CC - 09-25-79Ci'S'z ui~ I C_'EI IEAD DATE ~O - -cry MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING 5" ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 25, 1979 AT 8:00 P.M. The Regular Meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Taylor at 8:00 p. m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Councilman Imperial. The Invocation was delivered by Rev. Ken Mathis, Rosemead Church of Christ. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmen Hunter, Imperial, Cichy, Tury and Mayor Taylor Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 11, 1979 - Regular Meeting MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Minutes of the Council Meeting of September 11, 1979 be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. I. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Rev. Ken Mathis, 3828 N. Delta, spoke regarding the parking problem at the post office and requested that a drop box be placed at the curb so that people would not have to leave their parked cars at the curb and go inside-of the post office to mail letters. Mayor Taylor requested that the City Manager check into this problem. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE 1979 EDITION OF THE L.A. COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE, BY REFERENCE Mayor Taylor stated that the Public Hearing was open and in- quired if there was anyone in the audience who would care to speak regarding this matter. No one came forward. Mayor Taylor stated that the Public Hearing was closed. A-1 ORDINANCE NO. 507 ADOPTING BY REFERENCE 1979 EDITION OF L. A. COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE ORDINANCE NO. 507 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 465 OF SAID CITY BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE 1979 EDITION OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that Ordinance No. 507 be adopted and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: UPONiROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CM 9-25-79 Page #1 • 0 III. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 79-52 - CLAIMS & DEMANDS RESOLUTION NO. 79-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS & DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $193,877.04 NUMBERED 4,802 THROUGH 4,876 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN HUNTER, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that Resolution No. 79-52 be adopted and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (Except CC-D) CC-A CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY ON BEHALF OF RACHELLE F. MENDEZ CC-B .AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND PLANNING COMMISSION SEMINAR CC-C _AUTHORIZATION-TO POST 60 DAY NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT FOR HELLMAN (S/S SAN GABRIEL TO GLADYS AND NIS SAN GABRIEL TO TWIN) CC-E APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL.SI'GNS ON MUSCATEL & GLENDON WAY CC-F APPROVAL OF RESTRICTED PARKING ON WALNUT GROVE & LANDISVIEW CC-G REQUEST FOR MAINTENANCE OPERATION ACCOUNT FOR DINSMOOR HOUSE CC-H APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH L. A. COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REGARDING TRANSFER OF STORM DRAIN SYSTEMS CC-I ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL FOR APPRAISAL SERVICE AT 3227 ECKHART STREET CC-J APPROVAL OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS & AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR INSTALLATION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON WILLARD (W/S GARVEY TO ROCKHOLD), EARLE (B/S GARVEY' TO DELTA), DELTA (W/S EARLE TO DOROTHY) DOROTHY (B/S CHARLOTTE TO DELTA, STALLO TO WALNUT GROVE), PARK STREET (B/S SAN GABRIEL TO ANGELUS), ANGELUS(W/S PARK TO SO. TERMINUS MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that the foregoing Items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-D APPROVAL OF TRAFFIC & ENGINEERING STUDY ON MARSHALL STREET FROM WEST CITY BOUNDARY TO RIO HONDO AVENUE Item was deferred to the next Council Meeting.for further clarification. V. MATTERS FOR'DISCUSSION & ACTION A. PROSECUTOR PROPOSAL Item was deferred to next Council Meeting. B. PETITION FOR INSTALLATION OF DRIVEWAY APPROACHES ON WALNUT GROVE Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that a petition has been submitted from property owners on Walnut Grove between Fern and Klingerman requesting the installation of driveway approaches to provide ingress and egress to their property from Walnut Grove. CM 9-25-79 Page #2 u Stanley Erwin, 2511 Walnut Grove, stated that he needed a driveway from Walnut Grove so that he could use it for h'is Trailer which parks on the side of his property. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the property owners on-Walnut Grove from Fern to Klinger- man be allowed the option to have a driveway and-approach be con- structed from Walnut Grove. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. C. VOTING DELEGATE FOR CONTRACT CITIES ASSOCIATION Mayor Taylor requested that the voting Delegate and Alternate remain the same as it has been, Mr. Imperial as Delegate and Mr. Tury as Alternate. VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. CHRIS MARCUSSEN - BARTLETT STREET IMPROVEMENT Chris Marcussen, 4457 Bartlett Street, spoke in favor of the private street being improved as a cul de sac as 66% of the owners of the street are willing to dedicate their-property. 'Mayor Taylor stated that the two property owners at the end of the street are opposed to the cul de sac as they would have much of their front yards eliminated, and he requested that those property owners be contacted by the staff and investigate what was told them regarding compensation of their property. The item was deferred to the next Council Meeting. VI. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS A. Councilman Imperial Mission and Lower.Azusa Road being allowed to park on both ciently wide to allow cars to safely. He requested a study ing that problem. stated that Encinitas Avenue between Ls a very narrow street and with cars sides of this street it is not suffi- drive on both sides of the street session on the possibility of remedy- B. Councilman Imperial stated that he felt that there was a deterioration of Valley Blvd., and Garvey Blvd., and requested a study session to see what could be done about that problem. Councilman Tury stated that a lot of effort has gone into trying to improve both Valley Blvd., and Garvey, but it might be better at this time to consider the hiring of a consultant to tell us what remedies would be most helpful. C. Mayor Taylor inquired of Lt. Tate if he had received a report regarding noise problems that one of the citizens had in- quired about at.the last Council Meeting. Lt. Tate stated that he had it::but.not_in`-proper.Jorm. Mayor Taylor stated that it had been two weeks since he had first requested this information and still wanted it. D. Mayor Taylor stated that about two weeks ago he was requested to sign the Lobbyist Employer Report and there had been three bills on it which he had inquired about. The Mori Bill, the Greene Bill and the Robbins Bill. Mayor Taylor in- quired why now there is 11 Bills on this report after he had signed it 8 were added. CM 9-25-79 Page #3 Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that Mr. Gonsalves called stating that he was sending another form to be signed because he'd prefer that it not be filed with the Secretary of State with a circled and a question mark on it because it is filed up there as public record and he would prefer to have it filed as a clean copy. He also at my request sent a complete report of all bills which he has followed or tract for the City of Rosemead. I think we are getting into,perhaps, I think it can be simply explained. The report of Lobbyist Employers Form does not indicate the City of Rosemead has taken a stand on any bill:.on._this:particular form. It merely shows that for.whatever reason the bill we requested, the copy of the bill we requested, information on the bill, we requested Mr.' Gonsalves to follow the bill,to keep us advised of where the bill was going and what was happening with it. He is required by law to put that in there as a result of our inquiries regardless of the stand that this particular Council may take. If you will take a look at the detail sheet that he sent to us, there are couple of bills in there that he has indicated that there action was to oppose the bill where he would put Rosemead only or leave Rosemead off. Which indicates that it was approved by the other cities or the other cities have asked him to oppose in their behalf. Indicating that at that point that he was not doing it in our behalf, but the other cities that he represents. That's about the only explanation that I can give, and that Mr. Gonsalves does not wish to have these forms filed there with these questions mark written on them because the Secretary of State begins to wonder.about the employer-employee relationship and they'question what that relationship is all about. If he gets a copy of the bill, if he calls an elected official and asks questions of the bill he is required to put down the fact that he did track that bill for one of his clients as Rosemead is one of his clients. Mayor Taylor stated that it was his understanding that when we hired Mr. Gonsalves as Lobbyist that this Council was to ap- prove bills to either support or oppose. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that if he was to take a stand on a bill on behalf of Rosemead he would do so based on the City Council of Rosemead, correct. Mayor Taylor stated that he did not recall all of these bills being approved by the City Council of Rosemead. So how do we know that he is taking a stand for or against them. The City Manager,stated that he was not taking a stand for or against them on behalf of the Council. He merely was asked by myself.or anybody-to-get information on the bill and send us a copy of the bill. That's what I'm saying perhaps there is a misunderstanding, the fact that the bill shows up on the form does not mean that he has violated the bounds set by the Council. It merely means that he has received information for us on a par- ticular bill and forwarded it to the City Hall. By law as a Lob- byist he must report that activity. Mayor Taylor stated that the form states: Lobbying Activities_ Specific description of Legislative or Administrative Action actively influenced or attempted to influence this period. Now, that is not informational to me and I want to know how he is voting on those bills and if we didn't authorize him to what he is actually doing. There is a proper procedure for filing and amending forms and not to fill in spaces and then send it back and nobody would know if I sign this document with all these bills on it or not. That is the point I am trying to make. After I sign it with three bills and then it comes back with eleven. Anyone looking at that would say that`Taylor signed that with all those bills on it, and I resent that action. He could have sent this one back. Do you understand my point. If I gave this to you or Mr. Dilkes and ask who signed and what'bills were acted upon. I resent that very much. CM 9-25-79 Page #4 And he intends on sending a Practices Commission and he section be verbatim because also to them. Is there any respect your positions or o I would have to support you done. copy of this to the Fair Political asked that these minutes on this he intends on sending a copy of that objection to that? I think I would 3inions if you signed documents and on it. That's what I don't want being Councilman Tury stated that he had no objection to it. Councilman Imperial stated that he did have objection to it in a sense. Mr. Gonsalves has been well worth the fee that we pay him and I think he has saved this City a lot of money. I don't think in my opinion in all fairness to Mr. Gonsalves that we should send a copy of this to anybody but ask Mr. Gonsalves to come down here and talk to the City Council and see what his reasoning was behind it and at that point if we think that he was out of line then let's do something about it, but I'm firmly of the opinion that we all make mistakes at one time or another. I would like to find out from Mr. Gonsalves personally whether this was a mistake or what. Mayor Taylor stated that he would find that out. I can assure you of that. Councilman Cichy stated that any questioning that goes to the Fair Political Practices shouldn't be checked out by those making the innuendo or insinuation by innuendo with regards to any person. It is a very serious accusation. It can be implied to anything that is going on. Especially for someone who makes his living as a Lobbyist. I think we owe it to Mr. Gonsalves to at least have him come down and explain the situation and by all means if it turns out that he has done something that I would consider a violation, I think it should be reported. But I think we should have the explanation in full and"in person so that we can question him on the issue. For a person who makes his living in Sacramento and Washington representing Legislatures and Cities especially in.the position that he is in it is a very delicate position. I don't think an accusations should be thrown around. Mayor Taylor stated I want it clearly known that this is not an accusation. It is physically right here. Councilman Cichy stated that he was not quite sure what is going on in Sacramento and I really question some of the comments you make every once in awhile. especially with regards to lobbying. I think we owe it to that person who has served this City for a long period of time and who is in a very'delicate position to bring him here. I don't care if it is an executive session, pri- vate or in front of the public. I think we owe him that duty for all the good things he has done for us over the years. It would be ashame if we did something so off-hand as this. Mayor Taylor stated that when he asked Mr. Tripepi the ques- tion, there were three bills here that night. Now, after I had signed it.they were put it. That's what goes on in political circles--things are added. It does happen. As far as'I am con- cerned it has started wrong and I don't'want to see it happen again. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that Mr. Gonsalves be requested to come to Rosemead at his own expense at a predesignated time and to approach this City Council whether it be in a Special Meeting or Executive Session and tell us how we came to this point, and at that time if the report from Mr. Gonsalves is not acceptable then the Fair Political Practices Commission may be notified. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Councilman Tury stated that he felt-that Mr..Gonsdlves has done an outstanding job for the City, but, however, had I signed a document and it was altered after I signed it, I would feel exactly as the Mayor does. CM 9-25-79 Page #5 Councilman Tury inquired if this motion was in lieu of what the Mayor was planning on doing. Mayor Taylor stated that Mr. Gonsalves is;,coming down and he was going to do both. Councilman Imperial stated that he only hoped that Mayor Taylor would wait until Mr. Gonsalves came down and spoke for himself be- fore any decisions were made regarding the Fair Political Practices Commission because it would not look good for this Council to be openly in opposition to each other when the man does come here with an explanation. Thank you. Mayor Taylor inquired if there was any other matters from officials. VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS B. Gil Gonzales from Gil's Auto Shop inquired if the Mayor and all the Council were in San Francisco today. Mayor Taylor stated that he wasn't but the other were. C. Mayor Taylor introduced Vicki Jenkins,-'head librarian of the Rosemead Library to the Council and the audience. There being no other business for the evening the Council Meeting was adjourned to the next regular meeting of October 9, 1979 at 8:00 p. m. Respectfully submitted: ~2ZdC!~e+iQ~c~ . City Clerk of e City of Rosemead APPROVED: Mayor CM 9-25-79 Page #6