Tab_E-2State of California Sec rota ry of State STATEMENT OF FACTS ROSTER OF PUBLIC AGENCIES FILING (Government Code section 53051) Instructions.- 1 . Con a. I mail to., Secretary of State, P.O. Box 942877, Sacramento, CA 94277-0001 (916) 653-3984 2. A street address must be given as the official mailing address or as the address of the presiding officer. 3. Complete addresses as required. I Of ;5 (Office Use Only) 4. If you need additional space, attach information on an 8'fz" X 11" page, one sided and legible. New Filing 0 Update Legal name of Public Agency: Rosemead Financing Authority Nature of Update: U County: Los Angeles Official Mailing Address: 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 Name and Address of each member of the governing board: Chairman, President or other Presiding Officer (indicate Title): Chairperson Name: Gary A. Taylor Address. 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 Secretary or Clerk (Indicate Title): Secretary Name: Gloria 1'tolleda Address. t Valley Boulevard, RCalifornia 91770 Members: r. TO (REV, 051C_ State of California Secrets of State ,*J('4fNAL FILLED STATEMENT OF FACTS ROSTER OF PUBLIC AGENCIES FLING ;Government Code section 53051) l l F, 1,~;)UN''Y CLERK Instructions: 1. Complete and mail to: Secretary of State, P.O. Box 942877, Sacramento, CA 94277-0001 (916) 653-3984 2. A street address must be given as the official mailing address or as the address of the presiding officer. (Office Use Only) 3. Complete addresses as required. 4. If you need additional space, attach information on an 8'12" X 11" page, one sided and legible. New Filing © Update IZI Legal name of Public Agency: Rosemead Financing Authority Nature of Update: Update County: Los Angeles Official Mailing Address: 8838 bast Valle} Boulevard. Rosemead, California 91770 Name and Address of each member of the governing board: Chairman, President or other Presiding Officer (Indicate Title): Chairperson Name: Cary A. Taylor Address: 8838 fast Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 Secretary or Clerk (Indicate Title): Secretary Name: Gloria Molleda Address: 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 Members: •..:2•'?lf?. r . Address. - - t l i,.cl ir,l. aP,r- Address ~r -=.,.dress ^Jar„e A7draSS, ' ^r k r°~~E~' ~Mr ^a _ ~r p, t P T 7. n ?yap