CC - Item 3A - Minutes 10-14-08Minutes of the REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 14, 2008 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Tran at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead California. FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Taylor INVOCATION: Mayor Tran ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Council Member's Clark Low, Taylor, Mayor Pro Tem Nunez, Mayor Tran. 7 ~, ' OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Manager Chi, City Attorney Garcia, Assistant City'Manager Saeki, Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth, Director of Firi~hce Brisco3~Director of Parks~and~Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrator RamirezkDeputy Public Works Officer Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda. ~~, 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE Ron Esguivel -invited Council to attend a workshop on riow-to recognize drug abuse which will be held at the Public Safety Center._October 22, 2008. : .: Elizabeth Lyons and Chuck Lyons ='thanked thesRosemead Park's and Recreation for helping put on the Rosemead High4School Cross Country meet~at night. Juan Nunez - brought to councils.atterit~on;~~thee}i's a hole on the sidewalk at Del Mar avenue that has riot been fixed. -~ ~~ Marlene Shinen -explained td Council she came to city hall and presented a public records request on%October 13, 2008 forthe finial settlement of Wal-Mart and Save our Community discovering it has not been completely executed. Chuck Lyons -suggested that the city have speakers to represent the many people in the meeting. Also, suggested that the City add more lights to the Community Center parking lots. 2. PRESENTATION * Red Ribbon Week -Proclamation Dolly Bryant -addressed and gave information regarding red ribbon week. A dream to keep young people drug free, People tied ribbons on fences in schools, homes, and wore red. Rosemead City Council Meeting ~~'~j ~®o Minutes of October 14, 2008 Page 1 of 8 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Resolution No. 2008-65 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2008-65, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $1,354,439.30 numbered 59833 through 59877 and 63888 through 64014. B. Classification and Compensation Study At the August 26, 2008 meeting, the City Council approved a-Request for Proposal for a City-wide classification and total compensation study.. A Request for Proposal was issued on August 27, 2008, and on September 24, eleven (11 ~~'bds were received for this study. r~ The Classification and compensation study will enable the City to define job duties, responsibilities, qualifications, ensure equal pay for equal work, aid in organizational planning, performance evaluations, staff development,.training, and salary and J budget administration. It will serve as a legal and official written record identifying the basic parameters of any jobin the classification plan. The compensation component will establish internalarid-external equities. and ensure that our team members are compensated fairly with the` labor market. By aligning job duties with job titles and descriptions, the results of the study..will assist in developing a fair, consistent and competitive total compensation program in order to attract and retain quality staff. Recommendation:`Thatthe Git Council award the contract to Public Sector Personnel y Consultants, for a total bid price not to exceed 62,500, and authorize the City Manager and the City Clerk to execute-the contract... MayortlPro Tem Nuriez made a motion; seconded by Council Member Low, to approve consent calendar. Vote resulted in: ~, Yes: Low, Nunez, Ma or Tran s ~~~{ y No: Clark, Taylor Abstain: No"ne Absent: 'None 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER 8~ STAFF A. RFP for a Parks, Recreation, and Facility Master Plan Staff would like to request proposals form qualified professional consultants to create a Master Plan for city parks, recreation facilities, and programs as well as general service facilities. A Master Plan is general, long-range planning tool used to achieve and maintain high Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of OctobeY 14, 2008 Page 2 of 8 quality facilities, parks, open space, programs, and services. It involves community input to inventory the city's existing assets and appraise their current condition, and to identify unmet needs. The Master Plan will incorporate this input, as well as current trends and future needs to craft a strategy for the long-term use of parks, recreation, and City facilities and the development of programs and services to meet the changing needs of the Rosemead community. Ultimately, the Master Plan process encourages community participation in planning for the future, it increases grant funding opportunities, and sets forth specific goals and strategies for the enhancement of facilities and programs~and the financial means to achieve them. ~~ The City plans to select a consultant and award a bid by December 16, 2008 and anticipates completion of the Master Plan by April 30, 2009. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the request for a Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Master Plan. ~ ` ~- Council Member Low made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Nunez to approve the request for a Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Master Plan. Vote resulted in: ~,_ Yes: Low, Nunez, Tran No: Clark, Taylor. . Abstain: None Absent: None. B. Dinsmoor Heritage House „~~ ,_ r In April~of'this year, the Dinsmoor Heritage House sustained significant damage as a result of a flooding incidents Staff has worked with our insurance company, Safeco, to coordinate estimates to repair the floor, wall, and ceiling damage related to flooding in addition to hazardous materials abatement, debris removal, and pest ,s~~, eradication efforts. To date, the City has received a payment of approximately $55,000 for the. repairs. Additionally,t#~e City could receive around $25,000 in additional insurance funds for removal and storage of furnishings and other items during repairs. After receiving the adjuster's estimate for repairs, staff sought informal estimates for repairs of flood damaged areas as well as existing window and door repairs, additional hazardous materials abatement, wall and floor repairs, and localized electrical and plumbing repairs. The cost for these repairs is estimated at $100,000. In order to proceed, staff would need City Council's authorization to formally bid the project. As we have gone through this process, however, in order to better assess the actual condition of the building, a full architectural evaluation might need to be made. Given Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2008 Page 3 of 8 the historic nature of the Dinsmoor House, this could also require the services of a firm that specializes in historic structures. Staff contacted a number of such firms, and two sent representatives for an on-site survey. An initial visual inspection of the facility by both firms has suggested that the Dinsmoor House may be in of much greater attention that previously realized. Areas of probable concern beyond flood damage include termite and weather damaged beams, posts, and door & window frames; a dilapidated second story balcony; apparent shifting of blocks in some of the wall; ceiling cracks; interior and exterior painting; and the need to upgrade utility and electrical systems. g~.~ A. City Council authorize staff to proceed with.tiidding repairs for already identified flood and other visible damages estimatd~at $100;000. B. City Council authorize staff to contract~the services of a`specialty architectural firm to .x conduct a structural and systems evaluation of the Dinsmoor Heritage House for an amount not to exceed $30,000 and to bring°.back the findings for''further Council direction. ' C. City Council authorize staff to contract the~~services of an architectural firm to conduct a structure and systems evaluation of the Dinsmoor Heritage House for an amount not to exceed $20,000 and to bring back~the findings for further Council direction. ~ ,~,~ ~. Mayor Pro Tem Nunez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Low, to authorize staff to contract the services of an architectural firm~~to conduct a structure and systems evaluation of the Dinsmoor Heritage House. for ariTamount not to exceed $20,000 and to bring back the findings for further Council direction. Vote resulted in: Yes:-Clark, Low, Taylor, Nunez, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Julie Gentry - stated~that her group has worked with the city and historians to preserve the ~;.. Dinsmoor Heritage Housef~th`rough out the years. 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Resolution Opposing Measure R At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Nunez information regarding Measure R was put on the agenda for the City Council to discuss whether to support or oppose this measure. The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority (MTAj approved an ordinance for aone-half cent sales tax increase to be placed on the November 4, 2008 Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2008 Page 4 of 8 ballot for consideration by Los Angeles County voters. If passed, the initiative is estimated to generate $40 billion over a 30-year period for specific transportation- related projects. The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) is asking cities in the San Gabriel Valley to oppose Measure R because it does not guarantee that a fair share of the funding would remain in our region. Recommendation: That the City Council formalize the City's position on Measure R and discuss whether to approve Resolution No. 2008-67. Council Member Taylor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Clark to oppose Measure R. Vote resulted in: ~. Yes: Clark, Low, Taylor, Nunez, Tran No: None .,~, .';` Abstain: None ~' Absent: None B. Take Action on Measure MM ~~~ v At the request of Mayor Pro Tem~Nunez information:regarding Measure MM was put ~'>i~ on the agenda for City Council to;discuss. Mayor Pro-Tem Nunez recommends that the City Council take action and support this~initiative. The Alhambra Unified School District~(AUSD) is askingrvoters to consider Measure ~~ ~~ MM, which wouldallow the District to issue bonds in the amount of $50 million to upgrade and modernize every elementary~school in the AUSD. Recommendation: That the City°Council provide further direction on Measure MM. Mayor Pro Tem Nunez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Low to support Measure MM. Vote resulted in: Yes: Low, Nunez, Tran No: None Abstain: Clark, Taylor Absent: None Mayor Tran recess the City Council meeting at 8:25 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:32 p.m. 6. PUBLIC HEARING A. General Plan Update and General Plan Update Draft Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), State Clearinghouse Number 2007111090 On September 29, 2008, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to discuss the General Plan Update and associated draft Environmental Impact (EIR). Several Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2008 Page S of 8 members of the public attended, and after much discussion, the Planning Commission unanimously moved the General Plan forward for the Council's consideration. The Final EIR consists of the Draft EIR combined with letters from members of the public and organizations with responses. Several appendices are also included, such as the Notice of Preparationllnitial Study, Notice of Preparation Comment Letters, the Air Quality Study, Noise Study, and Traffic Study. Staff received peer review comments of the proposed Public Safety Element and associated Appendix A authored by Mr. Ken Wilson of Wilson Geosciences, Inc. The peer review was conducted by Tania Gonzalez of Earth Consultants International, and it primarily contains several minor editing changes. If the Council makes a motion to adopt the General PSI n~andassociated documents, and to certify the draft Final EIR, the Council must~d~oso by adopting Resolution No. 2008-66 which will CERTIFY the draft Final Environmental Impact Report, ADOPT the ~s~~~ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, ADOPT the Statement of Overriding Considerations, and ADOPT the General Plan. ~ ''r Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction as it relates to the consideration of the General Plan and the certification of the Draft FinaI~~EIR. R. Consultant Brownfield -explained the difference between the previous~general plan and the proposed General plan, ~ ~~ Y :.. ..,. N~ -p Mayor Tran opened the Public Hearing at 9:02pm r v.?NM t~~ '° Assistant City Manager Brian Saeki presented to Cify Council a list of 41 signatures opposing the General Plan; said lisf was entered~into the record. Erin Chunq - supports_the general plan updates. Kevin Trap°-.supports the general plan updates. S ~ t Chen Lin - in favnr.of the general plan updates. David Dwang - in support of'the general plan update and hopes to increase business. Dr. CP Chunq - in support of the general plan updates and supports new projects and new plans. Alexander Patali -business owner is in favor of mixed use projects and supports the general plan updates. Andy Luu -supports the general plan because it will benefit senior citizens in the community. Daniel Avilas -stated he is in support of mixed development. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2008 Page 6 of 8 Dai Lee -supports the general plan which hopes it will increase business growth. Juan Nunez -expressed that there will be more traffic, trash and crime with changes to the general plan, - Chang Thompson -spoke in support of the general plan that will improve the community. Anna Torres -expressed concerned that the general plan update will effect the welfare of. residents. Jim Flournoy -Commented that he had submitted comments regarding valley vision and felt that comments are being responded by staff as they should be. ~ ~~, James Wang - member of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce;,felt it is_a great idea to update the general plan. `"~~ +,~ Julie Gentry -spoke in regards to the properties 8915.8909 and 8903 on Nevada`~Avenue, not be changed from R1 to a mixed used zone. ~ ~' ~: . Brian Lewin -liked the idea of reevaluating some of the residential projects and requested that the planning department develop stronger green guidelines. Maria Ramirez -opposed the general plan update. feit..it will cause many problems for the city and her home. Jean Lockwood -concerned with changes to the general plan, the city will experience a water drought by adding more people into the city. Mayor Tran closed public hearing at 9'56~~p.m. Corrections were i~~ade fo, the draft general plan in which included typos, the proposed change of R2 to R1 in the EIR should not reflect on the general plan. Council Member Clark made a motion, seconded by Council Member Taylor, to recommend changes to include grammatical corrections in the draft general plan. Vote resulted in: Yes:.Clark Low, Taylor, Nunez, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Mayor Pro Tem Nunez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Low, to approve Resolution 2008.66. Vote resulted in: Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2008 Page 7 of 8 Yes: Low, Nunez, Tran No: Clark, Taylor Abstain: None Absent: None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned in memory of Bruno Ramuno, owner of Di Pillas Italian restaurant at 10:20 pm. The next regular City Counei,l meeting is scheduled to take place on October 28, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. ~; :; ~~'~~" ~~ ~: .~ John Tran f~layor~..a .~; ATTEST: ~ y, . Gloria Molleda, City Clerk .~' ,~- '- ~~- Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2008 Page 8 of 8 Rosemead City Council Meeting October 14, 2008 General Plan Item Name ,+ ~~ 3. ~artc~n Gcx~~ ~~ U~~ ~~"° 5. ~ t PlTh 1 Q U t? COQ ~ Y` p 6. ~'JArJU~c~ ~ ,'I/I 2~ i Lt v ~. u~ 8. wry ~ c C~ 9. ~` ~~7r -- ~~o ~az ~L Z l o. ~- . ,~rr~e ~' 11. ~~(/ C(~ ~%li 12.';r~ 13. 14. ,~~~ 15. r~~ 17.~~r~~ 18. ~(~ ~(I 0~ 20. ~ilwE,f ~K. G~~ENI ~ r Support Oppose -~-- ~~ i~ ~- = X Name Support Oppose 23. ~` dv ~ -t-1_ ~~~ ~ L s ~~~~ 24. ~ ~, ~- ~ ~ ~ ~~, t YI GOi~/ Qom, 25. . _~~ 1 /~ ~ --- - 26. ~ eGGa7~'1' ~- 27. -~ ~ V ~E..Ye.Z ~ ,,~ rr1. ~ . 28. j1,~ ~ 1,~~~ 29. 30. ~l ~ r ~~~r Z V~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ 31 -~'~ ~ J; 32.. _ ~ v~~S ~ t~ 3 3 . ~i'~-~.w. 34. ~ r-- 3 5 ~~~~~ ,~ Ur~ 36. ~Q ~t~qN~ _ , 38. f~ liv/!. i~ ~ ~2~%r~ ~~~ 40. ~'e~ t. ~e ere--Z ---- ---..~.___._____ 41. 42. ~-. '~ yI`~/.~ 1~ `__ t X x