CC - 07-24-79f?Sl $ ra~..y/Y~u~ ''P n / i n MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 1979 AT 8:00 P.M. The Regular Meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Taylor at 8:00 p. m., in the Council Chambers of,City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Councilman Hunter. The Invocation was delivered by Rev. Tom Phillips. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Councilmen Hunter, Cichy, Imperial, Tury and Mayor Taylor Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 10, 1979 - Regular Meeting July 18, 1979 - Study Session MOTION-BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that the Minutes of the regular meeting of July 10, 1979 and the study session of July 18, 1979 be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. PRESENTATION The Mayor made.'a presentation of a Resolution to Patricia Galceran commending her for her outstanding efforts in volunteer work in this area. Pictures were taken of Mrs. Galceran with the members of the City Council. Patricia Galceran expressed her appreciation to the Council. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Noah Kang, 9227 Marshall Street, inquired about a notice that he received regarding street improvements. Frank G-. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that it was sent to him by mistake. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A NEW SIGN ORDINANCE REGULATING ON PREMISE SIGNS & BILLBOARDS FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD. This Public Hearing was continued to the next regular meeting on August 14, 1979. B. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION #8110 OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS & THE INSTALLA- TION OF STREET TREES Mayor Taylor stated that the Public Hearing was open and in- quired if there was anyone in the audience who would care to speak regarding this amendment. No one came forward. Mayor Taylor closed the Public Hearing. Councilman Cichy stated that he felt that the dollar amount of $2,000 was not sufficient as even the smallest improvement to property would cost more than that at todays prices. CM 7-24-79 Page #1 The following Ordinance was introduced on its first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 504 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING SECTION 8110 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE WITH RESPECT TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS, CURBS & GUTTERS AND INSTALLATION OF STREET TREES MOTION BY COUNCILMAN HUNTER, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that Ordinance No. 504 be introduced on its first reading and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: AYES: Councilmembers Hunter, Imperial, Tury and Mayor Taylor NAPES: Councilman Cichy Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. C. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE INSTALLATION OF CURBS, GUTTERS, DRIVEWAY APPROACHES AND SIDEWALKS ON CERTAIN STREETS Mayor Taylor stated that the Hearing was open and inquired if there was anyone who would care to speak regarding the improve- ments on the following streets: West side of Willard Avenue(Garvey to Rockhold) East side of Delta Avenue (Garvey to Fern) West side of Delta Avenue (Garvey to Fern) Baruch Street (San Gabriel to west terminus) East side of Earle Avenue (Garvey to Fern) West side of Earle Avenue (Garvey to Fern) East side of Bartlett Avenue (Garvey to Ramona) West side of Bartlett Avenue (Garvey to Ramona) East side of Muscatel Avenue (Garvey to Ramona) West side of Muscatel Avenue (Garvey to Ramona) West side of Angelus Street (Park to south terminus) Mayor Taylor requested that all persons desiring to speak stand and be sworn in. The Clerk administered the oath. John Ph'i.nney,stated that he owned :property at 8707 Garvey which is at the corner of Bartlett and Garvey and he was very much in favor of the improvements. Tim Strems, 3020 Bartlett, stated that he does not want a bottleneck on his street and would like the street to be standard size. Mike Acosta, 3040 Bartlett, stated that he was in favor of the curbs and gutters but not the sidewalks. Jose Cancel, 3156 North Muscatel, is in favor of the improve- ments, but would like to have the curb in front of his home fixed as it was constructed in April of 1977 and has been broken. curb. Mayor Taylor requested that the staff investigate Mr. Cancel's Councilman Tury requested.that the body shop be checked into and have stricter enforcement of the violations on that street. Ernest Barela, 3103 Willard, inquired if federal funds are being used for the 75% which the property owners are not required to pay. Mayor Taylor stated that it was not federal funds, but tax increment funds that are being used for the street improvements. CM 7-24-79 Page #2 Dale Denton, 2508 Midwickhill Drive, Alhambra, owner of a trailer park at 3026 N. Bartlett, spoke in favor of the street improvements but questioned the cost to him as far as the loss of trailer space and having to replace black top and portions of a fence. Ed Dilkes, City Attorney, stated the cost of replacement of some of these things would probably be reimbursed but that would be decided by the project engineer of the job and he would contact him at another time. Robert Wellman, 3109 Willard, in favor of the curbs and gutters and sidewalks;.`.but did.not want to dedicate four feet of his property to the City. He wanted the property to be paid for even if it has to be condemned. Lillian Navarro, 2239 N. Angelus, inquired about a warehouse on Angelus Avenue between Klingerman and Graves, and stated that if a sidewalk is put there the street would be very narrow. Mayor Taylor stated that property is owned by the City, and he has recommended that the property be sold, and this street will curve around onto Klingerman. It will not be a dead end. Mayor Taylor requested that Mrs. Navarro contact the City Manager to find out how this improvement will be done. Robert Dickey, Assistant Manager, stated that since she is on the west side of Angelus improvements have been made and she will not need any other improvement and will not be assessed further. Leonard Gluckman, 8350 Garvey, spoke in favor of the improve- ments and complimented the Council on their foresight in doing a complete job.. Mayor Taylor stated that there were letters from individuals that were not able to attend the Hearing., A letter from John Logan, 3204 Muscatel, stated that he was in favor of the improve- ments. A letter from Robert & Marian Matsunaga, 3315 N. Muscatel, in favor of improvements although improvements have been made to his property already. V. L. Bonham, 3201 Muscatel, inquired if it would be possible to keep a tree that is on his property, and stated that he was in favor of the improvements. A letter from Kenneth Hoagland, 3215 N. Bartlett, stated that he was opposed to to the improvements. Mayor Taylor stated that the Hearing was closed. MOTION BY. COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN HUNTER.that. the Negative Declaration be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN.IMPERIAL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that the staff proceed with appropriate improvements on the follow- ing streets: East side of Delta Avenue(Garvey to Fern), West side of Delta Avenue(Garvey to Fern), Baruch Street(San Gabriel to west terminus), East side of Earle Avenue(Garvey to Fern), West side of Earle Avenue(Garvey to Fern), West side of Willard Avenue(Garvey to Rockhold), East side of Bartlett Avenue(Garvey to Ramona), West side of Bartlett Avenue(Garvey to Ramona), East side of Bartlett (Garvey to Ramona), West side of Bartlett(Garvey to Ramona) East side of Muscatel(Garvey to Ramona), West side of Muscatel(Garvey to Ramona) West side of Angelus(Park to south terminus). Vote re- sulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CM 7-24-79 Page #3 0 • III. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 79-40 ADOPTING ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 & MAKING APPROPRIATIONS Councilman Tury requested an Executive Session on Account #1400. The City Council recessed to an Executive Session. The City Council reconvened. Mayor Taylor stated that the City Treasurer's salary was considered and a motion was made to give him a 10% increase to his present salary of $150.00, which would amount to $15.00 a month increase. RESOLUTION NO. 79-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 & MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE AMOUNT BUDGETED MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that Resolution No. 79-40 be adopted as amended. and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: AYES: Councilmen Hunter, Cichy, Imperial and Tury NAPES: Mayor Taylor Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Mayor Taylor stated that the reason for his "no" vote was recorded in the Budget Session. B. RESOLUTION NO. 79-43 CLAIMS & DEMANDS - 1979/80 RESOLUTION NO. 79-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS & DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $45,434.63 NUMBERED 4,280 thru 4,283/4,4202 THROUGH 4,419 INCLUSIVELY MOTION BY COUNCILMAN HUNTER, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that Resolution NO. 79-43 be adopted and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. C. RESOLUTION NO. 79-42 CLAIMS & DEMANDS - 1978/79 RESOLUTION NO. 79-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS & DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $227,764.82 NUMBERED 29,866 THORUGH 29,988 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that Resolution No. 79-42 be adopted and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. D. RESOLUTION NO. 79-44 CONSENTING TO TRANSFER CERTAIN TERRITORY TO CITY OF MONTEREY PARK CM 7-24-79 Page #4 RESOLUTION NO. 79-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CONSENTING TO THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF MONTEREY PARK MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that Resolution No. 79-44 be adopted and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. E. ORDINANCE'NO. 505 AMENDING L. A. COUNTY ORDINANCE #4729 RELATING TO "ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE" ORDINANCE NO. 505 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING BY REFERENCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 50022.2 OF THE GOVERN- MENT CODE, LOS ANGELES COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 4729 AMENDING THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES "ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE" MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECONDED that Ordinance No. 505 be introduced on its the reading in full be waived, and a public August 14, 1979. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRES The Mayor declared said motion duly carried BY COUNCILMAN CICHY first reading and hearing be set for ,NT VOTED AYE. and so ordered. F. RESOLUTION NO. 79-45 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 78-62 WHICH RELATES TO INSTALLATION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ON SAN GABRIEL BLVD. Ed Dilkes, City Attorney, stated that a few weeks ago both Councilman Hunter and Councilman Tury both disclosed that one owns a portion of a business and property on Garvey Avenue and the other owns a business that is leased on Garvey Avenue. Both Bond Counsel and City Attorney's office have concluded that this did not raise any conflict of interest and in our opinion, both Councilman Hunter and Councilman Tury are entitled to discuss, participate and vote on this matter. RESOLUTION NO. 79-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING RESOLUTION 78-62 TO SUBORDINATE THE OBLIGATION CONTAINED IN RESOLUTION 78-62 TO ANY NOTES ISSUED AND AUTHORIZED AS VALID OBLIGATION OF THE ROSEMEAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that Resolution No. 79-45 be adopted and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. G. RESOLUTION NO. 79-46 APPROVING ISSUANCE BY RRA OF ITS PROJECT AREA #1 1979 TAX ALLOCATION NOTES, FOR ITS CORPORATE PURPOSES RESOLUTION NO. 79-46 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL,;!OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE ROSEMEAD REDEV- ELOPMENT AGENCY OF ITS PROJECT AREA NO. 1, 1979 TAX ALLOCATION NOTES, FOR ITS CORPORATE PURPOSES MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that Resolution No. 79-46 be adopted and the reading in full be waived. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CM 7-24-79 Page #5 Mayor Taylor requested that if there were no objections from the Council, Items V. Discussion & Action be acted upon before the Consent Calendar Items. There being no objections, it was so ordered. V. DISCUSSION & ACTION A. Street Improvements - Bartlett Street (Private Street) Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that the report that had been requested at the last Council Meeting regarding Bartlett Street improvements has been prepared and the Engineer is also present to answer any questions. Mr. Marcussen, 4457 Bartlett Street, stated that there were some of the residents that wanted to keep the street a dead end street and some that would rather have it go through to Edmond Drive and some don't want any change at ail and want to keep it a private street. Mr. Walter Hoffman, 4453 Bartlett, stated that he would like the street to be like a cul-de-sac, but inquired why the turning radius has to be 32'. Both the Traffic Engineer, George Envall, and the Fire Chief Sarno stated that it was necessary to have at least 32' turning radius at the end of the cul-de-sac to allow emergency vehicles to enter the street and leave without backing up. After much discussion, the Mayor suggested that since there is not a consensus of opinion between the property owners on the Street of how they would prefer to improve the street, they should get together amongst themselves and then comeback to the Council with_their.request. B. Alleyway - South of Valley and East of Rio Hondo Jack Nugent, property owner on Valley Blvd., offered the use of the 4" soil pipe on the east side of his property to drain the water from the alley, and stated that Mike Scott, Engineer, felt that this pipe might take care of the water run-off. Mayor Taylor requested that the staff prepare a written report specifically on what is going to be done in the alleyway before the work is done so it doesn't have to be done over again. Ed Dilkes, City Attorney, stated that if the problem is re- solved,it would be a show of good faith if a mutual agreement was entered into by the City and Anna Welch where the City would not responsible for any future water coming from the Alley. Mayor Taylor directed that a written report be prepared and the City Attorney to prepare an agreement with Anna Welch.. No further- action "needs '-to be taken-~at this time. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (CC-B, D, F, and K be deferred) CC-A APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT #37061 CC-C RED CURB - 3100 DEL MAR AVENUE CC-E APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION FROM S.C. EDISON COMPANY TO CONVERT STREET LIGHTING TO HIGH SODIUM VAPOR CC-G AWARD OF BID - 1979/80 SLURRY SEAL PROJECT CC-H APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT #36740 CC-I APPROVAL OF CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENTS-GENERAL SERVICES, ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES, AND STREET MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CM 7-24-79 Page #6 CC-J STATUS REPORT ON LUNG ASSOCIATION - BINGO GAMES CC-L APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR TEMPLE CITY BLVD. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN HUNTER, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that the foregoing Items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-B REQUEST BIDS ON PARK PROJECT BE REJECTED & AUTHOR. IZATION BE GRANTED TO RE-ADVERTISE Mayor Taylor requested a copy of the Bid proposal and a re- port on the bid that was submitted on the additions at the Parks. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN TURY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN CICHY that the Bids on the Park Project be rejected and authorization to re-advertise be granted. Vote resulted: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-D CROSSWALKS - GARVEY AT LA PRESA Mayor Taylor inquired about the difference of crosswalks at this intersection and those on San Gabriel Boulevard where they were to;Ibe :removed. George Envall, Traffic Engineer, stated that this was a type of business and residential type of crossing where there is a great deal of pedestrian activity. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN CICHY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL that crosswalks be installed at the corner of Garvey and La Presa. Vote resulted: AYES: Councilmen Cichy, Imperial, Tury and Taylor NAYES: Councilman Hunter Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-F AUTHORIZATION REQUESTED TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONFERENCE IN SAN FRANCISCO, SEPT. 22-25, 1979. Councilman Tury felt that the recommended list should be trimmed down. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN IMPERIAL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that the City Councilmembers, City Manager and City Clerk be allowed to attend the League of California Cities Conference in San Francisco from-September 22 - 25, 1979. Vote resulted: AYES: Councilmen Cichy, Imperial, Tury and Mayor Taylor NAYES: Councilman Hunter Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-K AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY PARTICIPATION IN URBAN COUNTY HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR 1980-81 AND LETTER OF INTENT TO BE EXECUTED BY MAYOR Mayor Taylor inquired how much money has been received from last years participation in the program. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that nothing at this time has been received, and this is a letter of intent stating that we would like to be considered for the second time around. If after receipt of funds from the first program, it is decided not to con- tinue the City can cancel the letter of intent. CM 7-24-79 Page #7 MOTION BY COUNCILMAN HUNTER, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that participation in the second year of the HCDA program be authorized and a letter of intent be executed by the Mayor. Vote resulted: AYES: Councilmen Hunter, Cichy, and Tury NAYES: Councilman Imperial and Mayor Taylor Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Councilman Imperial stated that he wanted the record to show that he was not in favor of the receipt of these funds for.the first program and he is still not in favor of the program. Councilman Hunter,stated that Flood Control District will hold a Public Hearing to consider an assessment on August 9, 1979 and he stated that he opposed any district that is trying to cir- cumvent Proposition #13. Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, explained the proposed assess- ment since there would not be another Council Meeting before the Public Hearing. Councilman Hunter requested that a letter be sent to Super- visor Pete Schabarum stating the Council's opposition. MOTION BY COUNCILMAN HUNTER, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN TURY that a letter be sent to Supervisor Pete Schabarum stating our opposition to any circumvention of the'intent.of--Proposition #13,-.in the form of.-Another tax:: UPON ROLL CALL ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT VOTED AYE. The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. There being no further business, the Council Meeting was ad- journed to the next regular Meeting on the 14th of August, 1979 at 8:00 p. m. Respectfully submitted: City Clerk of the City of Rosemead APPROVED: (0519 Mayor CM 7-2479 Page #8