TC - Item 3B - City Wayfinding Signage Program9 +� TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: DECEMBER 2, 2010 SUBJECT: CITY WAYFINDING SIGNAGE PROGRAM SUMMARY As part of the City's Strategic Plan, the City Council and community included several projects to better enhance the City's appeal as "Today's Small Town America." This includes representing the City in a unified Rosemead "brand ", by continuing with the existing community color theme of maroon, silver, and white that is now displayed at Rosemead schools, City facilities, and in existing monument signs. There are also several projects that will help to maintain the City's unique identity through beautification efforts, a street signage replacement program, and economic development activities. The City is home to a number of large retail centers, regional and national corporate headquarters, public amenities, and schools /universities, the development of a master wayfinding signage program will help contribute to the overall experience for residents and visitors navigating through the City. A wayfinding signage program will help guide residents and visitors to destinations, in addition to contributing to the City's overall economic development. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Traffic Commission: 1. Approve the proposed wayfinding sign design; and 2. Review a presentation on potential sign locations and destinations and provide staff with feedback. ANALYSIS The City's wayfinding sign program is aimed at providing community residents /visitors easier access to a wide variety of local attractions - including corporate facilities, public amenities (parks /facilities), regional shopping attractions, and a local university. Wayfinding signage helps provide an organized system of guide signs that assist visitors with locating these attractions. The proposed wayfinding sign design (attached) integrates the City's existing community color theme of maroon, silver, and white that is now displayed at Rosemead schools, City facilities, and in existing monument signs, representing a unified Rosemead "brand" with these colors. This color theme was also included in the City's street name signage design APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Traffic Commission December 2, 2010 Page 2 of 2 that was reviewed by the Traffic Commission and the City Council. As proposed, the sign design includes a maroon background with white /grey lettering and a green border. Staff is also working with a graphic designer to finalize artwork that will be used for the Rosemead lettering and rose logo. in addition to the sign design, staff will provide a brief presentation on potential sign locations and destinations that will be included in the wayfinding program. Both the sign locations and Rosemead destinations will be discussed in greater detail. Following the meeting, staff will use comments /feedback to develop a policy regarding wayfinding signs. At a minimum, it is expected that the policy will include the following elements: - Criteria used for a destination to be included on a wayfinding sign - Location of signs - Proximity of signs to a destination - Signage Size - Signage Replacement schedule Submitted by: Aileen Flores Public Information Officer Attachment A - Sample Wayfinding Signs Q U Qw w z 0 w tJl � 0" N O O L L Y Q r D Q w w / 0 r Q U Q Q w ¢ Q- z W� Q v� ON w Li V) 0 ry w H z w V \ w �Q V w � F- Q z wz C) w � V W LLI w 0 c w V) o cc 00 ° oc y w z w V w Q 0