CC - 11-27-78 - Study Session Meetingr~zr
NOVEMBER 27, 1978 AT 8:45
The Rosemead City Council'met for a Study Session to dis-
cuss the Rosemead-Information Inc., and Wyckoff and Associates.
The Study Session was held immediately following the Redevelop-
ment Agency Meeting in the Conference Room of City Hall, 8838
E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California.
Present: Councilmen Hunter, Cichy, Imperial, Tury and
Absent: None
1. Beth Wyckoff, Wyckoff & Associates, stated that there has
been an increase in the prices in the printing of the newsletter
and the various brochures that are prepared for the City.of
Rosemead. She requested an additional $6,500 be budgeted to
the Account.
Mayor Taylor requested that the items that have been pub-
lished in the path and the hew items that are being proposed be
placed in apacket with their costs so that the Council may con-
sider them item by item to see what choices may be made.
Beth Wyckoff presented many of the brochures and explained
the possibilities of most of them and their cost to the City, and
stated that she would return with a cost break-down on each of
2. Mayor Taylor stated that there had been presented to the
Council a survey prepared by Mr. Tim Sullivan to remove the
majority of the Graffiti at a cost of $12,720.00, and inquired
if there were any questions of Mr. Sullivan.
Councilman Cichy inquired if the anti-graffiti survey took
into consideration both residential.and commercial properties in
Rosemeadfor the $12,720.00 as a one time deal.
Mr. Sullivan stated that this would initially clean up the
City.except for section 531 which did not appear to need removal
of graffiti.
Robert T. Dickey, Assistant Manager, stated that. if the
Council so desires, an agreement be prepared to delineate the
type of services to be rendered.
Councilman Tury stated that he felt that Section #531 should
also be included in the survey as the graffiti from the Freeway
is most unsightly..
Mayor Taylor requested that this item be placed on the Agenda
for the next Council Meeting.
Councilman Imperial requested that,Bienvenidos be contacted
for the removal of graffiti in the City to see if they can handle
it:.with employees that are not CETA.just as a comparison.
Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, stated that if this request
is for comparison only then this survey and costs should be com-
pared with another bonafide contractor not Bienvenidos.
There being no further discussion on the subject, the meeting
was adjourned to the next regular meeting on November 28,
8:00 p. m.
Respectfully submitted:
City Clerk Study Session
or CM 11-27-78
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