HDC - Allowing certain claims and demands in the sum of $383.24 (Reso. 2002-20)RESOLUTION NO. 2002 -20 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $383.24 AND DEMANDS NO. 1378 THROUGH NO. 1379 MOTION BY DIRECTOR TAYLOR, SECOND BY DIRECTOR IMPERIAL that the Corporation adopt Resolution No. 2002 -20. Vote resulted: Aye: Bruesch, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The President declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. 2. STATUS REPORT: GARVEY SENIOR HOUSING TENANT SELECTION PROCESS Steve Copenhaver, GRC Consultant, stated that the housing units will be completed on Monday, October 28 Mr. Copenhaver explained that the Levine Management Company has gone through the first grouping of 135 seniors, inviting them to submit a complete application. They were interviewed and certain materials were requested as needed. Of that group, there are approximately 50 that qualified, pending the last field check presently underway. Director Taylor asked how many have actually qualified. Mr. Copenhaver replied that all of the 50 have met citizenship and income requirements, and the Tax Assessor's Roll of last known addresses. Mr. Copenhaver continued that a few more applicants are being physically checked that are not showing up on the Assessor's Roll. The next grouping of 50 applications from July 2, 2001 on will go through the same process. Mr. Copenhaver stated that out of that list, they are hoping to qualify another 20 or 22 applicants. The building will then be filled. Mr. Copenhaver continued that should they not get enough qualified applicants, then they will process the next grouping of 50 applications. Mr. Copenhaver stated that the qualified applicants will begin to be moved in by floor, hopefully by the second week of November, and that they will not wait until all 72 applicants are qualified. President Bruesch asked if the completion will coincide with the punch list. Mr. Copenhaver replied that any items that would prevent occupancy have already been taken care of, or will have by October 28 Mr. Copenhaver added that a security system will be installed, which will not prevent the start of the use of the buildings. Director Taylor asked when the security system will be completed? RHDCMIN:10 -22 -02 Page #2 Mr. Copenhaver replied that a simple system needs to be selected and approved. Director Taylor stated that the concern is that the buildings will be occupied soon. What security will be present to monitor any activities? Mr. Copenhaver stated that there is not any camera security yet, and that 24 -hour guard services are currently on the premises. Director Clark asked that the security guard remain until the camera system is installed. Mr. Copenhaver replied that a security camera system will not be difficult to install as everything is pre- wired. Mr. Copenhaver explained that there will not be a staff security person hired just to monitor the screens all day. Director Taylor asked how will the screens be periodically monitored? Mr. Copenhaver replied that the computer screens will be at the front desk, enabling staff to periodically monitor the screens. President Bruesch thanked GRC and staff for the meticulous method of checking the applications. Mr. Bruesch stated that he would rather err on the side of caution to make sure that everyone qualifies fairly for the units. Mr. Bruesch asked about the plans for a ribbon cutting ceremony. Bill Crowe, City Manager, replied that a date will be set once the Community Center has been occupied for at least one month, and the seniors are housed. Mr. Crowe stated that perhaps by December or January. There being no further comments, this item was received and filed. 3. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS - None 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON HOUSING DEVELOPMENT MATTERS Juan Nunez, 2702 Del Mar, Rosemead, asked what is the ratio of occupancy? President Bruesch replied that the consultants and staff are following every rule to ensure fairness. Director Taylor added that that is the reason why the application process went right down the list, no one bumped anybody else. PHDCMIN:10 -22 -02 Page 43 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 12, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Corporation Secretary APPROVED: PRESIDENT RHDCMIN: 1042 -02 Page H4