CC - Item 4C - Park/Sports Facility Use Policies and FeesROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER ~%C•~ DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2008 SUBJECT: PROPOSED CHANGES TO PARK/SPORTS FACILITY USE POLICIES AND FEES SUMMARY City of Rosemead parks, pools, and sports facilities are in very great demand by residents, community organizations, youth sports groups, "travel" clubs/teams, schools, non-residents, and City of Rosemead youth and adult sports programs. These facilities include Rosemead Park and Pool, Garvey Park and Pool, and the Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex. The City of Rosemead has not reviewed the policies or fees governing these facilities since 1993. Current fees and policies do not distinguish between non-profit, resident, and non-residents users. While supervision and maintenance associated with these uses costs the City approximately $70,000 annually, we recover less than $15,000 in revenues. Thus, the City funds a significant portion of all uses. A survey of surrounding cities (Attachment A) indicates that existing fees are much lower than those of other cities. This item was brought forward for City Council consideration at the November 18th meeting. At that time, staff was directed to reduce the proposed fee adjustments for residents by 50% for facility rental related costs. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that City Council approve the proposed facility application including rules and regulations, fee schedule, and cancellation policy, and regular user responsibilities as outlined effective January 1, 2009. ANALYSIS Attached for review is an ,updated application, revised fee schedule, and B). The new application, delineates between user groups and assesses each that account for increased operational and maintenance costs. mandatory liability insurance, as recommended by California Joint Power (CJPIA), and an increase in security deposits. APPROVED-FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 policies (Attachment reasonable rates for Lastly, we propose s Insurance Authority ITEM NUMBER: y City Council Meeting December 16, 2008 Page 2 of 2 The table below compares current and proposed rates: Facility Current Rate (R) Initial Proposed Rate (R) Revised '',Proposed- Rate (R) Current Rate. (NR) Proposed Rate (NR) Current Rate (NP) Proposed Rate (NP) Gymnasium $ 15/hr $ 50/hr $ 32Jhr ' $ 25/hr $ 75/hr n/a $ 25/hr Field Lights $ 15/hr $ 15/hr $ 15/hr ~ $ 25/hr $ 30/hr n/a n/a Field n/a $ 25/hr $ 12/hr, n/a $ 50/hr n/a n/a Pools $ 20/hr $ 50/hr $ 35/hr $ 20/hr $ 75/hr n/a n/a Lifeguards $ 8/hr $ 12/hr $ 12/hr $ 8/hr $ 12/hr n/a $ 12/hr Rec. Leader $ 7/hr $ 11 /hr $11`/hr $ 7/hr $ 11 /hr n/a $ 11 /hr Sec. Deposit $ 50 $ 100 $ 75 $ 100 $ 150 $ 50 $ 100 Key Deposit n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $ 0.00 $ 100 (R) =Resident, (NR) =Non-Resident, (NP) =Non-pro Pit In order to decrease the City's costs associated with use of these facilities, staff recommends consolidating supervision and expanding the responsibilities of regular user groups (i.e., youth sports groups). First, roving staff will supervise sites during evening and weekend use in lieu of assigning a Team Member to each site. Regular user groups would assume responsibility for direct supervision, field preparation, and minimal maintenance of the facilities that they use. All cities surveyed currently operate in this manner. In addition, staff was directed to contact the CJPIA regarding this proposed change regarding use of roving staff. Our insurance carrier has indicated that the City assumes no greater liability in altering supervision of parks and sports facilities. According to CJPIA, there is no expectation by the public due to the irregular nature of facility use and because staff functions often change. Stationary or roving staff can perform similar functions including supervision. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. FISCAL IMPACT If the new fee schedule is approved, revenues from resident and non-resident use are expected to increase modestly. Revenues from non-profit groups remain unchanged. However, staff and maintenance costs associated with the non-profit groups will be reduced by approximately $25,000 annually. Davi ;Pbto mery-Scott Park ~ F~cr ion Director Attachment A: Fee Survey Attachment B: New Application W W3 p fA 0 fA p W O W O N [p p V N D ~ y~ N Cn N O N W W O f0 O rr O W N Ch Ul O N O ~ FA o fA EA fA (p U ~ T 2 w Z w Z w A 0 O 2 w N 0 O 0 O 0 7 pl 2 w 2 w ,C w ,C w ~C w 2 w 2 w 2 w $ Z w p $ 2 w ~ 3 O ~ p $ s O $ $ 0 3 7 N 0 N $ 3 $ ~ O O $ 3 ~ ~ 11 O 0 3 ~ Z w " w 0 ° 0 ° 0 ° Z w ~ p O p 0 N o 7 d Z w Z w 2 w . 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APPLICATION AND AGREEi1AENT City of Rosemead • Parks and Recreation Department 8838 East Valley Boulevard • Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569-2160 • (626) 569-2303 -Fax www.citvofrosemead.org Name: Organization: Address: City: Zip: Telephone Number: Day ( ) Evening: ( ) Cell Number: ( ) -::<E-Ma'rl::Address: TOBACCO PRODUCTS AN©ALCOHOL AREPR01-1tBITE[J ~N OR ARgUND CITY FACILITIES ---------------------------------------------------OFFICE USE ONLY------~~_~~~_~..__------------------- ~ Approved ~ Denied. Supervisor's Approval: Date: D Approved D Denied Director's Approval: Date: City of Rosemead • Parks and Recreation Department ' ~A~K <FA~[Ll'TY FEE ~~HE~IJ~. The following fee schedule applies to general use of'the facility. The City of Rosemead, other Government, and Rosemead-recognized Community Service/Non-Proftt Organizations* are granted priority use and may be exempt from fees. *Such groups must provide- proof 'of their current non-profd status, and demonstrate that their services are of significant direct benefit to the community or a significant portion of its residents and accessible to the public and in compliance with non-discrimination laws. LOCATION AREA RESIDENT NON- TEAM TOTAL RESIDENT NON-PROFIT Rosemead Park Field #1 $12/hr $ 50/hr Rosemead Park Field #2 $12/hr $ 50/hr Rosemead Park Lights $15/hr $ 30/hr Garvey Park Field #1 _ _ _ $12/hr $ 50/hr Garvey. Park Field #2 _ ___ $12/hr $ 50/hr Garve Park Multi-Purpose Field $12/hr $ SO/hr Garvey Park Gymnasium $ 32/hr $ 75/hr $ 25/hr Garvey Park Lights $ 15/hr $ 30/hr Rosemead Pool Large Pool $ 35/hr $ 75lhr Rosemead Pool .Small Pool $ 25/hr $ 40/hr Garvey Pool $ 35/hr $ 75/hr Sports Fields $ 12/hr $ 50/hr „ Complex Sports Lights $15/hr $ 30/hr Corn lex Key De osit $100 _ Lifeguard Lifeguard min. 3)_ $ 12/hr $12/hr $12/hr Staff Staff $11/hr $11/hr $11/hr Security $ 75 $ 150 $ 100 Deposit SUB TOTAL ^^eareeeees~rerere-reaesesrseeeseeee^•eeeerrereeeeeeeeoeeeeeee^^ef~eeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeees (This section to be filled out by staff Deposit submitted $ on date Received by Rental fees paid $ on date Received by If Event Insurance required, copy of certificate received on date in the amount of $ Deposit refund of $ approved on date by City of Rosemead • Parks and Recreation Department RUES ti1C~ E~U~l4'TtQAIS City of Rosemead park/sports facilities may be used for recreation, social, team sports, or governmental functions only. The City reserves the right to cancel any reservation at a moments notice if the facility is needed by the City. However, reasonable effort will be made to relocate/reschedule the activity. The City reserves the right of full access to all activities at any time during their occurrence to see that all rules, regulations, and City, State, and Federal Laws are not violated. ' Facility use does not suggest City endorsement or sponsorship of any event. Applicant's publicity of event shall clearly and accurately identify the name of the sponsoring organization or individual. Under no circumstances shall applicant sublease or allow any other organization or individual to use the park facility for the period for which it is reserved. If any provision of this agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. APPLICATION PROCESS: • Applicant must be at least 21 years of age. Proof of Rosemead residency is required at time of application. • A facility is not considered rented until (1) applicant delivers to the City the Park Facility Rental Application and Agreement,. rental fee, deposit,. and any other items deemed necessary by the City of Rosemead; and (2) the City of Rosemead, in its sole discretion, approves such rental in writing. • The approval process takes a maximum of fourteen (44) working days. Do not, in any way, advertise your event prior to receiving written approval. • Reservations will not be accepted more than one year or less than 21 days in advance of date requested. Maximum duration for continuous use of a facility is six (6) months. • Time requested must include set up, event/activity, and clean-up. • Non-profit organizations must: provide a copy of their IRS 501(c}3, at the time of application. They must also provide a roster of participants that demonstrates 60% residency. • Security Deposit is due at time of application. All fees must be paid 30 days prior to the event to avoid termination of application. Payments must be made by cash, check, money order, or cashier's check. Checks must be made payable to "City of Rosemead". • For all facility use, the applicant shay famish, to the City, appropriate certificates of public liability and property damage insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 naming the City as "additional insured." Such insurance shall'be maintained and kept in force during all such times that the applicant uses City of Rosemead facilities. All insurance certificates required above shall provide that such certificates shall not be cancelled or materially changed without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. APPLICANT RESPONSIBILITIES: • The applicant (or acity-approved organizational representative) must be present during the entire event. • All activities must cease and the park usage completely vacated by the time indicated on the application. • The group must appear within thirty minutes of time specified or 'the permit will be cancelled and all fees forfeited. • Applicant cannot exceed the attendance indicated on the application. • Activities for minors must be supervised by responsible adults at a ratio of at least one adult for every 20 minors. Applicant is responsible for the supervision of all children present. at the event. , • Applicant is responsible for facility clean-up. Facility must be left in a reasonably clean condition (as determined by City) to receive a full refund of their deposit.. • All signs, banners, and other materials must be removed at the conclusion of the event. • Non-profit applicants requesting ongoing use of facilities may be responsible for maintenance, preparation and 'supervision of facilities. • Park Restrooms are open from 8:00 a:m. to 9:OO p:m. daily. PROHIBITED: • No alcohol, tobacco products, or illegal substances are permitted on City facilities. Any violation will result in the closure of the activity and forfeiture of all fees. • No disorderly or unseemly conduct is permitted on City facilities. • No advertisements', circulations of petitions, solicitations, nor entry fees are permitted without written authorization from the City. • No storage of private property is permitted on City premises. • City facilities cannot be used for commercial purposes without written authorization. • Bouncers and petting zoos are not permitted on City facilities. • Gambling of any kind is not permitted at any City facility. • City equipment shall not be removedfrom any City facility. • Animals must be kept on a leash. • No amplified music is allowed at any time. • The sale of merchandise, without written authorization from the City, is strictly prohibited. REFUND OF SECURITY DEPOSIT: • Refund of security deposit (and key deposit, if applicable) will take approximately 4-6 weeks after the conclusion of your event, provided there are no problems. • There will be a deduction from your security deposit for the following items: additional cleaning, repair or replacement, loss of key, deviation from the rental agreement, extra staff costs, or disturbances requiring law enforcement. o If security deposit is inadequate to cover damages, then applicant will be billed for the remaining cost of the damages: • If Applicant violates any part of this agreement or reports false information to the City of Rosemead, the City may refuse Applicant further use of the facility and Applicant shall forfeit a portion of or all of the rental fee and/or the deposit. City of Rosemead .Parks and Recreation Department ....... ~~NCELL.AT~~}i~ <F'OL[CY ;:.: 1. Reservations cancelled 1-14 days prior to activity: Security Deposit - No Refund 2. Reservations cancelled within 15-30* days of the activity: 'Reservations made nine to twelve months in advance are subject to full deposit forteiture for cancellations of 30 days or less. Security Deposit - 50% Refund 3. Reservations cancelled within 31-45 days of activity Security Deposit - 75% Refund 1 trade read, uncter~toad} a agree.t~.the termEs ::.. outlined above. N©t w:tt~stancttng the above poiB coe~~i6ance with the po3cies arjd regutatior<s as Regulations, rt~ay cance8 tl~e reservation upon n< morn rental fees and security deposits wilt;be de _; the cancellai~cn policy as .. tf the.ap~aticant is not in'>= ated %n the Rules ansi ce to the applicant, All ned forfeited.