RRA - Item 4 - Consideration of An Exclusive Negotiation Agreement With Jr Properties, Inc For Development of A food 4 Less Shopping Center At the NE Corner of Temple City Blvd And VAlley BlvdTO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOP DATE: JUNE 20, 2001 RE: CONSIDERATION OF AN EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION AGREEMENT WITH JR PROPERTIES, INC FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A FOOD-4-LESS SHOPPING CENTER AT THE NE CORNER OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AND VALLEY BOULEVARD The Agency Board, at its May 8, 2001, meeting, gave conceptual approval to negotiating an agreement with JR Properties for the assemblage of land and development of a 57,000 square foot Food-4-Less Grocery Store at the NE corner of Temple City Boulevard and Valley Boulevard. Agency Counsel has prepared, and JR Properties has approved and executed, the enclosed Exclusive Negotiating Agreement ("ENA") which provides a framework for negotiation of a disposition and development agreement ("DDA") for the development. The ENA provides that the Agency will negotiate exclusively with JR Properties for a period of 180 days to determine the feasibility of the project and to attempt to arrive at mutually acceptable terms. It does not commit the Agency to actually enter into a DDA, and if an agreement satisfactory to the Agency is not arrived at the ENA will terminate with the Developer having no further rights to the property or development. The Executive Director is authorized to extend the negotiation period for as much as an additional 180 days if progress is being made, but more time is required to finalize an agreement. During the negotiation period JR Properties is to first pursue approval of the development site by Kroger Co. When that is accomplished the developer is to deposit $40,000 which will be expended by the Agency on appraisals, preliminary title reports and a relocation plan to enable the parties to evaluate the cost of the project and to commence land assembly as soon as an DDA agreement is approved. At the on-set of the negotiation period the parties will also negotiate a non-binding memorandum of understanding ("MOU") setting forth the basic terms of the DDA. This,MOU will be brought to the Agency Board for consideration and approval. AGENCY AGENDA JUN 2 6 2001 ITEM No. Exclusive Negotiating Agreement With JR Properties June 20, 2001 Page two RECOMMENDATION That you approve the agreement and authorize the Executive Director to execute the ENA on behalf of the Agency. EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT THIS EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") and JR Properties ("Developer"). a. The Agency desires redevelopment of those certain parcels of land within Rosemead Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 shown on Exhibit A attached hereto, and designated as the proposed development site ("Site"). b. Developer desires to acquire the Site for the purpose of developing thereon a neighborhood shopping center as shown on Exhibit B, anchored by a Food-4-Less Grocery Store of approximately 57,000 square feet and containing approximately 6,000 square feet of other retail space. C. The Site is composed of seven parcels that are currently owned by third persons. Assembly of the Site would require Agency acquisition of the parcels comprising the Site by or under threat of eminent domain. d. The parties acknowledge that the economics of the development and the feasibility of the Agency and Developer entering into an agreement for assembly, sale and development of the Site has not been determined to the satisfaction of either party and that the purpose of this Agreement is to allow the parties an opportunity to determine feasibility and to negotiate the terms of a disposition and development agreement ("DDA") for the Site. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: L Term. During the period of one-hundred eighty (180) days from the date of this Agreement ("Negotiation Period"), which expires at close of business on December 24, 2001, Agency and Developer shall seek in good faith to negotiate a DDA. In furtherance of this purpose the parties shall fulfill their respective obligations set forth herein. If a mutually satisfactory DDA has not been negotiated and executed by Developer and Agency during the Negotiation Period, then this Agreement shall automatically !erminate, without notice, at the end of such period. Upon termination, Developer shall have no further rights regarding the Site or the development thereof. The Developer may request an extension of the Negotiation Period by written request delivered to Agency prior to the expiration of the initial Negotiation Period. Agency agrees that, upon receipt of such a request, it will not unreasonably refuse to extend the Negotiating Period for an additional 60 days, provided that the parties are proceeding in good faith towards completion of a DDA. The Agency's Executive Director is authorized to grant the initial extension, and any additional extensions, not to exceed an aggregate extension of 180 days. 2. Exclusive Negotiations/Owner Participation. Agency shall not negotiate with any other person or entity regarding development of the Site or any portion thereof, nor solicit nor entertain bids or proposals to do so, during the Negotiation Period, provided, however, that Agency shall not be barred during the Negotiation Period from soliciting and considering owner participation proposals from Site owners and/or occupants for re-entry on the Site in a project developed by Developer. Developer shall not negotiate with any other person or entity, or solicit or entertain bids or proposals to do so, during the Negotiation Period, for location of a Ralphs or Food4-Less within a one-half mile radius of the Site, unless at another site in the City of Rosemead. 3. Developer Deposit. Within five (5) days following Kroger Co. approval of the Site as a location for a Food- 4-Less store, the Developer shall deposit with Agency the amount of $40,000.00 ("Deposit") as consideration for the Agency entering into this Agreement. If Kroger Co. rejects the Site, or fails to approve the site, either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other, provAded, however, that, absent a rejection of the Site, neither party shall so terminate this Agreement prior to July 31, 2001. Upon termination Developer shall have no further rights under this Agreement regarding the Site nor the development thereof. 3.1 Use of Deposit. The Agency shall invest the Deposit in an interest bearing account and the interest earned thereon shall be added to the Deposit for the account of the Developer. The Deposit shall be drawn upon by Agency only to pay the actual and reasonable out-of-pocket costs incurred by it during the Negotiation Period for the Agency Tasks identified in paragraph 4.1 through 4.4, inclusive, of this Agreement, the estimated costs of which are set forth on Exhibit C to this Agreement. The Agency may not otherwise use the Deposit for payment or reimbursement of the Agency's administrative or overhead costs 3.2 Duty of Agency to Conserve Deposit Funds/Developer Review of Contracts. The Agency is authorized to enter into contracts for performance of the Agency Tasks without the approval of the Developer, but in expending funds to be paid from the Deposit, the Agency shall act reasonably and prudently to conserve Deposit funds. Prior to entering into contracts or issuing purchase orders in excess of $15,000.00 for performance of Agency Tasks that will be paid from the Deposit, the Agency shall submit the contracts or purchase orders to Developer for its review and comments. Developer shall, within five business days following receipt of the proposed contract, provide Agency with any comments or objections it may have regarding the contract. If no such comments or objections are received within that time, it will be deemed that Developer has no objection to the Agency entering into the contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, by execution of this Agreement Developer waives the right to review and comment and authorizes the Agency to employ Lawrence D. Brown and Desmond, Marcello & Amster for appraisal services in accordance with their letter proposals of February 21, 2001, and March 1, 2001 respectively. 3.3 Deposit Progress Reports. Every sixty (60) days during the Negotiation Period, Agency shall provide Developer with written progress reports containing itemizations of obligations incurred that are to be or have been paid from the Deposit, together with copies of invoices for expenditures that have been paid. 3.4 Costs in Excess of Deposit. Before incurring any obligations to be charged against the Deposit that, in the aggregate, would exceed the amount of the Deposit, the Agency shall obtain the consent of Developer which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided, however, that Developer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement as an alternative to approving additional costs. If additional costs approved by Developer are incurred, Agency shall bill Developer and Developer shall reimburse Agency within 30 days from date of mailing. 3.5 Disposition of Deposit If Parties Enter InO A DDA. If the parties enter into a DDA prior to the end of the Negotiation Period, then the Agency shall apply the unspent and uncommitted balance of the Deposit towards the purchase price Developer is to pay to purchase the Site when Developer purchases the Site pursuant to the DDA. It is understood that Developer will not be charged development fees by the City that will duplicate cost items paid out of the Deposit. In the event that the Developer is charged such fees by the City, the Agency agrees to reimburse Developer for those portions that duplicate cost items previously paid for from the Deposit. 3.6 Disposition of Deposit If Parties Do Not Enter Into A DDA. If this Agreement terminates without the parties entering into a DDA, the Agency shall apply the unspent and uncommitted portion of the Deposit in payment of any sums due to Agency pursuant to 14 of this Agreement, and shall pay any sums remaining thereafter to Developer. 4 Agency Tasks. During the Negotiation Period Agency shall contract for and complete the following studies, surveys and analysis: 4.1 Preliminary title reports or litigation guarantees and acquisition appraisals including as necessary, appraisals of improvements pertaining to the realty, for each of the parcels comprising the Site other than those parcels owned by or optioned to Developer; 4.2 A study and plan for relocation of the occupants of the Site; 4.3 All environmental studies and processing required for the proposed development of the Site by the California Environmental Quality Act; 4.4 Development of a budget for all costs of acquisition and relocation 4.5 An economic analysis/appraisal to establish the fair re-use value of the Site for the commercial use proposed by Developer; Agency shall pay, from its own funds, the costs of Agency Tasks 4.4 and 4.5. Agency shall apply the Deposit in payment of the costs of Agency Tasks 4.1 through 4.3 inclusive. 5 Developer Tasks. During the Negotiation Period Developer shall undertake such tests, investigations, surveys inquiries and due diligence as Developer shall deem necessary or appropriate in order to determine if the Site is suitable and appropriate for the construction and operation of the development contemplated by this Agreement. Specifically, but without limitation, Developer shall: 5.1 Investigate and examine and obtain reports on the condition of the Site, including the soils and toxic conditions on the Site; 5.2 Determine the satisfactory availability of necessary utilities and functional and appropriate access for ingress and egress to the Site from adjacent streets; 5.3 File applications for and pursue to completion: (a) any conditional use permits required for the grocery use proposed for the Site; (b) tentative parcel map for the Site; (c) Design review approval for development of the Site; and (e) any variances or other entitlements required for development of the Site in accordance with the development contemplated by the proposed DDA. 5.4 Pursue conditional financing commitments sufficient in amount to enable Developer to advance all estimated costs of assembling the Site under the laws governing acquisition by governmental agencies, and to pay for the development of the Site. All such commitments should include financial statements demonstrating that there is sufficient capital available to secure the payment of acquisition, relocation and development costs. 5.5 Pursue conditional commitments from Kroger Co. through its applicable internal processes, to locate on the Site upon terms that are mutually acceptable to the Agency and Developer in accordance with the DDA. Developer shall pay, at no expense to Agency, all costs of performing the Developer Tasks. All or portions of Developer Task 5.1 through 5.3, inclusive, may be deferred at Developer's option, until after the execution of a DDA. 6 Additional Tasks. At the outset of the Negotiation Period the parties shall attempt to reach agreement on a non-binding memorandum of understanding ("MOU") settieg forth the basic terms of the DDA to be negotiated. Until such an MOU is agreed upon, either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other, provided, however, that neither party shall so terminate this Agreement prior to July 31, 2001. Upon termination pursuant to this section 6.2, work in progress will be promptly terminated, unexpended portions of the Developers' deposit shall be promptly returned to Developer, and Developer shall have no further rights under this Agreement regarding the Site nor the development thereof. 7 Rieht of Access. Agency shall use its best efforts to provide Developer access to the Site for the purposes of conducting surveys, collecting soil samples and performing other studies necessary for determining the suitability of the Site for the development contemplated by this Agreement. Developer shall indemnify, defend and hold the Agency, its employees, officers, agents and representatives harmless against any claim for damages to person or property arising from any activity of Developer, its employees, officers, agents, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or consultants on the Site. Agency shall indemnify, defend and hold the Developer, its employees, officers, agents and representatives harmless against any claim for damages to person or property arising from any activity of Agency, its employees, officers, agents, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or consultants on the Site. R ?JBPROP June 13, 2001 3 Access to Reports and Studies. (A). Agency shall provide Developer with all documents and information in Agency's possession, if any, regarding the environmental and soils conditions of the Site and the availability and capacity of utility services to the Site. (B). Provided that disclosure will not compromise the exemption, if any, of the documents from public inspection under the California Public Records Act, Agency shall provide Developer access to all studies, reports and analyses listed in Section 4.1 and 4.2. (C). Provided that disclosure will not compromise the exemption, if any, of the documents from public inspection under the California Public Records Act, Developer shall provide Agency access to all studies, reports and analyses listed in Section 5.1 through 5.5 (Developer Tasks). (D). Except as may be otherwise required by the California Public Records Act, the Agency agrees that during the Negotiation Period it will not disclose to third parties the names of tenants, other than Ralphs/Food-4-Less who have expressed interest in the Site to Developer, provided, however, that Agency shall not be liable to Developer for any damages arising from an inadvertent, negligent or willful breach of this confidentiality 9 Limitations. This Agreement does not constitute a disposition of property or exercise of control over property by the Agency or City. It is merely an agreement to enter into a period of exclusive negotiations according to the terms hereof and subject to the rights of owner participants. By its execution of this Agreement, Agency is not committing itself to or agreeing to undertake: (a) acquisition of land from third parties, (b) disposition of land to the Developer, or (c) any other acts or activities requiring the subsequent independent exercise of discretion by the Agency, the City or any agency or department thereof. Developer understands and acknowledges that any DDA resulting from the negotiations hereunder shall become effective only after and only if such DDA has been considered and approved by the Agency Board and the City Council of the City at a public hearing called for such purpose. This Agreement shall not prevent the Agency from providing any person or entity with any information regarding the Site which is a public record. 10 Notices. Formal notices, demands and communications between the parties shall be sufficiently given if personally delivered, transmitted by facsimile reproduction, or dispatched by first class mail postage prepaid to the principal offices of Agency and the Developer as follows: DEVELOPER: JRProperties Attention: Jeff Rothbard 24461 Ridge Route Drive, Suite 200 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 AGENCY: Rosemead Redevelopment Agency Attention: Executive Director Rosemead City Hall 8838 E Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 R ?WROP June U, 2W1 in witness whereof the parties have had their duly authorized officers execute this Agreement this _ day of 12001. JR By: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY By: Frank Tripepi, Executive Director A ?WROP June 13. 2W1 EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP TEMPL CITY LOWER AZUSA > M/SS~Oiv EgTO O ti ~-tsjy •te O VALLEY BLVD. z ~q((fYe(vD ROSEMEAD z 410 FREEWAY I i f 1 I; r m EXHIBIT B TEMPLE CITY BLVD. fGF I II 'It I j41 J ~U ~~!I l l t i IsEre.scK ~ . 4" % 14' $L9LL$ ~ YCR fl II Clf Ld.l 15 7 r_ to, k T < O m r _ O < Z v Z vZi m z r- A C T n ~ Z V LOADING DOCK ,m o 0 v_ II r ~ I T m Y I rA I Z D O m Z C rn D z I" 1 V r.D 1 - r m rn !1'I Z n O M 1 _ ~ I 1 J EXHIBIT C ESTIMATED COSTS TO BE INCURRED PURSUANT TO THE EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND JR PROPERTIES Title Reports and appraisals: $35,000.00 2. Relocation Plan 2,500.00 3. Environmental Processing 2.500.00 Total $40,000.00 ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (626) 569-2100 • FAX (626) 307-9218 AGENCY MEMORANDUM FROM: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 18, 2001 RE: EXPLANATION REGARDING WARRANT NO. 6390- REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY SERVICES 2000-01 AND POOL REPAIRS As part of the warrant register for the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency of June 26, 2001, Agencymember's will consider Check No. 6390 in the amount of $953,500 payable to the City of Rosemead. The warrant is for annual reimbursement of City services in the amount of $947,300 plus reimbursement of an invoice in the amount of $6,200. The Annual City services payment of $947,300 is intended to reimburse the City of Rosemead for services provided to the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency during fiscal year 2000-01. As always we have provided you with supportive documentation that has been approved by the City Attorney and City Auditor. Attached is a copy of the worksheet and a sample timesheet that staff developed with the City Auditor and the City Attorney as being an acceptable method of tracking costs associated with projects and programs. The reimbursement of $6,200 represents a Rosemead Redevelopment Agency invoice inadvertently paid by the City. Please refer to the attached Pool Supply of Orange County, Inc invoice #R9920. If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know. FGT:kIo CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569-2100 TO: ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO: ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I Annual Reimbursement for City Services Fiscal Year 2000-01 INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER 2001-015 INVOICE DATE June 19, 2001. YOUR ORDER NUMBER TERMS UPON RECEIPT CONTACTPERSON K.Ogawa MISCELLANEOUS REF Plus: Reimbursement for Pool Supply of Orange County invoice #R9920, which was inadvertently paid by City (Please refer to attachments) $947,300.00 $6,200.00 SUBTOTAL $953,500.00 TAX N/A $953,500.00 Questions concerning this invoice? MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: PAY THIS Call: Finance Department CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMOUNT (626) 569-2120 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attention: Finance Department Tran Code: Account: THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSI CITY SERVICE INVOICE Fiscal Year 2000-01 2000-01 Balance Budgeted Applicable Due Organ. Activity Expenditures Percentage To City 4100 City Council $131,050 N/A $0 4110 Administration 580,320 40.00% 232,128 4120 City Clerk 165,250 25.00% 41,313 4130 Finance 352,730 50.00% 176,365 4140 City Treasurer 300 50.00% 150 4150 City Attorney 130,940 N/A 0 4180 Buildings 397,100 30.00% 119,130 4200 Community Promotions 284,800 N/A 0 4240 City Garage 111,800 25.00% 27,950 4300 Law Enforcement 4,720,350 N/A 0 4310 Parking Control 163,550 N/A 0 4320 Crossing Guards 120,900 N/A 0 4330 Animal Regulation 47,000 N/A 0 4340 Street Lighting 261,000 N/A 0 4350 Emergency Medical 10,300 N/A 0 4360 Narcotics Fore. & Seizure 55,690 N/A 0 4500 Construction-Street 1,195,500 N/A 0 4510 Traffic Administration 36,640 N/A 0 4530 Construction-Signals 220,000 N/A 0 4600 Street Maintenance 380,000 N/A 0 4630 Traffic Signal Maintenance 128,000 N/A 0 4640 Tree & Parkway Maintenance 248,500 N/A 0 4650 Signs & Striping Maintenance 135,000 N/A 0 4660 Public Transit 758,270 N/A 0 4700 Planning 353,480 30.00% 106,044 4710 Building Regulations 613,500 30.00% 184,050 4720 Engineering 267,700 N/A 0 4740 Community Improvement 140,880 N/A 0 4750 CDBG 4,853,798 N/A 0 4780 Solid Waste 70,100 N/A 0 4800 Parks & Recreation Admin. 242,840 25.00% 60,710 4810 Parks 999,600 10.00% 99,960 4820 Recreation 546,700 25.00% 136,675 4830 Aquatics 281,090 25.00% 70,273 4840 Recreation Fee & Charge 202,990 N/A 0 4850 Aquatics Fee & Charge . 33,510 N/A 0 4870 Dinsmoor Heritage House 3,850 N/A 0 4880 Parks Projects 0. N/A 0 Appropriated Reserve 100,000 N/A 0 Total $19,345,028 $1,254,747 Amount Due to City $947,300 klo:cityserv.xis (200001) L O) 0 L f- ei 0 G 0 Y dt aU O O A A o. a U a U z w c~ a ~z ~w 02 CL a w0 M J w 0w W 0 a i u O 2 LL W 0 E N z to O M F- z ai y at Oo o a o 0 ~U - a°iv E UQ WOQ 0 2 H c N A H - - - - r - LL - - - - - - - L H v d m H c O ~ W Y - - - Q0 7 O fA F T y is a' N - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - 0~ x IL t L F- 9 d 3 d 0 c 0 e 0 C.) aNi 0 v a y O x J a O c E 0 v c O a v N d O cc Q eo 0) L N 10 C C O a N O C a M N L A v v d N G .O N R co d N am ei 0 z L A c Of ~ T 0M O 'D O 0 aL E Q THE TREASURER OF THE 60 13 7 D';~4ia 61OSg9 , _•3i 8838 EA ST VALLEY BLVD POSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 828-288-8871 ueOGnIYIIUN r~T/ M!1 t~.,.:R mD pvi ih'L'd '47t... ` n p"ii5, 9,Pd .PS•. _ e : Ii.F i 4Y 41, J.00 0<00 ..0 ) ti 1. 00 J. VU t~: CG f~.Gu 0.e0 AMOUNT 2 S, w + l L 4 J .:1 NCO ;a e+ SIGI I 8111 PF XICN xonce, wxxv RECE ;AD 8838 EAST VALLEY BLVD. ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 626.288-6671 (i 9 lJ •J DESCRIPTION - AMOUNT POOL MAKNi MA-1. 0. 0J _ i . i FOOL, MAKNIT/Rr) D V AG 5W. . P COL ...,era /P i 252 . POOL MA l 1, A POOL O iT/GARV Y. O Poo. WAVA"low ,stn .~i N. r, OL r1, y'tE, u. 03 G at: AC i t 1 E 9 E Z, Y i a con m; SIGt t u N aC G * w~w o RECEI W o 1 z Z r= r W i Z O O N O : `J t-i j vl d Q I m W N r. 7.. C W w H Cl o_ E5 J , QW N 0 O ' ' aom aC E ' O ll Z_ y i1 7 J v I IWI++ ~ o u' i 1i V' y N LL 0 ~ ° ~ ~ 0 u i i n fN O{LO L Q 0 Nm^C C ~ v m -m U~ m O c li . a3 N O a D J ::I I .y 1 4 T ry l !1 `r Ln H Zf :j ~ ~ J J ~.l J i J J iA •.i r C_ d Y V { ti F 0 a T 0. F J J 4 U o p w 89 0 O 3 a W o Z a ~ N w ~d LL ~ a . U) 2 1 J I~ J isg J y°~ N d iY y w T ~3 CL ~ :r Q ul L i L ~a N Pria;; 0 m a ow - 2W 2. Hm Oj of ,LL ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (626) 569-2100- FAX (626) 307-9218 AGENCY MEMORANDUM FROM: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOz;2~ DATE: JUNE 18, 2001 RE: EXPLANATION REGARDING WARRANT NO. 6390- REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY SERVICES 2000-01 AND POOL REPAIRS As part of the warrant register for the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency of June 26, 2001, Agencymember's will consider Check No. 6390 in the amount of $953,500 payable to the City of Rosemead. The warrant is for annual reimbursement of City services in the amount of $947,300 plus reimbursement of an invoice in the amount of $6,200. The Annual City services payment of $947,300 is intended to reimburse the City of Rosemead for services provided to the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency during fiscal year 2000-01. As always we have provided you with supportive documentation that has been approved by the City Attorney and City Auditor. , Attached is a copy of the worksheet and a sample timesheet that staff developed with the City Auditor and the City Attorney as being an acceptable method of tracking costs associated'with projects and programs. The reimbursement of $6,200 represents a Rosemead Redevelopment Agency invoice inadvertently paid by the City. Please refer to the attached Pool Supply of Orange County, Inc invoice #R9920. If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know. FGT:klo CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569-2100 TO: ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT TO: ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Annual Reimbursement for City Services Fiscal Year 2000-01 INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER 2001-015 INVOICE DATE June 19, 2001. YOUR ORDER NUMBER TERMS UPON RECEIPT CONTACT PERSON K. Ogawa MISCELLANEOUS REF Plus: Reimbursement for Pool Supply of Orange County invoice #R9920, which was inadvertently paid by City (Please refer to attachments) SUBTOTAL TAX Questions concerning this invoice? MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Call: Finance Department CITY OF ROSEMEAD (626) 569-2120 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attention: Finance Department Tran Code: Account THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSI $947,300.00 $6,200.00 $953,500.00 N/A $953,500.00 PAY THIS AMOUNT CITY SERVICE INVOICE Fiscal Year 2000-01 2000-01 Balance Budgeted Applicable Due Organ. Activity Expenditures Percentage To City 4100 City Council $131,050 N/A $0 4110 Administration 580,320 40.00% 232,128 4120 City Clerk 165,250 25.00% 41,313 4130 Finance 352,730 50.00% 176,365 4140 City Treasurer 300 50.00% 150 4150 City Attorney 130,940 N/A 0 4180 Buildings 397,100 30.00% 119,130 4200 Community Promotions 284,800 N/A 0 4240 City Garage 111,800 25.00% 27,950 4300 Law Enforcement 4,720,350 N/A 0 4310 Parking Control 163,550 N/A 0 4320 Crossing Guards 120,900 N/A 0 4330 Animal Regulation 47,000 N/A 0 4340 Street Lighting 261,000 N/A 0 4350 Emergency Medical 10,300 N/A 0 4360 Narcotics Fore. & Seizure 55,690 N/A 0 4500 Construction-Street 1,195,500 N/A 0 4510 Traffic Administration 36,640 N/A 0 4530 Construction-Signals 220,000 N/A 0 4600 Street Maintenance 380,000 N/A 0 4630 Traffic Signal Maintenance 128,000 N/A 0 4640 Tree & Parkway Maintenance 248,500 N/A 0 4650 Signs & Striping Maintenance 135,000 N/A 0 4660 Public Transit 758,270 N/A 0 4700 Planning 353,480 30.00% 106,044 4710 Building Regulations 613,500 30.00% 184,050 4720 Engineering 267,700 N/A 0 4740 Community Improvement 140,880 N/A 0 4750 CDBG 41853,798 N/A 0 4780 Solid Waste 70,100 N/A 0 4800 Parks & Recreation Admin. 242,840 25.00% 60,710 4810 Parks 999,600 10.00% 99,960 4820 Recreation 546,700 25.00% 136,675 4830 Aquatics 281,090 25.00% 70,273 4840 Recreation Fee & Charge 202,990 N/A 0 4850 Aquatics Fee & Charge , 33,510 N/A 0 4870 Dinsmoor Heritage House 3,850 N/A 0 4880 Parks Projects 0 N/A 0 Appropriated Reserve 100,000 N/A 0 Total $19,345,028 $1,254,747 Amount Due to City $947,300 klo:cityserv.xls (200001) D3 v v~ CL m Co N K y C N 7 z 0 ((D W '9 0 w m N N N N 9 N M 0 N S d 0 N < N :f V O ~ o d N S M CD -0 :a Da rD c 0 m v N n 9 O 0 0 O C 7 O D r x O C D v N n 1 0 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c - - - - - - - A - - - - - - - - - - - C a - -1 S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T x r r 3.0 C _ N N i o C O 7 .ZI A m - v 0 C m m a T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <n .di - N C m 2 -1 O 0 C 01 v 3 odv 0n n~ O ~3 z~ at m -i Z 20 0 N (7 to T g O M ~D ~v M• CO 0 m r~ Om ~O m~ Z -1 a c~ m z n a 0 i vv 0 0 n~ N M. w a 0 f~D -i S O C S THE TREASURER OF THE 8838 EAST VALLEY BLVD Y OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91 c 1~ 1:3 ar_a7 .~iC . y.` 770 626-266-6671 DESCRIPTION For; ^'i.1;ll ti ale .f~IS 00 "A I N 'l4 I I r.i ~Pq1~^ 9C i . O Lr i1 0 n .OG =J (i LI C. ;r) S J AMOUNT Lug u ~ n SS +.91. • EU SIGI C +ma u N0=e T wo \ oArw, RECE . (HE sEMEAD 8838 EAST VALLEY BLVD. ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 626-288-6671 : 4 IJ . DESCRIPTION AMOUNT POOL _ MAMOND POOL MAINT/GARVU oj AM WS of 1 _ FOOL MAMUGA51=1 91m, POOL mAy/gymy , 55513 PGOL "AYNTlysmo -2 970. 73 J F W s O i i z O Z I~ V o= U Z O C= N ri m m ' aQ LL Q O w o CC i s w a e 00 G l ft aWa Nma- o aum Q~~~ J V IL W n Z - o ~ a c7 y~ 7 Z Z Q N C p0~ y Oa0 m Lou uJ i J 1 W J J L u L =r `i i .5 L Li c _T y C ~ 0 0 U g - Q m 11 I d , T : I1 ~J. N o ~ p F U W W 2 J 6 U J Q s w 'p'~ _ a 1r3, ti ~ ll~f ' ~ is Jt ~ J 'y T r4~ 1.5 icy; ] 1 4 J J ~ "r iU, D, zi UZ J r a~ a W D N O ' CL ' X L a N W LL J J J - (D 3 a% gggg4 J 28 f4 ~u C7 U 'q= Y3 u 3o j L o- a f. _ 0 y 233~L Y9 w❑ wW .x