CC - 05-05-81 - Study Session Meetingr APPROVED
MAY 5, 1981 AT 7:30 P. M.
The Rosemead City Council met for a Study Session regard-
ing the proposed Condominium ordinance at 7:30 p. m., in the
Conference Room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead,
The Study Session was called to order by Mayor Imperial.
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Councilman Hunter.
The Invocation was delivered by Councilman Taylor.
Present: Councilman Hunter, Taylor, Tury and Mayor Imperial.
Absent: Councilman Cichy
Councilman Taylor requested that the word "townhouse" be
added to the definition of condominiums in Section #9106.21(2).
John Carmona, Planning Director, stated that the word
"townhouse" would be added to the ordinance.
Councilman Tury stated that one of the problems that may
be related to the constructions of condominiums is the over-
crowding of the schools, and he-had requested that Mr. Andrew
Viscovich, Superintendent of the Garvey School District attend
this study session.
Councilman Tury inquired of Mr.` Viscovich what is the im-
pact of Rosemead's condos on his school district.
Mr. Andrew-Viscovich stated that the Garvey School District
is a very crowded district and growing. He stated that there is
a definite overcrowding in`the'elementary schools in his district
specifically Willard, Fern and 'Rice where student enrollment has
almost doubled. The Garvey Intermediate School has an enrollment
of almost 900 students and they are only handling seventh and
eighth grade students instead of the sixth, seventh and eighth
grades. He-did comment that the Rosemead School District is not
feeling this type of overcrowding,-on the contrary they are losing
student enrollment.
Councilman Hunter stated that with at least an 80% increase
in enrollment and with'the City of Rosemead issuing only 250
building permits he questioned where this sizeable increase was
coming from.
Mr..Viscovich stated that the attendance boundary changes
have been,made, such as students who live in the western portion
who live in the Marshall School District attend Rice because of
the overcapacity at Marshall. Students have been moved from
school to school to school to-fill a room. The increase has come
first,from families doubling up in current spaces and secondly,
from the large'number of Southeastern Asian families that have
moved into the district.
Councilman Tury inquired directly if Mr. Viscovich thought
the condos at the south end of town are the cause of the over-
Mr. Viscovich,stated that people are moving in areas that
they can afford to live in and are bringing in cousins, uncles
and aunts with their children, and'at this point the great in-
crease in enrollment is not due to the new development in this
City but due to the use of the existing housing by large families.
Study Session
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Councilman Taylor requested statistics from the last five
years of the Garvey School District regarding the influx of stu-
dents coming into this district. He stated that he did not feel
that the City of Rosemead has contributed to that extent to the
increase in enrollment since the City has not had an excessive
amount of building in the last few years.
Councilman Taylor inquired about the foundation elevations
that the Condominiums are currently being approved for building.
John Carmona, Planning Director, compared the current condo-
minium ordinance to the proposed condominium ordinance regarding
the elevations, and he felt that the new ordinance will cover this.
There was much discussion regarding the density of the con-
dominium projects that could be built under R-3, P.O. and P.D.
Zones and the heights of walls to be six foot high plus or minus
8",, and the alternative of cluster housing to be considered.
It was'.discussed that the City Attorney should be present
at the next Study Session as there is need for legal opinions
during these discussions.
Councilman Taylor requested that pictures of the townhouse
on Walnut Grove south of Garvey be available showing the grade,
and the condominiums that are built north of Valley on Walnut
Grove showing elevations, and on Glendon Way behind Ward's .
There was discussion on who checks the grading plans of a
project, and the-fact that the County does the approving of all
grading .that.goes on within the City of Rosemead.
Mayor Imperial.stated that he'would like to check into a
private firm being contracted with`to check the grading for the
construction in the City other than the County, and the assess-
ment.of-the Contractor for this service', if this is legal.
John Carmona, Planning Director, commented on the possibility
of providing a quasi formal design review of projects prior to
tract map filing to identify project•concerns and will save time,
money and risk on the developers part and gives the City an addi-
tional time. to look at a project.` '
Councilman Hjnter requested that the condominium project o
Walnut Grove, the southerly most portion of the City, that has
not be finaled be checked into and see that the people living on
Landisview Lane not have the same problems that have beset the
people living on Wells Drive.
John Carmona, Planning Di.rector,.stated that he had already
spoken with the builder and-developer along those lines as some
problems are anticipated and hopefully will be handled harmon-
iously with the neighboring residents.
Mayor Imperial requested that the Study Session regarding
the proposed condominium ordinance be adjourned to the next re-
gular Council Meeting on May 12, 1981 at 8:00 p. m.
Respectfully submitted:
Ci Clerk
Study Session
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