RRA - Item 3 - Authorization to Attend CA Redevelopment Association Annual Conference, 02/28-03/02, 2001, Montereyajla'~I ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 2001 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE, FEBRUARY 28-MARCH 2, 2001, MONTEREY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the aforementioned conference. This year's program topics include: Urban Infill Development, Redevelopment Funding, Infrastructure, and the Politics of Growth. Staff has attended previous conferences and they have been beneficial to the Agency. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency authorize the attendance of the Executive Director and Agency Attorney. AGENCY AGENDA {TLEitl No. -2- 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (818) 288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 ASK .9 9t t F 3 ~Lr CRA ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXPO February 28-March 2, 2001 Wednesday, February 28 8:30AM Registration Opens 1 O:OOAM-10:15AM Welcome and Overview of Conference 10 Edward J. Tewes, CRA President 10:15AM-11:00AM Keynote Address -Peter Schrag . For nineteen years Peter Schrag served as editorial page editor for The Sacramento Bee. He is the author of many books, including Paradise Lost, California's Experience, America's Future. He is a visiting scholar at the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. In Paradise Lost, he examines the relationship between the politics of retrenchment and the great demographic changes of recent decades in California. He makes the case for. reinvigorating traditional structures of representative government. 11:00AM-11:20AM Refreshment Break 11:20AM-NOON Keynote Address NOON-2:OOPM Awards of Excellence Luncheon Presentation of the CRA Awards of Excellence. Ten redevelopment agencies will receive Awards for Excellence. These outstanding, award-winning projects will be featured in a video. and a presentation ceremony. - Speaker Gordon H. Chong, FAIA 2:l0aM-3:10PM General Session: "City Against Suburb - The Culture Wars" Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and author of the recently published book, City against Suburb, The Culture Wars in an American Metropolis, Joseph A. Rodriquez will discuss the findings in his recent book that examines Bay Area Battles between the 1960s and 1990s, focusing on cultural struggles between cities and suburbs in San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, and Concord. "Urban culture" and "suburban culture" represent distinct outlooks and ways of life. Cities once stood for "an openness to unassimilated otherness," and suburbs epitomized the desire for a cohesive environment where communities and families flourished. Regional mobility brought the convergence of city and suburb. In recent decades this convergence of City and suburb had produced what is termed as "cul- ture wars." Speaker '0 Joseph A. Rodriquez REDEVELOPMENT WORKS! Monterey Marriott Hotel' 2:1 OPnr5:30PM Tour 1-Bus Tour of Downtown Salinas Redevelopment-and the National Steinbeck Center Much has changed in downtown Salinas since the boyhood days of hometown author John Steinbeck. Take a bus tour from Monterey to the heart of the nation's Salad Bowl 20 miles away and discover how Salinas' downtown redevelopment efforts blend the old with the new. Highlighted redevelopment projects will include the Salinas. Multi-modal Transportation Center and National Steinbeck Center, currently. featuring a Smithsonian traveling exhibit on the life and legacy of Woody Guthrie, and a planned multiplex movie theater project. Finish the tour tasting premium wines of the Salinas Valley and Monterey County in a restored, turn of the (last) century building. 3:1 OPM-3:30PM Refreshment Break 3:30PM-5:00Pm Keynote Address As the founder and chairman of American CityVista, CEO Henry Cisneros brings executive and urban planning experience to the homebmiding joint venture with Kaufman and Broad in August 2000. He previously served.as president and chief operating officer of Univision Communications in Los Angeles, the Spanish- language broadcaster which has become the fifth-most-watched television network in the nation. From 1993 to 1997, Cisneros served as the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. He is credited with initiating a major revitalization of many of the nation's public housing developments and formulating policies that have contributed to today's record homeownership rate. Elected in 1981, Mr. Cisneros was the first Hispanic American Mayor of a major U.S. city, San Antonio. He also has served as President of the National League of Cities, Chairman of the National Civic League, Deputy Chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and on the board of the Rockerfeller Foundation. Speaker Henry G. Cisneros, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, American CityVista 3:30PM-5:00Pna Tour 2-Walking Tour of Downtown Monterey Redevelopment The walking tour of downtown will enable participants to gain first hand knowledge of the commercial and residential projects that have been crucial to invigorating downtown Monterey. 5:00PM-7:00PM Welcome Reception Sponsored by CRA's Presidential Sponsors, this early-evening Welcome Reception is a perfect opportunity to network with other professionals, meet new people, and catch up with old friends. Join us in the beautiful Ferrante-Bayview Room atop the Monterey Marriott Hotel, overlooking Monterey Bay for a spectacular evening. After the reception you are free for a night in beautiful Monterey. "t MA ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXPO February 28-March 2, 2001 a i tT n, Thursday, March 1 V 7:30AM-8:30AM Morning Refreshments r 830W-10:00AM Track A-Urban Infill Development Special Places & Streets Streets, plazas, public art, trees, lighting and banners all have an impact upon the "feel" of a place. The human reaction to the presence of physical attributes of a place deter- mines the enjoyment of the place and how often one wishes to return. The speakers for this session will discuss: How to create a sense of place through design elements of the built environment The impact of various architectural solutions in design Common pitfalls to avoid when considering design alternatives 'U Examples of great streets and places '@ Criteria to follow in order to create wonderful places ID Relationship of private buildings and public spaces Speakers ,U Woodie Tescher, Director of Urban Design and Planning, EIP Associates S David Mogavero, Principal, Mogavero Notestine Associates Ig Steven J. Pinkerton, Director of Housing & Redevelopment, Stockton Redevelopment Agency 8:30AM-10:OOAM Track B-Redevelopment Funding Trends & Strategies for Agency Financing Most redevelopment agencies have increasing amounts of tax increment due to the rise of real estate values and new investment in project areas. This panel will cover the latest trends in how redevelopment agencies are funding their operations and projects within the context of AB 1290 time limits and the current bond market. Speakers will also dis- cuss potential changes instate-local finance that could affect redevelopment agencies. IQ How the bond market views California redevelopment agencies 'U How agencies are structuring deals to bring projects to fruition 10 Typical debt-issuance problems that agencies are addressing in this market NOW the global economy is affecting local financing F~ What an agency must understand about time limits on project areas Speakers: ~@ Marc Hughes, Sutro & Co - S John Knox, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe 10 David Baum, Finance Director, San Jose Redevelopment Agency ode REDEVELOPMENT WORKS! r a ; / I , \ Monterey Marriott Hotel{ r/ in 8:30AM-1 o:ooAM Track C-Metropolitan Environmental Quality Infrastructure That Sustains a High Quality of Life How to mitigate the environmental impacts of growth within an urban context and build a high quality of life for those who live, work or visit. Speakers: S Steve Andrews, Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency 10 Sue Sims, Manager, Loan Program, California Environmental Protection Agency S Kenneth V. La Conde; Vice President, SCS Engineers tit 4 0. 3 s - 12, x , e Y ¢ G1 , x.Y,s,K . CRA All'JINUAL CONFERENCE M, February 2.8-IVlarch 2, 2001 07.. T o v. nyY 10:00AM 10:20AM Refreshment, Break 10:20Ar -NooN Track A-Urban Infill Development Revitalizing Neighborhoods How to implement effective strategies for reclaiming deteriorating residential neighbor- hoods will be the focus of this important session. Many communities have fragile neigh- borhoods that are on the verge of serious decline. Yet there is a dilemma-resistance to change and resistance to increased density because of perceived impact upon the quality of life. The speakers on this panel will discuss ways to successfully address neighborhood problems: _ fir.. Diagnosing the condition of the neighborhood 10 Effective public education and involvement - 10 Key elements in infill for-sale housing " Financing neighborhood improvements . Hard headed strategies that will get you where you want to be Speakers '0 Sherm Harmer, The Olson Company 'U Tim Iglesias, Deputy Director and Director of Government and Community Relations, Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California 1~ Ed Schilling, Stone & Youngberg 10, William Claggett, Executive Director, Oakland Community & Economic Development Agency REDEVELOPMENT WORKS! Monterey Marriott Hotel 10:20Am-NooN Track B-Redevelopment Funding Structuring Development Deals in a Changing Marketplace The market has been red hot in California for all kinds of real estate deals. As the national economy slows, deal structuring becomes more difficult. This session will address practi- cal real estate financing issues for various types of development during the latter phase of the real estate cycle. S How lenders view the current real estate market 'U What types of uses are overbuilt and what is still being financed 10 How developers are approaching project financing '0 Case studies about recent deal structures Speakers Larry J. Kosmont, President, Kosmont Partners Howard Samuels, Senior Vice President, LCOR Public/Private Inc. Nora Lake-Brown, David Paul Rosen & Associates 10.2OAM-NOON Track C-Metropolitan Environmental Quality The Politics of Growth Ballot box initiatives, NIMBYs, fair share housing allocation, and growth control affect redevelopment plans and projects. How redevelopment agencies can effectively do their work within the current political framework. Speakers IDD Paul Shigley, Managing Editor, CA Planning and Development Report, Solimar Research Group '0 James M. Flint, City Manager, City of Alameda S Stephen Wahlstrom, Managing Principal, Applied Development Economics i/ CR! ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXPO February 28-March 2, 2001 NOON-1:45PM Luncheon Keynote Speaker 2:00PM-3:30PM Track D-The Analytical Angle Sifting the Numbers to Forecast the Future The economic and ethnic diversity of California continues to have profound effect upon the marketplace. The population of California is projected to grow to 50 million over the next twenty years. The impact upon the cities of the state and their commercial and residential markets will be profound. The speakers on this panel will address the use of demographic analysis to: 'O Determine where to invest your redevelopment resources 'O Demonstrate where the greatest growth will occur 'OO Analyze how growth will affect different types of uses 'O Illustrate how diversity in growth will impact investment decisions . Moderator S John Reekstin, Executive Director, Santa Ana Redevelopment Agency Speakers Sandra Piccillo, Marketing Manager, Claritis Cg Allan Kotin, Principal, PCR Kotin _ 'O William L. Lee, Senior Vice President, Economics Research Associates Track E-Leadership Leadership Qualities For Change Agents Redevelopment is about community change. Leaders of redevelopment agencies must skillfully lead their community to embrace change. The leaders on this panel are experi- enced with the ingredients of effective leadership when change is warranted in a commu- nity. The speakers will discuss: ~O Skills essential for effective change management - 'O Effective planning for change 'O Initiating the change process 'O The politics of change management 0 Building support for change Speakers IO Susan Georgino, Director of Community Development, City of Burbank 1D Sandra Tripp-Jones, City Administrator, City of Santa Barbara 'O Betsv Carroll, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science, San Jose State University 2:30PM-6:00PM CRA EXPO EXPERIENCE REDEVELOPMENT WWWS! Monterey Marriott Hotel Friday, !March 2 7:30AM-8:30AM Morning Refreshments 8:30AM-9:OOAM CRA Annual Business Meeting The membership will be presented with an update on the CRA budget, member services, and goals for 2001. Speakers 9 Edward J. Tewes, President, CRA ~O William A. Carlson, Executive Director, CRA - 9:00AM-10:1 OAM Legislative Update A complete update on all of the, positive and hostile bills that have been introduced in the legislature, the political outlook and predictions of what lies ahead in this year's session. Speakers 'U Kenneth Emanuels, Legislative Representative, CRA David F. Beatty, McDonough, Holland and Allen 10:1 OAM-1 0:30AM Refreshment Break. 10:30W-NOON CRA Committee Meetings CRA committees will meet to discuss the vital issues of the dav. Observers are welcome to attend as the committees conduct their business. 0 Brownfields S Housing Task Force 'U Institute for a Better California IQ Professional Development 'Q PR & Publications