CC - 10-03-79 - Special MeetingCITY aF ROSEDJEAD
DATr d - - 7
OCTOBER 3, 1979 AT 8:00 P. M.
The Special Meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called
to order by Mayor Taylor at 8:00 p. m., in the Conference Room
of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California.
The Pledge to the Flag was led by Councilman Hunter.
The Invocation was delivered by Mayor Taylor.
Present: Hunter, Cichy, Imperial, Tury and Mayor Taylor
Absent: None
Mayor Taylor stated that this Special Meeting was called
in order to meet with the Legislative Representative, Joe A.
Gonsalves, pertaining to some legislative bills which had.been
placed on the Lobbyist Employer Report.after his signature had
been placed on the report.
Joe A. Gonsalves, Legislative Representative, stated that
primarily the reason for the addition of those bills to that
report was that during the last ten.days in August there are so
many bills brought before the.Legislature that he and his sons
are representing.that some of them had not originally been
placed on the report, and when the report had been returned
with the Mayor's signature these bills were added to make the
report complete, and then returned back to the Mayor for his
Mayor Taylor stated that he could accept that explanation
and that it did clarify the additions of the bills although he
requested that Mr. Gonsalves' Office not make additions on any
of the Lobbyist Employers Report without an explanation and
approval from the Council.
Mr. Gonsalves stated that the report should be filed imme-
diately with an explanation and a request for a waiver of the
fine to the Secretary of States' Office explaining the reason
as special clarification had been needed on this report from
the lobbyist.
There being no further business to be handled the Council
Meeting was adjourned to October 9, 1979 at 8:00 p. m.
Respectfully submitted:
City erk
May 6r
Special Meeting
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