Pro Consulting, LLC ..e 6 { a ® c ~/? V _ , ~. ~ o `J'~T~ ~Y '. . _ ... _ ~ n ,:.,._ Y _ ,~ • ~~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ti ~, - ~ ( _ i E M !. p ~ Y Q ~O F~4 ~'~imu `0A x ~ ~~4. t.~ft ~, ,~ ~ ~~,~'a~ U U V oU IICJI~II IJ~ILTJ L~oc~ • • pros;,': ~ consul tang Progressive Results Optimized Salutians r~ ~ ~~ r • 0 w 1114 South Elm Street Suite 202 • Carrollton, Texas 75006 Q2 877.24>.77fi0 • ® 877.242.7761 prosconsu{ting.com i 201 South Capitol Avenue • Suite 505 Indianapolis, Indiana 46225 ~ 877.242.7760 O 877.242.7761 prosconsulting.com November 10, 2008 Ms. Gloria Molleda, City Clerk City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Proposal for Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Master Plan Dear Selection Committee: PROS Consulting, LLC is very excited about the opportunity to work with the City of Rosemead on the development of a Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Master Plan. PROS Consulting is afull-service management consulting and planning firm focusing on services to government and not-for-profit agencies. PROS has specialized experience in parks and recreation, sports strategy, municipal utilities, public works, transportation, planning and development, and municipal administrative services. Consulting services offered by PROS covers virtually every facet of local government and not-for profit operations with specialized capabilities in parks and recreation. The PROS Team has worked on more than 700 projects in over 46 states and numerous projects internationally in 7 countries. PROS has twelve (12) full-time employees with a host of independent contractors providing specialized consulting capabilities. PROS is excited to include on the team Leisure Vision, a nationally renowned survey and market research firm, which has worked with the PROS Team on hundreds of projects over the past 15 years. We have prepared a proposal that is in compliance with the Proposal Contenf in the Request for Proposal. PROS considers our approach to be sound and proven across the country in the development of helping parks and recreation agencies create sustainable systems that are driven through community input. PROS proposes a comprehensive approach to address these requirements and will deliver a living document, which will provide guidance for both short-term and long-term goals through a financially sustainable and achievable manner. We look forward to the opportunity to meet with you in person to present our approach and qualifications to perform this exciting project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (317) 679.5615 or email me at leon.younger(a)prosconsultinq.com. Sincerely, PROS Consulting LLC Leon Younger President • • ! Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • Table ®f C®ntents ~' Section 1 - Statement of Qualifications ............................. ...............................1 • Section 2 - ............................ Project Approach .............. .. 6 ................................... Section 3 - Relevant Experience /Customer References .................................15 ~ - Section 4 p .................. Com ensation and Fee Schedule 26 ................................. • Appendix 1 -Resumes ...................................................... ................................. 28 • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • consul trn~ • Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • w a r • Section 1-Statement of Qualifications PROS Consulting, LLC PROS Consulting, LLC is afull-service management consulting and planning firm focusing on services to government and not-for-profit agencies. The firm was formed in 1995 to serve the park, recreation, and leisure services industry. It is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana with a full-service office in Dallas, Texas. PROS has twelve full-time employees with a host of independent contractors providing specialized consulting capabilities. The full name and headquarters of the firm are: PROS Consulting, LLC 201 S. Capitol Avenue, Suite 505 Indianapolis, IN 46225 The branch office assisting with the project is: PROS Consulting, LLC 1114 South Elm, Suite 202 Carrollton, TX 75006 r ~?2 a .;~ ~ ~y~ :..C . ~ +X The PROS Team has worked on more than 700 projects in over 46 states and numerous projects internationally in 7 countries. Management consulting and planning services offered include specialized experience in parks and recreation, tourism planning and development, sports, municipal utilities, public works, transportation, general civic planning and development, and governance and administrative services. Our company's philosophy is to .provide Progressive Results through Optimized Solutions, thus our name: PROS. The PROS Team offers strong technical competence with extensive industry experience gained from working in local governments and in major consulting and engineering firms. Management consulting and planning services offered by PROS are grouped into the following practice areas. Details on each of these practice areas follow: Strategic Planning -Strategic planning is the cornerstone of PROS Consulting; Helping agencies think and operate in a more strategic manner. PROS provides facilitation, leadership, professional development and technical support for the development of strategic plans utilizing former executive level professionals and trained facilitators to direct and perform planning to help guide agencies to becoming strategy focused organizations. PROS applies its knowledge in a number of processes including our own Community Values Model tm, balanced scorecard, and traditional business planning methods. We provide leadership in policy development, institutional change and implementation of strategy. consulting 1 ,~~, City of Rosemead Master Planning -PROS philosophy"is that market needs should ~,,,~,~,&,~~ define programs that drive design. PROS approach to master ~ ~ "- ~ - ~„ planning includes translating the market and community needs into ! - ~ _~ a physical plan. We perform these services from individual sites to ~+;.~- ~ ~ - f ~ ~ e u ,~ ~~~:`. system-wide developments. Services typically include additional " k. _ ~ ~~ ~- = ~ ~'~"~ ~~ ,i ;:~: technical disci lines of landsca a architects, en ineers and ~~ << ~~ "~`~-'-~" ~ ~'` ~~~~~ ~`~~ ~~~[ P P 9 ~ ~ ;, o -~- ; ~~ architects.. Activities include needs assessments, PROS Facility _ ~;',~ , Capacity-Demand Standards, facility classifications and standards t - ' ~ _,a~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~° ,%~~,~~ E ~ 1 Y f i development, demographics and trends analysis, equity mapping ~ ~ = '~~ ~-<<~ ~`'~~- ~ ~~ R ~ o ~ -FiF~~- ~ ; and service area gaps analysis, operational standards and budget ~,~~ 4~ ,~~ ~ =y i ~ `, development, connectivity strategies, capital improvement planning ,,~~~== ~l~y~_ :_ _~u,:~, _-~ ;~_= ~- and cost estimates, and graphics/map development. In the last 10 ~'~~'~'~ years, PROS has planned more than $1.5 billion in park and recreation infrastructure that has been or is in the process of being constructed. Operations and Organizational Development -Operations and organizational development focuses on the people, processes, systems, and equipment that keep an organization operating. PROS staff members have worked in public and private agencies so they understand "the needs and constraints and apply this knowledge to formulate recommendations that can be implemented. We have several models that help to organize and demonstrate where organizations are stressed and support the development of strong alignment of resources to overall strategies. Economic Development -Leveraging the resources and opportunities of an area and its citizens is the source of the greatest strides to be made in regional economic development. PROS provides a wealth of experience from professionals who have not only provided innovative consulting for regional economic development, but reflect great accomplishments in their professional careers of actually leading economic development initiatives for governmental and quasi-governmental agencies around the United States. Working closely with our clients and the area in which they live and work helps our team indentify the leading opportunities for expanding and enhancing employment conditions, employer recruitment, tourism, local industry sustainability, establishing a global marketplace, celebrating natural/cultural resources, and regional positioning. Gains made in these areas pave the way for spreading the benefits of regional economic growth in every aspect of the area's social fabric. Public Participation and Input -The heart of every regional- plan is the insights and intelligence gathered through robust and meaningful public participation. PROS utilizes amulti-faceted approach to engaging the public in our planning projects in order to capture both quantitative and qualitative input that is usable and relevant. Through public forums, focus groups, key stakeholder interviews, and community surveys the needs and interests of the community can be triangulated from different approaches and honed to concise observations and values. Community input is valued highest among the PROS Team as the key to a project's success. 2 pros;,': consulting s s Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan s • s • i • • • • • r i Financial Planning and Management -Finances impact everything in an agency. As such, the greatest strategies and plans have no value unless the financial component is equally solid. PROS offers financial planning professionals who understand this and develop financial plans and strategies to achieve desired operational outcomes whether they are capital or operational. Our staff includes financial professionals who have served as finance directors and business managers for public and private entities, founding their recommendations in practical solutions. We apply our knowledge through user-friendly cost of service models, revenue generation plans, pricing strategies and long range financial plans to ensure sustainability of an agency. Market and Economics -Understanding who and where the market is, the otential for success and how best to reach potential patrons is key to ~~ ,~~ - ~.„e-...,..~, - '.' ~,~.; ~:~ _ - ~-~ m ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ - ~~.,~.o..,,.e .. P any new development. PROS knows how to identify and analyze the market, and determine the economic potential to support better decision making. PROS conducts feasibility studies to understand the markets desires and support for new facilities, services and programs. These studies drive the creation of sustainable operations. Facility types include: parks and recreation, transportation, and land development. We apply this information to quantifying the economic impact of projects to the local, regional and state economy. Environment and Land Use -Developing sound and sustainable land use guidelines and principles is at the heart of local and regional planning projects. PROS understands the political sensitivities, social realities, balanced demands, and environmental requirements that influence and direct the development of land use plans and policies. Through research and detailed analysis, environment and land use best practices are engaged as a foundation of PROS work. Social Justice -Social justice relates to the equitable access of ~ ~ ` community resources to all residents and citizens. Additionally, social justice is about the equal opportunity to enjoy the benefits of ~~ ~-- society and civic structure. PROS approaches our planning ~ ~,~a~M~BP„o~,,, '~'' projects that address social justice from the perspective of ~~ L~ ~ ~~T identifying what continued successes and needed changes are m,~. ~ ~` ...<. ~~ d J' necessary to create a greater sense of community balance, and ~ ~ ~ ~` `~ ~' prOSr~r ~ ., reflects the unique needs of diverse communities. Social justice is ~ ~ ,,M~ ~ x~,~.r about managing both reality and perceptions, and therefore also - includes acomprehensive communications strategy to inform residents of issues of needed focus, local successes, and opportunities for getting more from being a citizen and resident of the area. ®°®S:, ' 3 consul trng a_;,. A '~: City of Rosemead PROS Team Members Also on the team is long-time partner Leisure Vision. Leisure Vision has been a partner with PROS Consulting since 1995 and the two firms have partnered on hundreds of parks and recreation projects together throughout the United States, as well as in California. Leisure Vision Leisure Vision's ability to Effectively Listen & Involve Citizens and Clients has given them a reputation as one of the premier public policy market research firms in the country. Leisure Vision's services focus on involving citizens, users, and stakeholders in the decision making process and developing creative and sustainable funding strategies. Core services of the firm involve conducting statistically valid phone and mail/phone services and related market research. They have conducted more than 300 surveys for parks and recreation systems across the United States for a wide variety of projects including parks and recreation master plans, strategic plans and feasibility studies. Since 1992, the principals and associates of Leisure Vision have helped secure funding for more than $700 million of parks and recreation projects. The firm has extensive experience conducting surveys as components of plans leading to successful voter elections. Leisure Vision's work allows the community to see itself in their planning efforts, providing buy-in and trust in the process. Key Personnel The PROS Team is led by Leon Younger and supported by Barbara Heller and Brian Trusty providing the strongest team of national expertise available. Ron Vine of Leisure Vision will work with the Team on survey development. All members of the PROS Team will be available in varying capacities to assist and implement the needs and desires of this project. This includes all members working together throughout the planning process. Resumes for each team member that include previous experience is included in the Appendix with summary of qualifications below. Leon Younger -President: Leon is the founder and President of PROS Consulting. He has more than 30 years in parks, recreation, and leisure services. Leon is a recognized leader in applying innovative approaches to managing parks and recreation organizations. He has held positions as Director of Parks and Recreation in Indianapolis, Indiana; Executive Director of Lake Metroparks in Lake County, Ohio (Cleveland vicinity); and Director of Parks and Recreation in Jackson County, Missouri (Kansas City). He received the 1994 National Park and Recreation Association's Distinguished Professional .Award for his progressive and innovative thinking in management of public parks and recreation entities. Leon is routinely invited to present his management and development philosophies at conferences, workshops, and training across the United States, as well as internationally. He is co-creator of the Community Values Model TM, a business model that synthesizes community and stakeholder input into a strategic plan. He regularly addresses sessions at the National Park and Recreation Conferences and has served as a board member and instructor at the Pacific Revenue and Marketing School in San Diego, California and the Rocky Mountain Revenue and Management School in Colorado. Barbara Heller -Project Manager: Barbara has more than 25 years in the parks and recreation industry. She has worked some of the largest and most prestigious parks and recreation agencies in the country including Naperville Park District and Maryland National Capital Parks/Planning Commission. In all of her capacities throughout her career, ranging from executive director, recreation director, and management of maintenance, she has oversaw the implementation of master and strategic plans. Barbara is a regular speaker at the NRPA Congress, NRPA schools, and many state schools. She also has specialized training in meeting facilitation and development of the Master and Strategic Plans. Allen Mullins, CPA -Principal Consultant -Cost and Financial Analysis: Mr. Mullins serves as a Principal Consultant and has more than 25 years of experience in governmental operations and finance. He has managed a wide range of consulting assignments covering organizational analysis, financial planning, ratelcost-of-service studies, and accounting, financial, and customer information system selection and implementation: His industry ~~~$;, consu(t~ng Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • experience includes parks and recreation, municipal water and wastewater utilities and districts, public works agencies, and city and state agencies. Mr. Mullins recently served as Senior Manager for Carter & Burgess' Management Consulting practice and served as Senior Manager in KPMG Peat Marwick LLP's National Utilities Consulting Practice for nine (9) years. He was also Assistant Director of utilities responsible for business management for the City of Arlington, Texas. He has also served as Director of Finance for the City of Hurst, Texas, where he was responsible for the accounting, budgeting, utility service agreements, utility billing, data processing, purchasing and personnel divisions. Brian Trusty -Senior Consultant -Capital Improvement Planning: Brian Trusty has been a recreation and resource management professional since he formed the SierraQuest Corporation in 1993 and began his "real world" education in the rigors of self-employment. SierraQuest operated for 10 years in 22 U.S. states, launching a career of sound business practices and a strong work ethic. Mr. Trusty's professional track record demonstrates an appreciation for partnerships and an entrepreneurial approach to go beyond the traditional expectations of successful recreation and tourism enterprises. This is illustrated by his successful management of 800% gross in departmental earned revenues within his 5 years tenure as the manager of the system of nature parks for the Lower Colorado River Authority, aquasi-governmental conservation and reclamation district in the State of Texas. Mr. Trusty was the Executive Director of the Adventure Sports Center International, providing leadership in a $26 million, transforming development project in Western Maryland. He joined PROS Consulting in 2007 completing numerous projects in capital development, business planning, and strategic implementation. His project management skills and organization have allowed him to lead large planning projects and business plans across the United States contributing to successful implementation in nearly $150 million in parks and recreation within the last 5 years. He has led strategic and master plans and his been a part of many successful needs assessment projects. Damon Cobb -Senior Consultant -Park Assessment 1 Capacity Study 1 Trail Feasibility: Damon's experience includes providing market research, financial and economic consulting services to state and local governments. He has a wide range of consulting assignments covering market analysis, demographic analysis, trends analysis, cost-of-service pricing studies, strategic planning, financial models, and information technology projects. He has worked in the areas of parks and recreation, water, wastewater and storm water utilities, commercial development, and transportation. Neelay Bhatt -Senior Consultant -Demographics and Trends 1 Program Assessment 1 Standards Development 1 Needs Assessment: Mr. Bhatt has seven (7) years of experience in event planning, sales, marketing and technology, and journalism related services. He has worked for the Athens 2004 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games and with Disney Sports and Recreation, Orlando FL as a marketing and technology associate. He has strong capabilities in sports and recreational programming areas as well as marketing /branding campaign formulation. His range of service experience includes market needs assessment, strategic planning, public input process, benchmarking studies, recreation program assessments, marketing plans, web design, and facility and program standards. Joel Henrie, AICP, CFM -Senior Consultant - GIS Mapping 1 Trail Feasibility: Mr. Henrie has seven (7) years of experience in land planning related services. He has worked in both public and private agency settings. He has strong capabilities in technical and management areas with specialized experience in mapping, planning, development, land use, zoning, policy development, and floodplain and storm water analysis. Joel is a power user in applying ESRI ArcGIS (Arclnfo) and ArcIMS to perform detailed analysis and data driven, graphical solution presentations. In addition, he has extensive experience in the areas of databases, statistical methods, web design, surveying, deeds, and property titles. Ron Vine -President of Leisure Vision -Survey Development: Ron is a co-founder and President of Leisure Vision. Ron has over 25 years consulting, market research, and consulting experience, including fifteen (15) years as a project manager, in a wide range of parks, recreation, sports, fitness, health, and general governmental projects. Projects that Ron has conducted surveys for have resulted in over $600 million in funded projects. Ron has worked on over 150 parks and recreation needs assessments, master plans, strategic plans, and feasibility . +. ~®~;, :' 5 consulting 3: Y • ,~_ City of Rosemead studies for trails and greenway systems, community centers, family aquatic centers, sports complexes, trails, ~ museums, and other specialized facilities. He has extensive highly successful experience assisting communities with projects leading to sales tax and other tax referendums. Section 2 -Project Approach Project Understanding -Master Plan The City of Rosemead desires a Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Master Plan for its parks and recreation programs, facilities, and other general use facilities that will guide decision making with regard to policy, operations, maintenance, and capital improvements over the next fifteen (15) years. The Master Plan will proved a vision for the future that will take into account the existing condition of facilities and the total parks, recreation, and municipal service needs of the community, and will provide clear implementation strategies. The Master Plan will be utilized to assist the city in creation and implementation of the capital improvements, as well as secure funding for parks, facilities, and open space. The foundation of this plan will be based on an extensive community input process to afford resident users and non- users, user groups, special interest, association, leagues and other stakeholders ample opportunity to participate in the development of this Master Plan. PROS Consulting, LLC is serving as the prime consultant responsible for directing all activities of work and leading the overall performance of the project. The PROS Team includes Leisure Vision for the community household survey. Following is a detailed approach to develop the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Statement of Approach for Master Plan PROS Consulting, LLC proposes a comprehensive approach to address these requirements and will deliver a living document, which will provide guidance for both short-term and long-term goals through a financially sustainable and achievable manner. Task 1-Kick-Off Meeting, CommunitylStakeholderlnput, Community Values Model The foundation of this project will be based in community and stakeholder input. We will utilize contacts and relationships of Department officials to identify stakeholders, partners and leaders to gather input and disseminate information to help gain consensus on key strategies. This process has to be broad, gathering both qualitative and quantitative information from which strategies will be developed. Specific tasks include: A. Kick-off Meeting -The kick-off meeting should be attended by key staff members and PROS Team members to confirm the work plan, project goals, objectives, and expectations that will help guide actions and decisions of the PROS Team. Detailed steps of this task include: • Confirmation -The project goals, objectives, scope, and schedule will be confirmed. • Outcome Expectations -Discuss expectations of completed project components • Communications -Confirmation on lines of communication, points of contact, staff, and Steering Committee as well as other related project management details. Protocols and procedures for scheduling meetings should also be agreed to at this time. • Final Work Plan -The Final Work Plan will be prepared and presented with a detailed schedule to complete the project. • Data Collection) Cataloging -The PROS Team will collect, log and create electronic copies as appropriate (MS Word/Excel and Adobe Acrobat) of key data and information to facilitate dissemination and assimilation of information. • Prepare database of stakeholders -The PROS Team will work with the Department Project Coordinator who will gather contact information from a variety of sources. This information will be inputted into our project contact database for use by the CommunitylStakeholder Team. This information will be placed in a database for use by the Department and Team during and after the completion of this project. pros;,': consulting Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • B. Key Leadership Interviews -The PROS Team will perform interviews with key community leaders and stakeholders to evaluate the future vision for parks and recreation in Rosemead over a one (1) day period. The community values, strengths and weaknesses of the Department, trends, and level of services provided will also be evaluated during this time. It is important to have one-on-one interviews or small groups with these key leaders to ascertain candid input that does not always occur during focus groups. C. Focus Groups -The PROS Team will work with the Department to identify all groups and key contact persons for each group. The focus groups will identify vision, values, and key issues and provide insight into facility and program needs, operational issues, and opportunities within the system. This will provide critical input into other tasks including Facilities/Recreation Program Review and Capital Improvement Plan. It is recommended that four (4) focus groups that represent a wide range of stakeholders, community leaders, users and non-users, random citizens, and key community leaders be included. Including but not limited to: • Senior Department Staff • Select City Staff Members and Department-heads • Sports/Special Interest Groups • Key Partners, Regulatory Agencies and other local providers • Concessionaires • Education (Public School Districts, Private Schools, etc.) • Youth (junior and senior high) • Seniors • Volunteer and Friends Groups • Special Event Providers • Other Service Providers • Environmental Groups • Special/Interest Advisory Councils • Staff focus groups D. Public Forums -Public forums will serve to present information and gather feedback from citizens at large. It is important to have initial meetings early in the process and follow-up meetings during the final plan development process. We propose to utilize neutral locations in recognizable geographic locations. It will be important to get maximum media exposure/ We propose to conduct two (2) initial public forums and one (1) follow-up meeting conducted during the final briefings component of the plan. PROS will coordinate with the City to identify locations for the meetings. It is anticipated that the City will secure meeting locations and setup rooms for meetings. The purpose for these meetings will be to ensure opportunities for the general public to discuss their options and perceptions surrounding the Department. The forums will also afford the opportunity to discuss priorities of the community relating to parks, services, indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, open spaces, natural areas and trails. These meetings will present basic facts about the City and the park system including findings from previous surveys or planning work completed, as well as bring forward new ideas and alternative approaches from within the Department and around the nation to help spark creative thinking. E. Community Survey -Working with PROS Consulting, Leisure Vision will administer a statistically valid random sampling Needs Assessment Survey of 300 households in the City of Rosemead The survey will be administered by phone or by a combination of a mail/phone survey. Overall results for the entire survey of 300 households will have a 95% level of confidence with a margin of error of +/- 5.8% overall. Leisure Vision will guarantee the completion of at least 300 surveys for the entire City. Should we complete more surveys, those will be processed at no cost to the City. Leisure Vision will present the information during anon-site visit at the end of the survey process. Leisure Vision specializes in conducting survey research that assists clients in prioritizing the unmet need for outdoor and indoor facilities, developing level of performance standards, voter referendums, and other strategic issues to assist "Decision makers in making better decisions." ~~®~;,r 7 consulting .,~,~A City of Rosemead '~: "~"'°'" Questions on the survey will be developed in partnership with PROS project staff and the City of Rosemead. 0 The survey instrument will be administered at a timeline within the project where the information can best be O used to help break down barriers and build consensus. 0 The survey instrument will be 6 pages in length. This allows for between 25-28 questions to be asked, with 0 many of the questions having multiple components. The phone survey will take approximately 10-12 minutes to administer. 0 Leisure Vision has an unparalleled and proprietary data base of more than 60,000 survey responses from parks 0 and recreation needs assessment surveys from communities across the country, including California. 0 Benchmarking "National Averages" have been developed for numerous strategically important parks and recreation planning and management issues including: customer satisfaction and usage of parks and programs; methods for receiving marketing information; reasons that prevent members of households from using parks and recreation facilities more often; priority recreation programs, parks, facilities and trails to improve or develop; priority programming spaces to have in planned community centers and aquatic facilities; etc. This information will be provided as compared to survey findings from the City of Rosemead to aid in the needs assessment process and consensus development. PROS will present this information, if desired, Leisure Vision can conduct the findings for an additional cost. F. Community Values Modeltm Development -After completion of the initial community and stakeholder input, the PROS Team will synthesize and organize the community values and principles into the Community Values Model. This will entail all key team members that participated in the communityistakeholder input sessions to work together to assimilate the collected information. The Community Values Model will be presented to the Department in detail through a workshop format to confirm and gain consensus. The completed Community Values Model will provide the basis for development of the Master Plan. Task 2 -Community Profile A. Demographic and Trends Analysis -PROS will utilize the City's projections and supplement with census tract demographic data obtained from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), the largest research and development organization dedicated to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and specializing in population projections and market trends; for comparison purposes data will also obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau. This analysis will provide an understanding of the demographic environment for the following reasons: • To understand the market areas being served by the park and recreation system and distinguish customer. groups. • To determine changes that are occurring in the City and assist in making proactive decisions to accommodate those shifts. • Provide the basis for Equity Mapping and Service Area Analysis The City's demographic analysis will be based on US 2000 Census information, 2008 updated projections, and 5 (2013), 10 (2018), and 15 (2023) year projections. The following demographic characteristics will be included: • Population density • Age Distribution • Households • Gender • Ethnicity • Household Income This data will be mapped in GIS to produce density maps to support other tasks including the needs assessment and equity mapping. A summary report will be prepared and included as an appendix section as well as summarized in the summary report. `'> 8 ~o OS-ting Proposal for • Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan ~ B. Benchmark Analysis: PROS will perform a benchmark analysis to compare the Department to five (5) other . relevant agencies. The PROS Team will work with the City to identify the target agencies as well as the 15 key metrics to be surveyed and analyzed. The PROS Team will coordinate with each agency to identify and collect ~ the appropriate information including the City. It is important to have the Park and Recreation Director make first ~ contact with the target agencies to gain their commitment to cooperate and provide information. ~ Task 3 -Parks, Programs & Facilities Inventory and Assessment ~ A. Parks and Facilities Inventory Assessment -The PROS Team will review and update the existing inventory • of parks and facilities maintained by the City. In addition, the PROS Team will conduct a high level review of existing parks and open spaces over a two (2) day period to gain an understanding of how well the parks and ~ facilities are meeting the needs of the users. This review will be documented in a Summary of Findings ~ including a detailed inventory database. S B. Park Classifications, Facility Standards, and PROS Capacity-Demand Standards Model cm -The PROS ~ Team will analyze existing park classifications and facility standards and assess their current application. The • PROS Team will work with the City to review and confirm, modify or add to existing park classifications. These classifications will consider size of park, outcome expectations, population served, length of stay, amenity types ~ within park and operational requirements. Any new or modified classifications will be approved as required. ~ Facility standards include open space, major amenities and facilities based on the population served. The ~ PROS Team proposes to develop new facility standards based on the PROS Facilities Capacity -Demand ~ Standards Modeltm. This model establishes a more analytical approach to traditional population based facility standards. This model calculates the capacity of the current facilities based on usage factors and best ~ management practices by asset type (e.g. engineered, non-engineered, synthetic, lighted, non-lighted, etc.). ~ Using participation factors for actual (historical usage) and probable (survey data) by representative age • segment (e.g. 6 to 12 year old females for youth softball fields), the model translates the current service level for facilities based on traditional population based standards (e.g. 1 facility/ x,000 persons) per facility. ~ This capacity is then compared to demand calculated from the recreation participation trends identified in the Demographic and Trends Assessment and the needs identified during the household survey and translates this ~ into the projected service level based on traditional population based facility standards (e.g. 1 facility/ x,000 ~ persons). This model then quantifies the deficit or surplus in capacity versus demand. • C. Equity Mapping/Service Area Analysis -The PROS Team will utilize the City's demographic analysis and supplemental information obtained from ESRI. This analysis will provide an understanding of the demographic • environment for the following reasons: to understand the market areas being served by the Department's park ~ and recreation system and distinguish customer groups; to determine changes that are occurring in sub-areas ~ of the Department and assist in making proactive decisions to accommodate those shifts; and provide the basis • for Equity Mapping and Service Area Analysis. Equity mapping is performed through service area analysis. This includes mapping parks by classification and major amenities by facility standards as applied to population ~ density and geographic areas. The base information for this analysis will be 2018 projected population density ~ by census tract acquired during the demographic analysis. A service area is defined as a circular area around a ~ park or amenity whose radius encompasses the population associated with the appropriate facility standard for each park classification, zone and amenity. Using the facility standards and service areas provided by the PROS Team for each park and major facility type (amenity), a series of maps by each classification and major ~ amenities will be prepared. Maps of the entire system will be prepared. ~ This mapping identifies gaps and overlaps in service area. It is assumed that the Department will provide base ~ GIS information including inventory and general location of park sites and amenities. The PROS Team will • provide maps in digital format (ARCView and Adobe Acrobat PDF format) and hard copy. D. Recreation Program Assessment - An analysis of recreation programs, sports and special events managed ~ by the Department will be performed to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the major programming areas, ~ consulting • 0 ,4 r O City of Rosemead 0 '~: opportunities in the market to seek out and build upon, and the potential threats to identify and plan against. 0 PROS will use the results of the community input process in the evaluation to identify opportunities and 0 deficiencies for future recreation facilities, programs and services based on existing facilities and indication of 0 needs expressed by the community. The evaluation will consider, but not limited to: • Program Offering Inventory ~ o Age Segment Analysis 0 o Program Life Cycles 0 o Participation and Retention o Service Gaps 0 o Seasonal Capabilities 0 • Facility Usage 0 • Staffing antl Organization • Policies, Procedures and Standards Application ~ • Marketing, Promotions and Communication Practices 0 • Revenue and Pricing 0 • Partnerships and Sponsorships _ This assessment will be summarized to identify key issues. A summary of findings and recommendations will be performed and included in a technical memorandum. This will include strategies for addressing the key issues and areas of concern. E. Prioritized Program and Facility Needs Assessment -The Team will identify existing gaps in service areas based on current inventory and service areas. The PROS Team will synthesize the findings from the Community/Stakeholder input, citizen survey results, trends analysis, Facilities/Program Review antl field audits into a written facility needs assessment. This will list and prioritize facility, infrastructure, amenities, and program needs for the parks and recreation system and provide guidance for the Capital Plan. The Team will conduct a work session with staff to review the findings and make revisions as necessary. Task 4 -Operational and Financial Assessment A. Operational Assessment -The PROS Team will perform an analysis of the current practices of the Department to evaluate its operational situation. This analysis will identify future Department organization and staffing needs, improved operational efficiencies, policy development, process improvements, system and technology improvements, antl marketinglcommunication opportunities. This task will include recommendations in a comprehensive manner. This will include data collection, analysis and on-site observations of key organizational components in the following areas: • Inventory of services • Maintenance and Operating Standards • Organizational Design and Staffing • Customer service • Field equipment/resources • Service contracts • Workload requirements • Procedures manuals • Existing policy and procedures management • Performance measures and indicators • Information systems and technology • Marketing and communications • Partnerships/volunteer support 10 f°®~:, consulting e Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • s s • This assessment will be summarized to identify areas to build upon and issues to address. A summary of findings and recommendations will be performed and included in a Technical Report as well as input for the overall Strategy Matrix/Action Plan. B. Financial Review -The Project Team will perform analysis to document the financial situation of the City. The financial analysis will look at the budget, pricing policy, user fees, current and other revenue generating opportunities, grant opportunities, and the revenue forecast. This analysis will identify the financial situation of the Parks and Recreation Department with three primary goals: • Understand the financial dynamics to further advance the understanding of operations gained through the work described above • Review funding and accounting practices with an objective of accurate financial fund tracking and the ability of the Department to have more useful financial information for strategic decision-making • Seek opportunities to improve the financial sustainability of the Department including evaluating expenditures and increasing current and new sources of revenue The PROS team will review current financial policies. This review will include comparison of current policies with national standards of best practice agencies. PROS will recommend policies and adjustments to current policies where enhancements may be needed or gaps are identified. In addition to financial policies, a review of the existing operational policies that financial impacts to determine opportunities and constraints as it relates to all areas of operations including maintenance management, cost recovery, partnerships, and service levels. C. Funding Strategies -Funding strategies will be developed based in part to our review and analysis of the facilities as well as the national experience brought by the PROS Team. The PROS Team has identified numerous funding methods that can be applied. This will include an analysis of Softball and Baseball tournaments and other trends. These strategies include: • Fees and charges • Endowments/grants/Non-profits : _ .. • Sponsorships • Partnerships • Dedicated funding sources.. The PROS Team will present findings and recommendations through a Financial Workshop for staff. Task 5 -Parks and Recreation Master Plan Development The Master Plan will be framed and prepared through a series of workshops with the Department, staff, and meetings with the City Council. The overall vision and mission statements will be affirmed or modified, and direction for the Department will be established along with individual action strategies that were identified from all the research work completed. Key recommendations and tactics that support each action strategy to its fullest outcome will be outlined in a strategy matrix with priorities, timelines, measurement, and teams within the Department or external partners to focus on the next 5, 10 and 15 years. Specific tasks include: A. Develop Vision, Mission and Values Statements and GoalslObjectives -The Community Values Model developed in Task 1 will form the strategic. direction for the master plan as well as the framework for the Strategy Matrix. The supporting vision and mission statements will be affirmed or developed with Department staff and work session. In addition, core businesses will be confirmed. Following this effort, goals/objectives and policies will be established and prioritized with short term, mid-term, and long term goals. A status briefing will be presented to the City Council to gain input and consensus on direction. Also defined will be those activities and experiences that do not further the mission, vision and values of the organization. B. Finalize Strategy MatrixlAction Plan -Upon consensus of the vision, mission, goals and objectives, the remaining strategy matrix will be completed with supporting strategies, actions, responsibilities, ~~'®S; 11 consulting \; Y .~~, City of Rosemead 0 0 O priorities/timelines, performance measurements, and assigned teams. This will be reviewed with Senior staff in a one-day workshop. The Strategy Matrix will be used to evaluate operational impacts associated with implementation including funding requirements. It is important to assess how ready the organization is to change and adopt significant policies to implement the plan. C. Capital Improvement Plan -The PROS Team will coordinate with the Department related to the development of the prioritized capital improvement plan (CIP). It is understood that the PROS Team will transfer information to the Department who will be responsible for the ultimate development of the CIP. D. Draft Plan Preparation -The Master Plan report will be a summary report with appendices of supporting material. The plan will establish a definitive direction for the Department's parks and recreation system. The plan should be one that generates energy and advocacy. A draft plan (10 copies, 1 black and white, and 1 color reproducible copy) will be developed and distributed to senior staff members for review. E. Plan Briefings/Public Meetings - It is expected that the PROS Team will make one (1) presentation to the public, and one (1) presentation to the City Council. Outreach for community participation will be performed through the same process as performed for the initial meetings. F. Final Plan Preparation =The final Master Plan will be prepared (10 copies, 1 black and white, 1 color reproducible copy, and 2 digital disks), along with 10 copies (electronic copy included) of an executive summary, and delivered to the City including 3 sets of associated appendices (technical reports organized in 3" binders). The final report will be professionally edited and formatted. Electronic copies of material will be in Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Timeline for Master Plan A following schedule depicting the time to complete the Master Plan tasks is presented below, as well as highlighted areas to meet with the City of Rosemead on meeting dates. Specific dates will be set during the,kick-off. meeting process. PROS is confident of our ability to meet this schedule and will consider any special requirements by the City. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 7 8 9 Task Task 1 -Kick-Off Meeting, Communit /Stakeholder Input, and Communit Values Model _ _ ~"' `~ - ~ ~~~~~ ~ `~ Task 2 -Communit Profile - Task 3 -Parks, Pro rams & Facilities InJento and Assessment Task 4 - O erational and Financial Assessment Task 5 -Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan Ke Meef"~In'iRates~,r: _•' Project Understanding -Feasibility Study for Developing Open Space, Parkland, and Public Trails Along Edison Transmission Corridor PROS Consulting, LLC understands that the City of Rosemead is interested in exploring the feasibility of developing a public trail along the nearly. three-mile length of Southern California~Edison Transmission Corridor (easement) that travels the length of the City. It is the goal of the City to establish a public trail that would link the community via an open space/public walking/bike trail. The trail would consist primarily of pathways, turf, trees, and other passive elements, though bathroom facilities, playgrounds, and multi-use sports fields should be considered. 12 p/~os;,~ consul tang Proposal for • Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan ~ Statement of Approach for Trail Feasibility Study ~ To gain efficiencies and provide a greater ability to gauge public interest and generate support, PROS Consulting, • LLC proposes a comprehensive approach to address the feasibility of the development of a trail along the Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor in conjunction with the Master Plan. Through effectively determining the ~ public need through the public input and survey process of the Master Plan, a more complete, inclusive approach for ~ the Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor trail feasibility may be applied to the facility and asset need, ~ and ultimately, the facility development plan. This study will establish feasibility through objective analysis of the • following elements: • Vital consideration must be given to resource conservation, security for unstaffed facilities, and accessibility through private property ~ Potential park uses and desirable ancillary facilities ~ Property/easement acquisition and/or usage agreements • Cost associated with development as well as operations and maintenance and potential funding opportunities and sources ~ Mobility and transportation assessment ~ Task 1-Market Analysis • In conjunction with the Master Plan, a market and needs analysis will be performed to quantify the needs expressed by the local market. Efficiencies gained through the performance of the Master Plan -specifically the community ~ input and survey, economic and demographic analysis, and facility and amenity prioritized needs -will allow for a ~ comprehensive approach when determining feasibility of the trail. Specific tasks include: ~ A. Stakeholder Interviews - A total of four (4) stakeholder interviews will be conducted with the necessary ~ governing bodies and/or existing land owners as identified with the City to evaluate existing ideas. B. Market Analysis -Synthesize the community input, survey, and overall market quantified in the Master Plan, ~ PROS will research the recreational trail market within the City and surrounding region to document and quantify ~ total recreational trail opportunities. This documentation will include a description and characteristics of the trail, • including length, surface materials, trail heads and cooling/warming huts, and all associated signage. Density maps completed for the Master Plan will be amended to include the trail analysis and the correlating ~ service areas. A summary report will be prepared. ~ Task 2 -Concept Development • Following the market analysis, PROS will refine the concept development plan that translates the market and program needs into facility, land, operations and partnering plans. The concept development process as follows: ~ A. Parcel Analysis -PROS will conduct an assessment of existing properties adjacent to and surrounding the ~ proposed trail corridor for ownership and current assessed valuations as well as fair market value. It is ~ assumed that the City will provide current assessed values and ownership data in formats congruent with GIS. ~ A technical memorandum will be prepared to present the findings. ~ B. Acquisition of Legal Right Away Analysis -PROS will organize information on existing conditions and future • possibilities for connectivity of the potential trail way, as well as identify potential alignments so that the process of securing interests in land/right-of-ways. This will serve as a guide for development of the trail through the ~ processes of right-0f-way acquisition, development, and maintenance. Opportunities and constraints, as well as ~ potential for negative exposure, will be addressed in this task. ~ C. Traffic Analysis -Traffic analysis ~ will be conducted to estimate the total loads associated with adjacent ~ roadways. Analysis will estimate total volume as well as average speed of travel. Alternative pedestrian access • points and respites (i.e. crosswalks, refuge islands, bollards, etc.) will be recommended based on proximity to and potential for interaction between pedestrians and vehicular traffic. • ~ D. Draft Development Plan -PROS will prepare a development plan including concept and location development, including but not limited to, ROW width, average grade, trail width, parking areas, access points, trail segments, ~ ~/°~~;,~ 13 consul ting • ,,:~ ~`~ •~: City of Rosemead loops, existing and potential linkages to other trails, signage, trail amenities (e.g. tables, benches, garbage disposal, potential for trailside camping, etc. Following adjustments to concept through work sessions with the Department, PROS will prepare budgetary construction cost estimates for initial investment and operations. Task 3 -Finance and Operations Analysis The Finance and Operations Analysis will be performed in conjunction with the Concept Development task. The Finance and Operations Analysis translates concepts into hard numbers that establish the baseline for decision- making. Specific tasks include: A. Operational Standards -PROS will establish operational standards and costs for the Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor trail based on full operations. This will include operation guidelines, maintenance standards, staffing levels needed, and customer service requirements based on established and agreed upon outcomes. This task will require a workshop with City stakeholders and the PROS team. Operational costs for the facility will be finalized. B. Partner and Management Strategy -PROS will evaluate partnership and management alternatives opportunities and develop a strategy to support formal agreements. This will include identification of potential partners by specific amenity, funding parameters, and agreement guidelines to support formal agreements. Management altematives will be developed to guide decision-making by the City. C. Finance Plan -Based on the operational plan for the trail and debt service, PROS will develop a funding strategy for the desired outcome as specified by the City. Funding options will be identified and evaluated against their potential support and success. These options will include a combination of options partnerships/sponsorships, revenue generation, grants, and other available resources. All investment and development costs will be detailed in the finance plan and compared against potential funding strategies to depict the budgetary impact that the proposed trail will have on the City's operations budget. The finance plan will be presented to the City in Microsoft Excel format for use as a dynamic planning and budgeting tool. D. Feasibility Analysis -The final feasibility report will be prepared with analysis of findings and recommendations. Briefings on the analysis will be made to the appropriate officials and concurrence achieved as to direction and final recommendations. Timeline for Trail Feasibility A following schedule depicting the time to complete the tasks is presented below, as well as highlighted areas to meet with the City of Rosemead on meeting dates. Specific dates will be set during the kick-off meeting process. PROS is confident of our ability to meet this schedule and will consider any special requirements by the City. Edison Transmission Corridor Trail Feasibli Months (in relation to Master Plan): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Task 1 -Market Mal sis li~ Task 2 - Conce t Develo ment ~'~' Task 3 -Finance and Operations Mal sis e ~ eetin pates ~ ~~-. ,, 14 pros;,': consulting r~ ~~ Proposal for • Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan ! Section 3 -Relevant Experience 1 Customer References ~ The PROS Team has been responsible for the evaluation of hundreds of park and recreation agencies throughout ~ the United States over the past 14 years. ~ Following is a list of projects in California conducted by PROS Team members. ~ Cosumnes (Elk Grove) Community Services District, Elk Grove, Master Plan ~ Healdsburg Recreation Needs Assessment, Saggio Hills Master Plan, Villa Chanticleer Business Plan, • and Parks and Open Space Plan • Long Beach, Implementation Plan • Long Beach, Restaurant and Golf Feasibility Study ! Los Angeles, Recreation Center Assessment • Los Angeles, Develop Park Advisory Board • Los Angeles Needs Assessment ~ • San Francisco, Recreation Plan ~ • San Francisco, Master Plan • San Francisco, Vision Plan • San Francisco, Golf Course Assessment • Elings Park (Santa Barbara), Feasibility Study and Business Plan ! Fairfield, Vision Plan ~ Fairfield, Organizational Review • Folsom, Golf Feasibility Study • Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, Maintenance Management Plans (The Presidio, Lands End * & Crissy Field) ~ Long Beach, Strategic Plan ~ Oakley, Resource Management Plan ~ Oakland, Strategic Master Plan • Roseville, Strategic Business Plan ! Roseville, Reasons Farm Feasibility Study ! Roseville, Golf Business Plan • • Roseville, Tourism Market Plan • San Jose, Pricing Philosophy and Revenue Enhancement Plan • Sacramento, Gold Rush Park Feasibility ~ Sacramento, Golf Course Cost of Service Study and Business Plan ~ • San Bernardino, Hospitality and Revenue Plan • San Mateo, Parks, Facilities and Programs Strategic Plan • Santee, Parks and Recreation Master Plan ! • Santa Barbara, Recreation Plan ~ Tracy, Resource Management Plan • Tracy, Resource Management Plan - II ~ Detailed de scriptions for select projects in California, the Southwest and similar project throughout the United States • follow. The following is a list of recent projects completed in the last 5 years that represents the breadth and depth ' s capabilities. of our Team ~ consul tmg Ao .1 .' '~ v .'.'-.f' `~~. City of Rosemead 0 PROS Consulting Related Experience Q Cosumnes Community Services District Update to the Parks and Facilities Master Plan ~, City of Elk Grove, California 0 Beginning in 2007, the Cosumnes Community Services District (District) desired an update to its Parks Facilities/Physical Development Master Plan. The Master Plan Update guided decision-making for the future development and management of its parks, recreation and open space. According to the Census Bureau, the District supports the fastest growing city in America with 136,000 persons. The strain placed on the park and recreation facilities was tremendous. As the District grappled with these challenges, it also had to consider its strong fiscal strength and balance future development and maintenance responsibilities with its financial capabilities. PROS Consulting, in association with Jacobs, completed the Master Plan in June 2008. The project team toured the entire park system, performing a general observation of the park facilities and amenities including: general state and condition, compatibility with neighborhoods and community, connectivity to the surrounding neighborhoods, aesthetics and design, safety and security, public 0 0 0 a 0 1~ 0 Q 0 0 0 access, program capacity and compatibility with users, partnership ~ opportunities, and revenue generation opportunities. Based on these findings from this review and the community Q and stakeholder input, the Capital Improvement Plan was assimilated, as well as the submission of the draft master 0 plan. The purpose of the project was to determine the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities associated with each park, as well as the entire system. Sports and recreation program assessments, a capital improvement plan, 0 and a needs assessment completed and the District's standards were also updated with the PROS Facilities 0 Capacity- Demand Standards ModelT"' which looked at all parks and fields in the system. 0 Project Contact - ~ Fred J. Bremerman 0 Cosumnes Community Services District 0 8820 Elk Grove Blvd., Suite 3 Elk Grove, CA 95624 0 916.405.5305 0 City of Healdsburg Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment and Parks and Open Space Plan Healdsburg, California For nearly 150 years, the City of Healdsburg has sustained itself as a quaint community with strong pride in its rural character. Today, the City of Healdsburg finds itself having to address new growth that is attracted because of its quality of life, its tourist destination as rich vineyards make up the uniquness of the City, while holding onto the very essence of what makes Healdsburg distinctive. As Healdsburg strives to deal with this growth, the challenges are compounded in addressing the evolving, recreation needs of its current residents. To hel address these issues the Cit of Healdsbur Parks O 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 P Y 9 16 p~`OS:,~: ~ consul tang O Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan r • and Recreation Department retained PROS Consulting in 2006, LLC and Jacobs to prepare a Recreation. Needs Assessment. The Parks and Recreation system has long served the needs of its residents as well as being a regional provider for outlying areas. Healdsburg residents are very passionate about maintaining the characteristics of their community with a vision of creating opportunities to support their recreation needs. The Needs Assessment defined the needs, opportunities and strategies required to Achieve the Community's Vision for parks and recreation. The objective of the Needs Assessment was to identify the current and future needs for parks and recreation facilities and services through an open and public process, compare these needs against current capacity of facilities and services, and establish the necessary steps to meet these needs in the future. The outcome of this project was a Recreation Needs Assessment that identified the necessary facility and program opportunities to be developed over the next ten (10) years through an open and public process. These tasks were applied to develop the comprehensive report, providing guidance for future decisions, both operational and capital. The Needs Assessment presented short term and long term requirements along with overarching strategies for implementation. This project was completed in less than 120 days to meet a strict requirement imposed by a developer who was funding a portion of the project. Based on current residential development in the Saggio Hills area, the PROS Team evaluated the opportunities fora 35 acre park associated with the development. Following site assessment, discussions with various stakeholders including the Developer, City Officials, and various user groups, three concepts were presented. The two final concept master plans were prepared with preliminary cost estimates. In 2007, PROS Consulting, LLC was also retained to complete the Parks and Open Space Master Plan that was completed in February of 2008. Thee Parks and Open Space Master Plan was developed to guide the City of Healdsburg in its role as a local and regional recreation provider, supporter of social related activities and partner in the development and delivery of positive experiences through quality parks, recreation facilities and programs. The Parks and Open Space Master Plan for the City of Healdsburg established the Parks and Recreation's core services and responsibilities, defined service priorities and capital investments, and outlined the manner in which the parks and recreation facilities and program services, will be delivered, while also addressing the funding options for implementation. The Master Plan addressed regional open space that surrounds the City and how the partnership with Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District will occur, as well as funding options with local developers. The overall process master plan consisted of the following components: • Comprehensive community input process • Statistically-valid household phone survey • Demographic trends analysis • Facility and program assessment • Facility inventory, classification and standards • Service area analysis for parks and facilities • Prioritized facility/program needs assessment • Capital Improvement Plan • Maintenance Management Plan • Community values-strategic objectives • Vision and mission development • Facility development plan/Implementation plan ®°®~:,+ consul trng 17 ,,.v e '~: City of Rosemead • Villa Chanticleer Business Plan • Saggio Hills Park Concept Plans Project Contact - David Mickaelian, Community Services Director 401 Grove Street Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 431.3301 Parks and Recreation Business Plan Development City of Roseville, California PROS Consulting, LLC was retained to prepare a Business Plan to guide operational decisions for the. City of Roseville Parks and Recreation Department. The Business Plan Development entailed several tasks including: • Operating Standards • Core Program Development • Financial Management Plan • Organizational Staffing Plan • Benchmark/Trends Analysis • Park Impact Fee Analysis As an element of the business planning process, PROS evaluated and developed operating standards for recreation facilities and programs. These standards included: • Facilities • Service per population • Maintenance frequency and activity • Operational costs/recovery goals • Core facilities • Recreation Programs • Core services and experience standards • Operational costs/recovery goals • Marketing and communications • Performance Measures • Maintenance Standards • Park Core Service Criteria • Performance Measures • Park/Facility Classifications • Maintenance Standards Descriptions PROS also developed a cost of service model to incorporate and allocate direct and indirect costs to park types based on park classifications, neighborhood and community, in order to make management decisions for operations and maintenance, and ultimately, impact on revenues, subsidy levels, and operational effectiveness. Project Contact - Mike Shellito, Assistant City Manager 311 VernonStreet Roseville, CA 95678 (916)774-5201 18 pros;,': consulting • • • • Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • • • • City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks Community Needs Assessment Los Angeles, California The City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks is commencing the process of developing a citywide park master plan and a five year capital improvement plan. The first step of this process is to conduct a "Needs Assessment" for the City. The Needs Assessment will gather, assess and analyze information regarding current and future recreational needs. Key issues affecting park usage will be determined and presented in a Final Report which contained detailed recommendations and conclusions and will be supported by an Action Plan for the Department. Los Angeles Facility / Amenity Priority Rankings by Area Ranking: Ranking: Overall South Ranking: Ranking: Ranking: North Ranking: Ranking: Ranking Valley Hartor East LA Central Valley West LA South LA Welkin and bikin trails Small Nei hborhood Parks Indoor Fitness and Exercise Facilities • Indoor Pools / A vatic Facilities ' ~"~ ~ ~~' Nature Trails 14 ~ ~ -~ "t 15 Shelters and Picnic Areas 13 Indoor Runnin / Welkin Tracks r - ~ 11 ~ 15 Outdoor Svrimmin Pools 12 r 12 12 Indoor G ms 15 17 Lar a arks and re Tonal arks n 14 _ 11 Pla round E vi moot 11 12 14 11 16 Communi Gardens 12 11 11 15 13 13 16 Packet Perks 13 16 16 16 20 12 Nature / Environmental center 14 13 13 13 16 14 11 13 Indoor Communi Centers 15 18 16 12 12 10 18 OH-leash do erk 16 14 19 19 17 14 __ ~r Outdoor Tennis Courts 17 20 11 15 15 20 Outdoor Am nitheater 18 15 17 17 Y 18 Oumoor Baskamall courts 19 20 18 18 om ... ~ 17 Youth Soccer Fleas 20 19 20 20 20 14 Golf Lourses/Drivin Rene 19 17 _ ' 19 Outdoor S lash Perks 17 '' ~~ - - 19 Skate Parks ~ r~ _ ~' • ~ 1M '' Outdoor Voile ball courts > _ _', f}; 7. _ / .. -'.'NI _ . ~ ~ - . Adult Soccer Fields - =~ ~' ~r ~ _ ? ^ ~ ~ Youth baseball Fields '~ ~~ t-' _ ~ '/'~ ~ ~ ' F~'r Youth softball folds M _ ~ k~ y A ~ ' Adult Softball Fields 1 ' W. ~' Youth Football and Rub Fields _ _ ~ C1 .K 's( Equestrian Trails ~ In 2007, Mia Lehrer + Associates and PROS Consulting were retained to lead this, project. The objective of the ~ Needs Assessment and subsequent master planning process was to develop strategies to help prioritize .and • address the tremendous needs for additional recreation and park land, improvements necessary to existing facilities to meet current and future community needs, prevention of future maintenance problems, and to offer positive ~ alternatives to an increasingly dense and urbanized population. • • • • Project Contact- Mr. Mike Shull Department of Recreation Parks Senior Civil Engineer 1200 W. 7th Street, 7th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 Tel: 213-928-9191 Santee Community Services Department Master Plan City of Santee, California The City of Santee Department of Parks and Recreation retained PROS Consulting, LLC for the preparation of a Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan. The Master Plan was abroad-based strategic planning tool for the entire Department that provided clear direction for the next ten years, through build-out, and provided a vision for the long-term development of the organization. The Master Plan served as a property and facilities tool, and a management and program ~~ 4.Ad u G.dkq Pee kAm 4afn.. City of Santee, California ""°......m~+.~~,~...~..s - [rad~Sa~LWt~uxedPoWraa 0.n Ba+ebng Fiddp)-\ma6 (60''60') IDID Strict Arta IaMM a 1S,k'~me ~'' _ ,y - :, "--i ...'.._-.- ._ j,/j\ ~~~ _ _ ~` ~~, - ~' 9 _ \.~ / - ~ ~_;,- l l ' ~ ~`_ _ _ -~ _ _ y~ - t e ~ ~ ~ Pros: planning tool directed to all levels of department administration and staff, along with legislative boards and commissions. The Master Plan identified and integrated ~~'®~;, consulting 19 }` • 9 . ~~ '~: ... City of Rosemead the benefits of properly planned properties, facilities and programs that lead to the improvement of the quality of life within Santee. Santee desired to create a balanced approach of type of parks, recreation facilities and programs that would unite the community to create a great sense of place for people to live, work, and play. The process involved and in-depth assessment of the City of Santee parks and recreation needs to be used to supplement the City's General Plan recommendations for parks and recreation, and to update the Department's Capital Improvement Program. PROS Consulting, LLC proposed a comprehensive approach to address these requirements and the stated variables in a way that delivered a living document that provided guidance on every decision, operational, or capital. This Master Plan addressed short term and long term requirements through a financially sustainable and achievable manner. Project Contact- John Coates Community Services Director 10601 Magnolia Avenue, Building #6 Santee, CA 92071 619.258.4100 City of Everett Strategic Master Plan Everett, Washington The City retained PROS Consulting, LLC to assist in the creation of a Parks and Recreation Strategic Master Plan in early 2006. The development of the strategic plan was in close coordination with City staff that included shared responsibilities in performance of certain tasks. This plan was developed through a highly involved public process to identify the current and future needs for parks, recreation, and facilities. The strategic plan also evaluated the current. delivery of services and established the necessary steps to meet the community needs and desires for the future. The plan is a dynamic living document that is responsive to changing trends and community needs and creates a work plan for staff to follow. ~--~ N _._. ~,,~ A t~c. - ''I '~ ~ ~ ~'. ,~f -~ ,~ Z~ ~ ' ~~ '~ _ 1~ ° •~-`~ ~ `~~~~? l ~~ , ~~ ~ N , . l J ~'~Y a - '.:-,~ f , ~..?~ ~ W ac.~a -_ I ii=- _- %' Community input was sought through a variety of methods including focus groups, public forums and a citizen household survey. From this input, key issues that needed to be addressed were brought forward and community values were identified. This formulated a vision statement that demonstrates a preferred future for the Department to work toward achieving in the next 10 years. Parks and recreation facilities help create healthy living and social environments, economic development, community development, as well as a sense of belonging for residents. The uniqueness of the city of Everett's parks and recreation system, however, is the diversity of special places where residents of all ages can create healthy opportunities to play, learn, and grow. The City of Everett, the sixth largest City in the State of Washington, is home to more than 40 parks and approximately 1,600 acres of impressive regional and waterfront parks, playgrounds, trails, and other open space areas. With such a large and increasingly diverse population, the challenge for the City lies in developing appropriate parks, recreation programs and facilities to meet the current and future needs of the community. Everett is home to many successful companies, particularly Boeing, and boasts the second-largest marina on the West Coast. The challenge was meeting the diverse and changing needs of the citizens, while operating within a defined and established management model for parks and recreation .services. This included establishing the. consul tang r~ u Proposal for • Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan ~ appropriate level and locations of neighborhood and community parks, trails, outdoor and indoor recreation facilities, • program services, partnerships, and financial makeup of the parks and recreation system for the future. ~ Overall, the city of Everett Parks and Recreation Department is well respected in the community. It has a committed • staff that wants to do the right things in delivery of parks and recreation services, but much of their efforts were not being done in the right manner under "best practices" in the parks and recreation industry. To achieve this "best in ~ class" status, the Department has to work as a team and not as individual divisions or persons. The goal of the ~ Strategic Master Plan was to unite the Department as one agency by establishing the correct resources and training. • The Strategic Master Plan laid out the requirements to achieve the community's vision in terms of standards for parks, recreation programs and facilities to "Position Parks and Recreation For the Future" as one of the City's ~ greatest assets. 0 0 • • Project Contact - Lori Cummings Assistant Director 802 E. Mukilteo Blvd. Everett, WA 98203 425.257.8353 Gold Rush Park Vision, Concept and Feasibility Study Sacramento, California In 2006, PROS Consulting was responsible for developing the Vision, Concept and Feasibility Study for the proposed Gold Rush Park in Sacramento. This park is located on 900 acres adjacent to the Sacramento River and downtown Sacramento. Anot-for-profit group, Gold Rush Foundation, Inc. retained PROS to evaluate a new vision of Sacramento's downtown as a true regional center with the parks, sport venues, museums and other attractions that would lure suburbanites back to the city core, partially reversing the flight from downtown that began ahalf- century ago. If developed, it would connect the American River Parkway with the Sacramento River riverfront area being redeveloped by Sacramento and West Sacramento. The subject property is primarily neglected and abandoned industrial, commercial and residential properties. The objective is to convert this low value property through the acquisition of open space and subsequent redevelopment into high-value properties with greater economic impact to the city and state. The PROS Team conducted an extensive community and stakeholder input, vision, concept, design standards, funding options, and a development plan that will frame the ultimate feasibility. The PROS Team organized the community needs into a vision for Gold Rush Park includin eneral pro rams size ~~ ~--~ '. ~ ~~~~ ~ ' ;j i - __ O l 0.` ® "~ rosy;'. _.___ -__ Secrmnerrto, Culilomie - Cmmr Bu.pc~ 99 9 facilities, amenities, and design standards. The needs assessment provides guidelines for concept development. Select facilities and amenities include: • Active Recreation areas • Natural open space • Trails and connections • Residential Development areas • Commercial/Institutional Development Areas ~~;, 21 consulting ~~ ~~?;r City of Rosemead ,~~, A detailed site analysis was performed to establish a baseline concept development based on the community needs 0 assessment. A project composite map was developed to identify opportunities and constraints for the site. The 0 PROS team developed initial design standards and principles for park features and amenities. 0 PROS also developed a detailed economic model to measure the cost-benefit for the conversion of property 0 considering acquisition and demolition costs, lost tax revenue and new tax and lease revenue. The park was organized into development zones, from which economic analysis was applied based on the proposed 0 redevelopment plan. Funding options were identified based on a wide variety of sources. 0 Upon completion of the community input and concept development, the PROS Team presented the final concept 0 development plan. This plan was reviewed and discussed with City of Sacramento leadership to gain final input for 0 establishing the final feasibility plan that was presented to the community, media, and City Council. 0 Project Contact - ~ Joe Genshlea Gold Rush Park Foundation Chair 400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor Sacramento, CA 65814 (916) 558-6020 Lake Grapevine Feasibility Study Grapevine, Texas The City of Grapevine has a tremendous recreational asset in Lake Grapevine that is uniquely situated in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. With the existence of nearly 1,600 acres of property along the shoreline, the City is poised to capitalize on it's potential. However, in the light of economic constraints, the City wished to evaluate the feasibility of developing land use, programming and facility types that would generate revenue to support and offset capital improvements, maintenance and operational costs. Included in the Lake Grapevine Feasibility Study was an RV Park, which was integral in the success of the Lake Grapevine's Plan. PROS members performed a feasibility study to evaluate revenue generating developments related to parks, recreation, and leisure activities. The scope of services includes: Site Analysis, market analysis, concept development, pro-forma development, operations plan, and feasibility analysis. Recommendations included am RV Park, sports tourism, indoor and outdoor sports facility, outdoor adventure park, and other related activities. The ultimate plan will present a Development Plan including conceptual operational plan and potential partnering and financing/funding opportunities. In addition, afive-year.pro-forma (financial plan) was developed that will focus on potential revenues and expenses based on development/operational assumptions. Specific marketing and promotional recommendations were included to gain awareness and penetrate target markets. This will include a cost-benefit analysis to compare costs to operational and other identified monetary benefits. Project Contact - Doug Evans Director 22 p~®$:,t consul tang • City of Grapevine P.O. Box 95104 Grapevine, TX 76009 817.410.3120 Leisure Vision Related Experience PARKS AND RECREATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT STUDY (2006) Palm Desert, California • • • • • • r • • • Leisure Vlslon conducted a Community Attitude and Interest Survey during April and May of 2006 to help establish priorities for the future improvement of parks and recreation facilities, programs and services within the community. The survey was designed to obtain statistically valid results from households throughout the City of Palm Desert. The survey was administered by a combination of mail and phone. Leisure Vision worked extensively with City of Palm Desert officials in the development of the survey questionnaire, including conducting a series of stakeholder interviews with community leaders. This work allowed the survey to be Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan 010. Aquatic Features Respondent Households Would Be Most Likely to Use if Incorporeted into a ldew Outdoor Aquatic Center Mc ~xarssam ~~aK.m„as oneut~r9 mrK rnd~~ la, rfra e1~vy Tar ra a fl~+, aeae 2B% Levre Pod ms~Y~'r'Y ~4p ~Y ~% ~~a<~a~ ~5,6 watrsam.a,ea~,are~'t.3aiQ; id% c~n~ moo a Lt-~I~J vatic Pr*~'cin~i. ~ ~.,_ 1 1,396 ~ L ~: [mtI'u vC.vG v ff~as tl~~-- 1J N.94 ~r r'LT~Ran] t gyp ': ~i ?S )•~^_lrp Wvx is ~~n{'zL~ s.zr i-I 6'F ®6Rait Likety 03rd Most Lkely 03rd Most Ldcely 5 u L. ~~+ FT I _ tailored to issues of strategic importance to effectively plan the future system. In April 2006, surveys were mailed to a random sample of 2,500 households in the City of Palm Desert. Approximately three days after the surveys were mailed, each household that received a survey also received an electronic voice message encouraging them to complete the survey. In addition, about two weeks after the surveys were mailed, Leisure Vision began contacting hoiaseliolds by phone, either to encourage completion of the mailed survey or to administer the survey by phone. The goal was to obtain a total of at least 600 completed surveys. This goal was accomplished, with a total of 641 surveys having been completed. The results of the random sample of 641 households have a 95% level of confidence with a precision of at least +/-3.9%. Results of the survey showed many opportunities to improve the parks and recreation system, including strong support for a new outdoor aquatic center that the City is currently developing. JANIS STEELE, Parks and Recreation Services Manager City of Palm Desert 73-510 Fred Waring Road Palm Desert, California 92260 (760) 776-6423 PARKS AND RECREATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY (2004 and 2008) Bend, Oregon Leisure Vision conducted a statistically valid mail/phone survey for this rapidly growing Oregon community that won the 2006 Gold Medal Award. The survey was conducted to help establish priorities for the future development and maintenance of parks and recreation facilities, programs and services within the community, as part of a comprehensive parks and recreation master plan. The goal was to obtain at least 600 completed surveys. This goal was far exceeded, 02. Have Respondent Households Participated in Programs Offered by the Bend Metro Park and Recreation District During the Past 12 Months by percentage of re~ondents N, ~2b. flow Respondents Learned About r~gg6 Parks and Recreation Programs and Activities BMPRD Pmgr4m Guide ~ ~-'~`- '~ 74% The Bullefi 47% ~ I rdenaeendneignbprc 4s% I I _ Direct mailings 27% 42e°hs The Source 24% I I People and Pads 21% School announcamantgdigday boaN 20% Convenations vith BMPRD daR 1~% I I I Televison 13L% - Radio 12`b I I BMPRD Nbbete gob Pmmotionsat BMPRD events S% Oplar organization's publici 4% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Sacra.-. I asnr Vi~irnt7C Mritw IAasv X#N) ~Q ®~/~ consulting 23 ;. ~~~ ~. City of Rosemead with 707 surveys being completed, including 372 by mail -and 335 by phone. The results of the random sample of 707 households had a 95% level of confidence with a precision of at least +/-3.7%. The response rate for the entire survey was 33%, based on 2,163 surveys being delivered and 707 being completed. Extensive cross-tabular analysis of survey responses was conducted for a wide range of demographic factors, including age or respondents, gender, household size, income, ethnicity, etc., as well as comparisons of the responses from bend to Leisure Vision's national benchmarking data base. Leisure Vision is currently conducting an update of this needs assessment effort. BRUCE RONNING, Director of Planning and Development Bend Metro Park and Recreation District 200 Pacific Park Lane Bend, Oregon 97701 (541) 389-7275 PARKS AND RECREATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT STUDY (2008) Los Angeles, California Leisure Vision conducted a statistically valid mail/phone survey for this City of over 4 million residents. Leisure Vision administered 2,800 surveys for the city, with a representative sampling within each of 7 geographic areas. The margin of error of +/-1.9%. The survey was conducted as part of a parks and recreation master plan. The survey was administered by mail and phone. Leisure Vision worked extensively with City of Los Angeles officials in the development of the survey questionnaire. This work allowed the survey to be tailored to issues of strategic importance to effectively plan the future system. Q15. Organiatwns Respondent Households Have Used for ' -. Indoor acid Outdoor Recreation and Sports Activities During the.Past 12 Months [y DeTa~3~arr~mcaes,!!>trpM awKescalexmaxl - ia~,~rc•~c~,e;~ 5nti vta~ 3Z% ~~ 't - =mar ~x+aFa ran[" 24%< SYrod Gcmd (a~4zs ^~ ~5~~ .~ ,~ ~ Q~ ~_t~~~„a 10,000 households throughout the City of Los Angeles. The survey was mailed in both English and Spanish. Approximately three days after the surveys were mailed, each household that received a survey also received an electronic voice message encouraging them to complete the survey. In addition, about two weeks after the surveys were mailed, Leisure Vision began contacting households by phone. Those who indicated they had not returned the survey were given the option of completing it by phone. Leisure Vision mailed surveys to a random sample of Extensive cross-tabular analysis of survey responses was conducted for a wide range of demographic factors, including age of respondents, gender, household size and types, income, education, etc. Results were compared to Leisure Vision's national database of survey responses. Mr. Mike Shull Department of Recreation Parks Senior Civil Engineer 1200 W. 7th Street, 7th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 Tel: 213-928-9191 consulting r~ ~~ Proposal for . Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan ~ Customer References ~ Master Plans City of Healdsburg Needs Assessment and Park and Open Space Master Plan - 2007 and 2008 David Mickaelian, Community Services Director ~ 401 Grove Street ~ Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 431.3301 • dmickaelian a(~,ci.healdsburp.ca.us ~ Cosumnes Community Services District Master Plan Update - 2008 • Fred J. Bremerman Cosumnes Community Services District ~ 8820 Elk Grove Blvd., Suite 3 ~ Elk Grove, CA 95624 916.405.5305 • fredbremerman a(~.csdparks.com ~ City of Everett Strategic Master Plan - 2007 Lori Cummings Assistant Director ~ 802 E. Mukilteo Blvd. ~ Everett, WA 98203 • 425.257.8353 Icummings(a)ci.everett.wa.us ! Feasibility Studies ~ Gold Rush Park Feasibility Study - 2007 Joe Genshlea ~ Gold Rush Park Foundation Chair ~ 400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor Sacramento, CA 65814 ~ (916) 558-6020 ~ Igenshlea(a)weintraub.com • Business Planning and Impact Fee Study - 2006-2007 City of Roseville ~ Mike Shellito ~ Assistant City Manager 311 VernonStreet ~ Roseville, CA 95678 * (916)774-5201 ~ mshellito(a.roseville.ca.us Lake Grapevine Feasibility Study - 2006 '~ Doug Evans # Director City of Grapevine ~ P.O. Box 95104 +, Grapevine, TX 76009 i (817) 410-3120 devans ci.grapevine.tx.us consulting i ~4Y~ City of Rosemead • Section 4 -Compensation and Fee Schedule • PROS Consulting, LLC will perform the scope of services described in the Project Approach and have prepared the ~ following cost breakdown. PROS has based this fee on our current understanding of the City's goal for the Master ~ Plan and the Southern California Edison Transmission Corridor Trail Feasibility. We would appreciate the • opportunity to meet and discuss the scope and fees to ensure they are consistent with the expectations of the City of Rosemead. The first fee is for the Master Plan, followed by the Trail Feasibility fee breakdown. ~ City of Rosemead Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • Proposed Fees 10-Nov-08 ~ Total Ta§k 1 -Kick-0ff!Meeting. CommunitylStakeholderlnput, andlCommunity Values Model. A. Kick-Off Meeting $ 1,840 B. Key Leadership/Focus Group Interviews $ 2,160 C. Focus Group Interviews $ 2,160 D. Public Forums $ 5,880 E. Household Survey $ 360 F. Community Values Model $ 2,680 Expenses 3,200 Subtotal Dollars $ 26,830 Task 2 - Communi ~ ;P,rofile w A. Demographic and Trends Analysis $ 2,060 B. Benchmark Analysis $ 3,320 Expenses $ 500 Subtotal Dollars $ 5,880 Task;3'= Parks, Pro rariis 8 Facilities Irivento and'Assessment A. Parks and Facilities Inventory Assessment $ 4,660 B. Parks Classifications, Facility Standards, and PROS Capacity-Demand Standards Model $ 11,060 C. Equity MappinglService Area Analysis $ 6,020 D. Recreation Program Assessment $ 4,420 E. Prioritized Program and Facility Needs Assessment $ 2,200 Expenses $ 4,000 Subtotal Dollars $ 32,360 Task;4;- 0, eTational and.FuiancialsAssessment~ " ' _~' - . - A. Operational Assessment $ 7,560 B. Financial Review $ 7,560 C. Funding Strategies $ 3,100 Expenses $ 2,800 Subtotal Dollars $ 21,020 Task~5 =Parks, Recreation~enil GeneFal'facilities Master Plain- ~ "" ' - A. Vision, Mission, Goals 8 Objectives $ 4,400 B. Finalize Strategy MatrixlAction Plan $ 1,300 C. CapitallmprovementPlan $ 3,180 D. Draft Plan Preparation $ 5,840 E. Plan BriefingslPublic Meetings $ 4,400 F. Final Plan Preparation $ 4,920 Expenses $ 3,200 Subtotal Dollars $ 27,240 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 13,700 TOTAL FEES $ 99,630 TOTAL DOLLARS $ 113,330 2s pros;,': consul tang Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i City of Rosemead Feasibility Study for Public Trail Along Transmission Corridor Proposed Fees 10-Nov-08 Total 'cask 1 - MarkefArial sis A. Stakeholderlnterveiws $ 1,240 B. Market Analysis $ 1,240 Expenses 1,600 Subtotal Dollars $ 4,080 Task 2 - Conce t,Develo menf A. Parcel Analysis $ 1,240 B. Acquisition of Legal ROW Analysis $ 1,240 C. Traffic Analysis $ 1,240 D. Draft Development Plan $ 2,180 Expenses $ - Subtotal Dollars $ 5,900 ;Task 3 Finance and.Q erations Anal sis A. Operational Standards $ 620 B. Partner and Management Strategy $ 940 C. Finance Plan $ 1,240 D. Feasibility Analysis $ 1,960 Expenses 1,600 Subtotal Dollars $ 6,360 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,200 TOTAL FEES $ 13,140 TOTAL DOLLARS $ 16,340 ®a~ i ~r: consulting 27 .1-Y. ,.. City of Rosemead Appendix 1-Resumes Leon E. Younger President PROS Consulting LLC Education M.P.A., University of Kansas, Aug. 1988 B.S., Recreation Administration, Kansas State University, May 1975 Employment History President, PROS Consulting, LLC, Sep. 1995 to present Director/Chairman of the Board, Indianapolis Parks and Recreation, Apr. 1992 to Sept. 1995 Executive Director, Lake MetroParks (OH), Jun. 1988 to Mar. 1995 Director, Jackson County (MO) Park'zs and Recreation, Aug. 1983 to Jun. 1988 Certification Certified Park and Recreation Professional Professional Experience Leon is the founder and President of PROS Consulting. He has more than 29 years in parks, recreation, and leisure services. Leon is a recognized leader in applying innovative approaches to managing parks and recreation organizations. He has held positions as Director of Parks and Recreation in Indianapolis, Indiana; Executive Director of Lake Metroparks in Lake County, Ohio (Cleveland vicinity); and Director of Parks and Recreation in Jackson County, Missouri (Kansas City). He received the 1994 National Park and Recreation Association's Distinguished Professional Award for his progressive and innovative thinking in management of public parks and recreation entities. Leon is routinely invited to present his management and development philosophies at conferences, workshops, and training across the United States, as well as internationally. He is co-creator of the Community Values ModeITM, a business model-that synthesizes community and stakeholder input into a strategic plan. He regularly addresses sessions at the National Park and Recreation Conferences and has.served as a board member and instructor at the Pacific Revenue and Marketing School in San Diego, California and the Rocky Mountain Revenue and Management School in Colorado. Relevant project experience: Comprehensive/Strategic Plans • Anderson Park District, Anderson, OH • Batavia Park District, Batavia, IL • Bloomington Parks and Recreation, Bloomington, IN • Bourbonnais Township Park District, Bourbonnais, IL • Brighton Parks and Recreation, Brighton, CO • CarmellClay Township, Carmel, IN • Carrollton Parks and Recreation, Carrollton, TX • Charoltte-Mecklenburg County, Charlotte, NC • Cosumnes Community Services District, Elk Grove, CA • Charlottesville Parks & Recreation, VA • Council Bluffs Parks and Recreation, Council Bluffs, NE • Dallas Parks and Recreation, Dallas, TX • DeKalb County Parks and Recreation, Atlanta, GA • Elmhurst Park District, Elmhurst, IL • Fairmount Park Strategic Plan, Philadelphia, PA 2s pros;,': consul tang Proposal for • Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • Fair Park, Dallas, TX • Fairfax County, Virginia • Ferguson Park and Recreation, MO e Florence Parks and Recreation, Florence, AL ~ Glendale Parks and Recreation, Glendale, AZ • Gwinnett County Parks and Recreation, Gwinnett County, GA • Indiana Amateur Baseball Association, Indianapolis, IN ~ Lafayette Parks and Recreation, Lafayette, IN (Columbian Park and Wabash Riverfront) ~ • Little Rock Parks and Recreation, Little Rock, AR • Los Angeles Parks and Recreation, Los Angeles, CA • Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine, Long, Beach, CA ~ Maricopa County, Phoenix, AZ ~ Mesa Parks and Recreation, Mesa, AZ ~ National Whitetail Deer Education Museum, Cambridge, OH • Naperville Park District, IL 0 New Haven Parks and Recreation, New Haven, CT ~ Norfolk Parks, Recreation and General Services, Norfolk, VA (Award Winning) • Oakland County, Pontiac, MI • Olathe Parks and Recreation, Olathe, KS ~ Omaha Parks and Recreation, Omaha, NE ~ Owensboro and Daviess County Parks and Recreation Departments, Owensboro, KY (joint plan) • Polk County Conservation Board, Polk County, IA • Reston Association, VA ~ Ridgeland Parks and Recreation, Ridgeland, MS ~ City of Roanoke Parks and Recreation, Roanoke, VA • Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism; VA • City of Roseville, CA ~ Sarasota Parks and Recreation, Sarasota, FL S St. Charles County, MO (Award Winning) ~ St. Louis County Parks and Recreation, St. Louis, MO • Tempe Parks and Recreation, Tempe, AZ ~ Topeka Parks and Recreation Dept., Topeka, KS ~ Tucson Parks and Recreation, Tucson, AZ Tulsa Parks and Recreation Dept., Tulsa, OK (Award Winning) • • Tulsa County Expo and Fairgrounds, Tulsa, OK ~ • Wichita Parks and Recreation Dept., Wichita, KS ~ !lision Plans • San Francisco Partnership for Parks, San Francisco, CA (1997 and 2001) • Lakeland Community College, Mentor, OH ~ • Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Dept., Oklahoma City, OK ~ City of Fairfield Community Service Department, Fairfield, CA • Derby Parks and Recreation, Derby, KS • Broad Ripple Village Association, Indianapolis, IN ~ Highland Village Parks and Recreation, Highland Village, TX ~ Operational ReviewsiOusiness Plans/Financial Plans • Adventure Sports Center International, McHenry, MD • City of Little Rock War Memorial Center ~ City of Aspen, CO ~ • Charlotte-Mecklenburg County, NC • Addison Park District, IL • consulting ,~ 34"y City of Rosemead '~; • Lake County, IL ~ • Kettering, OH • • City of Dallas, TX • City of Denton, TX ~ • Washington, IL ~ • Cross Roads Village, Genesee County, MI • • Metro Parks Tacoma, WA • Onondaga County Parks, Onondaga Co., NY ~ • Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation Dept., Cedar Rapids, IA ~ • Columbia , MO • • Chattanooga Parks and Recreation, Chattanooga, TN • Sarasota County, Sarasota, FL ~ • Saluda Shoals, Irmo Chapin Park District, SC ~ • City of Tacoma, WA • Feasibility Studies • Harbour Marina and Restaurant Development, Little Rock, AR ~ • City of Flower Mound, TX ~ • City of Beachwood, OH ~ • Hazelwood Parks and Recreation, Hazelwood, MO • Lakeland Community College, Mentor, OH ~ • First Baptist Church Athletics, Indianapolis, IN ~ • Middle Bass Island (ODNR), Ohio ~ • Grand Lake St. Marys (ODNR), Ohio • City of Grapevine, Texas ~ 30 p/`~5.,~ consu(t~ng • • Proposal for • Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • Barbara Heller ~ Principal Consultant ~ PROS Consulting, LLC • Education Master Degree in Public Administration, the American University, Washington, D.C. • Bachelor of Science, Recreation and Parks, the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. ~ V11ork Experience ~ 2007-present PROS CONSULTING, LLC, Principal Consultant Responsible for strategic planning, master planning, operational assessments, program analysis, service • system reviews, and marketing assessments for park and recreation agencies throughout the United • States. Work includes leading projects, facilitating public meetings, report writing, and analyzing • organizational infrastructure. Also involved in facilitation of training, including staff and elected official workshops. • • o Completed Ottawa Recreation Commission, Blue Valley Recreation Commission and Wheeling Park District Comprehensive Plans • o Developed operational and programming assessments for Maricopa County, • Mecklenburg County, Richmond, Oakland County • o Staff/board training includes the Park District of Oak Park and Carol Stream Park District • 2004-2007 Naperville Park District, Naperville, Illinois • Executive Director -responsible for overall leadership of a park district for a community of 140,000, ~ including a $32 million budget, 105 full time staff and 2,500 acres of parkland. Duties include • overseeing park and recreation services. o Completed a recreation master plan, marketing plan, and strategic plan • o Implemented a resident Futures Committee ~ o Implemented employee cross functional teams, including Voice of the Customer, Culture • Club, and Innovation team o Improved operating and capital budget processes ~ 1995.2004 Elk Grove Park District, Elk Grove Village, Illinois • Executive Director -responsible for overall leadership of a park district. $16 million budget, 70 full-time and • 500 part-time staff. Duties include overseeing the recreation service delivery process, maintenance and • planning for 44 parks, golf course operations, theme park, recreation centers, water park operations and managing financial and human resources. • o Developed organizational strategic and master plans. ~ o Winner of the Lincoln Award Commitment to Excellence, a Malcolm Baldrige state quality award program. o Successfully led two referendum campaigns. ~ o Needs assessment results show high level of public satisfaction toward the district. • o Created an organizational service model including consumer advisory panels, focus groups, mystery shopping, and market research techniques. • 1989-1995 Arlington Parks and Recreation Department, Arlington, Texas • Assistant Director -responsible for the successful management of widely diversified municipal programs • including: golf course operations, parks, aquatics, athletics, recreation and senior centers for a community • of 275,000. Managed 40 full-time and 500 part-time staff. Managed a $4.4 million budget. o Initiated benchmarking studies, service model, and process and service improvements as • part of the organization's total quality program. • • • consul tang ,., ~~ 3`Y +; , City of Rosemead o Team member of an $18 million capital improvement program, including renovation/construction of aquatic facilities, athletic complexes, tennis center, and recreation centers. o Increased revenues by 26% through improved program quality, pricing strategies, and customer surveys. 1988 Maryland National Capital ParkslPlanning Commission, Montgomery County, Maryland Assistant Division Chief -responsible for facility management and maintenance of 50 park sites including a regional park, golf course, horse center, nature center, and numerous local and neighborhood parks. Managed 50 full-time staff and a $3 million dollar budget in a county operation of over 800,000 residents. 1976.1988 Prince William County Parks Authority, Manassas, Virginia 1984-1988 Recreation Superintendent -responsible for facility management and recreation services for a county of 200,000. Included were operation of parks, swimming pools, waterslides, marina operations, recreation centers and food concessions. Involved in capital projects including pool renovations, design of a recreation center, concession buildings, golf course, and the development of park master plans. 1980-1984 Personnel Director -hired as a Personnel Specialist in 1980 and was promoted to Personnel Director in 1981. Responsible for all aspects of human resource management including staffing, performance management, employee relations, training, and compensation. 1976-1978 Tennis Coordinator and District Programmer-developed a countywide tennis program including lessons, tournaments, and national junior tennis league. Promoted to District Programmer and was responsible for managing acommunity-based recreation program. 19781980 LAKE RIDGE PARKS AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION, INC., Woodbridge, Virginia Recreation Director - Managed a comprehensive recreation program for a planned residential community, including recreation programming, aquatics operations, neighborhood park development, and development of social activities. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AMID AFFILIATIONS • National Recreation and Parks Association and the Great Lakes Regional Council • American Society for Quality, Association for Quality and Participation, and the Public Sector Network • Illinois Parks and Recreation Association • Speaking engagements at NRPA congress 1995-2005, IAPD and IPRA annual conference, NRPA schools, and many state conferences • Trained examiner for the Lincoln Award for Business Excellence, based on Malcolm Baldridge criteria • Graduate of the Center for Creative Leadership program on Leadership Development _• consulting • Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • Allen Mullins, CPA Principal Consultant PROS Consulting, LLC Education B.A., Liberal Arts, 1974, Union University M.B.A., Accounting, 1980, University, of Texas at Arlington License Certified Public Accountant, Texas Professional Experience Mr. Mullins has more than 25 years of experience in~governmental operations and finance. He has managed a wide range of consulting assignments covering rate studies, cost-of-service studies, organizational analysis, and accounting, financial, and customer information system selection and implementation. His industry experience includes public utilities, public works agencies, and city and state agencies. He has also provided advice on rate litigation and has prepared rate-filing packages for rate cases at Water Commissions and the Public Utilities Commissions. Mr. Mullins recently served as Senior Manager for Carter & Burgess' Management Consulting practice. He was also Assistant Director of utilities for the City of Arlington, Texas. His responsibilities included budget, financial planning, utility billing, customer services, meter reading, meter services, property management, and operations research, including negotiation of intergovernmental agreements for water and wastewater services. He has also served as Director of Finance for the City of Hurst, Texas, where he was responsible for the accounting, budgeting, utility service agreements, utility billing, data processing, purchasing and personnel divisions. He also served as Senior Manager in KPMG Peat Marwick LLP's National Utilities Consulting Practice for nine (9) years. • Presidio Landscape Maintenance Management Plan, San Francisco, CA; Principal Consultant. PROS Consulting evaluated operations and landscape management to address long term maintenance needs for the Presidio's historic 400 acres of landscaped areas. Responsible for preparing a cost of service analysis related to existing and proposed operational standards. • Facilities Maintenance Management Plan, Miami-Dade County, FL; Principal Consultant.. Evaluating the Construction and Maintenance Services Division to assess the operations and develop a Facilities, Maintenance Management plan that will provide the most effective and efficient operations that can be implemented within the available resources. • Dallas Park & Recreation Long Range Strategic Plan, Dallas, TX; Senior Manager. Developed a strategic plan for redevelopment of the 4th largest US City's Park System. Services including development of aweb- based park inventory database system, management information system needs assessment, and funding analysis for the capital improvement plan. • Long Range Revenue and Business Plan, Lake County Forest Preserve, Illinois; Principal Consultant.. Responsible for determining future needs, evaluating the ability to deliver services, analyzing costs, fees, charges and development of recommendations and priorities for long-range sustainable operations to develop along-range business and revenue plan for a county wide Forest Preserve North of Chicago. Duties include analysis of facilities, customer service programs, finances, organization, concessions, and maintenance operations. • Fairmount Park Strategic Plan, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Management Consultant. Preparing a strategic plan for the historic Fairmount Park system in Philadelphia. Applying Community Values Model tm methodology as the framework for the strategic plan, performing operational review of all functional areas of the department, financial evaluation, partnership development, governance review and strategic plan development. f~~;, ' 33 consulting )~'r .; - c`, ',~: City of Rosemead • Consultant. Developed a feasibility study for locating afull-service marina, restaurant, and high-end condominium development located on the Arkansas River in downtown Little Rock adjacent to the proposed President Clinton Library. Project included performing market analysis, pricing strategy and pro-forma development. Project also included development of apublic-private partnership with the City of Little Rock. • Arkansas Parks Program Management, Little Rock, AR; Senior Management Consultant. In conjunction with the Program Management Services of the $180 million CIP, provided consulting related to Fixed Capital Asset Determination for GASB 34 Compliance. • Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) Water and Retail Rate Study, Dallas, TX; Project Manager. Prepared retail rates study, including a depreciation analysis of infrastructure assets and established an excess water user tier for residential retail customers.. • Water Rate Update, Central Arkansas Water; Project Manager. Update of Water Rate Study to establish retail and wholesale water rates for fiscal years 2004 and 2005 incompliance with the merger agreement. • Water and Wastewater Cost of Service and Rate Study, City of Rowlett; Project Manager. Prepared water and wastewater revenue requirements and rates as part of the utilities capital improvement program. The revenue requirements included a cashflow analysis to establish a minimum cash reserve level and included the cash financing of renewal and replacement projects. • Dallas Citywide Fee and Revenue Study, Dallas, Texas; Project Manager. Determined to what extent the full cost of associated services are recovered by revenues and to identify new revenuelfee sources and/or fee increases. Performed a comprehensive study of 11 departments detailing the current costs of services provided to outside users. • SAWS Evaluation and Assessment of Water & Wastewater Operations, San Antonio, TX; Management Consultant. Providing a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of water and wastewater operations for the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) as part of their Continuous Improvement Program. Working directly for the Board of Directors, scope includes the analysis of general and administrative activities and related costs, benchmarking and an analysis and recommendations on organization and staffing. • Stormwater Utility Organization Development; Project Manager. Managed financial functions and participated in the organizational development of stormwater utilities for the more then ten (10) cities including of San Antonio, Dallas, Plano, and Irving. Included cost of service, rates and customer class development, billing system development, organization development, and ordinance preparation. • Water & Wastewater Utility Reorganization, Egypt; Management Consultant. Provided assistance to management in amulti-year effort to develop the institutional framework for • Reorganizing the water and wastewater utility for the cities along the Suez Canal in Egypt. (U.S. Agency for International Development Project). • Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Water District Diagnostic .Review, Los Angeles, CA; Project Manager. Managed a diagnostic review of the rate development, financial planning, and financial policies of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. • TxDOT Business Process Redesign Project, Austin, TX; Management Consultant. Managed the fiscal services business process redesign project for the Texas Department of Transportation. The project included the analysis and reengineering of budgeting, payroll, financial planning, accounts payable, financial reporting, and accounting information systems. • NTTA Maintenance Management Consultant, Dallas, Texas;- Management Consultant. Assisted in the development of an implementation plan, asset management system, maintenance strategy, collection and analysis of information, financial and policy definition related to the GASB 34 modified approach. • Lancaster Recreation Center Operations and Management Audit, Lancaster, Texas. Senior Manager. Performed operations and management audit for the recreation center in Lancaster. An audit was performed to identify management improvements to enhance financial sustainability. Developed a cost of service model to document costs on an activity and program level. The outcome was a strategy matrix outlining detailed findings and action plan for addressing operational and management issues along with a citywide citizens survey recreation needs assessment. • Harbour Marina and Mixed Use Development Feasibility Study, Little Rock, AR; Senior Management consulting Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • Dallas Water Utilities Management Audit, Dallas, Texas; Management Consultant. Performed a management audit of the Utility for the City Auditor which included the financial, business, and planning functions. • US Naval Operations Evaluation, Norfolk, VA. Participated in study of the future role of the US Navy in owning and operating the RDF facility serving the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. • Wastewater and Solid Waste Financial and Operational Performance Evaluation, San Antonio, TX, Project Manager. Managed an implementation project to improve financial and operational performance of the wastewater and solid waste service of the Department of Environmental Management for the City of San Antonio, Texas. Tasks included the benchmarking of performance measures and the evaluation of results. • Texas Schools Performance Evaluation, Kingsville, Texas. Management Consultant. Provided a performance audit of the transportation and facilities operations of the school district under the a study commissioned by the Texas Controller's office. ~+;, 35 consul trng • l ' • '4., Y ~{ City of Rosemead ';~: • Brian Trusty • Senior Consultant • Education • Texas A&M University, College Station, TX • Bachelor of Science in Political Science, 1995 _ Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Master of Science in Recreation and Resource Development, 1999 Professional Experience Brian Trusty has been a recreation and resource management professional since he formed the SierraQuest Corporation in 1993 and began his "real world" education in the rigors of self-employment. SierraQuest operated for 10 years, launching a career of sound business practices and a strong work ethic. Mr. Trusty's professional track record demonstrates an appreciation for partnerships and an entrepreneurial approach to go beyond the traditional expectations of successful recreation and tourism enterprises. Mr. Trusty was the Executive Director of the Adventure Sports Center International, providing leadership in a $24 million, transforming project development for Western Maryland. He joined PROS Consulting in 2007 completing numerous projects in development, business planning, and strategic development. His project management skills and- organization have allowed him to lead large planning projects and business plans. He has led strategic plans and his been a part of many successful needs assessment projects. SierraQuest programming spanned North America with quality adventure recreation experiences serving thousands each year in 22 U.S. states, Canada and Mexico. • While managing the Lower Colorado River Authority's system of nature parks, revenues from recreation and community programs and services increased by 800% in four years. • Mr. Trusty was the Executive Director of the Adventure Sports Center International, providing leadership in a $24 million, transforming project in economic development for Western Maryland. • He joined PROS Consulting, LLC in 2007 and has completed numerous projects that include business planning and strategic development Adventure Sports Center International, McHenry, MD Executive Director Mr. Trusty was responsible for the management of construction and development of a $24 million adventure sport facility in Western Maryland, including a re-circulating whitewater course unlike any design previously built, a 600- . seat outdoor amphitheater, a Headquarters and Operations Building, and the International Whitewater Hall of Fame. The Adventure Sport Center venues also included the 550-acre Fork Run Recreation Area for hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, bouldering, and canopy adventures. Mr. Trusty was also responsible for developing the operations of this world-class facility to provide sustainable financial solvency from the first year of operations. He provided the leadership that resulted in preventing 25% budget overruns in construction contracts through appropriate value-engineering that held issues of performance, long-term maintenance, and project scope sacred. He recruited a staff that includes former U.S. Olympic Team members and recreation professionals from around the country. The Adventure Sports Center International opened to the public in Spring 2007. Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA-, Austin, TX Manager of LCRA Nature Parks Mr. Trusty was responsible for the management of six (6) nature park facilities and their respective programs in Central Texas, including Canyon of the Eagles Lodge and Nature Park, Nightengale Archeological Center, Westcave Preserve, McKinney Roughs Nature Park, Cooper Farm and the Matagorda Bay Nature Park. Mr. Trusty-was hired 36 pros;,': consul tmg S Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan s e w • • w • • • by LCRA to develop their nature park system to be entrepreneurial and recover at least 50% of their operating costs. In four years, departmental revenues had increased by 800% bringing the department in line with its goals. While at LCRA Mr. Trusty was appointed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Chair to the TPWD Education and Outreach Advisory Committee. He served for two years and was instrumental in the development of an education and outreach strategic plan for the agency. Additionally, by executive appointment Mr. Trusty completed a similar strategic plan for LCRA across all agency lines of business. SierraQuest Corporation, San il~arcos, TX President and Operations Qirector In 1993, Mr. Trusty formed SierraQuest Corporation to design and deliver quality adventure education and recreation programs to groups and individuals of all skills and backgrounds. He was responsible for the development and management of programs that operated in 22 states, Canada and Mexico, including whitewater paddling, rock climbing, backpacking, rappelling, canyoneering, horesback programs, spelunking, and mountain biking. SierraQuest Corporation operated for 10 years and became the single largest commercial provider of adventure education services to scouting groups in the United States. Serving thousands of youth and adults every year, SierraQuest providing a great platform for the growth of Mr. Trusty's career. Publications • Contributing author to "Setting the Boundary Conditions of Democratic Peace: Understanding Cultural Bias in Foreign Policy Decision-Making," Alex Mintz and Nehemia Geva, Journal of International Relations, May 1995. • Book Review: (Tourism and Public Policy, Colin Hall and John Jenkins, Routledge Publishing, 1995.) Journal of Tourism Planning, Fall 1996. consulting • ~\ Y • City of Rosemead • ':~: ~~~~~~' DAMON COBB • Senior Consultant PROS Consulting LLC Education B.B.A., Economics, Sam Houston State University Professional Experience Mr. Cobb's experience includes providing financial and economic consulting services to state and local governments. He has a wide range of consulting assignments covering cost-of-service pricing studies, economic/market analysis, strategic planning, accounting and financial models, and information technology projects. He has worked in the areas of parks and recreation, water, wastewater and storm water utilities, commercial development, and transportation. Mr. Cobb was a former consultant for Carter & Burgess in their Management Consulting practice. Relevant project experience includes: • Mesquite Recreation Strategic Plan, Mesquite, TX; Project Consultant. Performed a strategic plan focused on recreation programming and facilities development. Performed extensive community input, facilities inventory and assessment, program analysis, policy development. Recommendations include a major shift to regional recreation facilities, streamlined organization, and cost based fees. • Dallas Park & Recreation Long Range Strategic Plan, Dallas, TX; Project Consultant. Developed a strategic plan for redevelopment of the 4th largest US City's Park System. Services include extensive community and stakeholder input, inventory and condition assessment of 450+ parks and facilities, development of a web-based park inventory database system, management information system needs assessment, environmental scan of the department, detailed assessment of the maintenance operation, benchmarking analysis, demographic analysis, business plan development for 10 revenue generating facilities, development of a Community Values ModeITM and strategic plan, preparation of a capital improvement plan, partnership development and funding analysis. • Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan, Virginia Beach, VA; Project Consultant. PROS will serve as an advisor, assisting in organizing and guiding the development of the plan being prepared by the Department. The strategic plan will identify along-term vision and strategies to guide the Department for the next 10 years. This plan will be shaped through input from all of the park's major stakeholders including city leaders and the community at large across the city. • Reston Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update, Reston, VA; Project Consultant. PROS serves as an advisor, assisting in organizing. and. guiding the development of the plan being prepared by the Reston Association. The strategic plan will identify a actions and strategies to guide the Association for the next 10 years. This plan considers all areas of open space, programming, organization, finance, and public involvement. • Fairmount Park Strategic Plan, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Deputy Project Manager. Preparing a strategic plan for the historic Fairmount Park system in Philadelphia. Applying Community Values .Model tm methodology as the framework for the strategic plan, performing operational review of all functional areas of the department, financial evaluation, partnership development, governance review and strategic plan development. • Fair Park Comprehensive Development Plan, Dallas, Texas. Management Consultant. Fair Park is a 274 acre park near downtown Dallas that is home to the State Fair of Texas and is a Registered Historic National Landmark. Established to celebrate the Texas. Centennial Exposition in 1936, Fair Park is the home of the largest collection of historic art-deco buildings in the United States. Services include market analysis, needs assessment, economic analysis, partnership plan, conceptual and final plan development, and preparation of a business plan. • Grapevine Lake Revenue Generating Feasibility Study; Project Consultant. Prepared feasibility study including market analysis, concept design, and pro-forma development for potential revenue generating opportunities on 1,600 acres of shoreline property. This property is leased from the Corps of Engineers. consulting 0 • Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan • O 0 e 0 s • • • • • Long Range Revenue and Business Plan, Lake County Forest Preserve, Illinois; Project Consultant. Responsible for determining future needs, evaluating the ability to deliver services, analyzing costs, fees, charges and development of recommendations and priorities for long-range sustainable operations to develop along-range business and revenue plan for a county wide Forest Preserve North of Chicago. Duties include analysis of facilities, customer service programs, finances, organization, concessions, and maintenance operations. • Harbour Marina and Mixed Use Development Feasibility Study, Little Rock, AR; Project Consultant. Developed a feasibility study for locating afull-service marina, restaurant, and high-end condominium development located on the Arkansas River in downtown Little Rock adjacent to the proposed President Clinton Library. Project included performing market analysis, pricing strategy and pro-forma development. Project also included development of apublic-private partnership with the City of Little Rock. • Dallas Citywide Fee and Revenue Study, Dallas, Texas; Consultant. Determined to what extent the full cost of associated services are recovered by revenues and to identify new revenue/fee sources and/or fee increases. Performed a comprehensive study of 11 departments detailing the current costs of services provided to outside users. • Lancaster Recreation Center Operations and Management Audit, Lancaster, Texas. Project Consultant. Performed operations and management audit for the recreation center in Lancaster. An audit was performed to identify management improvements to enhance financial sustainability. Developed a cost of service model to document costs on an activity and program level. The outcome was a strategy matrix outlining detailed. findings and action plan for addressing operational and management issues along with a citywide citizens survey recreation needs assessment. • Arkansas Parks Program Management, Little Rock, AR; Consultant. In conjunction with the Program Management Services of the $180 million CIP, provided consulting related to Fixed Capital Asset Determination for GASB 34 Compliance. • Work Order Management System Requirements Definition, Dallas, Texas. Project Consultant. Developed functional requirements for a work order management system to improve efficiency of the maintenance of facilities for Dallas Park and Recreation Department. Prepared formal request for proposal. Project includes the Zoo, Fair Park, Facility Services, and 6 maintenance districts. • San Antonio Water System (SAWS) SAP ERP Planning and Implementation, San Antonio, Texas; Consultant. Providing support services in the Program Management Office for the planning and implementation phases of a new business information system consisting of SAP Enterprise Resource Plan. This consists of developing the blueprint, system integration, change management, and hosting for five modules including finance, inventory, customer information, work order management, and human resource, Specific tasks included development of requirements and three (3) formal requests for proposals for system integrator, change management, and software/hardware hosting services. Also performing project controls and data management related service. consulting '~~ ~f ~. ~. City of Rosemead • JOEL B. HENRIE, AICP, CFM Senior Consultant PROS Consulting, LLC Education B.S. in Geography, GIS/Planning Emphasis, Utah State University 1999 B.S. in Environmental Studies, GIS Emphasis, Utah State University 1999 Certifications American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) Cadastral Computer Mapper (CCM) Professional Experience Mr. Henrie has seven (7) years of experience in land planning related services. He has worked in both public and private agency settings. He has strong capabilities in technical and management areas with specialized experience in mapping, planning, development, land use, zoning, policy development, and floodplain and storm water analysis. Joel is a power user in applying ESRI ArcGIS (Arclnfo) and ArcIMS to perform detailed analysis and data driven, graphical solution presentations. In addition, he has extensive experience in the areas of databases, statistical methods, web design, surveying, deeds, and property titles. Relevant project experience includes: • Assistant Manager/Planning Systems Analyst: Denton County Public Works/Planning and GIS, Denton, TX - Responsible for the Administration and Supervision of the Department's day to day Operations of current and long-range planning, permits, floodplain, subdivisions, storm water, land use, zoning, code enforcement, and GIS for a County of 500,000+ with an unincorporated population of 65,000 +. Notable achievements include: o Reorganized the Department to improve efficiency during explosive growth period (7-8%IYear and 10,000+ New Residences in 4 Years) o Created and implemented new permitting, subdivision, land use, and budgeting processes and databases o Implemented an ArcIMS Website o Created and implemented a storm water program and support personnel o Implemented cross-application of GIS into all divisions including implementing a paperless office o Assist manager with preparing, implementing, and monitoring departmental budget and handling departmental HR and policy issues o .Provided staff .support for commissioners court, planning. and zoning commission, development support committee, and numerous other county committees o Served on the ULI Vision North Texas Regional Visioning Committee • GIS Analyst: TrinTel Communications Corporate Office, Dallas, TX -Establishment of and transition to ESRI Mapping Platform (ArcMap 8.1), creation and maintenance of weekly and monthly analysis maps and processes for business development and upper management, production of mapping packages for marketability analysis and marketing, creation and automation of the tower site catalogue individual maps, establishment of mapping designs and templates, geodatabase layout and design, GIS server architecture design, database analysis for error correction, GIS site analysis for construction, special requests analysis, and it support. • Zoning and Site Acquisition Agent: SDS Wireless (TrinTel Communications), Portland, OR & Los Osos, CA - Government permitting and site acquisition for wireless communications facilities located in California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, .and Arizona. Maintained working inventory of 30 plus strategic sites, creation of automated site candidate to zoning application packages. Worked primarily with local jurisdictions to procure cups and sups, variances, SHPBO and NWI approval, NEPA and SEPA authorization, and FAA and FCC consent. • Cadastral Mapper/GIS Tech: Box Elder County RecorderlClerk's Department, Brigham City, UT -Real Property Research, GIS, Cadastre & COGO, Conveyance, Abstracting, Title Searching, Election Analysis and Support, Database Administrator, Subdivision and Annexation Reviewer, Representative for County Commission and Planning Commission Meetings, V.P. Employees Committee, Safety Committee, Civil Court Representative, Departmental Presenter, County Marketing and Branding, and Supervision and Training of 2 Employees. consulting Proposal for • Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan ~ Planner/GIS Tech/Cadastral Mapper: Box Elder County Planning Department, Brigham City, UT -County ® Zoning and Voting Maps Creator, Executive Member of County Wetlands Plan, Organize Data for County S.0.6. Plan, Process and Update Ordinance and Code and Master Plan Changes, Process and Update Zoning ~ and Subdivision Applications, Representative for County Commission and Planning Commission Meetings, ~ Facilitator of the State of Utah's Citizen Planning and 21st Century Community Seminars, County Graphic Creator, Water Conservation Field Surveys, County City/County Data Liaison, and County Web Site Webmaster ~ and Designer. ~ Swing Manufacturing Lead: Harris Research (ChemDry) Corporate Office, Logan, UT -Supervised Integration of ~ Chemicals into Products by Means of: Automatic Aerosol line, Electronic Liquid Fillers, Mixing Vats, Air Cappers, and Valuers; Forklift Operator, Pump Operator and Inspector, Quality Control, Inventory, and • Supervision and Training of 5 to 15 Employees. ~ Surveyor: GMc2 (Gilson, McKellar, McWhorter and Associates) Engineering, Draper, UT -Government and Private ® Contracting, Construction and Land Surveying, Topography, Radial Stakeout, GPS, Legal Description Searching, Legal Survey Intervention, Field Design, Plan Interpretation and Correction, Levels, Client-to-Construction • Coordinator, and Supervision and Training of 1 Employee. B O • s • • • • • s • • • • s 0 consulting ,~: ,... City of Rosemead NEELAY K. BHATT Senior Consultant PROS Consulting, LLC Education Masters in Sports Administration and Facility Management, Ohio University 2005 Masters in Business Administration, Ohio University 2004 Post Graduate Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations, University of Mumbai, 2003 B.A. in Psychology, University of Mumbai, 2002 Professional Experience Mr. Bhatt has four (4) years of experience in event planning, sales, marketing and technology, and journalism related services. He has worked for the Athens 2004 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games and with Disney Sports and Recreation, Orlando FL as a marketing and technology associate. He has strong capabilities in sports and recreational programming areas as well as marketing /branding campaign formulation. His range of service experience includes market needs assessment; strategic planning, public input process, benchmarking studies; recreation program assessments, marketing plans, web design, and facility and program standards. Relevant project experience includes: • Everett Strategic Plan, Everett WA; Project Consultant. Provided strategic consulting services for public input process, and recommendations related to recreation programming, facility needs assessment and facility standards for parks and amenities • Adventure Sports Center International Strategic Marketing Plan, Garrett County, MD; Project Consultant. Worked on the development of a strategic marketing and branding plan • Clayton Parks and Recreation Recreational Program Assessment, Clayton M0; Project Consultant. Performed a recreational program assessment and offered strategic recommendations for future parks and recreation programs and special events in the City of Clayton, as well as conducted staff workshops • The Harvest Foundation, Martinsville, VA. Project Consultant; Developed a PR plan for The Harvest Foundation / Southern Virginia Recreation Facilities Authority (SVRFA) press event. Also involved in website and content development for SVRFA. Will be working on marketing and event programming for the Indoor Fieldhouse and Outdoor Soccer Complex in Martinsville, VA. • Santee Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Santee, CA; Project Consultant. Provided strategic input for parks and recreation facility and amenities standards and needs assessments. Also performed recreation program assessment and provided recommendations for the same. • Roanoke County Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update, Roanoke County, VA. Project Consultant. Conducted a facility needs assessment analysis and facility standards analysis. Also provided recommendations on addressing gaps in the recreation program offerings for Roanoke County • City of Roanoke Master Plan Update, City of Roanoke, VA; Project Consultant. Performed a recreational programming assessment and analysis. Also provided strategic consulting services on facility standards and community needs assessment. • Warren County Benchmark Studies, Warren County, VA; Project Consultant. Developed a database of comparable counties and performed benchmark analysis of financial; operational and facility-wide variables. • Healdsburg Parks and Recreation Master Plan; Healdsburg, CA; Project Consultant. Provided consulting services on recreation program assessment for the City of Healdsburg Parks and Recreation Master Plan. • Sandusky Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Sandusky, OH. Project Consultant. Conducted public input and stakeholder input process and offered strategic input on community survey and needs assessment analysis. • Urbana Park District Strategic Plan, Urbana, IL; Project Consultant. Performed overall assessment of recreation programs and provided recommendations to met unmet needs and trends. 42 ~ro$:,~ consul tang Proposal for • Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan ~ • Mesquite Recreation Strategic Plan, Mesquite TX; Project Consultant. Performed a benchmark study focused • on multi-sports facilities • City of Charlottesville Benchmark Studies, Charlottesville, VA; Project Consultant; Developed a benchmark ~ template for evaluating comparative cities on their transition from community recreation centers to a regional ~ recreation center. r s • • • • • • • • p~°®~;,' consulting 43 • .~ • ~,~.~ City of Rosemead RONAL®A. VINE • PRESIDENT • Leisure Vision, ESC Institute • EDUCATION ~ M.S. in Leisure Services Administration. • University of Illinois 1975 B.S. in History Minor in Psychology University of Illinois, 1973 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Ron is a co-founder and President of Leisure Vision. Ron has over 25 years consulting, market research, and consulting experience, including fifteen (15) years as a project manager, in a wide range of parks, recreation, sports, fitness, health, and general governmental projects. Projects that Ron has conducted surveys for have resulted in over $600 million in funded projects. Ron has worked on over 150 parks and recreation needs assessments, master plans, strategic plans, and feasibility studies for trails and greenway systems, community centers, family aquatic centers, sports complexes, trails, museums, and other specialized facilities. He has extensive highly, successful experience assisting communities with projects leading to sales tax and other tax referendums Ron has extensive experience formulating and creating public involvement processes leading to consensus solutions. He has facilitated more than 200 stakeholder interviews focus groups, and public forums. He has been involved in successful public private partnership projects to develop performance halls, baseball complexes, zoo exhibits, railroad museums, historic homes, tennis facilities, soccer complexes, and other important community projects. Ron is very skilled in the development of public foundations and board development for these foundations. He has conducted numerous fund-raising assessments for public and non-profit facilities. Ron is a regular speaker at state and national conferences relating to issues including strategic planning, using statistically valid surveys mail and phone surveys to assist decision makers, developing public/private partnerships to build leisure facilities, master planning, benchmarking, and communications with city managers. Ron began his career as a National .Parks and. Recreation Association .Intern. for the Champaign Park District, Champaign, Illinois. He served as the Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent of Recreation for Topeka, Kansas; as well as the City's first Director of Parks and Recreation. As the first professional Director of Parks and Recreation for Topeka, Ron was responsible for management of 6 previously independent divisions, including parks, recreation, golf course, municipal zoo, municipal auditorium, and concessions operations. Ron also served as the Acting Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Topeka. His unique background in both the public and private sectors is of particular value to clients. EXAMPLES OF MAJOR PROJECT EXPERIENCE Consulting and Surveys for Master Plans, Strategic Plans, Needs Assessments Arlington County, Virginia; Columbia, Missouri; Columbus, Ohio; Elk Grove, Illinois; Mundelein, Illinois; Naperville, Illinois; Deerfield, Illinois State of Rhode Island; DeKalb County, Georgia; Florence; Alabama; Joplin, Missouri; Bloomington, Indiana; Mid-America Regional Council, KC Metro; Lawrence, Kansas; Mesa, Arizona; Peoria, Arizona; New Haven, Connecticut; Woodlands, Texas; Norfolk, Virginia; Olathe, Kansas; O'Fallon, Missouri; Denver, Colorado; St. Charles County, M0; St. Louis County, Missouri; Tempe, Arizona; Peoria, Arizona; Windsor, C0; Greenville County, SC; Wentzville, M0; Macomb, Michigan; Key Biscayne, Florida; Northville, Michigan; Kalamazoo, Michigan; Aberdeen, South Dakota consul tang Proposal for Parks, Recreation and General Facilities Master Plan s • • • • • • • • • • • Consulting and Surveys for Feasibility Studies (community centers, aquatic facilities, sport complexes, cultural facilities) Aurora, Colorado; Casper, Wyoming; Columbia, Missouri; Jackson County, Missouri; Kansas City, Missouri; Kirkwood, Missouri; Maryville, Missouri; Poplar Bluff, Missouri; Provo, Utah; Rock Island, Illinois; Rolla, Missouri; Warrensburg, Missouri; Lucas County, Ohio; South Burlington, Vermont; Chanute, Kansas; Victor, NY; Moon Township, PA; Radnor, PA; Portland, OR Consulting and Surveys for Non-Profits & Associations Missouri Parks and Recreation Association; National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association; Railroad Days, Topeka, KS; Sunflower Soccer Association, Topeka, KS; Railroad Days, Topeka, KS; Wisconsin Parks and Recreation Association; Women's Foundation, Kansas City, Missouri; Iowa City Public Library, Iowa City, Iowa; Performing Arts Center, Topeka, Kansas; Price Towers Art Center; Bartlesville, Oklahoma; Railroad Days; Topeka, KS pros;,:> 45 consulting