CC - Item IV. D - Request For Parking Restrictions On The East Side Of Pine St. Between Newmark Ave And Garvey Avestaf epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER `���_ DATE: NOVEMBER 6, 2000 �/ SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON THE EAST SIDE OF PINE STREET BETWEEN NEWMARK AVENUE AND GARVEY AVENUE DISCUSSION Staff has received requests from the residents in the vicinity of Pine Street for additional parking restriction on the east side of Pine Street between Newmark Avenue and Garvey Avenue. Based on a field inspection and a reported accident history, staff recommended the installation of new signs indicating "No Parking Monday- Sunday 5:00 AM —10:00 AM ". At the October 5, 2000 Traffic Commission meeting, staff presented the findings of the study. At the meeting, the Commission amended the staff recommendation to exclude "Monday- Sunday ". The Commission voted 4 -0 to approve this amended recommendation. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the installation of new signs indicating "No Parking 5:00 AM — 10:00 AM" on the east side of Pine Street between Newmark Avenue and Garvey Avenue. EXHIBITS: Exhibit A — Staff report, dated October 2, 2000 Exhibit B — Traffic Commission Minutes, dated October 5, 2000 ITEM No. CO11 %:td1 a :. + a Yt. rS :"": lr� N &V 14 2000 Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: October 2, 2000 RE: Request for Parking Restrictions on the East Side of Pine Street between Newmark Avenue and Garvey Avenue REQUEST Residents in the vicinity of Pine Street have made requests for additional parking restrictions on the east side of Pine Street between Newmark Avenue and Garvey Avenue. The residents are concerned about vehicles picking up day laborers at that location CONDITIONS Pine Street is approximately 36 feet wide between Newmark Avenue and Garvey Avenue. The "back side" of Diamond Square Plaza fronts the east side of Pine Street. The west side of Pine Street is primarily residential in nature. The prima facie speed limit on Pine Street is 25 mph. DATA The reported accident history on Pine Street between Newmark Avenue and Garvey Avenue was reviewed. The period reviewed included January 1, 1997 through March 31, 2000. During this period, there were 4 reported accidents. These accidents are summarized below: Location and Description Time Day and Date 1. 513 feet south of Garvey 6:30 PM Wed., 9/15/99 Southbound vehicle turning left collided head -on with a northbound vehicle proceeding straight (P.C.F.= Right -of -way automobile) 2. 700 feet north of Newmark 3:55 PM Tues., 7/20/99 Northbound vehicle entering traffic sideswiped a northbound vehicle proceeding straight (P.C.F.= Starting /Backing). EXHIBIT "A" Request for Parking Restrictions on the East Side of Pine Street between Newmark Avenue Garvey Avenue Page 2 Location and Description 3. 526 feet south of Garvey Southbound vehicle entering traffic collided head -on with a northbound vehicle proceeding straight (P.C.F.= Improperturn/Vision obscured). Time 12:15 PM Day and Date Sun., 4/6/97 4. 300 feet north of Newmark .Northbound vehicle turning right broadsided a northbound parked vehicle (P.C.F.= Improper turn). 12:20 PM P.C.F. = Primary Collision Factor DISCUSSION Sun., 2/2/97 At a Neighborhood Watch meeting on August 9, 2000, residents expressed a concern regarding vehicles parking to pick -up day laborers. It is a continuing issue in the vicinity of Pine Street and the Diamond Square Plaza. The City has been working with officials to improve the situation of day laborers. The request for parking restrictions on the east side of Pine Street was the result of comments from residents and various officials. The parking on Pine Street is moderate throughout the day. However, during the early morning hours, various vehicles park along the east side of Pine Street to pick -up day laborers. This has caused concern for traffic especially during those hours. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that "No Parking Monday — Sunday 5:00 AM - 10:00 AM" signs be installed on the east side of Pine Street from —70 feet north of Newmark Avenue (from post office property line) to Garvey Street. This restriction will minimize the number of early morning vehicles that park on Pine Street. Rsd\2000 \Oct -Pine St parking restriction ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 5, 2000 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Quintanilla at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Quint anilla, Commissioner Knapp, Commissioner Ruiz, and Commissioner Herrera Absent: Commissioner Baffo Ex Officio: Assistant City Manager: Donald J. .Wagner Traffic Engineering Deputy: Joanne Itagaki CALL TO ORDER The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Herrera The Invocation was delivered by Commissioner Knapp I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Herrera, seconded by Commissioner Knapp, carried unanimously to approve the minutes for August 3, 2000 and September. 7, 2000. H. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE — None III. OLD BUSINESS - None rV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL RED CURB AT 8620 E. GRAND AVENUE Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that a request was received from Mr. Henry Sakaida Nursery, Inc. located at 8626 E. Grand Avenue. Mr. Sakaida is requesting ,additional red curb adjacent to the nursery entrance at 8620 E. Grand Avenue to accommodate the long tractor - trailer rigs that enter and leave their facility. Staff also received a telephone request from Ms. Lydia Apocada of 8636 E. Grand Avenue. Mr. Apocada indicated that there are several vehicles parked in the immediate vicinity of her driveway making it difficult to access her property. She is also requesting red curb adjacent to her driveway. Grand Avenue has a mixed land use in the vicinity of 8626 E. Grand Avenue. There are residential and commercial uses on this street. Parking on the street appears to be associated with employees of Pacific Bell. The vehicles park on both sides of Grand Avenue. The reported accident history on Grand Avenue between Bartlett Avenue and Halkett Avenue was reviewed. The period reviewed included reported accidents from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999. During this period, there were no reported accidents on Grand Avenue between Bartlett Avenue and Halkett Avenue. Field review of Grand Avenue between Bartlett Avenue and Halkett Avenue was conducted in the late morning hours. During this time, there were several vehicles parked along Grand Avenue. The majority of the vehicles were parked on both the north and south sides of Grand Avenue in the immediate vicinity of the Pacific Bell facility. Few vehicles were parked in any other areas of Grand Avenue. EXHIBIT B The Sakaida Nursery is located in the Edison right -of -way. The Pacific Bell facility is adjacent to the Nursery. Vehicles were parked adjacent to the Nursery entrance. In addition, vehicles were parked adjacent to the driveway of 8636 E. Grand Avenue. Clearly, these vehicles present a visibility constraint and obstacle to access to 8620 and 8636 Grand Avenue. Based on field review of Grand Avenue between Bartlett Avenue and Halkett Avenue and requests from property owners, the installation of additional red curb at 8620 E. Grand Avenue is recommended. It was further recommended that red curb be installed at 8636 Grand Avenue. It was further recommended that red curb be installed to all driveways along the 8600 Block of Grand. Pacific Bell was contacted and they stated that they are unable to accommodate all their employees on -site, but would like to be good neighbors and have asked their employees to show consideration for the neighbors. They sent a Flyer to all employees asking for their cooperation to park on the north side of the street. Speaking before the Commission was: Rosalie Calderon, Area Director Pacific Bell, External Affairs - Ms. Calderon stated that the problem began when they started hiring more employees, and they are not always able to park in the lot. She stated that they continue to remind their employees not to park on the south side of the street. Speaking before the Commission was: Lydia Apodaca 6836 Grand Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Apodaca stated that by painting the curb red will not solve the problem, she feels that there is no parking available for visitors on the street, and there are approximately 14 families that do not have driveways. Assistant City Manager Don Wagner stated that there is 2 hour parking on Edison, the whole width of La Presa, and the residents had the same problem at this location, and what the City did was institute a 2 hour parking, however this also affected the residents. Speaking before the Commission was: Henry Sakaida Sakaida Nursery, Inc. 8626 East Grand Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Sakaida stated that he initially made a request for an additional 10 feet of red curb, but he would like to amend that to a 5 foot extension, he stated that he doesn't need all of 20 feet. He's also against painted red curbs along all the other driveways, he feels that if the Edison employees could park on the north side, that would alleviate the problem. Speaking before the Commission was: Carolyn Garcia 8658 Grand Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Ms. Garcia stated that she has a problem with the Pacific Bell employees parking on Grand. She stated that her mother is terminally ill, and has hospice care several times a week, the person that comes to the house has no where to park, and are forced to park around the comer, and is in favor of the 2 hour parking. Speaking before the Commission was: Rosalie Calderon, Area Director Pacific Bell, External Affairs Ms. Calderon asked if she be permitted time to go back to their company and see if something could be worked out before the Conunission makes their decision on red curb Commissioner Knapp stated that she would like to see the cooperation of both sides on this issue, and feels this item should be deferred to the next meeting to allow the Pacific Bell people,time to come up with an alternative. Commissioner Ruiz stated that lie sees no need to wait any longer and that the 2 hour parking signs should be installed. He feels we are wasting time and there's no point in waiting. Commissioner Ruiz also asked Ms. Calderon what their intentions are. Ms. Calderon slated that she can not answer that without talking with their engineers Commissioner Ruiz stated that in his years of experience, he has found that a company usually has a plan before hiring more employees and therefore feels the signs should be installed. Speaking before the Commission was: Henry Sakaida Sakaida Nursery, Inc. 8626 East Grand Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Sakaida feels that the 2 hour parking should only be on the weekdays Ms. Lydia Apodaca stated that there are 3 other business on that street and none of their employees park on the street. Ms. Calderon stated that as a business that has been here for 30 years in Rosemead, request they be given some time to address some of these questions. Chairman Quintanilla explained to the residents that if a 2 hour parking sign goes up, their company /visitors might be cited. Commissioner Ruiz made the recommendation to amend the Traffic Engineering Deputy's recommendation by the request of Mr. Sakaida from a 10' foot to a 5' foot extension of red curb and to post the 2 hour limit on the south side of Grand Avenue. This motion died for a lack of a seconrl Assistant City Manager Don Wagner stated that he sympathizes with the residents, he too has a similar problem where he lives. However, Ms. Calderon is here to be a good neighbor and is trying to find a solution, but needs some time to convey this information to her people and possibly find a resolution. Chairman Quintanilla stated that he feels Pacific Bell is trying to come up with a solution and giving them a couple weeks extension is not unreasonable. It was moved by Commission Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Ruiz, and carried unanimously to table this item to next month giving Pacific Bell an opportunity clarify the issue. Commissioner Knapp recommended to Ms. Calderon that Pacific Bell speak to the Edison Company and see about renting or leasing parking spaces from them if they have extra spaces not being used. B. REOUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON THE EAST SIDE OF PINE STREET BETWEEN NEWMARK AVENUE & GARVEY AVENUE Assistant City Manager Donald Wagner stated that residents in the vicinity of Pine Street have made requests for additional parking restrictions on the east side of Pine Street between Newmark Avenue and Garvey Avenue. The residents are concerned about vehicles picking up day laborers at that location. Pine Street is approximately 36 feet wide between Newmark Avenue and Garvey Avenue. The "back side" of Diamond Square Plaza fronts the east side of Pine Street. The west side of Pine Street is primarily residential in nature. The prima facie speed limit on Pine Street is 25 mph. The reported accident history on Pine Street between Newmark Avenue and Garvey Avenue was reviewed. The period reviewed included January 1, 1997 through March 31, 2000. During this period, there were 4 reported accidents. At a Neighborhood Watch meeting on August 9, 2000, residents expressed a concern regarding vehicles parking to pick -up day laborers. It is a continuing issue in the vicinity of Pine Street and the Diamond Square Plaza. The City has been working with officials to improve the situation of day laborers. The request for parking restrictions on the east side of Pine Street was the result of comments from residents and various officials. The parking on Pine Street is moderate throughout the day. However, during the early morning hours, various vehicles park along the east side of Pine Street to pick -up day laborers. This has caused concern for the traffic especially during those hours. RECOMMENDATION: It was recommended that "No Parking Monday — Sunday, 5:00 a.m. — 10:00 a.m." signs be installed on the east side of Pine Street from 70 feet north of Newmark Avenue (from post office property line) to Garvey Street. This restriction will minimize the number of early morning vehicles that park on Pine Street. Speaking before the Commission was: Doug Jewett Temple City Sheriff's Station Deputy Jewett stated that since the courts have prevented them from enforcing action on day laborers, the residents at this location are concerned because they congregate in front of their homes, and have problems with drinking, littering, etc., with most of the day laborers being picked up in the morning hours between 5:00 a.m. — 10:00 a.m. The thought was that if a "No Parking or No Stopping" sign be installed, then the Sheriffs could take enforcement actions. Assistant City Manager Wagner stated that the day workers at Diamond Square are aware of the Day Laborer Center in El Monte, however, people pay more than minimum wage in Rosemead. It was moved by Commissioner Knapp, seconded by Commissioner Herrera and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation, with the sign reading: "No Parking - 5:00 a.m. — 10:00 a.m. ", leaving the Monday— Sunday off. V. STAFF REPORTS Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that at the September meeting there were several questions regarding when Garvey Avenue would be striped. The project should be done this fiscal year and bid sometime in the Spring. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that Commissioner Ruiz inquired about a handicap ramp on southeast corner of Brookline and Loftus. The City Engineer did review the location and there are no sidewalks on this corner, that's why there is no ramp there. Vl. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Knapp stated that the yellow striping at San Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue has not been re- painted. . Commissioner Knapp would like staff to look at installing the new crossing signs on both sides of San Gabriel, approaching the yellow crosswalks. Commissioner Knapp stated that on Walnut Grove going south and stopped at,Hellman at the traffic signal, the road is very rough and lumpy, and feels it is a dangerous situation. Commissioner Knapp also stated that there are no crossing signs on Marshall heading west. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that there is different signage at a 4 -way stop and would have to look at this location. Commissioner Ruiz asked staff to contact Cal -Trans regarding the Temple City Boulevard on -ramp and off -ramp, he feels the road needs to be re- slurried, there's problems with pot- holes. Commissioner Ruiz asked staff to contact the Highway Patrol regarding a training on Bicycle Riding Tips for the Community in particular, the elementary and junior high kids. Commissioner Ruiz also stated the signage on Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard has not been put up. . VDS. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 2, 2000. stafl epor TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 2000 RE: APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR PROVISION OF CROSSING GUARD SERVICES AT RICE SCHOOL Garvey School District has formally requested that the City provide crossing guard services for Rice School. The Board of Education took formal action at their October 26'" meeting to approve the attached agreement. Terms of the agreement call for the District to reimburse the City for cost of the proposed services. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the agreement. COUNCIL AGENDA NOV 14 2000 7if .M-6 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AND THE GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR PROVISION OF CROSSING GUARD SERVICES AT A SELECTED LOCATION THI S AGREEMENT dated the -)— `) day of O VF6� z-,I— 1 2000, between the CITY OF ROSEMEAD, a municipal corporation ( "CITY"), and the GARVEY SCHOOL DISTRICT, a school district organized and existing under the laws of the State of California ( "DISTRICT "). RECITALS WHEREAS, both CITY and DISTRICT wish to take steps to ensure the safety of children who walk to school; and WHEREAS, CITY and DISTRICT have met and conferred regarding the proposed location of an additional crossing guard; and WHEREAS, DISTRICT has agreed to fund the entire amount of the additional costs to CITY of the new crossing guard. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: CITY agrees to: (a) Recruit, hire, train, supervise, and place a crossing guard during hours to be specified by the DISTRICT in writing prior to 2000, at the following location specified by the DISTRICT: RICE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (b) Invoice DISTRICT monthly for crossing guard service at the location specified. Invoices submitted by the CITY shall be accompanied by the bi- weekly time sheets completed by the crossing guard and appropriate supervisory staff at the location specified. DISTRICT agrees to: (a) Reimburse CITY monthly upon receipt of an invoice prepared by CITY for its actual costs of providing the additional crossing guard requested by DISTRICT. The estimated annual costs for the crossing guard are as follows. Estimates are based on 20 hours per week during the course of a 44 week school year. Earnings, Benefits, Employer taxes for guard $6858.D0 Worker's Compensation Coverage $ 347.00 Administration /Supervision /Training $ 457.00 Estimated Annual Total $7662.00 In connection with the provision of crossing guard services provided by the City at the crosswalk specified in this agreement. District agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees, officers, trustees, agents and representatives, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities or judgments, including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting in any way from work performed by City under this Agreement unless such liability is due to the negligence or willful acts of City, its officers, employees or agents. City also agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the District, its employees, officers, trustees, agents and representatives, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities or judgments, including attorney's fees arising out of our resulting in any way from this Agreement, unless such liability is due to the negligence or willful acts of the District, its officers, employees, or agents. 4. This Agreement shall take effect when signed by both parties hereto. Crossing guard shall be provided for service commencing November 15, 2000. This Agreement shall continue in effect in annual terms thereafter, provided that either party may terminate this Agreement for any annual period not then in effect, by giving written notice to the other party at least (30) days before the date of the end of the annual period in effect. CITY OF ROSEMEAD By: MAYOR ATTEST. CITY CLERK ARV p DISTRICT By: r Title