CC - Item 4B - Request For Red Curb At 9228 Valley Boulevard - Golden Rose Floriststaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER_�� DATE: " NOVEMBER 6, 2000 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 9228 VALLEY BOULEVARD — GOLDEN ROSE FLORIST DISCUSSION Staff has received a request from the business owner of Golden Rose Florist for the installation of red curb on the west side of the driveway at 9228 Valley Boulevard. Based on a field inspection and a reported accident history, staff recommended the installation of 20 feet of red curb on the west side of the driveway of 9228 Valley Boulevard and to extend 22 fee of red curb to existing red curb immediately east of Hart Avenue. At the November 2, 2000 Traffic Commission meeting, staff presented the findings of the study. At the meeting, the Commission voted 4 -1 -0 to approve this recommendation. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the installation of 20 feet of red curb on the west side of the driveway of 9228 Valley Boulevard and to extend 22 fee of red curb to existing red curb immediately east of Hart Avenue. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A — Staff report, dated October 16, 2000 Exhibit B — Draft Traffic Commission Minutes, dated October 5, 2000 COUNCIL AGENDA Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY hr ,1 4 DATE: October 16, 2000 RE: Request for Red Curb at 9228 Valley Boulevard Golden Rose Florist REQUEST A request has been received from Mr. Frank Quintanilla of the Golden Rose Florist, 9228 Valley Boulevard. Mr. Quintanilla is requesting red curb on the west side of the driveway of the Golden Rose Florist. Mr. Quintanilla indicates that red curb was existing prior to the improvements made on Valley Boulevard. CONDITIONS Valley Boulevard is a 74 foot wide east/west major arterial through the City. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a two way left turn lane. On street parking is generally allowed on Valley Boulevard. The posted speed limit on Valley. Boulevard is 35 mph. Exhibit A depicts curb conditions in the vicinity of 9228 Valley Boulevard. DATA The reported accident data in the vicinity of Valley Boulevard at Loma Avenue was reviewed for the period beginning January 1, 1997 31, 2000. The reported accident data revealed only one accident.within 100 feet of the intersection. This accident involved a westbound bicycle proceeding straight colliding with a westbound stopped vehicle (Primary Collision Factor = None stated - Inattention). DISCUSSION With the reconstruction of Valley Boulevard, some areas of red curb were removed and not replaced. It appears this may be the case in front of the Golden Rose Florist. Mr. Quintanilla indicates the installation of approximately 20 feet of red curb west of the driveway to the Golden Rose Florist would assist motorist exiting his EXHIBIT "A" Request for Red Curb at 9228 Valley Boulevard — Golden Rose Florist Page 2 business. He states that large trucks sometimes park right up to the driveway blocking the visibility of motorists exiting the florist. Field observations of the location identified some vehicles parking west of the Golden Rose Florist at various times of the day. No large trucks were observed during the various field reviews. However, the distance between the florist driveway and the nearest driveway to the west is approximately 75 feet, which can accommodate some large trucks. During field review of 9228 Valley Boulevard, I identified existing red curb immediately east of Hart Avenue. However, there was also a fire hydrant at that location. The extension of the existing red curb would clearly identify the parking zone available beyond the fire hydrant. RECOMMENDATION The installation of 20 feet of red curb on the west side of the driveway of 9228 Valley Boulevard, Golden Rose Florist, is recommended. It is further recommended that the existing red curb immediately east of Hart Avenue be extended 22 feet. Exhibit A depicts these recommendations. Attachment Rsd\2000 \Nov - Golden Rose Red Curb U O Z a a� 0 m d — 0 N N 0 v ip N 4 N N CO in CID i� c N Golden Pose Florist Install /Paint red curb. Shopping Center Install /Paint red curb. \ Existing red curb. Hart Avenue Exhibit A JI \Rsd\Exh Fig \Valley at Golden Rose Florist Nov -2000 Rosemead Traffic Commission. November 2, 2000 Minutes Page 5 of 7 Motorists appear to be complying with the stop signs on Olney Street at Vane Avenue. This is most evident by the favorable accident history at the intersection. Mr. Pedregon has requested additional stop signs be installed on Olney Street at Marybeth Avenue or that the stop signs at Vane Avenue be relocated. Mr. Pedregon indicates that Marybeth Avenue is more in the "center" of the block of Olney Street between Temple City Boulevard and Rio Hondo Avenue. RECOMMENDATION The 1999 Multi -way Stop Signs Warrants worksheets completed for both Olney Street/Vane Avenue and Olney Street/Marybeth Avenue are not satisfied for the installation of stop signs. Therefore, the installation of stop signs on Olney Street.at Marybeth Avenue (or the relocation of stop signs is not recommended at this time. The favorable accident history also supports this recommendation. It was moved by Commissioner Ruiz, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, and carried unanimously to approve the Deputy Traffic Engineer's recommendation. B. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT 9228 VALLEY BOULEVARD — GOLDEN ROSE FLORIST Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that a request has been received from Mr. Frank Quintanilla of the Golden Rose Florist, 9228 Valley Boulevard. Mr. Quintanilla is requesting red curb on the west side of t he driveway of the Golden Rose Florist. Mr. Quintanilla indicates that red curb was existing prior to the improvements made on Valley Boulevard. Valley Boulevard is a 74 foot wide east/west major arterial through the City. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a two way left turn lane. On- street parking is generally allowed on Valley Boulevard. The posted speed limit on Valley Boulevard is 35 mph. The reported accident data in the vicinity of Valley Boulevard at Loma Avenue was reviewed for the period beginning January 1, 1997 through March 31, 2000. The reported accident data revealed only one accident within 100 feet of the intersection. This accident involved a westbound bicycle proceeding straight colliding with a westbound stopped vehicle. With the reconstruction of Valley Boulevard, some areas of red curb were removed and not replaced. It appears this may be the case in front of the Golden Rose Florist. Mr. Quintanilla indicates the installation of approximately 20 feet of red curb west of the driveway to the Golden Rose Florist would assist motorist exiting his business. He states EXHIBIT B Rosemead Traffic Commission November 2, 2000 Minutes Page 6 of 7 that large trucks sometimes park right up to the driveway blocking the visibility of motorists exiting the florist. Field observations of the location identified some vehicles parking west of the Golden Rose Florist at various times of the day. No large trucks were observed during the various field reviews. However, the distance between the florist driveway and the nearest driveway to the west is approximately 75 feet, which can accommodate some large trucks. During field review of 9228 Valley Boulevard, I identified existing red curb immediately east of Hart Avenue. However, there was also a fire hydrant at that location. The extension of the existing red curb would clearly identify the parking zone available beyond the fire hydrant. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of 20 feet of red curb on the west side of the driveway of 9228 Valley Boulevard, Golden Rose Florist, is recommended. It is further recommended that the existing red curb immediately east of Hart Avenue be extended 22 feet. It was moved by Commissioner Baffo, seconded by Commissioner Herrera and carried unanimously to approve the Deputy Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that Commissioner Knapp requested that staff look at the bumpiness of Walnut Grove and Hellman. The City Engineer did review it and felt it is in need of re- construction this Spring. Administrative Assistant Jessica Wilkinson reminded the Commission of the Traffic Commission Workshop. , VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Baffo stated that there was a Homeowner's Association Board Meeting and informed them of what the Traffic Commission does and invited them to any future meetings. Commissioner Baffo also stated that on Marshall there are reflectors missing and need to be replaced. Commissioner Ruiz stated that his street sign has not been put up. Administrative Assistant Wilkinson stated that she contacted the'firm and they have placed it on order and will send her a confirmation letter.