Rehab Appeals Board - Item 2A - 7621-7623 Emerson PlaceTO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD PROM: BILL CR VE, CITY MANAGER DATE: JULY 19, 2005 RE: 7621 - 7623 EMERSON PLACE - HEARING The subject property consists of three units. Two units are vacant and one is tenant - occupied. The property is zoned R -2 with a lot size of 7871 -! square feet. The case was initiated in October 2004, and compliance has not been achieved in over nine months. The case chronology is as follows: • October 11, 2004 - "Please" letter and Los Angeles County record search information mailed to property owner. November 11, 2004 - Inspection: no progress. • November 23, 2004 - Property declared substandard by Building Official and a Declaration of Substandard Property filed with Los Angeles County Recorder's office. 30 -day certified letter mailed to the property owner and posted at the property. Another record search information sheet was included. December 6, 2004 - Property owner's daughter at Building Department counter to pick up permit applications. She claimed repairs would commence the following week. • December 22, 2004 - Property owner, Helen Ross, telephoned. She informed the building inspector that she was in the process of evicting the tenants at 7623, and. indicated repair work would begin as soon as the tenants vacated. She also stated that she would begin roof repairs at 7621. REHAB AG JUL 2 6 2095 ITEM No. 3L .4 January 26, 2005 - Inspection: it appeared that some work had commenced at 7623, although no permits had been obtained. February 23, 2005 - Inspection: interior access gained into 7621. Additional defects were noted and a revised list of defects was compiled and mailed to the property owner. The inspector noticed a telephone number posted on the side of the front building for a property management company. The inspector left messages for both Mrs. Ross and the property manager. Copies of the 30 -day certified letter and the list of defects were mailed to the management company. • April 1, 2005 - Building inspector received letter from the management company requesting additional time to complete the repairs. • May 2, 2005 - Inspection: no progress. • May 3, 2005 - Building inspector received telephone call from management company stating that they were no longer managing the property. • May 26, 2005 - Building inspector sent follow -up letter requesting compliance. • June 27, 2005 - Inspection: It appeared that some work had commenced at 7621, although no permits had been obtained. To date, no permits have been obtained and little progress has been achieved in correcting the list of defects. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on June 13, 2005. All interested parties have been notified. CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL'S RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions be removed and/or corrected by September 1, 2005. However, if permits are obtained, and sufficient progress is achieved by September 1, 2005, the abatement date may be extended to October 3, 2005: nano OR' JAY T. IMPERIAL MAYOR PRO TEM GARY A. TAYLOR COUNCILMEM9EPS: MARGARET CLARK JOHN H. NUNEZ JOHN TRAN July 12, 2005 8638 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 Bertram S. & Helen Ross Trustees of the 2004 Ross Family Trust 16721 Bolero Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7621 - 7623 % Emerson Place Rosemead, CA 91770 NOTICE OF HEARING The City Building Official has determined by inspection that the following property is substandard, as defined in Section 9905 of the City of Rosemead Building Laws, because of the defects listed on the attached letter. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday. July 26. 2005, at 7:00 p.m., in the CityHall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, aHEARING WILL BE CONDUCTED before the City of Rosemead Rehabilitation Appeals Board on this matter. All persons who desire to be heard shall appear before the above Board at said time and place to show cause why the substandard conditions should not be ordered abated. ADDRESS: 7621 - 7623 % EMERSON PLACE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: POR. LOT 40, TRACT 2078 ASSESSOR'S #: 5286- 033 -013 JAMES D. DONOVAN Building Official Date Posted: 3 o June 27, 2005 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7621 -23 1/2 Emerson Place Revised 7621 Substandard Conditions Roof covering is deteriorated and does not provide effective weather protection. 2. Closet walls in second bedroom are damaged and molding, causing unhealthy and unsanitary conditions. 4. Sub floor in rear bedroom is damaged and requires repair. 5. Floor covering in rear bedroom is damaged causing unsanitary conditions due to recent rain storms 6. Hazardous electrical light fixture in bathroom and rear bedroom. 7. Dwelling lacks working heating unit. 8. Garbage disposal is not functioning, causing unsanitary conditions. 9. Unit lacks working smoke detectors. 10. Water heater lacks temperature and pressure relief and piping must terminate outside within 6" of grade. 11. Windows in bedrooms lack the required emergency egress mechanism. 12. Tremendous amount of trash, junk and debris is being stored in garages causing unsanitary conditions. Breezeway 1. Door from breezeway enclosure to garage must be 20 minute rated assembly or 13/4 solid core door with solid or rabetted jamb and a self closing device. Page 2 Garages 1. Roof covering is deteriorated and does not provide effective weather protection. 2. Roof rafters and walls are damaged and molding due to deteriorated roof covering causing unsanitary conditions. 7623 Substandard Conditions 1. Interior wall in bathroom is damaged and requires repair. 2. Shower stall is damaged and requires repair. 3. Exhaust fan in kitchen is not functioning. It is poorly maintained causing a fire hazard. 4. Faulty electrical outlet in livingroom. 5. Water heater lacks the required seismic anchors and pressure relief piping must terminate outside within 6" of grade. 6. Hazardous electrical fixtures in dinning room. 7. Unit lacks the required smoke detectors. 8. Visible ant infestation. 9. Exterior rails at front stairs are loose and required repair. 10. Dwelling lacks working heating unit. 11. Appliances are being stored at building exterior 12. Plumbing has been installed for the laundry area without the required approvals and permits. 13. Shed in rear yard is dilapidated and is encroaching in the side property setbacks. 14. Overgrown vegetation throughout rear yard. 15. Lattice patio cover between garage and duplex have been constructed without the required approvals and permits. Page 3 16. Patio cover at rear of dwelling has been constructed without the required approvals and permits. 17. . Window bars lack emergency release mechanism. 18. Dry debris is being stored at West side of property. Access to interior of 762' ) '/2 was not gained. Therefore, additional substandard conditions and building code violations may become evident during subsequent site visits. A permit record search from Los Angeles County is recommended. Enclosed are instructions on where to obtain this information. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M., Monday through Thursday, and from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., Thursdays. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626)569 -2132 I E May 26, 2005 Bertram S. & Helen Ross Trustees of the 2004 Ross Family Trust 16721 Bolero Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 SUBJECT: 7621 -23 % Emerson Place Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Property Owners: Our records and inspections indicate that you have failed to comply with the.List of Defects dated February 23, 2004, and to obtain the required necessary permits. Although, the city was notified that InveServe is no longer managing your property, you are still responsible for the maintenance of the property. Please be advised that if significant progress is not made and permits obtained within the next thirty (30) days, I have no choice, but to schedule you for a public hearing before the Rehabilitation Appeals Board. Enclosed you will find a copy of the recent List of Defects. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (626) 569 -2132. Sincerely Rose Arguello Building Inspector InveServe, REAL ESTATE MYESTAENT SERVICE April 01, 2005 Ms. Rose Arguello Building Inspector City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, Ca. 91770 Re: 7621 -7623 Emerson PI. Rosemead, Ca. Dear Rose, 1300 E.%lain St. Suite 210 _ Alhambra, CA 91801 (626) 458 -3435 FAX (626) 458 -5321 e -mail: invesme(dinveservexom Thank you for taking the time to return my previous phone calls. As you know I am in receipt of your 1 1/23/04 substandard property report and we are working on it. Please note that all violations for unit 7623 have been corrected and that we brought up that unit to re- rental status and has been occupied by a new resident since 3/1/05. We obviously have the receipts, work orders and other documents to prove that the remodeling has been done, and also a simple visual inspection will tell you that all is ok in that unit now. In regards to Unit 7621, please note that we have that unit under a legal eviction process for non - payment of rent, and also for violating the authorized occupant's clause in her rental agreement. At this time they are keeping at least 1 I people that I know of, living in that unit. Needless to say that also violates City codes, and their refusal to remove the excess occupants brought about the eviction process, as well as their inability to pay the rent on a timely manner. We should have a trial date very soon, and after the lock out has been completed. we will re -model that unit as well to put it right back in the rental market. it is in our best interest to do that, since we are in the apartment rental business. At the present time, they refuse to open the door to anyone for repairs for fear of being locked out; their lack of cooperation is one more reason why we want them to go away. As always, do not hesitate to call me should there be any questions. you. Supervisor BROKERAGE - MANAGEMENT • SYNDICATION - MAYOR: MARGARET CLARK MAYOR PRO TEM: JAY T. IMPERIAL COUNOILMEMBERS: BILL ALARCON . GARY A. TAYLOR JOE VASOUEZ November 23, 2004 Bertram S. & Helen Ross Trustees of the 2004 Ross Family Trust 16721 Bolero Lane Huntington Beach. CA 92649 Dear Mr.& Mrs. Ross: 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RE: SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7621 - 7623 '/x Emerson Place Rosemead, CA 91770 A recent inspection at the subject address found the property to be substandard as defined by Chapter 99 of the City of Rosemead Building Code, due to the conditions enumerated in the attached list of defects. Section 9908 of the Rosemead Building Code declares all such substandard buildings a public nuisance and requires the abatement thereof by repair, rehabilitation, or demolition of the substandard conditions. As the owner of record, you are hereby ordered to comply with the requirements of said code, by repair, rehabilitation, or demolition of the substandard conditions listed, within thirty (30) days after'receipt of this notice. Be advised that if you are renting this Property to others the City may file a "Notice of Non- Comptiance" with the State Franchise Tax Board. Section 17274 of the Revenue and Taxation Code states: "No deduction shalt be allowed for interest taxes depreciation or amortization with respect to substandard (rental) housing." This notice will be posted on the property. If you disagree with the findings, or cannot comply with the order within the time specified, you may request a public hearing. Such request for hearing must made, in writing, within thirty (30) days after posting of this notice on the subject property. The request for hearing shall be directed to the City of Rosemead Building Official at 8838 East Valley Boulevard; Rosemead, California 91770. For additional information or assistance, you may contact the inspector whose name and phone number appears on the attached list of defects. The required pernnits may be obtained from 7:00 AM to l 1:00 AM, Monday through Thursday, and from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Thursdays. Sincerely, 01HUN NA SIGNED JAMES D. DONOV_aN Building Official Date Posted: By:_ November 11, 2004 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7621 -23 1/2 Emerson Place 7621 Substandard Conditions 1. It appears one of the garages at rear of the front unit has been altered, and is being used as a living quarter without the required approvals and permits. 2. Addition between dwelling and garage has been constructed without permits and approvals and is being used as a living quarter. 3. House address must be posted and visible on all units. -i 7623 Substandard Conditions I. Interior wall in bathroom is damaged and requires repair. 2. Shower stall is damaged and requires repair. 3. Exhaust fan in kitchen is not functioning_ It is poorly maintained causing a fire hazard. 4. Faulty electrical outlet in livingroom. 5. Water heater lacks the required seismic anchors and pressure relief piping must terminate outside within 6" of grade. 6. Hazardous electrical fixtures in dinning room. 7. Unit lacks the required smoke detectors. 8. Visible ant infestation. 9. Exterior rails at front stairs are loose and required repair. Page 2. Access to interior of front unit was not gained. Therefore, additional substandard conditions and building code violations may become evident during subsequent site visits. A permit record search from Los Angeles County is recommended. Enclosed are instructions on where to obtain this information. PERrvIITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may obtained at the Building Department from 7:00 A.1\/I. to 11:00 A.M., Monday through Thursday, and from 4:00 P.M. to 6.00 P.M., Thursdays. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626)569 -2132 MAYOR: MARGARETCLARK . MAYOR PRO TEM: JAY T. IMPERIAL COUNCILMEMBERS: BILL ALARCON GARY A. TAYLOR JOE VASOUEZ October 11, 2004 Ross 2004 Family Trust 16721 Bolero Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Dear Property Owners: icy oS�sread 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 . TELEPHONE (626) 569 -2100 FAX (626) 307 -9218 SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7621 - 7623 Emerson Place Rosemead, CA 91770 As you probably know, the City of Rosemead has had in effect for some time, a Building Rehabilitation and Property Maintenance Program. gram is to provide continued health, safety, and welfare for all City residents. The purpose of this Pro I know that you, as a responsible citizen, are interested in the present and future well-being of your community and realize this interest can best be served by making this area an enjoyable place to live and work. With this thought in Hind, the Property Rehabilitation Program is designed to assist you in improving your propertyby pointing out unsafe or unsightlyconditi6nswhich are detrimental to our community as a whole, and your property in particular. You, as an owner, can best accomplish the objectives of the Program by prompt compliance. To familiarize you with these conditions, and to aid you in solving your - particular problem, we are enclosing a list of defects. If you have any questions, please contact the inspector whose name is fisted on the request. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Respectfully, BILL CROWE City Manager City of Rosemead September 20, 2004 LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY . . 7621 -23 1/2 Emerson Place 7621 Substandard Conditions 1. It appears one of the garages at rear of the front unit has been altered, and is being used as a living quarter without the required approvals and permits. 2. Addition between dwelling and garage has been constructed without permits and approvals and is being used as a living quarter. 3. House address must be posted and visible on all units. 7623 Substandard Conditions 1. Interior wall in bathroom is damaged and requires repair. 2. Shower stall is damaged and requires repair. 3. Exhaust fan in kitchen is not functioning. It is poorly maintained causing a fire hazard. 4. Faulty electrical outlet in livingroom. 5. Water heater lacks the required seismic anchors and pressure relief piping must terminate outside. within 6" of grade. 6. Hazardous electrical fixtures in dinning room. 7. Unit lacks the required smoke detectors. 8. Visible ant infestation. 9. Exterior rails at front stairs are loose and required repair. Page 2. Access to interior of front unit was not gained. Therefore, additional substandard conditions and building code violations may become evident during subsequent site visits. A permit record search from Los Angeles County is recommended. Enclosed are instructions on where to obtain this information. PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for repairs and may be obtained at the Building Department from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.; Monday through Thursday, and from 4:00 P.M. to 6;00 P.M., Thursdays. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626)569 -2132 J . , fr9T LIST OF DEFECTS SUBSTANDARD PROPERTY 7621 -23 1/2 Emerson Place Revised 7621 Substandard Conditions -1. Roo#= coi =erirrg -is- deteriorated -aid- does - net- prenid unsanitary -- conditions- 1 1 -'U' -4. Sub- loorin- rear- bedroorrris- damaged-and-requires-repair. (2k105 -5 Floor- coaerino-in -re vbe- ocnsr- isdamaged- causing -unsanitaryeonditions-due-to -rc stern3s `� � LlP � C� ff 6. b l Z,(v I n omit- 1 Z G' I C ctar}^ eonditions: 9. Unit lacks working smoke detectors. 10. Water heater lacks temperature and pressure relief and piping must terminate outside within 6" of grade. 11. Windows in bedrooms lack the required emergency egress mechanism. mss- .1 I -L-& I O s Breezeway L Door from breezeway enclosure to garage must be 20 minute rated assembly or 1 3/4 solid core door with solid or rabetted jamb and a self closing device. ,.. Page 2 Garages 9.98f PAVOF419 is deteriorated &Bd 7623 Substandard Conditions Exhaust fan in kitchen is not functioning. It is poorly maintained causing a fire hazard. 4-- Faulty+ -e4 .•,et- n- ltYin�oorn= GL'111GIIrV uu�.� 5. Water heater lacks the required seismic anchors and pressure relief piping must tenninate outside within 6" of grade. 6 ��a�ardeus el�et ' r ' '" g- rooln- 5 Unit lacks the required smoke detectors. Visible ant infestation. Exterior rails at front stairs are loose and required repair. 10. Dwelling lacks working heating unit. 11. Appliances are being stored at building exterior 12. Plumbing has been installed for the laundry area without the required approvals and permits. 13. Shed in rear yard is dilapidated and is encroaching in the side property setbacks. 14. Lattice patio cover between garage and duplex have been constructed without the required approvals and permits. Page 3 15. Patio cover at rear of dwelling has been constructed without the required approvals and permits. 16. Window bars lack emergency release mechanism. 17. Junk and debris are being stored at West side of property for unreasonable periods of time. Access to interior of 7623 '/z was not gained. Therefore, additional substandard conditions and building code violations may become evident during subsequent site visits. ROSE ARGUELLO Building Inspector (626)569 -2132 T Y r i � � h f AL r j. _ y , I r