TC - Item 4A - Intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue at Grand Avenue0 0I - TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: MARCH 3, 2011 INTERSECTION OF R• i AVENUE SUMMARY Commissioner Lewin requested that an item be agendized to discuss the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue at Grand Avenue. He is interested in reviewing the intersection to determine if traffic safety improvements or a traffic signal may be needed at the location. According to the most recent traffic circulation study completed by the City, Walnut Grove Avenue (from Mission Drive to Grand Avenue) is characterized as a secondary arterial with 4 traffic lanes and a roadway capacity of approximately 30,000 vehicles per day. The average daily traffic was last recorded at 15,435 vehicles and the level of service (a ratio of actual traffic to road capacity) was rated as "A" (on an "A° to "F" scale, with A being adequate circulation). It should be noted that this intersection is adjacent to a railroad crossing at the Union Pacific Railroad line Oust north of this intersection). This railroad crossing is scheduled to receive traffic safety improvements as part of the Alameda Corridor -East Project (ACE), including new safety gates, railroad and traffic signals, pedestrian safety amenities, and a new raised median. These improvements are on the ACE project list although a scheduled construction date is not known at this time. When construction does occur, it is anticipated that this intersection will experience traffic delays and potential closures. Prior to conducting a warrant study of this intersection, staff is interested in discussing this item further with the Commission. As the Commission is aware, the cost of installing a new traffic signal is high and there may be other short-term improvements available to improve conditions at the intersection. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission discuss the intersection at Walnut Grove Avenue /Grand Avenue and provide direction to staff. Attachment 1: Traffic Circulation Analysis — Walnut Grove Avenue (Mission Drive to Grand Avenue) Existing (2007) Conditions Table 6 - Roadway Segment Levels of Service for Existing Conditions (tear 2007) Primary Street WE End of Segment SM7 End of Segment Roadway Class No. of Lanes Roadway Capacity Existing (2007) Conditions Volumes v/C LOS I Walnut Grove Av Grand Ave Mission Drive Secondary 4 30,000 15,435 0.515 A 2 Walnut Grove Av Wells /Edmond Valley Blvd Secondary 4 30,000 22,805 0.760 C 3 Walnut Grove Av Valley Blvd Marshall St Secondary 4 30,000 29,339 0.978 E 4 Walnut Grove Av Hellman Ave Garvey Ave Secondary 4 30,000 26,474 0.882 D 5 Walnut Grove Av Fern Ave Klingerman St Secondary 4 30,000 25,897 0.863 D 6 Walnut Grove Av Rush St Landis View Lane Secondary 4 30,000 18,042 0.601 B 7 San Gabriel Blvd Hellman Ave Emerson Place Major 4 40,000 33,617 0.840 D 8 San Gabriel Blvd Garvey Ave Klingerman St - Major 4 40,000 29,877 0.747 C 9 San Gabriel Blvd Delta Ave Walnut Grove Ave Major 4 40,000 22,382 0.560 A 10 Del Mar Ave Hellman Ave Emerson Place Secondary 4 30,000 24,933 0.831 D I I Del Mar Ave Garvey Ave Newmark Ave Secondary 4 30,000 23,599 0.787 C 12 New Ave Newmark Ave Graves Ave Collector 2 15,000 10,598 0.707 C 13 Valley Blvd Muscatel Ave Ivar Ave Major 4 40,000 40,989 1.025 F 14 Valley Blvd Hart Ave Mission Drive Major 4 40,000 17,326 0.433 A 15 Valley Blvd Rio Hondo Ave Temple City Blvd Major 4 40,000 27,271 0.682 B 16 Temple City Blvd Valley Blvd Marshall St Secondary 4 30,000 21,437 0,715 C 17 Garvey Ave New Ave Del Mar Ave Major 4 40,000 21,667 0.542 A IB Garvey Ave Del Mar Ave San Gabriel Blvd Major 4 40,000 31,299 0.782 C 19 Garvey Ave San Gabriel Blvd Walnut Grove Ave Major 4 40,000 31,684 0.792 C 20 Garvey Ave Walnut Grove Ave Rosemead Blvd Major 4 40,000 33,366 0.834 D 21 Rosemead Blvd Lower Azusa Road Mission Drive Major 5 50,000 55,472 1.109 F 22 Rosemead Blvd Valley Blvd Marshall St Major 4 40,000 62,209 1.555 F 23 Rosemead Blvd Telstar Ave Whitmore St Major 6 60,000 59,926 0.999 E As indicated by the analysis summary within Table 6, five roadway segments currently operate at LOS E or F. These locations are indicated by bold text within the table: ® Walnut Grove Avenue between Valley Boulevard and Marshall Street (LOS E) ® Valley Boulevard between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue (LOS F) • Rosemead Boulevard between Lower Azusa Road and Mission Drive (LOS F) • Rosemead Boulevard between Valley Boulevard and Marshall Street (LOS F) • Rosemead Boulevard between Telstar Avenue and Whitmore Street (LOS E) Rosemead Circulation Element Update A CORPORATION Traffic Impact Analysis ,pF.- May 19, 2008 -Page 33