CC - 12-22-81MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 22, 1981 AT 8:00 P. M. i. ED. -NIT AD C r! The Regular Meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Imperial in the Council Chambers of City Hall 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California at 8:00 p. m. The Pledge to the F1ag.was.led by.C.obncilman Taylor. The Invocation was delivered by Reverend Bill Fuller. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmen Cichy, Taylor, Tury and Mayor Imperial Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 10, 1981 - Regular Meeting MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that the Minutes of November 10, 1981 be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 15, 1981 - Study Session i MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that the Minutes of the Study Session of December 15, 1981 be approved.' Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. I. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Rev. Tom Phillips, 8875 Mission Drive, Rosemead, ex- pressed his appreciation to all the City officials for a job well done, and presented them with lovely book marks. PRESENTATIONS A. A presentation from the Assembly of Baha'i of Rosemead was made to Mayor Imperial and he expressed his appreciation on behalf of the City. B. Dr. Maude presented the City a placque from the Rosemead Sister City Zapopan which he received when he recently visited Zapopan. He expressed the wish that when representatives from Zapopan visit Rosemead next year that the City Officials host them. Mayor Imperial stated that since he was not able to go to Zapopan, he-could not think of a more appropriate person than Dr. Maude to represent the City.of Rosemead in Zapopan since he was one of the originators of the program and has put a lot of hard work into it. C. Mayor Imperial made a presentation to Rev. Tom Phillips for his untiring efforts for the City of Rosemead, as Goodwill Ambassador. Rev. Tom Phillips expressed his appreciation for the honor.'. bestowed.on him by the City. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPEAL TO PLANNING COMMISSIONS DECISION TO DENY REQUEST FOR EXTENSION AT LITTLE PEOPLE PRE SCHOOL, 4715 ROSEMEAD, BLVD. Mayor Imperial stated that the Public Hearing was open and inquired if there was anyone in the audience who would care to speak. CM 12-22-81 Page #1 r Uma Chander, owner of the Little People Pre School, stated that she would.like the extension in order to make the school more comfortable for her present students and also to increase the en- rollment. Mayor Imperial inquired'if.there..was.any one else in the audience who would care to speak for or against this request. No one came forward, and the Public Hearing was closed. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that the Appeal be granted to the Little People Pre School for an extension. Vote resulted: AYES: Councilmen Cichy, Taylor and Mayor Imperial NAYES: Councilman Tury ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A 120-DAY EXTENSION OF A MORATORIUM ON CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT OF ANY M-1 ON GARVEY AVENUE Mayor Imperial stated that the Public Hearing was open and inquired if there was anyone in the audience who would care to speak on this subject. No one came forward, and the Public Hearing was closed. B-1 ORDINANCE NO. 541 - EXTENDING MORATORIUM ON CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT OF ANY M-1 ON GARVEY BLVD.. ORDINANCE NO. 541 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD EXTENDING A MORATORIUM ON CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT OF ANY M-1 "LIGHT MANUFACTURING" USE IN THE AREA DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND DECLARING THE URGENCY MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that Ordinance No. 541 be adopted as an Urgency Ordinance. Vote resulted: AYES: Councilman Cichy, Tury and Mayor Imperial NAYES: Councilman Taylor ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion died due to the fact there was a 4/5 vote required for adoption. III. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 81-67- CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN FOR CDBG PROGRAM Marshall Krupp, Willdan Associates, commented on a correction on page five, section 4, which deals with complaints the word "disturbances" is used and that should be changed to "concerns Mr. Krupp stated that a'document has been prepared to be kept on file in,the Clerks Office, and this document has been reviewed by the County and they have accepted it as being consistent with HUD regulations. Councilman Taylor stated that in the document oh page'six there is no mention of the procedure for termination of any of the members of this Advisory Committee. He requested that the words "atithe pleasure of the Council" be.added to paragraph 5. Vacancies, sentence shall.'state: "Appointments shall be made by the City Council at the pleasure of the Council,::and delete the entire last sentence in the paragraph. CM 12-22-81 Page #2 M M Councilman Tury suggested that a one year term would be more appropriate. Robert Kress, City Attorney, stated that the staggering of terms would not feasible with one year terms so that also should be deleted from paragraph 3. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that the Citizen Participation Plan for the CDBG Program be approved as corrected. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL'COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Mayor Imperial requested that the record show that although he does not believe in HCDA Funding, he does believe the City should have a Committee for Citizen Participation. B. RESOLUTION NO. 81-69 - CLAIMS & DEMANDS RESOLUTION NO. 81-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS & DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $282,989.96 NUMBERED 8131-8140 & 2873 THROUGH 2962 INCLUSIVELY MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that Resolution No. 81-69 be adopted. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (CC-B, CC-D, and CC-F:Deferred) CC-A ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL FROM WILLDAN ASSOCIATES FOR CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION OF FERN & NEWMARK (NEW/ DEL MAR) STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS CC-C JACKSON & NEWMARK--INSTALLATION OF FOUR WAY STOP SIGN CC-E EXPANSION OF RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM CC-G MEMBERSHIP IN THE U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that the foregoing Consent Calendar Items be approved. Vote re- sulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-.B AUTHORIZATION TO POST 60-DAY NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT FOR MARSHALL (TEMPLE CITY BLVD./STRANG) AND BROOKLINE (MARSHALL/LOFTUS) Councilman Taylor stated the.Council had adopted the policy that people living on a corner lot would not be assessed for the long side of the lot or if the present owner had paid for the front side, he would not be assessed for the side. Councilman Tury stated that this is the current policy and requested that this be recorded in the minutes. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that authorization be granted to post 60-day notice to construct for Marshall and Brookling. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-D TEMPLE CITY BLVD., AT ELLIS LANE--INSTALLATION OF RED CURB MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that the installation of Red Curb Marking at Temple City Blvd at Ellis Lane be approved as recommended by the Traffic Commission. Vote resulted: UPON IROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. ri CM 12-22-81 Page U. Mayor Imperial the palms that need intersection.. 1E requested that the City Manager check into trimming for improved visibility at that CC-F INCREASE IN COST OF VIOLENT Councilman Tury that there was a made regarding the continuation of the the Gang Intelligence Team, and it was that the City has gained against crime wards. CRIME.TEAM/GANG UNIT decision that needed to be Violent Crime Team and the consensus of the Council and does not::want_„go back- Mayor Imperial requested a monthly staff report on this program. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR . that the City of Rosemead continue with the-Violent Crime Team/ Gang Unit with the increase in cost. Vote resulted: UPON;ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. V. MATTERS FOR.DISCUSSION & ACTION A. iMODERN SERVICE PROPOSAL/COUNTER PROPOSAL Deferred to a Study Session on January 25, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. B. CHAMBER REQUEST OF ROSEMEAD PARK FOR CIRCUS VARGUS Bonnie Culbertson, Chamber Manager, since Rosemead Park has more than enough parking spaces around the area, she felt that Rosemead Park would be a suitable place for the Circus Vargus as permission was not granted for.the use of the Montgomery Ward Shopping Center. After much discussion by the Council, it was the concensus of the Council that the parking would not be adequate without bothering the residents in the area. It was suggested that the Chamber check with Mr. Gilbert and if the Montgomery Ward Shop- ping Center was available, the Council would give conditional approval to allow Circus Vargus to perform there. This Item was received and filed. VI. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS A. RETIREMENT_PLAN Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that some of the items discussed by Peter Zebot, Consultant, were not accurate and there will be additional information forthcoming as a result of the study session and hopefully it will be available by the first meeting in January. He also stated that the program was funded and will pro- bably be overfunded again. This item was received and filed. B. STREET SWEEPING PARKING RESTRICTIONS MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY MAYOR.IMPERIAL that placement of the Parking Signs be re-evaluated and add as many more as needed for better awareness of the signs. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayorldeclared said motion duly carried and so ordered. i CM 12=22-81 Page #4 VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Frank.Anthony.Nappi, 11233 E. Valley.Blvd.;.ET.Monte;. , commented on the harrassment by the Temple City Sheriff Department and requested the support of the Rosemead City Council. He stated there was an investigation being held regarding the matter by Capt. Butler. Councilman Taylor stated that he felt that any type of harass- ment by the Sheriffs in Rosemead should be checked into, but what- ever took place at the Temple City Sheriff's Department Rosemead cannot assume responsibility. Robert Kress, City Attorney, stated that the State Law pro- vides that each and every police agency including the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department establish a procedure for the investi- gation of citizen complaints. He felt that Captain Butler has provided Mr. Nappi with a copy of those procedures and instructions with the forms that were sent him. If this incident took place on the 15th of December, obviously there has not been sufficient time for an investigation.to be fully conducted on this matter. He,also, recommended that the Council urge Mr. Nappi to contact Captain Butler at the Temple City Sheriff's Department and make all his concerns known and that the Council will request that Temple City Sheriff's Department apprise the Council of the conclusion of the investiga- tion of this matter. This recommendation by the City Attorney was agreed upon by the City Council. . Councilman Tury commented that this is not the Temple City Sheriff's Department it is the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept. B. Marshall Krupp, Willdan:.Associates, stated that in the bid specifications of the Dead Bolt Locks it was set for the award of bids this evening, but some of the licenses have not been able to be.verified and therefore this item will be continued until the first meeting in January. There being no.objections, it was so ordered. Councilman Tury wished everyone a merry Christmas. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that on behalf of the staff and himself wished all the members of the Council a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Mayor Imperial stated that he wished to adjourn the Council Meeting in memory of Joseph Pardis, a long time resident of the City of Rosemead. The Meeting was adjourned to the next regular Meeting of'January.12, 1982 at 8:00 p. m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: r AYOR CM 12-22-81 Page #5 Taylor: We are going to review it and it will becoming up again. The Adjourned Meeting was adjourned to the regular Meeting of September 22, 1981 at 8:00 p. m. . Respectfully submitted: City clerk APPROVED: a? _ jL~~i MAY ✓77 - Modern Service Study Adj. CM 9-15-81 Page #34