Rehab Appeals Board - Item 2B - 3917-3927 Walnut Grove Ave HearingTO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD FROM: BILL CRO ITY MANAGER DATE: JULY 16, 2002 RE: 3917 - 3927 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE - HEARING The subject property consists of three tenant - occupied units with an apparent garage conversion at 3917 Walnut Grove. 3921 Walnut Grove has been divided into two units without permits or approvals. The property is zoned C -313. The case was initiated in August, 2001 and no compliance has been achieved in nearly a year. Case chronology as follows: • August 2, 2001 - Please letter mailed to property owner. • September 5, 2001 - Inspection. No progress. • September 17, 2001 - Property declared substandard by Building Official and a Declaration of Substandard Property filed with Los Angeles County Recorder's office. 15 day certified letter mailed and posted. • September 28, 2001 - Building Official received letter from Attorney, Kenneth Gross, requesting clarification of list of defects. • October 10, 2001 - "Bulky item" trash notice mailed to owner and tenants. • October 11, 2001 - Building inspector responded to attorney's letter. Revised list of defects and photos provided. • November 7, 2001 - Inspection. No progress. • December 6, 2001 - Inspection. No progress. REHAB AG JUL 23 20021 ITEM No. I • January 9, 2002 - Inspection. No progress. • January 31, 2002 - Building inspector spoke to Mr. Gross. Confirmed he still represented the property owner and had no explanation as to why no progress had been achieved. • February 7, 2002 - Inspection. No progress. • February 27, 2002 - Inspection. No progress. • April 2, 2002 - Inspection. Shed at rear of property had been demolished. No other progress. No permits obtained. • June 10, 2002 - Inspection. No progress. Note: In January, 2002, plans were submitted for a McDonald's restaurant to be located at 8548 Valley Boulevard, the lot to the north of the subject property. The substandard buildings were to be demolished and serve as parking area for the proposed development. The plans were returned to the applicant with corrections on February 20, 2002. They have not been returned to Building Department for recheck, and the plan check application is set to expire on July 24, 2002. Staff anticipates that a request for extension will be submitted along with a request for minor site plan revisions. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on July 9, 2002. All interested parties have been notified. CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL'S RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by September 3, 2002. However, if the required permits are obtained and sufficient progress is achieved by September 3, 2002, the abatement date may be extended to October 1, 2002. MAYOR: ROBERT W. BRUESOH MAYOR PRO TEM: JOEVASOUE2 COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARETCLARK JAYT. IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR July 9, 2002 Evelyn Hunt 2434 West Main Street Alhambra, CA 91801 os-c mca 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 " FAX (626) 307 -9218 SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 3917 - 3937 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 . NOTICE OF HEARING The City Building Official has determined by inspection that the following property is substandard, as defined in Section 9905 of the City of Rosemead Building Laws, because of the defects listed on the attached letter. THEREFORE; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, July 23. 2002. at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, a HEARING WILLBE CONDUCTED before the City of Rosemead Rehabilitation Appeals Board on this matter. All persons who desire to be heard shall appear before the above Board at said time and place to show cause why the substandard conditions should not be ordered abated. ADDRESS: 3917 - 3937 WALN JI' GROVE AVENUE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE ASSESSOR'S #: 5371- 011 -016 K � Ic _d_._ JAMES D. DONOVAN Deputy Building Official Date Posted 7 - ( - c} June 27, 2002 LIST OF DEFECTS ' SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 3917 -37 Walnut Grove Avenue REVISED. 3917 Substandard Conditions L It appears garage has been converted to other than the intended use. (Improper Occupancy) 2. Dilapidated storage shed at South/side of property. 3. Window screens are missing in several locations. 4. Hazardous electrical light fixtures at garage door. 5. Windows are damaged/broken in several locations. 6. Junk, trash and debris is being stored throughout property. Building Code Violation 1. It appears patio cover at rear of property has been constructed without the required approvals and permits. Access to interior of dwelling and garage is required�to determine whether additional substandard or unsafe conditions may exist. 3921 Substandard Conditions 1. Exterior walls and trim are damaged and require repair and paint. 2. Faulty plumbing at building exterior. 3. Unit lacks working smoke detectors. 4. Interior walls are damaged and require repair and paint. 3917 -27 Walnut Grove Avenue Page 2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 Windows are damaged, causing not to open. Driveway is damaged/deteriorated and does not drain property. Unit lacks stairs landing at side exterior door. Windows screens are missing in several locations. Trash, junk and debris are being stored throughout rear yard. Hazardous electrical wiring at building exterior. Under floor ventilation screens are missing in several locations. Building Code Violations 1. Tt appears addition at North /side of dwelling has been constructed without the required permits and approvals. 2. Plumbing has been installed without the required approvals and permits.. 3. Extension cords are being used as permanent wiring in kitchen area. 4. The patio cover at rear has been constructed without the required approvals and permits. . 3927 Substandard Conditions 1. Trash, junk and debris are being stored throughout property. 2. Driveway is damaged/deteriorated and does not drain properly. 3. Dilapidated storage shed at rear of property. 4. Furniture is being stored throughout front yard. 5. Extension cords are being used as permanent wiring throughout front yard. 3917 -27 Walnut Grove Avenue Page 3 Building Code Violation 1. A canopy structure has been erected without approvals or permits Access to interior of dwelling and garage is required to determine whether additional substandard or unsafe conditions may exist. NOTE: Rehabilitation permit has not yet been obtained. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.m., Monday through Thursday, and from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., Thursdays. ROSE ARGLiELLO Building Inspector (626)569 -2132 MAYOR: JAY T. IMPERIAL MAYOR PRO TEM: ROBERTVJ. BRUESCH COUNOILMEMBERS: .MARGARET CLARK ,. GARY A.TAYLOR JOEVASOUEZ, r psemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 . TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100' - FAX(626)307 -9218 October 11; 2001 Kenneth I Gross Law Offices of Perliss & Gross 555 S. Flower Street, 45" Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90071 Re: 3917 -3937 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, California Dear Mr. Gross: Enclosed you will find pictures and a revised List of Defects. This list was revised after making an interior inspection at building 3921 with property manager, Mr. Chen. If you have any questions, please feel free contact me at (626) 569 -2132. Very truly yowl, Rose S- " ue116 r.l BuildinE Spector i r FROM : PERLISS & GROSS . -"`K NO. 12130234625 2061 e3:23Ph1 P1 LAW UMCLLY PERLISS & GROSS ARCO PLAZA Uf S. FLOWER St !=. <STII FLOOR . LOS AM4l:LMY CA 90091 no)O9�Ltl OU107 01 • FA% (2131 KENNETH I. GROSS • SANFORD H. PERLISS - - THOMAS D. SHAMRAUGH• - _ - MICHAEL A. URETLt •A4 Ads m )ennryAvin T A"o A6""•' """^°'' September 28, 2001 Steven C. Bailey City of Rosemead VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL 8838 E. Valley Blvd. (626) 307 -9218 Rosemead, CA 9.1770 Re: 3917 -3937 Walnut Grove Ave. Dear Mr. Bailey: Please be advised that this firm is counsel to the holder of the ground lease for the above property. I am in receipt of a copy of your letter to the property owner, Evelyn hTunt. We are unable to adequately respond to your letter and request that you specifically advise us as to what is required, rather than describe the deficiencies in general terms. We cannot comply unless we know what has to be done. Specifically: 3919: 1. What is the purpose you contend the garage is being used for? 2. What do you mean by dilapidated? What repairs are required? 3921: 1. What repairs need to be performed on the shed? Building code violation: What is the violation? Please cite a code. code section so it can be reviewed 3927: 2. Please describe the drainage problem. Was a water test performed? Is a code violation involved? 3. What to you mean by dilapidated? What repairs are required? We wish to cooperate with the city and perform repairs that are necessary and are our responsibility. Please provide the details requested so that we may discuss the matter with the Property owner. Very truly yours, MAYOR: JAY T. IMPERIAL MAYOR PRO TEM. ROBERT VJ BRUESCR COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGAR- TCLARK GARY A. TAYLOR JOEVASOUEZ September 17, 2001 QS'emcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 - TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Evelyn Hunt SUBSTANTDARD PROPERTY 24' )4 Vilest Main Street 3917 - 3937 Walnut Grove Avenue Alhambra, CA 91801 Rosemead, CA 91770 ' Dear Property Owner: A recent inspection of the property at the above address has found it to be substandard as defined by the City of Rosemead Building Code, because of the defects enumerated in the attached list. - Section 9908 of the Code declares all such substandard buildings a public nuisance and requires the abatement thereof by correction, if practical, or demolition of the substandard conditions. As the owner of record, you are hereby notified to comply with the requirements of the above code, and to correct or remove the substandard conditions listed. All such work shall be completed within fifteen (15) days after receipt of this letter. Be advised if you are renting this property to others the City may file a Notice of Non- Compliance. with the State Franchise Tax Board. Revenue and Taxation Code, Section 17274 states: "No deduction shall be allowed for interest taxes. depreciation. or amortization... with respect to substandard (rental) housing." , This notice will be posted on the property. If in your opinion, you disagree or cannot comply with the above findings or order, you may request a public hearing. The request for hearing must be within fifteen (15) days after posting of this notice on the property, must be in writing, and directed to the City of Rosemead Building Official, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770. For further information, please contact the inspector whose name is shown on the attached list. Required permits may be obtained between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. Very truly yours, OR.IGINAt SIGNED STEVEN C. BAILEY . Building Official Date Posted: By: September 5, 2001 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 3917 -37 Walnut Grove Avenue 391 Substandard Conditions 1. It appears garage is being used for other than the intended use. (Improper Occupancy) 2. Dilapidated storage shed at South/side of property. 3921 Substandard Conditions . 1. Shed at rear of property is deteriorated/unsightly and required repair. 2. Exterior walls are damaged and require repair and paint. 3. Overgrown vegetation at rear of property. 4. It appears dwelling is being used as two separate living units. (Improper occupancy) Building Code Violation 1: It appears dwelling has been altered and is being used for. other than the intended use. 3927 Substandard Conditions I. Trash, junk and debris are being stored throughout property. 2. - Driveway is damaged and does not drain properly. 3. Dilapidated storage shed at rear of property. Page 2 Access to interior of dwellings and garage was not gained; therefore, other substandard conditions and building code violations may exist. PERD4ITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and maybe obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11:00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626)569 -2132 MAYOR: JAY T. IMPERIAL MAYOR PRO TEM: ROBERT W. BRUESCH COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK GARY A. TAYLOR JOE VASQUEZ August 1, 2001 n Evelyn Hunt 2434 West Main Street Alhambra, CA 91801 i t�C� yf ()cscftwead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 - FAX (626) 3079218 SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 3917 - 3937 Walnut Grove Avenue Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Property Owner: As you probably, know, the City of Rosemead has had in effect for sometime, a Building Rehabilitation and Property Maintenance Program. The purpose of this Program is to provide continued health, safety, and welfare for all Cityresidents. 1 know that you, as a responsible citizen, are interested in the present and future well-being-of your community and realize this interest can best be served by making this area an enjoyable place to live and work. With this thought in mind, the Property Rehabilitation Program is designed to assist you in . improving your property by pointing out unsafe or unsightly conditions which are detrimental to our community as a whole, and your property in particular. You, as an owner, can best accomplish the objectives of the Program by prompt compliance. To familiarize you with these conditions, and to aid you in solving your particular problem, we are enclosing a list of defects. If you have any questions, please contact the inspector whose name is listed on the request. . Thank you for your continued cooperation. Respectfully, FRANK G. TRIPEPI City Manager City of Rosemead July 10, 2001 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 3917 -37 Walnut Grove Avenue 3919 Substandard Conditions I. It appears garage is being used for other than the intended use. (Improper Occupancy) 2. Dilapidated storage shed at South/side of property. 3921 Substandard Conditions 1. Shed at rear of property is deteriorated/unsightly and required repair. 2. Exterior walls are damaged and require repair and paint. 3. Overgrown vegetation at rear of property. 4. It appears dwelling is being used as two separate living units.(Improper occupancy) Building Code Violation I. It appears dwelling has been altered and is being used for other than the intended use. 3927 Substandard Conditions 1. Trash, junk and debris are being stored throughout property. 2. Driveway is damaged and does not drain properly. 3. Dilapidated storage shed at rear of property. Page 2 Access to interior of dwellings and garage was not gained; therefore, other substandard conditions and building code violations may exist. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department between the hours of 7:00 - 11 :00 a.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626)569 -2132 SITE PLAN >�J July, 23, 2002 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY . 3917 -37 Walnut Grove Avenue REVISED 3917. Substandard Conditions L The garage has been converted to other than the intended use. (Improper Occupancy) •' 2. - Dilapidated storage shed at south side of property. 3. Window screens are missing in several locations: 4. Hazardous electrical light fixtures at garage door. 5. Windows are damaged/broken in several locations. 6. Junk, trash and debris is being stored throughout property. Building Code Violation 1. The patio cover at rear of property has been constructed without the required approvals and permits. Access to interior of dwelling and garage is required to determine whether additional substandard or unsafe conditions may exist. 3921 Substandard Conditions ' 1. Exterior walls and trim are damaged and require repair and paint. 2. Substandard insanitary plumbing conditions throughout building. . -r 3. Unit lacks smoke detectors. 4. Interior walls and ceilings are damaged and require repair and paint. 7. Unit lacks complying stairs and landing at side exterior door. : a 8. Windows screens are missing in several locations. ti 9. Trash, junk and debris are being stored throughout rear yard. 10. Hazardous electrical wiring at building exterior. 11. Under floor ventilation screens are missing in several locations. Building Code Violations 1. An addition at north side of dwelling has been constructed without the required approvals and permits. 2. Plumbing has been installed without the required approvals and permits. 3. Extension cords are being used as permanent wiring in several areas. 4. The patio cover at rear has been constructed without the required approvals and permits. 3927 - Substandard Conditions 1. Trash, junk and debris are being stored throughout property. . 2. Driveway is damaged/deteriorated and does not drain properly. . 3. Dilapidated storage shed at rear of property. 4. Furniture is being stored throughout front yard. 5. Extension cords are being used as permanent wiring throughout front yard. r gF" L r v 41 7, 55r,� Fz. VMM MSN�ft- %f't