RRA - Status Update 4623 N. Earle AVeMEMORANDUM TO: FRANK TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: BRADFORD JOHNSON, PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE: October 4, 2001 SUBJECT: McDONALDS DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF VALLEY BLVD. AND WALNUT GROVE AVENUE The representative for the proposed development at the southwest corner of Valley Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue (McDonalds Proposal) has requested another extension at this time. The property owner has been discussing an alternative project design that includes only two structures on the site. The revised proposal would consist of a McDonalds Restaurant and a CVS Drug Store. As stated in the attached letter dated October 4', the applicant is requesting another two- week continuance of this item. MAYOR: JAY T. IMPERIAL MAYOR PRO TEM: ROBERT W. BRUESCH COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARETCLARK GARY A. TAYLOR JOEVASOUEZ TO FROM: DATE: Posesoead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 MEMORANDUM FRANK TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER BRADFORD JOHNSON, PLANNING DIRECTOR October 3, 2001 v SUBJECT: STATUS UPDATE - 4623 N. EARLE AVENUE (Tax Default Purchase) A letter was received today from the County Treasurer and Tax Collector regarding the Tax- Defaulted property purchase agreement between the City of Rosemead and the County. The subject property is 4623 N. Earle Avenue, formerly known as the "Lawin Property". The letter states that the deed was recorded with the County recorders office on September 27, 2001. A copy of the original deed will be mailed to the City in approximately six weeks. A copy of the status letter, signed agreement and the deed is attached for the Council's review. This property is currently zoned R-1; Single Family Residential, and therefore, has the potential to be developed with two single-family homes (total lot area equals 12,000 sf). The R-1 zone establishes a maximum density of one unit per six thousand (6000) square feet of land area. 'Staff anticipates bringing a proposed development scenario before the City Council within the next two to three months. attachments M`,~ Of LOS C COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 225 NORTH HILL STREET, ROOM 130 P.O. BOX 512102 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051-0102 MARK J. SALADINO TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR September 28, 2001 (213) 974-0871 Mr. Brad Johnson City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Ms. Johnson: CHAPTER 8 AGREEMENT NUMBER 2046 ASSESSOR'S IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 5372-013-040 In accordance with the terms of the above referenced agreement that became effective on June 22, 2001, upon receipt of the purchase price of $65,043.26 rendered for Subject to Power to Sell parcel number 5372-013-040, our office recorded a Tax Deed. to Purchaser of Tax Defaulted Property. The deed was recorded with, the Office of Los Angeles County Recorder on September 27, 2001 on Document Number 01-1838312. That office will send the original document directly to your agency in approximately six (6) weeks. Enclosed is an original Chapter 8 Agreement to Purchase Tax-Defaulted Property and a Conformed Copy of the tax deed for your records. . _(213) 974-0871 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at Very truly yours, MARK J. SALADINO Treasurer and Tax Collector Stanley Redins, Deputy Tax Defaulted Land Unit Secured Property Tax Division SR:sr Zip4:2046receipt Enclosures C: Martha Duran AND TAX COLLECTOR - I AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO. . CITY OF ROSEMEAD ' C/O MR. BRAD JOHNSON 8838 VALLEY BLVD. ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 -op y of Document Re. Has not been Co, :pared vvi?h original. Original will be ra urnsd tAjtien processing has been completed. LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIS T RAR- RECORDER FREE RECORDING REQUESTED PURSUANT TO GOVT CODE 6103 Document Transfer Tax - computed on full value of property conveyed $0.00 City Transfer Tax $0.00 / Signature of Declarant TAX DEED TO PURCHASER OF TAX-DEFAULTED PROPERTY On which the legally levied taxes were a lien for FISCAL YEAR 1993-1994 and for nonpayment were duty declared to be in default DEFAULT NUMBER 5372-013-040 This deed, between the Treasurer and Tax Collector of Los Angeles County ("SELLER" ) and CITY OF ROSEMEAD ("PURCHASER"), conveys to the PURCHASER the real property described herein which the.SELL_ER sold to the PURCHASER BY AGREEMENT on JUNE 22, 2001 pursuant to a statutory power of sale in accordance with the provisions of Division 1, Part 6, Chapter 8, Revenue and Taxation Code, for the sum of $64,525.00. No taxing agency objected to the sale. In accordance with the law, the SELLER hereby grants to the PURCHASER that real property situated in said county, Sate of California, last assessed to, TSAI, STEPHEN K. described as follows: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 5372-013-040 TRACT # 5508 c 200 r OF LOT 4 BLK B STATE OF CALIFORNIA MARK J. SALADINO Country of Los Angeles )ss. TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR of the County of Los Angeles State of California- EXECUTED ON September 25, 2001 By 1 / ",t Deputy Tax Collector On September 25, 2DD1 before me personally appeared MARTHA DURAN personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledoed to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity on behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here set my hand. Location: City of Rosemead Sale No. 2000A Item No. 3167 Agreement No. 2046 CONNY B. McCORMACK RCVISi KiiR-REl.l7RiJChZC.f'i tii~11' CLERK of the County of Los Angeles state of Carrfomia By Depu' County Clerk '2899 AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE LOS ANGELES COUNTY TAX-DEFAULTED PROPERTY (Public/Taxing Agency) pppp i This Agreement is made this day of u 20!0, by and between the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, State of C lifornia, and the CITY OF ROSEMEAD ("Purchaser'), pursuant to the provisions of Division 1, Part 6, Chapter 8, of the Revenue and Taxation Code. - The real property situated within said county, hereinafter set forth and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, is tax-defaulted and is subject to the power of sale by the tax collector of said county for the nonpayment of taxes, pursuant to provision of law. It is mutually agreed as follows: 1. That as provided by Section 3800 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, the cost of giving notice of this agreement shall be paid by the PURCHASER. 2. That the PURCHASER. agrees to pay the total purchase price listed for each real property described in Exhibit 'W within 14 days after the date this agreement becomes effective. Upon payment of said sum to the tax collector, the tax collector shall execute and deliver a deed conveying title to said property to PURCHASER. 3. That if said PURCHASER is a TAXING AGENCY, said agency would not share in the distribution of the payment required by this Agreement as defined by § 3791 and § 3720 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. APPROVED AS TO FORM: LLOYD W. PELLMAN County Counsel y *Pkr Deputy County Counsel If all or any portion of any individual parcel listed in Exhibit "A" is redeemed prior to the effective date of this agreement, this agreement shall be null and void only as it pertains to that individual parcel. This agreement shall also become null and void and the right of redemption[restored upon the PURCHASER'S failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement. Time is of the essence. 0§§3791, 3791.3 3793 R&T Code Agreement 2046 ZIP: ID:Chptr 8 Pubagenty form Revised 324.00 The undersigned hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement ar'i authorized to sign for said agencies. ; ATTEST: CITY OF ROSEMEAD - 7Lt By ,y`7"?, , „ , MARGARET CLARK,' Mayor (seal) ATTEST: Y CleA of the Board of Suoerviso By 4 1. ty } (Dal k+ Pursuant to the provisions of governing body of the city of f 1 i-iere)y ceP Board of Supervisors Los g es Coun B 3c I 44 )the JUL 18 2000 Revent~,,anfTixatrcan,<e the roes to the sellinTrJT6f;=ptif~reJ in.this agreement. section 25103 of the Government Code, ?Aver; of this document has been made. ATTEST: (seal) N/A Mayor This agreement was submitted to me before execution by the board of supervisors and I have compared the same with the records of Los Angeles County relating to the real property described therein. Lgst Ang les County Tax Collector Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 3775 and 3795 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, the Controller agrees to the selling price hereinbefore set forth and approves the foregoing agreement this 5th day of m,,,, 2000 . CAT,TyngNi7 ST E' CONTROLLER -j' By STEPHEN L. EDWARDS, CHIEF AGREEMENT NUMBER 2046 1 r ,UPERVISORIAL DISTRICT 1 -kGREEMENT NUMBER 2046 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL TRACT # 5808 E 200 FT OF LOT 4 BLK B FIRST YEAR LOCATION DELINQUENCY CITY OF 1992 ROSEMEAD DEFAULT NUMBER -5372-013-040 PURCHASE PRICE $64,525.00