CC - Item 3F - 2009 Annual Congressional City ConferenceOSENiEAD CITY COUNCIL ~T~FF SPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER ~-$~.+ DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2008 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO•ATTEND NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 2009 ANNUAL CONGRESSIONAL CITY CONFERENCE -MARCH 14-18, 2009 SUMMARY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the National League~of Cities 2009 Annual Congressional City Conference. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the attendance at City expense, any Council Member, the City Manager and staff designee. L1N~1 YSIS Conference sessions will include: Transportation Financing; Immigration Reform; Public Safety; Education Reform;Telecommunications; and the Economy. FINANCIAL REVIEW Expenses for this conference is included in the 2008-09 Budget. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Jan Saavedra~s Executive Assi nt Attachment A: Conference Brochure APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: W 1 i Skl! ~~~ ~ ~ /:ti r y ~ ~ Fa f a '.I ~ ''r ~~" ~{ r :ti ~.,~ ~ ri' ~~ ti ~i-;: ;I + .{ • R ~,,~ f _ ... ~ ~ ~ ' r ~! Y 7, ~ 1 t ~ '.. r~ ~ }~ 1 ~1 .. ~~ 3'.~ { -_ ~~£~ ~]§ }Q '}I { ~ fi 1 ~~ . t~ ~~ i - ~~ ~.ev t Iljt 9~ ,~ , ~~~ { ~ ~ ~1 ~ ; . .~ i~% Fi~ i~ ~S ~~ ,~ ~.~~ iii ~~ 1 ¢,~ ~ ~ {r ` i~ 4 l 1 W~ ~, f}jj~ ~, }fit } ~~ {t UXs9~ _ , k x ~: r ~ J ~ ~ ~~"' ~ G~ti _~ 3 ~, ~ fir;. ' f~ ~r ~ -,_ ~,~ I J ^7. ~t 1 c.y ~ ~ ~;. R~`i ~ f5 ~~ ~ s ~ '~ +~ 1 ~ i - r~ ~ ,r ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~. h 2. € c,Y~~ ~ ti k, ~ _-r ~ ~--;fib 7 ~ ~ ~~ ~ _ I { f'11 ~ •L 4: '1 ~..i3Wi/ 5' k `~ ~ 1" .. ,r. ~ !~~ t ~ ' r, j f,.~ ~ ~ '. i ~ ,~l a~ 4 r~, ~~ ~ 'ti.; ~, ~ '~ ~ i. ~~ ,,? ~~F , ~ a j 1. ,,-:fit, ,~~ ~ > ! ~- l ~;~rf - r~ .~ ~~l r y ~ ~~~' ~ ~ A ~, F - '~~ _ ~ _ ~ ,\lrS~v~ f~ r ~.:J .~. ~ J r,.~ ye ~~ ~~ .. ~` ~' e a .~~ ~`~ ~% 3 `-a ' ,. h. . N911~ ~' 1 ~ 4~' .I - Iil ,. ~- Opporturilties You Will Not Want To Miss Preliminary Schedule ~omz to AUashington, D.C., A~arch 14 - 13 to join America', cities az~d towns as we forge new - he' Conference will provide a range of partnerships tin behalf of the 225 million people we collectively represent with the new Tedttcatton, nehvorking, and Strateg)r ses- Administration and Congress. \\'ith the election behind us, the transition underway, and the stops to maximize the value of this event for economy in a a~isis, both the Administration and Congress will have significant impact on the funire of our cities and towns. city officials. This prelitmnary sdledule pro- vides an outline of major events during the The National League of Cities Congressional City Conference provides local elected officials and conference to help delegates make travel plans. municipal staff a myriad of opportunities you will not want to miss. Thcrc will be opportunities to learn about federal issues important to :`lmerica's cities and towns, SatUT'day, Marell ~=~ to Inbby Congress on those priorities, and to be a part of the clear, unified voice we present to the 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Leadership Training Seminars new Administration and Congress. The program will also include general sessions featuring 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. City Futures Panel \deetings national leaders, members of the new t\dministration and Congress, workshops Co learn more 5:30 p.m. - 6:4~ p.m. Orientation to the National about the issues andNLC's positions, and a chance to go to Capitol Hill to visit with your repro- League of Cities for First scmativcs~on Wednesday NParch 1S. - ~ Time Attendees -~•'[~he National League of Cities provides the resources, the connections, and the collective power to x:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.. Constituency and Special Group \4eetings help city leaders have an impact on Capitol hill. - Stu~day, March 13 The ActionPlan ~ 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. NL.C Board of Directors ,w. ;: ,. ,, , r ' h Meeting Sund•ty, `[tech 1 ~ ~ - ! NLC Advisory Council City officials gather at~the.R(7nioti=At/ardman'Park Hotel (~~ I~ad~~rsh~}~ n,ccti: ~~s, policy ~ :.~ ~ Meeting ... dis`cuss~ons, and~legts(at_i~~e briefing's Eo'learn about current I~deral i~s~~:~ ~ulcl priorities foi - l.eadership'I•rainingSominars Folic ~ and Advocac '.t\mencascihcs'~ id tovns ~~:~ ~ ) } ~%Ionda~ ~11rch 16' ~'' Committee Meetings 5:1 ~ p.tn. - i:00 p.m. ConsUntcncy and Special NLC's Ie tdcrs and general scssion•spt tkc rs seC the. stage 1'or the.actiun a cotrie by outlining Group \~Ieetings the oppgrhmitres aSid`challeiiges and budding ctipaciry' tomake a'dilfet ice with Congress on ; ~, key fcdet~~l issues ~ ,. MOI~da}~, MarC~l 1~ - ~[•uesd tt L~Iarcla l7 . ~ ~ 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Celebrate Diversity [3reakfast The new Przsidenf and his Cabinetaitd Con`gressional'leaders are invited to liscuss'tlieir. 9:00 a.rn. -10:30 a.m. Openin; General Session priorities gild ways urwhich~Washington can work with cities and-to~cns to meet the, 10:45 a m 12:1 S p.m. Workshop Sessions 12:15 p m -1:30 p.m. Roundtable Networking Lunch chal(cnges facia; the country. "hlre program will,wrap up w rth the ,ppponunity to rc;view ~ 1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. \\~orkshop Sessions NLC's federal;leQrslatiJe agenda and confine plans for Capitol Hill:usrts or,\\~ednesday. 3:30 p.m. - x:30 p.m. General Session 1~%edn~ sda~ :?vlarch 1S Cite. Lobby T~ay~ 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. State Leaguz Caucuses and ~:. "]-ravel to the Hill for strategicmeetings with~Congressional leaders to talk about \LC's . `' ' Receptions priorities for federal action and what America's cities.and towns }~aiat from Congtess.and the. ' ' Constituency and Special Admin shation: ~ ~ Group `deetings/Events Tuesday, March ~ 7 _~ ri ~• ' ~~_ Information pertaining to 7:00 a.m 3:30 a.m. Steering Committee Work ~~, ' ' ~ '~~~ a ' ~~ ~~ a ',~,,'~,~.,lt_t` ~ t~~',~ the prc-cottfercnce Sessions ,~, ~~ ~ Ali ~ fs '6I °~ ~ / ~C~l-~ LcadershipTtaming 3.-}5a.m.-70:15a.m. General Session ~~~ r`~~ !'+ ~ ~ 1 ~ r ~~ Institute Seminars being 10 30 a.m 1L45 p.m. Ay/orkshop Sessions I ~~~ ~~~ ,~~ ~ ~ © ~ ~~ held Saturday, A4<treh 14 Noon - 1:30 p.m. Roundtable Networking Lunch ' ' -' ' and Sunday, March 15, 1:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. \Vorkshop Sessions will be available on the NLC website at ~~nvw.nlcorg in late December 2003 or early January 2009. 3:1~ p.na. - 4:30 p.m. Closing General Session Registered deleeaies will be notified by e-mail when registration for these seminars is available. 5:1 ~ p.m. - G:30 p.m. State League Caucuses and Receptions S ecial Events 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.rn. Reception and p The, Capitol Steps tse.lehrate lli~~ersih~ Breakfast Reception and The Capitol Steps i\-Imida}', 1~Im•ch 16; 7:30 a.m.- 9:00 a.rn.; Pee: X35 Tuesday, Dlarch 17; 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ~VedlleSday, VIaYCh 1t~ The 2.ird annual Celebrate Diversity Breakfast The Capitol Steps will perform on Tuesday as %:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Shuttle Service to Capital Hill will feahu e a keynote speaker who will provide part of a conference wrap up to energize the for Lobbying ~ perspzcin-e on "dnersny" issues Licrng delegates for Ciey Lobby Day on Wednesday \mcrica ~ uties and towns. The bi cakfast is ~ morning I his troupe of former Congressional ~e ~~ll't Of -the C1at10llal VOICe Oj~ sponsored by live-N LC constituency groups. employees provides bi-partisan fun for everyone. 1~171C17Ca~S C1f1eS gild tO~VIIS lI"l ~~~9, t l..~ ~! .. ~v ~, ~ 1~ I V g ~..~~tl t ~/a r" f ~ ~•'~ ~ ' t ~~ -F. ~ u ~ E~ ,. >: . ~~=. ?~ 'l~ ~%~ ~. ~ _ t{ .~ ; r v,~ .~.~ ''w. rte.. ~~ ~ ~; ':;R •1 ~ ~ ,.~a.,~ . ,,. _~ _ aas ~ ;r ~ - --, .. „ ;,moo, ..~ ~. .. .. a, ---_. - „ 1 ~~t S, : 7tI ~itcrw. ~ Eby ~.t~ xi;r~yy_~_~' 4 S nil..: S..'.,)~.k5.~r''s. i_~-~~ a. ~. ,.. a rj ~. ~ ~-r i liF~ !+ 6. 1 ~ ~r~ k~: ~z~ ;~.Ea ~ ~.,~ .. ~ ~ ~. ,, ti ~ ~ ar .cam'" 4 ~ i t ~ . n ?` ~~~ ~t t 4 t ~ iL1 .i1t f/N~ ~ ). ,era: ~ ;~/~s,~ ~,c~ ,,,~ j 7 ti ~'en ~ i ~t~,',~' (~ ~; =' 4 +~~- I~ ~~L Vita! ~.~ ~' ~I (~~;~~ ~~~~ <,'d ,, ~ ~ ~• ~ t,~~~i '"Y1'x t hl t . ,, ~ t~ ~• ~,:~i r~~ _ yy- .,r ~ tr-v i ,.~ ~ ~ ~ ti 4 11 t t~ ~ 3.~ f ~~ , ~r~l ~ .~ .,,~~ `=:'~~ ~. is , , a-~, ~~'~~ ~ ~d he 2009 Congressional City Conference will feature general sessions, s` r j ~~rorkshops, and strategy meetings built around NLC's advocacy ` ~t~ ., .~ ~ priorities for the first session of the 111th Congress. Key issues likely to ~u;;:~ ,~3 be in play on the federal agenda in 2009 include: ~: ~: . The Economy ~ ~ The crisis in the nation's financial markets is increasingly curtailing the ability of municipal governments- even those with E ~~:~it1 credit ratings - to borrow funds for ready-to-go projects to serve their citizens. Projects like roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, sewage treatment plants and libraries, the bedrocks of any community, are now at risk of being indefinitely delayed or cancelled because the cost of borrowing rs too high At the same time, housng forecloswes remain at an all-ume high in many communities triggering a decline m property values and the ptoperty taxis that fund critical services for our citizens. [n addition to economic stimulus packages and the X700 billion economic recovery plan, find out what additional steps the federal government might take to stabilize the economy and help local economies. T't°ar~sportation hinancitag~ With the current authorization of the federal transportation funding program set to expire in ?009, Congress will embark upon an important debate over the future of our country's national surface transportation plan. As part of t}us discussion, Congress will have to make decisions about how to address the shortfall iii gas tax revenues for the Highway Tntst Fund, how to repair and maintain the; nation's aging infiastructure, how to address concerns over the impact of transportation on the environment, and ways to ensure that the program meets local transportation and economic development goals. :~Itern~itive Energy and Climate Change . Fnzrgy and environmental issues of concern to local governments continue to be an important congressional issue. Congizss continues to discuss and debate and the specifics of a comprehensive energy package That would move this coun- try coward greater energy independence. ]tenewable fuels stand2rd, solar, wind and nuclear energy, tax credits for renewable energy production, elimination of oil and gas tax incentives, energy and environmental block giants for local governments ,and issues related to climate change will all be topics for this debate. Ilnmigracion Reform Unceriainq~ over federal immigration policy continues to impact cities and towns. Until comprehensive action is taken, communities will continue to face the challenges of immigration on their own. Faced with federal inaction, city leaders rec- ognize That local governments cam~ot wait and arc developing new strategies to take constructive action locally to manage growing immigrant populations. Fern-feral Funding for Local Activities The federal budget continues to be under intense pressure due to war spending, the federal deficit, the economy, mandatory spending, and renewed emphasis on fiscal reshaint. This means that federal piogi~uns important to cities and towns, including the Community Development Block Giant program, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant pro- gram public safely and tianspoi tation, will continue to be vulnerable to attack, Rousing and .4eiglYhorhood 5tabilratiual ,With mortgage foreclosures, predatory lending, inadequate f nancial literacy, and market volatilit}~ continuing to threaten family economic self-sufficiency, neighborhood stability and the national economy, Congress is continues to identify resources and mechanisms to preserve homeownership and stabilize iieighBorhoods, including stronger consumer education and protections and market interventions. Telecommunications I nral orn•rrnmrni authnrih~ to nffPr mnnirinal hrnarlhanrl svrvirvc to ritiwnc to rnnhnl riahtc of aia~i and to rnllr~rt franrhicr ~~ ~< ,~ , ~ ' I~ ~; ~k e ,~ a~: v~ ~-.~ ~"' ~ r Ei ~~~ I:M1l~.. 1 I I 1 * + D •~ D ales LO 1\emem~er - Hotel Reservations: Ynu must be registered to reserve a hotel room. To guarantee your n~nm, all hotels require one night's I I - r I'i>braary 6, 2i?Q9 =Deadline for advati'ce:regtsu•atio'ii and deposit plus 145 % tax, per room 21 da} s prior to }•om an teal This is rzquired eczn if you plan to arrive before6:oopm.lfactommoda6onsatcootgvaranteed2lda}'an,adva!uz,iheresenationwilltxca!xellzd. housing rcq'uests: All Tequests must be postmarked b)!: t11j5 date. ^ Please make my hotel reservation as indicated blow. ^ I do not require hotel acconunodauons at any of the hotels listed below. I /liter this date, all delegates must register on-site at higher=gates ^ Please contact me regarding suite information. I I , ~i'hrtllt' ' 6~ ~J}t~~. - Deadhtiefol' Canee11af10n5 ' ) ~ ~ Room Dales; Arrival Date _/_/ Depvture Uate~ _/_/_ - I t ~ ~ Lancellation'letters must be postniarkcd'by, kliisdate and aEe ~ Smm hotels charge an rmh depnr arc fr. 1 hose cnnln~m tmn,.rrival and depmnue data an mnea a,,^1.c:\1e,!n;se,t;rr;anaun!et~n,,~,„,nr~n,~. 1 subject to a ~%~ cancellation fee 'There~are, no refunds for; - ~ Roona Type ^ Single (1 person/1 bed) ^ Smoking I - Cancellations after this date Preference: O Double (? people/1 bed) ^ Non-Smoking 1 . ^ Double/Double (3 people/? beds) tin,,lsunr,n. ,r4 ~ ~ rtap,n~de ,r„rn g?rp ~ne,w I _ ~ ^_ -Priple (3 people/?beds) it¢nut g!memtred.:Alarnu¢11'urduinn inn;fKY;C ' 1 \`rt i!o;!>ing or registrnlion u~iil hr processed u!ith!wt r, ruutpnnt'inf pnpment in f dj, (_I Quad (4 pt:ople/2 beds) molar-jre hmd! I - I Congress of Cities'OS Conference ID# Sharin ~I Room \Vith This is or 5otel rate and check-in ntr roses. g t' Y ( ] f ! 3 ) 7 1) ) • 1 :1rc coo a newly elected ofticial% Size ot` ciq I Special Housing Request (e,g., wheelchair accessible ruonts, etc.): 1 ~ ~1°'` `Ex [f you have special housing or trarsportauon needs, please contact HLC \4eeting Services. ' 'fide I Hotel Choices: I City/Organization Indicate your Grsi-choice hotel with the number "1" I h tailing Address Murrott Wardman Park is the Headquarter, Hotel. I City -State Lip ~ Room Rate I Type 5gl/Dbl/"Trip/Quad 1 Phone _ I-ax ~ ,. ~ o f ~ t t;^ c 14arriou\Uardmunlark Standard ~~4)/5_6)/$?S)/~r0) I Email ' ~ -Omni Shorehatn Srnndud 5229/5??9/$2 ?9/S??9 I Continuation Format- HT\IL: ^ YE5 (~ NO I I Sluu;e/Partner \;une"r IS3i fze) Hotel De osit: p ' *Sparr:e/1'ornrer nit ehabte j. a separme horet.uom. All major credit cards with expiration [tale of 03/09 or later arc accepted at the conicrcnce 1 hotels. All checks, government purchase orders, vouchers or claims must bz submitted to the hotel 1 Child \ame (14 and under, no fcc) .Age after January' 19thbut efore February 13th and are subject m approval. Please include yow G I Youth Delegate'{` (li-I8, 5100 fee) Age digit REC ID # indicated on the NLC Meeting Seivices confirmation. ' 1 "Lwnlr!J~~t~lsmcna~oumga,i!om~~utrryuwhasauiu~participmnsinthiamjrrmreincm,nihutru:\'LC',ynutna~e,ula. R tl t ' t t F P f I I I, the rrnnli rielaga!e rerryrirvs hmel ncanunrrJn:imu ayrma!e f eon v~rur;, mtr>Lh the re~u'va!im: f,nn with ym:r wmpleird firtni. lOll a meri lOll e S ra ee n Orma ~' y ' (1ou nmst chrch mte of the optons bclour.] 1 1`outh Chaperone Name (5100 (ee) [ I Charge my REGIS'1'RA"PION FEES to \9SA, UlasterCard or AbIEa listed below I Special Conference Rates ^ Check for REGISTRATION FEES made payable to \'ational League of Cities " I rY,a nom iegist~~.r onGue m Congress r,f Ctne, u, .zaGre rh.~:: rarer.) ^ Purchase Order for IZEGIS PRATION FEES- copy must be enclosed & payment moat be I fi360 At Congress of Cities Member Registration $ received by February 2,?009. I 54711 At Congress of Cities' Non-\4ember Registration 5 Hotel Deposit Payment Information: 1 ~.OnfeCenCe Rates (You must check mte of the options below.] I SG 53 Spouse/Partner (non-refundable) 5 ^ Charge my HOTE[, llEPOSIT to the credit card listed below I i 5100 Youth Delegate 5 ^ Check for HO'PGL DEPOSIT -please submit to hotel address noted on confirmation I S ti100 Youth Chaperone (not applicable to elrrled u~tials) , S after January 19, 2009 and before February 13, 2009 -subject to hotel approunl 2t 517, 9vdcnts ~ I Credit Card Authorizatimi: 1 Advance .Registration Fees (Poshnarked b~, Februart• 2, 2009) NLC \decting Services is authorized to usz the cazd below to pay all applicable registration fezs and 1 5 S36U First Time Attendee S guarantee my hotel reservation. I understand that one night s rtxnn charge plus tax will be billed 1 S4.30 NLC d4emher Cit}' (On-site rate is $4S0 alter 2/2/09) 5 through this card if I fail ro show up for my assigned housing nn the confirmed date, unless I have - I ? 5930 Assaiate ~-lember (On-site rate is 5980 after ?/?/09V 5 cancelled mt reservation with the hotel a least 72 hours in advance. I also understand somz hoick I i SidO S\'IL `{ember Ciq' (On-site rate is S61D after 2/3/09) 5 will process the credit card for one nights deposit immediately upon receiving reservation inlorma- I 9 SGS~ Non-\4ember/Other (On-site rate is $i00 alter 2!2/09) 5 [inn from NLC t\4eeting tiercices. I Registration fire Leadership Training Institute Seminars will be available in mid-Deccnaber, Visa/n4C/AME\ #: Esp. Date _ ~, 1 Special I;Vents ~ Card Holder Name I Pl 5~~ l..elubieieUivcrsityBreakL,st ~ Card Holder5ignature I 1..12 S90 Leadership Luncheon 5 Addidotial Credit Card Authorization: 1 COnstihtency Cit'OLtp F.Vents For hotel deposit only if different than the credit card number listed above. You nuut be registered for the co! ference in order (u alteiid. (F_vpiratimr dote must be 03/09 or Later, per hotel reyuiremznl.) I Al S4D APA\t0 Activiq~ Fee 5 Visa/n'IC/Ah•IL:S #: Exp. Date I G1 540 GLRLOActicityPee 5 I H I Si0 HELD Activity Fee $ Cazd Flolder Name I NI Sl?, Nf3GLE0Activiq'Fee 5 CazdHolderSignature \V1 54i 1ViA'(G Luncheon 5 I Return Conference Registration and Housing Form to: Total ReE,nStrahon Fee: $ Pax: 703-631-6?SS (Credit Card and Purchase Orders Only - \b Checks) I Registration Cancellation Policy: \4ail: NLC \leeting Services, c/o J. Spazgo & Assaiatzs, \\l \'lill R d i f l S F i U oa , u te 11?, I1?DS ap es a r ax, ~1 ?2D30 I :\II rquesu must be received in writing, postmarked by February Z, ?009, and are subject to I a 5i i cancellation Eee. \o partial refunds will be made if you decide not to attend pazticular For more vlfotTUatlon and~or changes: I functions. No registrations or cancellations will he accepted by telephone No canceila- Ismail: nlereR andhousing mjspargo.com I lions will be accepted aRer February 2, 2(111). , Phone:, 8li8-319.3869 or 703.949.641$ 0(]ice use only: Paymem C:heck# Amount Office use only: Ffotel 5ubblk Crate Rate L ~....~....._~~...~_ ~__________~_~~_~~_~__ .____.~.._..,___..__. _.~___._ For F.~S~'ER IZEGIST'RATIC)N, use your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Elpress) '®~ and FtL1j your form to (703) 631-6288 or register online at w~uw.nlc.org.