TC - Item 2B - Federal Safe Routes To Schools Funding Program - Cycle 3 FY 2011-12ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 2, 2011 SUBJECT: FEDERAL SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS FUNDING PROGRAM — CYCLE 3 FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 SUMMARY The purpose_ of the Federal Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is to increase the number of children who walk or bicycle to school by funding projects that remove the barriers that currently prevent them from doing so. Those barriers include lack of infrastructure, unsafe infrastructure, lack of programs that promote walking and bicycling through education /encouragement programs aimed at children, parents, and the community. Staff is working on a grant application for the vicinity of Emma W. Shuey and Mildred B. Janson Elementary Schools in northwest Rosemead and is requesting input and support from the Traffic Commission. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission: 1. Provide input on proposed pedestrian /traffic safety measures to be included in the SRTS grant application; and 2. Authorize the Traffic Commission Chair to sign a letter of support for the grant application on behalf of the entire Commission. ANALYSIS April 15, 2011, Federal Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Cycle 3 Call for Projects ( "Call') was announced. The Call is for $42 million statewide (about $17 million for Southern California) in projects for a two -year cycle of funds. Eligible projects can be either capital improvements or non - infrastructure programs. Capital projects include improvement of pedestrian facilities, installation of traffic calming measures, installation of traffic control devices and construction of bicycle facilities. Over the last two years, the City has been successful at receiving State Safe Routes to School (SR2S) grant funds to make safety improvements adjacent to local schools. However, there are still several areas of safety improvements that are adjacent to or nearby to schools that are in need of safety upgrades. If successful with the Federal SRTS grant Traffic Commission Meeting June 2, 2011 Page 2 of 2 application, the City will be able to leverage local funds to make these safety improvements. The maximum grant request per project application through the Federal SRTS program is $1,000,000 with no match contribution. Grant applications are due on July 15, 2011 and will include a full review of traffic statistics, accident history, and proposed safety improvements. Tentatively, the project includes the following improvements: Walnut Grove Avenue (between 1 -10 Freeway and Mission Drive) • Installation of traffic safety medians and pedestrian lighting to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety along Walnut Grove Avenue; and • Installation of traffic signal upgrades along Walnut Grove Avenue at the intersections of Marshall Street, Valley Boulevard, Edmonds Drive and Mission Drive (countdown pedestrian signals, larger traffic signal heads, high visibility pedestrian crossing striping, improved pedestrian lighting, and larger, high visibility safety signage). Emma W. Shuey and Mildred B. Janson Elementary Schools Installation of high visibility pedestrian /school zone signage, high visibility crosswalk /traffic striping and speed feedback signs adjacent to both elementary schools. Prior to submitting the grant application, staff would like further input from the Commission and members of the public related to traffic /pedestrian concerns adjacent to these locations. Additionally, in order to strengthen the City's application, staff is requesting that the Commission authorize the Chair to sign a letter of support for the proposed safety improvements. Public Notice This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: CHRIS MARCARELLO Public Works Director