TC - Item 3B - Traffic Concerns Along Olney StreetHm TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JANUARY 12, 2012 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC CONCERNS ALONG OLNEY STREET (BETWEEN ROCKHOLD AVENUE AND DELTA AVENUE) SUMMARY A request was received to discuss traffic concerns along Olney Street from Rockhold Avenue to Delta Avenue. A resident in this area expressed concerns that traffic conditions (vehicle speeding, road characteristics, street marking /signage) provide for safety concerns for pedestrians in the neighborhood. The resident has asked that traffic calming measures be installed using the City's Neighborhood Traffic Calming "Toolbox" Program. Potential improvements may include the use of additional street striping /markings, parking restrictions, signage, and speed enforcement. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Traffic Commission take public input and designate a member of the Commission to work with residents and staff in evaluating possible traffic calming improvements. ANALYSIS In November 2011 a request was received to evaluate traffic conditions along Olney Street from Delta Avenue to Rockhold Avenue. Residents in this area contend that there are several traffic concerns in the neighborhood, including: • Excessive vehicle speeding • Road characteristics — long straight -away road provides for high speeds • Unsafe conditions for pedestrian crossings • Lack of sidewalks • Street Marking s /Signage are not adequate Olney Street is a 40 -foot roadway in between Delta Avenue and Rockhold Avenue, Olney Street is a two -lane (one lane in each direction), east -west trending roadway with low to moderate traffic conditions during morning and evening peak hours. On- street parking is generally open along the street with the exception of street sweeping parking restrictions. The speed limit is 25 miles per hour along the street. Traffic Commission Meeting January 12, 2012 Pape 2 of 2 Residents in this area maintain that Olney Street provides a long straight -away road from the City of San Gabriel into Rosemead for vehicles to speed, sometimes causing dangerous traffic conditions. Many residences in this area also lack sidewalks, further intensifying safety concerns. Field observations for the area revealed that the area does lack sufficient striping /signage. Staff is developing a plan for striping /signage improvements and will present alternatives in February. Further, observations showed that vehicles occasionally speed along Olney Street which may produce problems for pedestrians in the neighborhood. Staff has distributed notification flyers (Attachment 1) to properties located on Olney Street, in between Delta and Rockhold. Following the discussion of this issue, it is recommended that the Traffic Commission work with neighborhood residents using the City's Neighborhood Traffic Management Toolbox. This would include tracking vehicle /pedestrian volumes and identifying improvement options for the neighborhood. It would be appropriate for the Commission to appoint one or two liaisons to work with residents during late- January/February, develop improvement recommendations, and then subsequently bring those recommendations back to the Commission for a full discussion and implementation. Submitted by: CHRIS MARCARELLO Public Works Director Attachments: 1. Notification Flyer 2. Neighborhood Map, On- Street View 3. Street Drawing » ) \\ ) ) §) ) (\ \ &] § 3 «� e , � \ \) \ � 5 . . \ ) \ \ \ \\\ u § $ \ \ (o \ °* /\ ±_ « 0� /( \ Q m )R a \ (t: \\ ga wu ) \ \\ � )� _ «Ee // \} I O t L r® �s �L � y� a� d U) fL Lel i' �+l lJ LOJP A 1 A