Tab_E-4$11,230.000 ROSE MEAD CON111UNITY DENT LOPMENT CO'NIMISSION ROSEME AD MERGE I) PROJECT .AREA AX .ALLOCATION BONDS, SLR1F-S 2010A TN C 1 N 113 FACN AND S I GN.XTURF CERTIFICATE OF THE AUTHORITY The UIIdcr,i,'licd hcre:by suite and ~:crtify: (a) that they are the duly elected or ~ippoiated, qualified and acting 1:\cculivc Director and Secretary, respectively, of the Roseincad Financitig Authority, authority or,,itli/ed and cyi;tin;-, under the laws of the State of California (the "Authorit)"), ttnd as such, are f~imiliar with tlic facts herein certified and are authorized and qualified to certify the same, (b) that the following are now, and have continuously been since January 1, 2010, the duly elected or appointed, qualified and acting members of the Authority: Gary A. Taylor, Chairperson Steven Ly, Vice Chairperson Sandra Annenta Margaret Clark Polly Low (c) that the signatures set forth opposite the names and titles of the following persons are the true and correct specimens, or are the genuine signatures of such persons, each of whom holds the office designated below: Name/Title Signature Jeff Allred, Executive Director Gloria Molleda, Secretary {d} that for and nii bch iff of the Authority, the within-named Executive D11-cctor has executed the Purchase .1 rccmcnt. (iatcci Junc ?1). 1-010, by and aiiiong F. J. De La Ro"a Co., Inc., as underwriter, the .ALiihoi-1ty anal the IZt~,clllc,l~! Community Dc%clohment Commission. Dated: July 15. 2010 J "f*t.A11rc(_1AccutiNc 1)ircctclrof the Ros cmca(l 1.111,1tic i it ~ . Au thority Gloria ivlollcda, Sccrctary of the Rosemead Financing Authority 1)