RRA - item 6 - Approval of Proposal To Provide Assisstance in Administering The RRA Funded Commercial Rehabilitation ProgramROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: RANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JULY 19.2001 RE: APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE IN ADMINISTERING THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDED COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM The 2001-02 Agency Budget includes funds for economic development and commercial rehabilitation. On February 13, 2001, the Agency approved guidelines for a program similar to the City's program funded by Community Development Block Grant funds. Since Willdan administers that program, we are recommending that they also handle the Redevelopment Agency's Commercial Rehabilitation Program Attached is a letter proposal that has been reviewed by Agency Counsel and that staff recommends approving. RECOMMENDATION The Rosemead Redevlopement Agency authorize staff to contract with Willdan for the administration of the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency Commercial Rehabilitation Program. AGENCY AGENDA JUL 2 4 2001 ITEM No. G. 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (626) 569-2100 • FAX (626) 307-9218 N;~U WILLIDAN Serving Publ Agencies July 18, 2001 Mr. Donald Wagner Assistant City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Proposal to Provide Assistance in Administering Redevelopment Agency Funded Commercial Rehabilitation Program Dear Mr. Wagner: Willdan is pleased to submit this letter to provide assistance in administering your Redevelopment Agency funded Commercial Rehabilitation Program. This program is intended to supplement the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded Commercial Rehabilitation and Special Economic Development Program. Based on our current understanding of your needs, Willdan is proposing to provide a Principal Planner to assist you with both commercial rehabilitation programs. Mr. Damien Delany, Principal Planner, would be available on an as-needed basis, for up to six (6) hours per week. His services would be provided on an hourly basis at a rate of $95.00 per hour. In addition, Micheal Neal, Community Development Planner, would be available on an as-needed basis to assist clients. His services would be provided on an hourly basis at a rate of $70.00 per hour. This rate is fully burdened (i.e. there are no hidden charges or additional costs) and the City would not be charged for travel time, but only for time spent working at City Hall. These persons would act under the supervision of Lisa Baker. A resume for Mr. Delany is enclosed. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to once again offer our professional services to the City of Rosemead and look forward to a continuation of our working relationship. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Albert Warot at (562) 908-6209. 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, California 91746-3497 562/908-6200 fax 562/695-2120 ww,,,m0Idan.com Sincerely, WILLDAN a V. wml~t /t) P,~ eP~ Albert V. Warot Vice President Enclosure William Pagett, P.E. Senior Vice President AVW:mec 95610-01/06-190/P01-129 DAMIEN DELANY Principal Community Development Planner As an Principal Community Development Planner with Willdan, Mr. Damien Delany assists with the preparation of affordable housing plans and strategies, the operation of residential and commercial property improvement programs, and the administration of state and federal grants related to housing and community development. Specific project experience includes: HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • City of Woodland - Mr. Delany is currently assisting the City with the overall administration of its CDBG funded activities and a HOME funded first-time home buyers program. • City of Anaheim - Mr. Delany is responsible for the general administration of the City's CDBG Program. This includes the preparation of the Consolidated Plan, the Department budget, and all reports required by HUD. Mr. Delany is also assisting the City with project management for the CDBG funded Public Improvement Projects. • City of Paramount - Mr. Delany is responsible for oversight of the City's CDBG and HOME programs, while also overseeing the operation of CDBG/HOME and redevelopment agency funded housing and commercial rehabilitation programs. • City of Thousand Oaks - Mr. Delany assisted the City of Thousand Oaks with the implementation of their Redevelopment Agency funded Residential Rehabilitation Program. • City of Rosemead - Mr. Delany assisted with the overall administration of the CDBG program, and specifically compliance with reporting requirements and the implementation of projects. Mr. Delany also assisted with the operation of commercial and residential rehabilitation programs, as well as the formulation of the Consolidated Plan. • City of Rancho Cucamonga - Mr. Delany administered the day-to-day operations of the CDBG Program. This included preparing the City's Grantee Performance Report and the Annual Funding Plan. • City of San Joaquin - Mr. Delany assisted with the development of a downpayment assistance program. This includes preparation of the guidelines and procedures of the program, application grants forms, and covenants. • City of Culver City - Mr. Delany was responsible for conducting inspections in support of the City's Section 8 rental assistance program. • City of Fountain Valley - Mr. Delany assisted with the preparation of the City's Consolidated Plan. • City of Costa Mesa, Housing Rehabilitation - Mr. Delany assisted with the administration of a CDBG funded single-family housing rehabilitation program and a Redevelopment Agency funded rental rehabilitation program. EDUCATION University of Arizona Bachelor of Science, Regional Development and Urban Planning PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials