CC - 11-16-82 - Study Session Meetingr APPROVED
DATE 1L-R3 -2a
NOVEMBER 16, 1982 AT 8:00 P. M.
The Study Session regarding Business Revitalization in
the City of Rosemead was called to order by Mayor Tury at
8:00 p. m., in the Conference Room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley
Blvd., Rosemead.
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Councilman Cichy.
The Invocation was delivered by Councilman Taylor.
Present: Councilmen Cichy, Cleveland, Imperial, Taylor
and Mayor Tury
Absent: None
Also present: Bonnie Culbertson, Jim Butler, Dave DeGroff,
Jim Goodell, Dale Levander, & Marshall Krupp
The Study Session regarding revitalization of the business
areas in Rosemead was the subject of discussion with the Chamber
of Commerce and the Arroyo Group which were represented at the
Marshall Krupp, Willdan representative, spoke about the
Economic Development Strategy and commented on the different
outlook taken by Willdan and Associates than was taken by the
Arroyo Group regarding the status of the City. The intent was
to look at the City from two different standpoints, their's was
from a macro point of view, overall, and the Arroyo Group from
a micro view, individual areas,of the City that needed revitali-
zation. He stated that generally what was concluded was that
the City is,presently, in strong economic position. However, he
felt the City was in a positive situation now, soon after the
Montebello Shopping Center is open, and years thereafter, there
may be an economic deficit on the community. He defined some
areas that could be looked into to create new development and
revitalization of the area. The study concluded that one of the
land uses that the City is low in is Industrial Use, and he felt
that certain Zoning modifications should be done. After doing
the Market Study,it was concluded that the potential for new de-
velopment would fall in three areas, two neighborhood commercial
areas, somewhere in the southern portion of the City. The whole
region could absorb more office space, and some potential for
industrial development. The highest revenue would come in for
Industrial land use and the second highest would be for Commercial.
The indication is then that if high revenue with minimal cost is
being pursued, the the kind of development pursued should be indus-
trial and commercial. The City has considerable amount of depen-
dence on the Redevelopment Program and should be expanded or at
least leverage the revenue that is being received. That is a con-
stant source of revenue. The City should not be dependent upon
Federal Funds since they may not be available in the future. One
of the assets that Rosemead has is the location. It is centrally
located in the region and therefore, it should be capitalized on.
Also the City has a diverse labor force and should also be capital-
ized on. There is a joint cooperative relationship between the
public and private sector, both in the terms of quasi-public•organ-
izations, such as the Merchants Association and the Chamber of Com-
merce, but also private developers as indicated by the major devel-
opments that have taken place in the City. This relationship should
be stressed when pursuing new development in the area. There has
been a strong revitalization and rehabilitation program for residen-
tial structures. Job creation when connected to labor-intensive
types of development should be pursued. The City has not actively
pursued a marketing program until the present involvement of the
Arroyo Group. Some program jointly through the Chamber, Merchants
Association, the Realty Boards and the City should actively pursue
a Marketing program. Study Session
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Marshall Krupp recommended a local Development Commission to
coordinate this whole process. The permit process has not been
the most efficient, as evidenced by some of the problems with some
of the developments with regards to plan approval and the issuance
of permits. He added that has subsided by going with a City Engin-
eer instead of the County Engineer and a better coordination between
the Planning Department and Public Works Department and the City
Engineer. However, the permit process needs to be made as efficient
as possible for potential developers. He commented on the inconsis-
tencies in the Zoning Code and felt there was a lack of flexibility
and needs to be up-dated. He recommended that the City develop a
long range program of future investments, for.example seeking out
the greatest amount of interest on deposited revenues in the banks.
Marshall Krupp, stated that in addition to new development,
he emphasized there should be a strong revitalization program, com-
mercial revitalization as well as residential. He stated that com-
mercial revitalization has not been initiated with the same terms
as the residential with low interest loans, deferred loans, grants
and aid. He mentioned the infra-structure improvements which will
be needed in the future such as the water system. The City may want
to plan on buying the water companies, or try to improve through
coordinated processes of cooperation with the water companies to
meet the future needs of the City. There are some areas of Fire
deficiency that need to be immediately addressed if new develop-
ment is to be pursued. Flood Control is a problem and this area
does not have a high rating with the L.A. County Flood Control Dis-
trict with regards to'some of its projects. There should be some
coordinating of efforts with the L. A'. County Flood Control District.
Marshall Krupp stated that there was no clear cut economic
direction for the community. No set of goals or objectives, or a
strategy for the future. Some of the goals should be identity,
improvement of the area, circulation improvements, targeting in
on specific areas, leveraging in on the least amount of expendi-
ture for the greatest amount of revenue. He stated that the bus-
iness community, which is the Chamber, Merchants Association and
other major private investors played a very important role in a
lot of the proposed programs, and he also recommended a five year
capital improvement program. He felt that some kind of long range
strategy of capital improvement should be proposed and consistly
implemented with an extension of that program on the sixth year.
Marshall Krupp added that the City is involved in a Code En-
forcement Program has been extremely successful in a variety of
areas, however, he felt that the Council should consider some ad-
ditional Code Enforcement in the property maintenance programs.
He concluded that special assessments districts should be pursued
and redevelopment could be a viable tool. Cooperation between the
City and the business community is most important. He felt that
the strategy should be incorporated in the General Plan of the
City, and he felt that without an adopted policy or program, you
are leaving it up to the developers to question what is the dir-
ection of this Council and of future Councils. He stated that
image is very important to a potential developer, and he is not
only looking at the Community from the stand-point of the people
he is going to be dealing but what is the commmunity going to look
like ten years, 15 years from now, or will he be able to sell his
investment somewhere down the road. A long range approach to image
building is very necessary. The Economic Strategy Program needs
both the businessmen's and the Council's support. It has to be
a cooperative effort.
Jim Goodell, Arroyo Group, stated that most of his comments
related to the slides which he presented to the group present.
He stated that during a one month contract with the City of Rose-
mead in 1981 it was determined that there were some target areas,
which could be by a parcel by parcel basis, specified as areas for
development opportunities. Four different things have.been done
and one was to see what the development context was. Dale Levander
of the Levander Company did a quick look at the competive indicators
and market indicators to see what were the areas of strength, and
took a different approach than Willdan did, but in many ways, they
came to many of the same kinds of conclusions. Study Session
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Jim Goodell stated that they looked into those targeted areas
to try to find sites that were key target projects looked to be
feasible, combinations of large parcels, under utilized property,
owners indicating an interest in moving forward, and other situa-
tions that had an inherent kind of development opportunity quality.
Mr. Goodell stated recommended an implementation program, and finally,
talking to owners and talked with developers regarding specific pro-
Dale Levander, Levander Company, stated that he felt that the
key to success is getting the sites. He stated that a lot of their
efforts have been directed to identifying several sites. There
were 22 particular sites that programs have been run. These 22
sites afford some opportunity for commericial office, some for in-
dustrial development and some for retail, and also a hotel. These
projects could bring into the City another $80,000,000 of retail
sales. He felt that the Redevelopment process could enable the
purchasing of some sites, and they have been working with a number
of key property owners outside of the redevelopment area which might
enable the City to work with them cooperatively and get other things.
.Jim Goodell showed slides of the six areas, Valley & Rosemead,
West of San Gabriel along Garvey, South of Garvey on San Gabriel,
East of San Gabriel along Garvey over to Walnut Grove, River Avenue
Industrial area which is the area entering into Rosemead from the
East along Garvey, northwest corner of Portrero Grande, southeast
corner of Graves, northwest corner of Graves, northeast corner of
Graves. This would have a developmental value of $204,000,000, and
annual tax sales of $840,000 which brings the City up to the average
City within the region and the annual tax increment of $838,000 ad-
ditional just in the four redevelopment project areas, room taxes of
$214,000 against 250 room hotel and about 3,000 jobs. Dealing with
the Rosemead Square problem has tremendous opportunity but will take
an aggresive program to do it. Another major opportunity is the
entrance to Garvey, and then making the corner of Garvey and San
Gabriel work as a major crossroad is another major point of emphasis.
Jim Goodell ran more slides that were taken in other cities.
Brea, Monrovia, Lakewood, Whittier, and Orange were the cities
that have revitalized their business areas. These improvements
were not expense to do and have made large improvement in the ap-
pearance of the buildings in those areas.
The discussion on different sites within the City that need
up-grading took place, and the concensus was.that staff should
check into the Code Enforcement policy, and that the key to the
revitalization program is that existing businesses have to have
the desire for improvement of their business and the City's willing-
ness to help them to do it.
Mayor Tury stated that he felt that there was a lot to look
over and probably the next step would be to get together with the
City Manager and lay out a plan of attack on the whole thing and
on what needs to be done and how to do it. After this is all to-
gether then another study session to formulate those plans. If
there are no objections, then a logical sequence of events should
be set up, and the Council can take another look at it, and then
a decision can be made. There being no objection, it was so ordered.
Councilman Taylor requested,a report-on what Cal Trans was doing
on the San Bernardino Freeway at Rio Hondo pertaining to Soundwall
The,:-Study-Session was adjourned to the next regular Meeting of
November 23, 1982 at 8:00 p:m.
Respectfully submitted:
APPROVED: C' y Clerk
Study Session
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