HDC - Item 2 - Resolution No. 2005-01 Adopting 2005-56TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAI D HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FROM: BILL CR VWEEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 16, 2005 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -01 ADOPTING 2005 -06 ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BUDGET Attached for your consideration is a copy of Resolution No. 2005 -01 adopting the 2005- 06 Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: After any amendments, it would be appropriate for the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation to adopt Resolution No. 2005 -01 Annual Budget. HOUSING AGENDA JUN 2 8 2005 ITEM No. Z RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -01 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COROPORATION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005 -06 AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE AMOUNT BUDGETED WHEREAS, an Annual Budget for the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2005 and ending June 30, 2006 was submitted to the Housing Development Directors and is on file in the City Clerk's office. NOW, THEREFORE, THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Budget is adopted as the Annual Budget of the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2005 and ending June 30, 2006. Section 2. There is hereby appropriated to each account set forth in the "Summary of Expenditures by Category" of said budget attached hereto, and made a part hereof as though fully set forth and the Executive Director is authorized and empowered to expend such sum for the purpose of such account, but with no expenditure by any office or department for any item within an account shall exceed the amount budgeted therefore without prior written approval of the Executive Director. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 28th day of June, 2005 President, Rosemead Housing Development Corporation ATTEST: Corporation Secretary ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY ADMINISTRATIVE (Cost Center 4270) Legal Fees Auditing Fees Department Supplies Travel and Meeting Expenses Membership /Subscription City Services 2004 -05 Projected $0 10,000 0 0 0 219,600 2005 -06 Budget $3,000 13,000 300 500 500 219,600 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIAL PROJECTS (Cost Center 4275): First Time Home Buyers Program Management Contract - Angelus Special Insurance -Angelus Lease Payment - Angelus Management Contract - Garvey Special Insurance - Garvey Lease Payment - Garvey TOTAL SPECIAL PROJECTS HOUSING REHABILITATION (Cost Center 4280): Planning and Administration Residential Rehabilitation TOTAL HOUSING REHABILITATION RHDC FUND TOTAL $229,600 $236,900 $0 $100,000 150,000 161,000 5,000 5,000 60,000 60,000 152,500 162,000 10,000 10,000 72,000 72,000 $449,500 $570,000 $0 $0 0 0 $0 $0 $679,100 $806,900 RHDC MEMORANDUM FROM: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 16, 2005 RE: EXPLANATION REGARDING WARRANT NO. 1468 - REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY SERVICES AND GROUND LEASE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004 -05 As part of the warrant register for the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation of June 28, 2005, RHDC Director's will consider Check No. 1468 in the amount of $337,200 payable to the City of Rosemead. This payment reimburses the City of Rosemead for services provided to the RHDC, in the amount of $219,600 and for ground lease payment, in the amount of $117,600, for fiscal year 2004 -05. As always we have provided you with supportive documentation on this amount. The City services and ground lease payment is for both the Angelus and Garvey Senior Housing. Attached is a copy of the worksheet and a sample timesheet that staff developed with the City Auditor and the City Attorney as being an acceptable method of tracking costs associated with Housing projects and programs. Also attached is a copy of the original memorandum from the RHDC Attorney, David Kroot, confirming that the $150,000 is a reasonable figure. If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know. BC:klo r: ' .. 41 ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. 8838E. VALLEY BLVD. 818-288-6671, ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 PAY TO TI IE nRDFrnF ' CITY OF �RdSEMEAD 1468 90-3977/1222 DATE. 06728-05 1 $ 337,200.00 J, CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 East Valley Boulevard . Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569 -2100 TO: ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION To:, ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER 2005 -019 INVOICE DATE June 16, 2005 YOUR ORDER NUMBER Annual Reimbursement for City Services TERMS UPON RECEIPT CONTACT PERSON K. Ogawa MISCELLANEOUS REF Ground Lease payment for Fiscal Year 2004 -05 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Annual Reimbursement for City Services $219,600.00 Fiscal Year 2004 -05 (Angelus & Garvey Sr Hsg) Ground Lease payment for Fiscal Year 2004 -05 $132,000.00 (Angelus and Garvey Senior Housing) Less: Amount due to RHDC for overpayment of (14,400.00) 2003 -04 Ground Lease payment (Garvey Senior Housing) SUBTOTAL $337,200.00 TAX N/A $337,200.00 Questions concerning this invoice? MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABL PAY THIS Call: Finance Department CITY OF ROS AMOUNT (626) 569 -2120 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attention . - Finance-Depekment- -- - - -- -- - - TranCode: 9900. -: ..�. —_• .., .... .. 'i Account: 4110 - 3991- Fund01v.y T 2 7s ' 6'' °pT'i _ Zr9�6 �• i it P��sTz b �. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSI qV - AC 00-4-0 ) N iii ,., -.: � •• i CITY SERVICE INVOICE (RHDC) Fiscal Year 2004 -05 2004 -05 Budgeted Applicable Balance Due Organ. Activity Expenditures Percentage To City 4100 City Council $282,290 N/A $0 4110 Administration 942,180 10.00% 94,218 4120 City Clerk 203,940 10.00% 20,394 4130 Finance 536,960 10.00% 53,696 4140 City Treasurer 300 10.00% 30 4150 City Attorney 169,260 N/A 0 4180 Buildings 576,900 10.00% 57,690 4200 Community Promotions 309,400 N/A 0 4240 City Garage 38,800 10.00% 3,880 4300 Law Enforcement 5,365,050 N/A 0 4310 Parking Control 207,060 N/A 0 4320 Crossing Guards 132,510 N/A 0 4330 Animal Regulation 82,000 N/A 0 4340 Street Lighting 371,000 N/A 0 4350 Emergency Medical 7,500 N/A 0 4360 Narcotics Fore. & Seizure 60,940 NIA 0 4500 Construction- Street 10,737,500 N/A 0 4510 Traffic Administration 45,390 N/A 0 4530 Construction - Signals 105,000 N/A 0 4600 Street Maintenance 461,300 N/A 0 4630 Traffic Signal Maintenance 109,000 N/A 0 4640 Tree & Parkway Maintenance 267,000 N/A 0 4650 Signs & Striping Maintenance 150,000 N/A 0 4660 Public Transit 1,109,440 N/A 0 4700 Planning 419,780 10.00% 41,978 4710 Building Regulations 1,071,420 N/A 0 4720 Engineering 379,100 N/A 0 4740 Community Improvement 280,990 N/A 0 4750 CDBG 2,839,281 N/A 0 4780 Solid Waste 80,560 N/A 0 4800 Parks & Recreation Admin. 320,100 N/A 0 4810 Parks 1,416,100 N/A 0 4820 Recreation 840,690 N/A 0 4830 Aquatics 348,710 N/A 0 4840 Recreation Fee & Charge 283,370 N/A 0 4850 Aquatics Fee & Charge 19,200 N/A 0 4870 Dinsmoor Heritage House 35,500 N/A 0 4880 Parks Projects 0 N/A 0 Appropriated Reserve 100,000 NIA 0 $30,705,521 $271,886 Amount Due to City $219,600 klo:cityserv.xls (200405) - 9 T ao o.ro m� 'S [n r4 z m -- N (^ N N 'D �N y g o N o 5 0 y N �p e O O 7 a G 7 a o 0 z . A ;u ZO 0 09 A d 0 0 n� � 't1 -a O m m x O C en z 0 0 O T mm K K � o .: c D = 7. N P C f0 w ° al s 7 3 hl The Law Omc= of GOLDF - AR B & LI PMAN One Montgomery street Telesis Tower Twenty-nerd Floor San Francisco California 94104 MEMORANDUM Sr-even EL Goldfarb To: Don Wagner Barry IL L#= From: M David Sroot M David Kroot .. Lc G Rasenma! Date: October 7, 1993 Roger A. Clay Jr. Sub ject:' Proposed 1992 -93 City Reimbursement Paula &Crow Rosemead Housing Development Corporation John T Nagle Polly ¢ Ma:shaIl 2 have reviewed your list of City exp incurred to L7nngu support the activities Of the Rosemead goosing Development RidmrdA.Judd Corporation for the 1992 -93 fiscal year. Pax FYanldin James D. swim The total cost of $150,000 is reasonable and the v lVenXMedemana expenses may be,-'reimbursed from the Rosemead Redevelopment Thoams IL Webber Agency a s Low and Moderate income Housing Fund as activities ' John 7 Flaygood ldiehad L Bey to support the production of low. and moderate income . DianneJarlsonM housing. RaYrotaid R Bolanos Iron X Shin P Rentle Glover . Andrew 2 Shag do LLIMLUrn Our File: 610/1 David Id Robinson San -zncs= 415 75S -w36 415 78Sa29 Zia 61001L°50