RRA - Item 3 - Approval of Proposal to Provide Engineering Services for THe REconstruction of Hellman Ave Bridge Over Alhambra WashROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 8838 VALLEY BLVD., ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 • (626) 569-2100 • FAX (626) 307-9218 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT FROM: Ir-**' FR ANK G. TRIPEPI, EXECUTIVE DATE: JULY 17, 2001 AGENCY DIRECTOR~j RE: APPROVAL OF PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF HELLMAN AVENUE BRIDGE OVER ALHAMBRA WASH Attached for your consideration is an engineering proposal from Willdan for engineering design, design and construction survey, geotechnical engineering, hydrological/hydraulic evaluation, environmental study, utility coordination, contract administration, construction observation, and federal labor compliance services for replacement of the Hellman Avenue Bridge over Alhambra Wash. The Hellman Avenue Bridge over Alhambra Wash was originally constructed in 1936, with additional reconstruction performed in 1953. The bridge consists of a single span approximately 35 feet wide and 49 feet long, with steel girders supporting a reinforced concrete deck. There are 5-foot sidewalks on both sides of the bridge. The Hellman Avenue Bridge is currently on Caltrans Eligible Bridge List (EBL) and has been deemed structurally deficient, with a sufficiency rating of 34.1. The Caltrans EBL classifies abridge as structurally deficient when its sufficiency rating is below 80. Bridges with a sufficiency rating between 50 and 80 are recommended for rehabilitation and retrofitting; bridges with a sufficiency rating below 50 are recommended for replacement, as is the case with the Hellman Avenue Bridge. The Hellman Avenue Bridge is programmed through the Highway Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement (HBRR) Program to be replaced. Conceptual investigation thus far indicates that the most feasible replacement solution is to provide precast prestressed "I" girders supporting a reinforced concrete deck. The proposed bridge width would be 60 feet within the entire existing right-of-way, and this AGEi40Y AGENDA JUL 2 4 2001 ITEM No. -3• July 17, 2001 Page 2 width would provide shoulders and sidewalks. It is anticipated that Hellman Avenue will be closed during construction. Evaluation of the impact of construction within Alhambra Wash will be conducted and will include code compliance for such issues as containment of waste or hazardous materials. The total construction cost for this project is estimated to be $1.0 million and the estimated contract period is 100-working days. The proposed project is currently programmed in the Agency's Fiscal Year 2001-02 budget, where the funds are allocated for non-construction related activities. The project's construction costs will be funded by the Highway Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement (HBRR) Program, except for the local matching funds, which will be funded by the Agency. Construction of the project is anticipated to occur in the Summer of 2002. The proposed fees are as follows: • Preliminary and Final Design $75,000 • Design Survey 4,500 • Geotechnical Engineering 11,800 • Hydrological/Hydraulic Evaluation 2,000 • Environmental Study 8,000 • Utility Coordination 12,800 • Construction Survey 2,500 • Contract Administration 19,500 • Construction Observation 78,500 • Federal Labor Compliance 15,000 Total Proposed Fixed Fee $229,600 The total fee, excluding utility coordination, environmental study, geotechnical engineering, hydrological/hydraulic evaluation, and federal labor compliance is in conformance with that portion of the City's agreement with Willdan, which pertains to design engineering services. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency approve the attached engineering proposal and direct staff to begin the preparation of the necessary plans and specifications. Attachment WILLDAN Serving Public Agencies July 18, 2001 Mr. Frank Tripepi Executive Director Rosemead Redevelopment Agency 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, California 91746-3497 562/908-6200 fax 562/695-2120 www.willdan.com Subject: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for the Replacement of Hellman Avenue Bridge over Alhambra Wash Dear Mr. Tripepi: As requested, Willdan is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional engineering design, design and construction survey, geotechnical engineering, hydrological/hydraulic evaluation, environmental study, utility coordination, contract administration, construction observation, and federal labor compliance services for the replacement of the Hellman Avenue Bridge over Alhambra Wash. The Hellman Avenue Bridge over Alhambra Wash was originally constructed in 1936 with additional reconstruction performed in 1953. The bridge consists of a single span approximately 35 feet wide and 49 feet long with steel girders supporting a reinforced concrete deck. There are 5-foot sidewalks on both sides of the bridge. The Hellman Avenue Bridge is currently on Caltrans' Eligible Bridge List (EBL), and has been deemed structurally deficient, with a sufficiency rating of 34.1. This bridge is programmed through the Highway Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement (HBRR) Program to be replaced. Conceptual investigation thus far indicates that the most feasible replacement solution is to provide precast prestressed "I" girders supporting a reinforced concrete deck. The proposed bridge width would be 60 feet within the entire existing right-of-way, and this width would provide shoulders and sidewalks. It is anticipated that Hellman Avenue will be closed during construction. Evaluation of the impact of construction within Alhambra Wash will be conducted and will include code compliance for such issues as containment of waste or hazardous materials. SCOPE OF SERVICES We propose to provide the following basic services for the project: Preliminary and Final Design FIELD INVESTIGATION 1. Conduct a thorough field investigation of the existing bridge crossing. 2. Assess the impact on the flood control channel during bridge removal and replacement. July 18, 2001 Page 2 3. Observe and document conditions, constraints, and impact of the project on the properties in all four quatrains, particularly in the northwest quatrains where the property is located close to the project limit. DATA RESEARCH 1. Collect and review as-built roadway plans. 2. Collect and review as-built bridge plans. 3. Collect and review existing utilities in and around the project. 4. Collect and review right-of-way maps to determine impact on existing facilities. 5. Collect and review any other data pertaining to the project provided by Caltrans, LACDPW, and other involved parties to extract any valuable information to support the engineering. ROADWAY GEOMETRICS 1. Establish geometric control of the project including limit of approach roadway and begin and end stations of the bridge. STRUCTURAL DESIGN 1. Collect and review data obtained from environmental and hydrologic recommendations to determine impact on bridge design. 2. Review and incorporate Geotechnical evaluation and recommendations. 3. Provide existing bridge removal. 4. Provide structural analysis and design based on latest Caltrans Design Specifications and Caltrans Design Criteria. 5. Coordinate bridge design with roadway design. APPROACH ROADWAY DESIGN 1. Prepare approach roadway plan and profile. 2. Prepare cross section and roadway pavement sections. 3. Prepare construction and drainage details. TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. Perform field review to verify and document existing conditions. The field review will include locating existing markings, signing and striping. 2. Prepare traffic control plans for the Hellman Avenue Bridge widening at a scale of V=40'. The plans will be prepared using the City's standard design criteria and Caltrans 1999 Standard Plans and Specifications. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Prepare complete plans including title sheet, general notes, site plan, roadway plan and profile, cross sections, existing bridge demolition, new bridge plans, retaining wall plans, and necessary construction permits. 2. Attend coordination meetings, as necessary, with the Agency personnel at various times during the design phase to obtain additional input and review work. July 18, 2001 Page 3 3. Prepare specifications and contract documents to conform to applicable requirements of the City of Rosemead and Caltrans. 4. Prepare final project cost estimates. Design Survey 1. Conduct aerial topographic survey of the project site. 2. Conduct ground survey to supplement the aerial. 3. Establish roadway centerline and cross sections, channel centerline and cross sections, and other cultural features. Geotechnical Engineering 1. Research and review published and unpublished geologic and geotechnical maps and documents, including data available from the US Geological Survey, the California Division of Mines and Geology, Los Angeles County, and other public agencies and institutions. 2. Conduct field exploration. 3. Conduct geotechnical laboratory testing. 4. Provide geotechnical/geologic analyses and recommendations. Hydrological/Hydraulic Evaluation 1. Collect and review any data pertaining to existing hydrologic/hydraulic requirements provided by Caltrans, LACDPW, and other involved parties. 2. Evaluate requirements for structural configuration to convey the design flood. Environmental Study 1. Conduct field reconnaissance to identify any sensitive environmental resources in the area, inventory adjacent land uses, and catalog the presence of any sensitive receptors in the project area. 2. Complete the Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) form. Provide environmental analysis in support of Categorical Exclusion (NEPA) for the proposed project. 3. Prepare a Flood Plain Evaluation Report to determine the project's impact on flood plain values. 4. Prepare an Environmental Initial Study Checklist (CEQA) and Negative Declaration for project. 5. Coordinate environmental review of the project with Caltrans Office of Environmental Planning. Utility Coordination Submit copies of the plans to all affected utilities and agencies. Coordinate with affected utility companies to provide for any proposed utility improvements prior to bridge demolition and replacement. Send notification to affected utility companies, other agencies, Contractor and Agency staff, and attend and coordinate the preconstruction conference. July 18, 2001 Page 4 Construction Survey 1. Provide construction staking as required for construction of the Hellman Avenue Bridge. Contract Administration 1. Provide the Agency with 30 sets of final plans and specifications for bidding. 2. Assist the Agency in securing bids and awarding project. 3. Attend preconstruction conference and prepare minutes. 4. Provide contract administration for proper enforcement of the contract plans and specifications. 5. Provide engineering support as needed. 6. Provide the necessary consulting services required to coordinate the efforts between the Agency and the Contractor. 7. Review and recommend approval of progress payment requests. 8. Answer inquiries and complaints for the Agency relating to the project. Construction Observation 1. Provide the necessary weekly, monthly, and final reports. 2. Provide daily construction observation during the construction period. 3. Provide copies of daily construction observation reports on a weekly basis, if requested. 4. Provide necessary coordination with other agencies to provide final inspection of the project. 5. Perform as-built corrections on original drawings. 6. Provide report to the Agency following final inspection stating that the project has been completed, and provide necessary data for the Agency acceptance of the project. Federal Labor Compliance 1. Obtain latest wage decision and log in verification with funding agency, as required. 2. Prepare labor compliance sections in bid documents in accordance with latest applicable regulations. 3. Submit bid documentation to appropriate agency for review and approval when needed. 4. Conduct pre-bid compliance conference and prepare minutes and attendance record thereof. 5. Check and update wage determination schedules published within ten (10) days of bid opening, and provide addendum to contract with required verification of receipt by bidders, as required, pursuant to Davis-Bacon Act. 6. Verify eligibility of contractor and subcontractors under Department of Labor regulations to perform work bid, and monitor work to allow for verification of eligibility of added subcontractors. 7. Attend preconstruction conference and prepare minutes and attendance record thereof. 8. Send all required notifications of intent to award bid and start construction to appropriate agencies. 9. Monitor compliance with labor laws, Clean Air Act, and Federal Water Pollution Control Act. 10. Verify posting of required labor information and posters and provide photographic evidence of same. 11. Conduct employee wage interviews at the job site at a frequency and quantity as required by applicable regulations. (Lists of employees or subcontractors on the project July 18, 2001 Page 5 each day required by funding agencies will be provided by field inspection personnel not included in this proposal). 12. Check weekly payroll forms and related documentation submitted by contractor and subcontractors for compliance with regulations, and prepare all payroll certification forms. 13. Check wage compliance in format showing method and calculation of verification to be filed with proposals. 14. Check and verify apprentice classifications and use, and equivalent service classifications and actual activity. 15. Complete all required labor compliance and EEO forms and submit to appropriate agencies in a timely manner. 16. Maintain files will all bids, contracts, bid spreadsheets, correspondence, submittals, forms, and other information pertaining to the project in chronological order with tabs indicating major activities. 17. Prepare and pursue wage discrepancy charges, including any appeals filed. 18. Receive, pursue, and document all complaints and actions taken. 19. Maintain regular communication between City and contractor regarding compliance with applicable regulations, with a base of "Certified Mail" letters, including all delinquent items, and coordinate with City staff for withholding payments. 20. Coordinate project file reviews by authorized county, state, or federal agencies. 21. Submit complete files of federal labor compliance to the City. Our proposed fixed fees are as follows: • Preliminary and Final Design $75,000 • Design Survey 4,500 • Geotechnical Engineering 11,800 • Hydrological/Hydraulic Evaluation 2,000 • Environmental Study 8,000 • Utility Coordination 12,800 • Construction Survey 2,500 • Contract Administration 19,500 • Construction Observation 78,500 • Federal Compliance 15,000 Total Proposed Fixed Fee $229,600 The current estimated construction cost for the project is $1.0 million. The total fee, excluding utility coordination, environmental study, geotechnical engineering, hydrological/hydraulic evaluation and federal labor compliance is in conformance with that portion of the City's agreement with Willdan which pertains to design engineering services. The construction contract period is estimated to be 100 working days. Compensation for weekend construction and construction beyond the allocated working days and hours of the construction contract will be on a time-and-materials basis. July 18, 2001 Page 6 If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at (562) 908-6214. Respectfully submitted, WILLDAN 4~)3,4fA.~. e. ~ William C. Pagett, P.E. Senior Vice President AF:mec 95610\01\06-155\POt-130