CC - Authorization To Attend 17th Annual Information Development Corporation User Conference, November 5-7 2001, San Diego, CAk�- TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: , RANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGE DATE: ' September 11, 2001 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 17th ANNUAL INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION USER CONFERENCE, NOVEMBER 5 —7, 2001, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned seminar. Staff has attended these conferences in the past and they have proven to be of benefit to the City. Some of the topics covered will be financial and management accounting, accounts payable, payroll, budget preparation functions. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of the Finance Director to the aforementioned seminar. FGT:klo Attachment klo:word /ageconf.doc:p13 COUNCIL AGENDA SEP 152001 (TERN No. 11 iDC 17 Annual User Conference COAST West - this year DELVE Into new technologies MORPH Become an accounting guru LOVE Our GASB 34 solution November 5 -7, 2001 San Diego, California Join us for the 17' Annual iDC User Conference on November 5 -7, 2001 at the Sea Lodge Resort at La Jolla Shores Beach in San Diego, California. We have a great schedule planned for everyone that includes informative speakers who will introduce new technologies and uses, DiLOG applications training on the Internet, our GASB 34 solutions that you'll love, and, of course, a chance to share with your peers solutions to problems that we all encounter. We hope you can attend and take advantage of our Bring your Neighbor program. Gather your questions and enhancement ideas for iDC staff. We'll have time to discuss those as well. Please sign up by September 30th so that we can reserve your spot and so that you can take advantage of the discounted hotel rates. We'll work hard and play hard!!! DC 17 Annual User Conference Sessions will include hands -on working sessions, round table discussion groups, presentations from DiLOG expert users, and selected outside speakers. Conference Sessions are: Sunday November 4, 2001 Registration 6:00 pm — 7:00 pm Monday November 5, 2001 8:30 am -3:00 pm Tuesday November 6, 2001 9:00 am -3:30 pm Wednesday November 7, 2001 9:00 am - noon This year we have planned sessions on topics that are on everyone's agenda. GASB 34 — Changes for year end encumbrance roll -over, budgets, and fixed assets. We'll discuss the changes that may impact your organization and some of the enhancements in DiLOG that you will want to use. DiLOG on the Internet — This is an opportunity for all of us to use this fabulous media to our advantage. We'll discuss planning and implementation of modules, new ways of using what you have, and give you the hands on time needed to explore what this is all about. Best Practices — always a favorite — presentations from your peers on effective practices they have implemented. What other governments with DiLOG are doing that you can use too. Crystal Report Writer — This is a training session to give you the basics. We'll show you what iDC is doing with Crystal for a new twist on reports and inquiries. Permits — Building Permit software on the Web. Parks Registration on the Web. Bold, new uses of Technology — Mobile Computing, SmartCards, what's going on in government & not - for - profits. Work Orders — An iDC DiLOG product you will want to explore and use. New DiLOG releases — a preview of the new 2001 release. DC 17 Annual User Conference MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2001 ACTIVITIES After a day of enlightening meetings, we will be heading by chartered bus "South of the Border, down Mexico Way" for a scenic drive along Baja California's Coast toward Rosarito Beach. Our first stop will be Fox Studios for a private, behind - the - scenes tour at a real working movie studio to learn firsthand about the production process in an entertaining and interactive way. This studio was originally built for the filming of Titanic and we will view actual props, sets and costumes from the blockbuster film. We will also be given a sneak preview of movies that Twentieth Century Fox has in the making. It promises to be an educational and entertaining experience. We will continue south of Rosarito Beach to the five -star Las Rocas Resort for a lavish Mexican feast. We plan to eat outside in the oceanfront palapa (open -sided with a thatched roof). The beauty and ambience of this Pacific Ocean setting is said to capture the feel of the Greek Islands and should be memorable. Bring your companion and a sweater. Today's tour and dinner is included as part of the conference fee. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2001 (Optional Activity) Today's after - the - meeting event is a visit to the Birch Aquarium — part of the Scripps Institute and the nation's largest marine science museum. We have enlisted docents to give us a guided tour of the aquarium and tide pool. We will learn about the history of oceanography and the latest developments in global research with a backdrop of a sensational sunset. This is an optional activity. If you and /or your companion plan to participate, please so indicate on the registration form and include $7.00 /person attending. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2001 (Optional Activity) The post conference event at the Riverwalk Golf Club should provide a fun time for all levels of golfers. This beautiful course has 100 bunkers and boasts water on 13 holes. Bring your "A" game, your sand wedge, and lots of balls! This is an optional activity. If you and /or your companion plan to participate, please so indicate on the registration form. We have negotiated a rate of $45 /person that includes green fees, a cart and range practice balls. OC 17 Annual User Conference REGISTRATION Please complete the Registration Form exactly as you wish your name to appear on your name badge and your companion's badge, then compute the amount to be paid. You may also register via the Internet by signing on to www.idcdilog.com and following the instructions for the User Conference. Any number of people from your agency may attend. We also welcome friends and business associates from neighboring communities, your auditors, and Board and Council Members. Make additional copies of the form as needed. You need to register in order to attend the sessions. We must receive the completed registration along with a check or credit card authorization for the full amount by September 30th, 2001. Included with your registration are: • All Conference Materials • Lunch for Monday- Tuesday • Tour and Dinner on Monday Night Please pick -up your copy of the final agenda at the Sunday Night Registration. All dates and times of the meetings and events will be posted in the Lobby. Bring a Neighbor Program Don't keep DiLOG a secret! Invite a peer from a neighboring community, the school, library, park or a local district. They learn; you earn. They'll be introduced to the benefits of DiLOG processing and you'll receive free attendance at the DiLOG Course of your choice in 2002. CC -F REQUEST FROM CONSOLIDATED DISPOSAL SERVICES (CDS) FOR ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL REFUSE RATES CC -G RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT— STREET TREE MAINTENANCE CC -11 RELEASE OF BONDS — TRACT 52575; 3331 BURTON AVENUE -K AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 17 ANNUAL INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION USER CONFERENCE, NOVEMBER 5-7,2001, SAN DIEGO CC -L AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LABOR RELATIONS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE, NOVEMBER 6-9,2001, MONTEREY MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN VASQUEZ that the Council adopt the aforementioned items on the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Imperial, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC -1 ACCEPTANCE OF BID AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT THE INTERSECTION OF HELLMAN AND JACKSON AVENUES AND AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE GARVEY COMMUNITY CENTER AND CITY -WIDE SCHOOL SIGNAGE Councilman Taylor confirmed that the City received only one bid for this project. Ken Rukavina, City Engineer, responded that this was the second time this project was bid. The first time, no one turned in a bid. The project was then re- advertised and one bid was received, even though the large traffic signal contractors purchased plans and specs, Councilman Taylor requested a list of the contractors that took out plans and specs the first and second times. MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILWOMAN CLARK that the Council accept the bid and award the project to L.A. Signal, Inc., in the amount of $345,384.00; and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract on behalf of the City. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Imperial, Clark, Vasquez No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered.. CC -J APPROVAL OF SCANNING SERVICES Councilman Taylor asked if once the 102,000 pages are scanned, will the originals be stored off -site, and will the items now stored at Iron Mountain be scanted too. Mr. Taylor asked what the other documents are to be scanned. Mr. Taylor requested that this item be deferred to the next meeting. CCAGENDA:9 -25 -01 Page 08