TC - Item 3A - Lower Azusa Road Rosemead Blvd Right Turn Only LaneROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR JOANNE ITAGAKI. TRAFFIC CONSULTANT DATE: NOVEMBER 4, 2010 SUBJECT: LOWER AZUSA ROAD /ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD —WESTBOUND RIGHT TURN ONLY LANE SUMMARY A request was received to review the intersection of Lower Azusa Road /Rosemead Boulevard. The request was for the installation of a westbound right turn only lane on Lower Azusa Road at Rosemead Boulevard. Since this intersection is under the jurisdiction of Caltrans (and shared with the City), it is appropriate to initiate discussions with Caltrans to accommodate any lane or signal modifications. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Traffic Commission: 1. Recommend to Caltrans that a westbound right turn only lane be installed at Lower Azusa Road /Rosemead Blvd (including the development of a signal modification plan, encroachment permit for lane modifications, relocation of existing signal detector loops and "cat- track" striping through the intersection); 2. Recommend to the City Council that the westbound right turn only lane, adjusted lane widths, and red curbing be installed to accommodate a dedicated right turn only lane. ANALYSIS Lower Azusa Road is approximately 56 feet wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. Parking is generally allowed except during street sweeping times. The posted speed limit is 40 mph. The intersection of Lower Azusa Road /Rosemead Boulevard is signalized with timing under the jurisdiction of Caltrans. The westbound leg of the intersection (Lower Azusa TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING November 4, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Road) is striped with a left turn lane and a shared left -right turn lane. Field observation of the intersection identified a heavy westbound to southbound left turn movement from Lower Azusa Road. The current signal timing provided ample time to "clear' all the westbound movements. The observation also indicated that many westbound right turn vehicles on Lower Azusa Road would "sneak" through the curb lane to turn right onto Rosemead Boulevard. This curb lane is approximately 18 feet wide. The overall width of Lower Azusa Road at Rosemead Boulevard is approximately 56 feet. A restriping of this leg of the intersection could accommodate an additional westbound lane by "shifting" all lanes southerly. Exhibit A depicts the existing and proposed lane configuration on Lower Azusa Road at Rosemead Boulevard. The proposed lane configuration would provide westbound dual left turn lanes and a right turn only lane. There would be two eastbound lanes provided. The proposed lane configuration would likely require a relocation of signal detector loops and the installation of red curbing along the south side of Lower Azusa Road. Due to the intersection's control by Caltrans, a signal modification plan and encroachment permit will be required to complete the proposed lane configuration. In addition, Caltrans could require the proposed lane configuration follow the minimum width requirements of the Highway Design Manual. The existing street width would not be able to accommodate the required Highway Design Manual lane widths (11 or 12 foot left turn lanes and 14 foot right turn lane). To improve the traffic circulation at the intersection of Lower Azusa Road /Rosemead Boulevard, it is recommended that a westbound right turn only lane and adjusted lane widths be installed for westbound Lower Azusa Road. This recommendation will likely require a signal modification plan to be approved by Caltrans to relocate existing signal detector loops and "cat- track" striping through the intersection. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Joanne Itaga" ki Traffic Consultant Attachment 1: Exhibit A — Lane Configuration Attachment 2: Neighborhood Overview and On Street Conditions 011J07470/Traffic Commission AgendastKl Dl11 November/Lower Azusa - Rosemead WB RT Only lane.doc City of Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting November 4, 2010 i i i i i NOT TO SCALE H LOWER AZUSA ROAD 18 112— — — 18' I,12' LEGEND Black lines = Existing Lane Configuration Red lines = Proposed Lane Configuration Exhibit A Lower Azusa Road at Rosemead Boulevard Westbound Right Turn Only Lane Existing and Proposed Lane Configuration ;. �•. a.. .. a� =�? %;: �'S �j