CC - Item II. A Extending Ordinance No. 811 Imposed A moratorium on the Issuance of Any Permit11 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL r FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER �4� DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2000 SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 812 —AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD EXTENDING ORDINANCE NO. 811 WHICH IMPOSED A MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMITS OR ENTITLEMENTS FOR GARMENT MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING OR ASSEMBLING IN THE M -1 ZONE Ordinance No. 812 has been drafted to extend Urgency Ordinance No. 811, which was adopted by the City Council on August 8, 2000. This urgency ordinance was adopted to allow staff sufficient time to study the existing Conditional Use Permits (CUP's) and their attached conditions for garment manufacturing businesses. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt this moratorium extension for an additional ten months fifteen days, to allow Planning Department staff additional time to investigate the appropriateness of, and adherence to, the conditions of approval for existing garment manufacturing CUP's within the City. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council waive reading in full and adopt Ordinance No. 812 Attachments: 1. August 8, 2000 City Council staff report 2. Ordinance 811 COUNICIL , ENDA SEP 12 2000 ITEM No. ZL: SENT BY: WALLIN KRESS REISMAN 0 : 3 :46PM (310) 450 -0506- FJ2i 307 921:1:# 2/ 3 ORDINANCE NO. 812 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD EXTENDING ORDINANCE NO. 811 WHICH IMPOSED A MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMITS OR ENTITLEMENTS FOR GARMENT MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING OR ASSEMBLING IN THE M -1 ZONE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 . The City Council finds, determines and declares: (A) On August 8, 2000 the City Council considered and passed Ordinance No. 811 which imposed a 45 -day moratorium on the issuance of any permits or entitlements authorizing the establishment of any new garment manufacturing, processing, or assembling, including sewing and cutting operations in the M -1 zone; and (B) In order to continue Ordinance No. 811 in effect it is necessary to adopt this Ordinance extending Ordinance No. 811 for an additional ten months and fifteen days; and. (C) On September 12. 2000 the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing regarding the proposed extension of the moratorium imposed by Ordinance No. 81 1; and (D) The City Council has received a report from the city staff that recommends that the moratorium be continued for an additional ten months and fifteen days to allow for Planning Department and Planning Commission review and recommendations to the City Council. SECTION 2 . Ordinance No. 811, duly adopted by the City Council on August 8, 2000 is hereby extended for the period of ten months and fifteen days. The moratorium extended by this SENT BY: WALLIN KRESS REISMAN Ehtlil- 0 3:471-M : i9101 450 - 050[7- 626 307 921:3:# 3; :3 ordinance shall expire on August 7, 2001 unless sooner repealed by the City Council. SECTION 3 . The City Council hereby finds that there exists a current and immediate threat to the public safety, health and welfare should this interim ordinance not be enacted to extend Ordinance No. 811 in that the lack of current development regulations for garment manufacturing uses is a current and inunediate threat to the public safety, health and welfare, and the approval of permits for such uses, without proper regulations regarding the siting and development of such uses, would. result, in, a threat to the public safety, health and welfare. SECTION 4 . If any provision of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional, it is the intent of the City Council that such portion of this ordinance be severable from the remainder and that the remainder be given full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 12th day of September, 2000. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 2 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: r l �� kNK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGERI' DATE: AUGUST 1, 2000 -COUNCIL AGENDA AUG 0 8 2000 - ITEM No. SUBJECT: ORDINANCE NO. 811 —AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD IMPOSING A 45 -DAY MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMITS OR OTHER ENTITLEMENTS FOR GARMENT MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING OR ASSEMBLING IN THE M -1 ZONE AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING DEPARMENT TO INITIATE A STUDY WITH RESPECT TO DEVELOPING APPROPRIATE ZONING REGULATIONS GOVERNING SUCH USES The City of Rosemead currently has approximately forty garment manufacturing businesses operating within the City boundaries. Thirty -four of these businesses are operating under conditional use permits (CUPs). The remaining six businesses are legal non - conforming businesses that have been in existence, prior to ordinance number 619 that was adopted on January 26, 1988. This ordinance allows garment manufacturing, processing, or assembling, including sewing and cutting operations in the M -1 zone, pursuant to the granting of a conditional use permit, by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission and Planning Department staff periodically inspect each of the locations that have a CUP. These inspections are conducted due to the fact that CUP's are issued by the Planning Commission for a set time period. These time periods are generally approved for one to two years. The short time periods have been set by the Commission due to problems with garment business operators inability to adhere to the conditions as set forth the in conditions of approval. Typically, the conditions that are not being followed include: exceeding the maximum number of employees allowed based upon stafl epor 2/5 parking requirements; storage of materials and cleanliness of the interior work space; overall maintenance of the industrial and commercial centers within which they operate; changes of ownership that are not reported to the City; lack of current health department and state garment manufacturing licenses and inadequate identification signage. The nature of the garment industry makes it difficult for staff to monitor the number of employees operating at a site. As new contracts are secured by businesses, the number of on site employees changes month by month. It is an arduous task for the City's code enforcement officer and or planning staff to visit each factory to inspect all of the conditions as set by the Planning Commission. Because the entire eastern portion of Garvey Avenue is zoned M -1; Light Manufacturing and Industrial, there are many properties that allow garment manufacturing businesses. There are a large number of multi- tenant industrial and commercial centers that have garment factories operating out of single or multiple tenant suites. It is recommended that the City Council direct the Planning Department to study the zoning issues related to this type of use and recommend any changes to the zoning ordinance, if warranted. Also staff will work with the State Department of Industrial Relations to monitor the existing businesses. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 811. 3/5 ORDINANCE NO. 611 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE: 0 THE CITY COUNCIL 0.' THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD IMPOSING A 45 -DAY MORATORIUM ON TH_ ISSUANCE OF PNY PERMITS OR OTHER ENTITLEMENTS FOR GARMENT MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING OR ASSEMBLING IN THE M -1 ZONE AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO INITIATE A STUDY WITH RESPECT TO DEVELOPING APPROPRIATE ZONING REGULATIONS GOVERNING SUCH USES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 While this ordinance remains 1n effect, no conditional use permits, building permits, design reviews or other entitlements authorizing the establishment of any new . garment manufacturing, processing, or assembling, including sewing and cutting.operations, shall be issued and no application fcr such Permits) shall be accented. Sect =on 2 . Pursuant to the Drovisions of Section: e5656 of the Government Code of the State of California, tiffs is an urgency interim zonina ordinance. This ordinance shall t_a! -- effect immed'ately and shall expire forty -five (4S) days thereafter unless extended by the City Council after notice and Public )'fearing. The facts constituting the Current and immediate threat to the public welfare necessitating an urgency ordinance are as follows: The City Council finds and determines that the moratorium imposed by th18 ordinance is en acted to protect and preserve the public health, safety an6 welfare of the local business community and residents of the community pendina completion of a Planning Department review of th -s subject. The Council has received reocr'--s regarding health, safety and welfare issues at existing garment manufacturing businesses and wishes to review the regulations for these businesses before permitting additional businesses to be established. The City wishes to review the regulatory framework in which to consider the proper location and development standards for such facilities. The lack, of regulations '_s a current and immediate threat to the public welfare, and the approval of permits for such uses without prooer review would result in a threat to the public welfare. Section 3 The City Council may grant relief from the provisions of this moratorium ordinance upon recommendation of 4/5 the Planning Commission, subject to a finding of the following: 1. The strict application of the provisions of the moratorium to a parti Cular project would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships inconsistent with the general purpose and intent of the moratorium; and E 5/5 2. That there are exceptional circumstances or conditions aztlicabl°_ to the development that do not apply generally to the other projects covered by this moratorium; and 3. That the granting of an exception would not be mater - ally detrimental to the public welfare as defined above. Section 4 . If any provision of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional, it iS the _ntent of the City Council that such iDcrtlon of this ordinance be severable from the remainder and that the remainder be given full force and effect. Section 5. The Planninc: . Department is hereby directed to commence a study and to make recommendations _Jr deems necessary to strengthen the City's ability to scrutinize applications for the establishment of garment manufacturing, processing, or assembling, including sewing and cutting operations. Section 5 . The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPT D this Sth day of August, 2000. Vol: ATTEST: City Clerk 3 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Juan Nunez, 2703 Del Mar, Rosemead, voiced his concern with hosed off water from the Goodyear Tire store collecting on the property next to it. Mr. Nunez stated that the water, which may be contamined, could possibly runoff into the storm drain. Councilman Bruesch responded that this has been a recurring problem and the tire store will be notified. Ken Rukavina, City Engineer, stated he will contact Industrial Waste to check into this matter. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS An explanation of the procedures for the conduct of the public hearings was presented by the City Attorney. PUBLIC HEARING— ORDINANCE NO. 812 — AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSMEAD EXTENDING URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 811 FOR 10 MONTIIS 15 DAYS ON THE ISSUANCE OF ANY NEW CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR GARMENT MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING, OR ASSEMBLING IN THE M -1 ZONE — ADOPT Frank Tripepi, City Manager, presented the staff report. The Mayor opened the public hearing for those in the audience wishing to speak on this item. There being no one wishing to speak, the Mayor closed the public hearing. Councilman Taylor verified that there are 29 businesses operating under current C.U.P.'s. Mr. Taylor confirmed that those businesses will not be denied a renewal unless they refuse to conform to the C.U.P. conditions. Mr. Tripepi responded that those garment factories are currently operating under a legal C.U.P. and they will need to correct the conditions that they were cited for. Mr. Tripepi stated that during this moratorium, no new applications for garment factories will be accepted. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM IMPERIAL that the Council waive reading in full and adopt Ordinance No. 812. Vote resulted: Yes: Bruesch, Taylor, Clark, Vasquez, Imperial No: None Absent: None Abstain: None 'The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. PUBLIC HEARING — MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT 00 -02 AMENDING SECTIONS 17.48.020 (PERMITTED USES IN THE CBD ZONE), 17.112.030(20) (HOTELIMOTEL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS), & 5.42 (BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS FOR HOTELS/MOTELS AND TO REVISE EXISTING CONDITIONS OF APPROVL THAT ARE PLACED ON HOTEL AND MOTELS THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT B1. ORDINANCE NO. 813 — AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADDING CHAPTER 5.42 TO THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO CREATE OPERATIONAL STANDARDS FOR HOTELS AND MOTELS AND AMENDING SECTIONS 17.112.030 AND 17.48.020 OF THE CODE REQUIRING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCH USES — INTRODUCE Frank Tripepi, City Manager, presented the staff report. CCMIN:9.12 -00 Page #2