RRA - Item 5 - Shopping Center, NE Corner Of Valley and Temple City blvdROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Q 1 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD CA 91770 • (818) 288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 2001 RE: SHOPPING CENTER, NE CORNER OF VALLEY AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD This afternoon, we met with the two principals of JR Properties, who do quite a bit of development of supermarket sites for Ralph's/Food4Less. We have had previous meetings and we now seem to be at a point in time where we are willing to recommend a 30 day exclusive letter to negotiate for the above corner as a 6+ Acre Supermarket Shopping Center. All that we will be asking for is a letter that gives JR Properties an exclusive to develop the site as a Ralph's/Food4Less. This letter only obligates the Agency in that we will not entertain proposals from any other developers unless and until Kroeger Corporate Office approves/disapproves the above site as a supermarket center. The reason this item is a walk-on for tomorrow night is because we will not be meeting on March 13`h due to the NLC meeting in Washington, D.C. Our next meeting is March 27`h and unfortunately that is the same day of the Committee Meeting of Kroeger's Real Estate Department. If we miss this date, they will not meet again until the end of April and we would prefer not to wait another month. Tomorrow, we will deliver an Exclusive Letter, Site Plan and Elevation Shots of a typical Ralph's/Food4Less. It will be necessary to fast have a four-fifths vote to consider the item. If that occurs, then we can discuss and vote on the letter. Thank you for your understanding on this matter. AGEN'VCY AGENDA FES 2 "1 2001 ITEM! No. ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (818) 288-6671 • Telecopier 8183079218 February 27, 2001 Jeff Rothbard JR Properties 24461 Ridge Route Drive, Suite 200 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Re: Pre-Negotiation Agreement Dear Mr. Rothbard: The purpose of this letter is to set forth the terms of a pre-negotiation agreement ("Agreement") between JR Properties ("Developer") and the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency ("Agency'). The Agency desires to redevelop certain parcels within Rosemead Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 illustrated on Exhibit A and designated as the proposed development site ("Site"). The Developer desires to acquire the Site for the purpose of developing a neighborhood shopping center anchored by a Ralphs/Food 4 Less grocery store Of approximately 57,000 square feet and containing approximately 6,000 square feet of other retail space. The Developer and Agency acknowledge that the economics of the development and the feasibility of the Agency and Developer entering into a disposition and development agreement ("DDA") for the assembly and development of the Site have not been determined to the satisfaction of either the Agency or Developer. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide the Developer an exclusive period, until March 30, 2001, to secure Site approval and the terms and conditions of a lease with Kroger Corporation, the parent corporation of Ralphs/Food 4 Less. During the term of this Agreement, the Agency shall not negotiate with any other entity regarding development of the Site or solicit or entertain proposals except that Agency shall not be barred from soliciting and considering owner participation proposals. Developer shall disclose to Agency the results of Kroger's Real Estate Committee action with respect to the Site and proposed lease terms. If the Kroger Corporation approves a feasible transaction, Developer shall, submit a development proposal to Agency that includes estimates for acquiring the Site, a detailed Site plan, a development proforma and schedule, together with a request for an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (hereinafter jointly referred to as the . "Development Proposal") After the Developer has submitted its request to the Agency, the Agency shall prepare and submit to the Developer an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement for Developer's consideration and approval. This subsequent agreement shall define the period during which a DDA between the Agency and Developer can be prepared containing the to d ennd;t;n s ^c ^ d developing the Site. AGENCY AGE DA FEB 2 7 2001 ITEM No. Pre-Negotiation Agreement February 27, 2001 Page 2 This Agreement does not constitute a disposition of property or exercise of control over property by the Agency or City. It is merely an Agreement to enter into a period of exclusive negotiations. according to the terms hereof and subject to the rights of owner participants to determine if the Site is marketable to Ralphs/Food 4 Less. By its execution of this Agreement, Agency is not committing itself to or agreeing to undertake: (a) acquisition of land from third parties, (b) disposition of land to the Developer, or (c) any other acts or activities requiring the subsequent independent exercise of discretion by the Agency, the City or any agency or department thereof. The Rosemead Redevelopment Agency appreciates your efforts and we hope that the Kroger Real Estate Committee will approve the Site and feasible lease terms. If the terms of this letter Agreement are acceptable, please execute below. The Board of the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency will consider this Agreement at their regularly scheduled meeting of February 27, 2001. Respectfully Frank Tripepi Executive Director Approved roper-ties Date: Z~z~~O1 Chairperson, Rosemead Redevelopment Agency Hate: FOODdLES& FOOD 4 LESS SITE CRITERIA 1. Market Building Size - 262'x202'; 52,924 S.F. - Plus'receivin'g grid 1 1" popbut.. 2. Mezzanine Size - lvlechanical = 1,700 S.F. 3. Parking Ratio - Five stalls per 1,000 S.F. of building area on site (279)'with a minimum ratio of four per 1,000 in front parking (223)x- 4. Parking Stall Size - All parking stalls are to be minimum 9' 6' wide by 19' long'60 degree stalls Cart storage to be built into planters. 5. Front Drive - A 30' driveway is required between the front sidewalk and end of parking bays. Slope shall not exceed 2% toward parking across width of drive. 6. Perimeter Building _Areas - Satellite building heights shall not, exceed. 18'-0".above Food 4 Less finish floor elevation. 7. Sign Designs - Front canopy shall have at least one 7' x 29' Food 4 Less sign. Each major street shall have a 40' high pylon sign with one Tx 21' Food 4 Less sign on each. Fascia and pylon sign cans provided by Food 4 Less. Pylon and monument sign power shall be on a house panel: submit design to Ralphs Grocery Co. for approval prior to construction. , . . 8. Required Information - The developer must supply the following items to Ralphs Grocery Co. prior to our beginning project working drawings. All plans and reports for final approval must be submitted in duplicate and indicate "approval set". Topo Boundary Survey Hazardous Materials Test Report Project Schedule A.L.T.A. Survey All Development Fees Site Plan Exterior Elevation Soils Report Site Utility Plan E.I.R. (If required) Grading Plan Traffic Control Plan 9. Recvclin4z Center -Provide two 2T x 18' concrete pads for Food 4 Less recycling center located in the front parking lot adjacent to a driveway (when required by governing agencies). No enclosures desired. cn m Li n ~ F cny zZ zz >7 QUtJ Ln 4. 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