speak on any Agenda Item, including public hearings, should have their Speaker Request Form submitted no later than the time immediately following Oral Communications. 2) Immediately after approval of the minutes and again at the end of the meeting, there is a period of time set aside for those persons wishing to address the Council on matters not listed on the Agenda entitled: ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE (please complete the Speaker Request Form stating your preference to speak either at the beginning or at the end of the meeting). PRESENTATIONS: NONE C/ �. 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE IL PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE Ill., - 'LEGISLATIVE A V A. RESOLUTION NO. 01 -32 -CLAIMS AND DEMANDS Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 01 -32, for payment of City ,(� Q, �exptyditures. �J/, B. 7RESOLUTION NO. 0 1 -33 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF I�,3 ,3 j THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING THE APPLICANT TO APPLY FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR THE ROBERTI- Z'BERG- HARRIS URBAN OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM UNDER THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, CLEAN WATER; CLEAN AIR, AND COASTAL PROTECTION BOND ACT OF 2000 The City was notified by the California Department of Parks and Recreation that $166,837 of the Roberti- Z'Berg- Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Program (117-I -1 Program) was allocated to the City. The City will use the funds to develop the Garvey Avenue Community Center. CCAGENDA 10 -9 -01 Page G I Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 01 -33, initiating an application for the Roberti- Z'Berg- Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Program Block Grant under the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Coastal J Protection Bond Act of 2000. RESOLUTION NO. 01 -34 — A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 01 -832, APPEAL, REQUESTING A TYPE 20, OFF -SALE BEER AND WINE, LICENSE IN CONJUNCTION WITH A CONVENIENCE MARKET AND GASOLINE STATION FOR A PROPOSED 7- ELEVEN BUSINESS, LOCATED AT 3366 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD (APNS: 5288 -017 -025, 037, 039) The public hearing was held at the City Council meeting of September 25, 2001, at which time, the Council granted approval to 7 /Eleven/Citgo convenience market for the issuance of an Off -Sale Beer and Wine License in conjunction with a gasoline station with conditions added to the list of conditions. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 01 -34. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR - RECODINLENDATION: APPROVAL CC- A EPTANCE OF PARCEL MAP 26081 — 9427 P[TKIN STREET This subdivision was considered by the Planning Commission on December 4, 2000. A 33 -foot radius dedication was required to be granted on the map for street and sidewalk purposes. All other conditions of approval have been met and the map is ready for Council approval. Recommendation: Approve the Parcel Map No. 26081; accept the street dedication; and direct the City Clerk to arrange for the recordation of the map. LI CC -B AUTHORIZATION FOR ROSEMEAD STAR DEPUTIES TO ATTEND TILE CALIFORNIA NARCOTICS OFFICER'S ASSOCIATION TRAINING INSTITUTE, NOVEMBER 17- 20,,2001, MONTEREY The City's two STAR (Success Through Awareness & Resistance) deputies are requesting permission to attend this training session which will provide them with up -to -date information on narcotics. Recommendation: Authorize the attendance of the City's two STAR deputies I/ 5 / and appropriate the necessary funds from appropriated reserves. " CC` OF SCANNING SERVICES 71 / I This item was deferred from the September 25, 2001 meeting. Viatron Systems will perform documentation preparation, scanning, indexing, and pick -up and delivery of documents from City Hall for a fee not to exceed $10,260. This will allow the City to have their critical documents scanned for accessibility and archival purposes. Recommendation: Approve the contract and appropriate the necessary funds from appropriated reserves. ON OF DISADVANTAGE BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) In December 2000, the Rosemead City Council adopted the City's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, which lays out objectives and policies to ensure that disadvantaged businesses have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in Department of Transportation assisted contracts. The City is CCAGENDA: 10 -9 -01 Page a2 required to annual adopt DBE goals based on past DBE contractor participation to be applied to projects in the upcoming Federal Fiscal Year. Recommendation: Adopt the DBE goal for Federal Fiscal Year 2001 -02, authorize the City Clerk to advertise the proposed overall goal, and submit the adopted DBE goal to Caltrans for approval. RELEASE OF BONDS — TRACT 47192 — 2401 DEL MAR AVENUE A Faithful Performance Bond and a Labor Bond and Material Bond was required to guarantee construction of a street, storm drain, sewer and appurtenant right of way improvements. In lieu of bonds, a Letter of Credit Certificate was issued to the City. The improvements have been installed satisfactorily. Recommendation: Release the Letter of Credit and accept the public improvements. fflo CC -F ACCEPTANCE OF WORK FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF STREET TREES ON MARYBETH AVENUE (MARSHALL /OLNEY) This project has been completed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and is ready for acceptance. Recommendation: Accept the project, authorize the recordation of the Notice of Completion by the City Clerk, and authorize release of the retention payment 35 days after the date of the.Notice of Completion. . CC -G REQUEST TO EXTEND "NO :PARKING" CURB AT 8657 GRAND AVENUE — CALIFORNIA AMERICAN WATER COMPANY This item was continued from the September 11"' and 25` City Council meetings. California American Water Company is requesting an extension of the existing red curb adjacent to their main facility due to poor visibility exiting the driveway because of increased parking along the street. Recommendation: Approve the installation of 1 I feet of red curb east of the driveway, and 17 feet of red curb west of the driveway. *3 ? PURCHASE OF PATRIOTIC BANNERS FOR VALLEY BOULEVARD AND GARVEY AVENUE STREETLIGHT POLES It is proposed to acquire and install 235 patriotic banners on streetlight poles along Valley Boulevard and Garvey Avenue. Recommendation: Authorize the purchase of 235 banners from AAA Flag and Banner Manufacturing Company and appropriate the necessary funds from appropriated reserves. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION A FEES AND POLICIES FOR USING RECREATION FACILITIES At the last City Council meeting, questions were raised as it relates to the types of fees and policies that are in effect for use of recreation facilities. VI. STATUS REPORTS VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS CCAGENDA:10 -9 -01 Page 43 VHI. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE IX. CLOSED SESSION The City Council will meet in a closed session, pursuant to Government Code §54957.6, for the following purpose: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR* 9r G Agency Negotiator: City Attorney Unrepresented employee: City Manager X. ADJOURNMENT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING IS SCIIEDULED FOR OCTOBER 23, 2001, AT 8:00 P.M. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, and other locations pursuant to RMC Sec. 1.08.020. CCAGENDA:10 -9-01 Page #4