CC - Item 4E - Rush Street and Angelus AvenueROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL' STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2008 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC STUDY AT RUSH STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE AND CONSIDERATION OF TRAFFIC CALMING ENHANCEMENTS SUMMARY In December 2007, the City received a petition from local residents to evaluate traffic conditions at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue, adjacent to Rice Elementary School. This issue was reviewed by the Traffic Commission and then forwarded to the City Council for review and further direction. On February 12, 2008, the City Council directed staff to improve traffic markings in the area and have an independent engineering company conduct a new traffic study at the location. Since that time, staff has made traffic marking improvements and worked with Kimley- Horn and Associates (KHA) to conduct a new traffic study for this area. Traffic and pedestrian counts were taken in May 2008 and an overview of the data is included for review (Attachment 1). After traffic counts were taken, KHA worked with City staff and the Traffic Commission to review existing conditions and evaluate potential l' traffic calming enhancements for the area. After evaluating options at its October 2008 meeting, the Commission developed a recommendation to forward to the City Council' for consideration. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council review the Traffic Commission's recommendation and direct staff to implement traffic calming enhancements. DISCUSSION Background At its February 12, 2008 meeting the City Council reviewed a report related to traffic safety concerns at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue, adjacent to Rice Elementary School. Since the most recent study of the area had been conducted in May 2007, the Council asked that staff hire an independent engineering firm to conduct a new study for the area. In May 2008, Kimley -Horn and Associates (KHA) took new traffic and ITEM 1®1 ®0 APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: City Council Meeting December 16, 2008 Page 2 of 4 pedestrian counts for the area. These new counts do not meet California Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices warrants for the installation of a traffic signal. However, KHA worked with City staff to develop traffic calming options at the location for the Traffic Commission's consideration. On June 26, 2008, the Traffic Commission reviewed a presentation related to the conditions along Rush Street. The presentation (Attachment 2) included the following: • An overview of the background related to the concerns in the area • An explanation of traffic signal warrants a_ nd an explanation of criteria used to evaluate them • Traffic and pedestrian counts taken in May 2008 • Potential traffic calming measures that could be used at the location ,After reviewing this presentation, the Traffic Commission provided staff with comments and further direction related to traffic calming options. Some options included installing bulb -outs near the intersection of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue, trimming existing landscaping on medians, in- pavement lighting, and adding red curbing. Recommendations Using comments and ideas from the Traffic Commission, KHA and staff worked to develop 3 conceptual plans (Attachment 3) for further consideration. These 3 concept plans, ranging from $10,000 to $100,000, were presented to the Traffic Commission on October 2, 2008. A brief summary is included below for review: Concept Plan 1 — Estimated Cost: $10,000 • Extend red curb along southern side of Rush, just west of Delta Avenue • Paint a high visibility crosswalk at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue • Replace existing landscaping with low- growth plant material • Add speed feedback signs heading westbound and eastbound on Rush Street Concept Plan 2 — Estimated Cost: $20,000 • All Level 1 Improvements • Add painted bulb -outs along Rush Street • Add drop- off /pick -up zones along north side of Rush Street Concept Plan 3— Estimated Cost: $100,000 • All Level 1 and 2 Improvements • Construct raised concrete bulb -outs along Rush Street • Add flashing yellow pedestrian crossing signals at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue • Add turning restrictions at Rush Street and Delta Avenue • Add left -turn lane at existing Wal -Mart signal City Council Meeting December 16, 2008 Page 3 of 4 After reviewing the presentation on October 2nd, the Traffic Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that the proposed Level 2 improvements be made along -Rush Street; that staff continue monitoring traffic conditions; that staff work with Garvey School District officials regarding the installation of a drop- off /pick -up zone; and that plant materials be trimmed to improve visibility along the entire stretch of Rush Street. The implementation of the level 2 concept plan will allow staff to evaluate the effectiveness of improvements and "ramp up" the improvements to higher levels if necessary. After installation, staff will continue to monitor this location and provide the Traffic Commission and City Council with updates on traffic concerns at this location. Public Outreach Staff sent notification card mailers regarding this issue to households within a 500 foot radius of the location, individuals that signed the initial petition in December 2007, the Garvey Unified School District, and other affected ,parties. These notification cards were sent prior to the June 26th and October 2nd Traffic Commission meetings. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this project is not provided in the engineering division's fiscal year 2007 -08 budget. Should the City Council decide to move forward with traffic calming measures, additional funds will need to be appropriated to complete this project. Additional funding sources may be available through state grant funds or funds held by the City through Wal -Mart condition of approval #41. LEGAL REVIEW This staff report has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. The City Attorney has also included a letter informing referencing issues related to "design immunity" standards and potential liability related to installing unnecessary traffic control devices. Prepared by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Su t City Manager City Council Meeting December 16, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Attachments: (1) Traffic and Pedestrian Counts — May 2008 (2) June 26 Traffic Commission Staff Report and Presentation (3) Rush Street/Angelus Avenue Conceptual Plans 1 -3 (4) October 2 Traffic Commission Staff Report and Presentation (5) June 26, 2008 Traffic Commission Minutes (6) October 2, 2008 Traffic Commission Minutes ATTACHMENT 1 California MUTCD Pave 4C- 11 (FHWA's MUTCD 2003 Revision 1, as amended for use in Cafitbmia) Figure 4C-101 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet (Sheet I of 4) COUNT DATE —FIST 0 r TE PM CALC DATE CHK DATE Major St' ..... R, SL Critical Approach Speed rnph Minor St: M. 6�111Q_Ezz 'Kve Critical Approach Speed mph Speed limit or critical speed on major street traffic > 64 km)h (40 mph);__". 0 1 In built up area of imlated wmmunqy of < 10,000 popu;ation_ . ........ _ ......... or RURAL (R) C3 URBAN (U) WARRANT I -Eight Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED YES 0 NO (Condition A or Condition B or combination of A and 8 must be satisfied) Condition A - Minimum Vehicle Volume MINI'MU410 REQUIREMENT$ (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) U R ti R APPROACH i 2 or More LANES 200 WO 9603 1 0 12 Condition B - Interruption of Continuous Traffic MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (810% SHOWN IN 13RACKE TS) 100% SATISFIED YES 0 NO 80% SATISFIED YES Cl NO 100% SATISFIED YES C1 NO 0, 80% SATISFIED YES C1 NO tk 44- APPROACH LANES Both o*yproacrtes 750 525 Ma or street (600 , ) 1 (420) .00 630 - I (720) (504) v FULFILLED CONDITIONS A. MiNliklU,MVEf4,'ICULAPVOLUtilE 16,* 1 Highe5t Approach 75 53 Chi 70 ,kkl (6f)) mor stre*t (42) (80) 1 (56) AND, SATISFIED $0% Yes El No Combination of Conditions A & B SATISFIED Y;':$ 0 NO ?ql REQUIREMENT CONDITION v FULFILLED CONDITIONS A. MiNliklU,MVEf4,'ICULAPVOLUtilE AND, SATISFIED $0% Yes El No D. INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC M ADEQUATE TRIAL OF OTHER ALTERNATIVES THAT COULD CAt9 ESS DELAY AND INCONVENIENCE TO TRAFFIC HAS FAILED Yes ❑ No CJ TO SOLVE THE TRAFFIC PROBLEMS The Satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself rec (Are the inStallaticri Of a traffic control signal', ChapicritC Scp1cmbt:r 26, 2006 Nir14 lligliway'rr jftic.Si,mull California MUTCD Page alt:'. -12. (FIIWA Is MUTCD.2003 Revision I, as amended for use in California) Figu 4C404 (CA). Traffic Signal Warrants Worksheet, (Sheet 2 of 4) WARRANT 2 -,Four Hour Vehicular Volume SATISFIED6 YES El NO Record hourly vehicular volurlies f6r.any four hoursof an aver 4 d 2 r APPROACH LANES Onp Mor op Both Approaches,� Major Street YES 03 NO (pa,rt.A or Part,B miust'be.sati0fled) PART A SATISFIED tAll 1-,z YES El NO Higher A00Toach, • hlinor,Str&et one h9urioe'; nVfoui cons , e , cufly'' minute periods) '11 an- 1.5 mi )4* 1. The totaJ,delayexPeriP0;ed:lbr traffic on one minov.streetapproacho(one direction only ., 'ill plo'ft66 polntsfjll abo,,je (URBAN AREAS) Yes 0 N o -W, All plotted pohms fall a la�;ve the curves in, Figur bra -Z. ( I RURALAREAS) e 4C Yes 0 No 0 ........... .... .. WARRANT :3 - Peak Hour SATISFIED YES 03 NO (pa,rt.A or Part,B miust'be.sati0fled) PART A SATISFIED tAll 1-,z YES El NO parts and 3'below must'be satisfied for the same one h9urioe'; nVfoui cons , e , cufly'' minute periods) '11 an- 1.5 mi 1. The totaJ,delayexPeriP0;ed:lbr traffic on one minov.streetapproacho(one direction only ., c6rarblia0y" STOP.iai�­6`ec;uals or exceiedi'fet6f vehae'�hdurs for a 0� a,, ne-lans approueh or five vehi6l'e-hOdrs, for a hvo-lane a p proach, 6ND Yes 171 No ------------ I - --------- 2, The volurne on the same rnihar street approach (one direction only) equals of exceeds 100 V-ft' '�' g lanes P h6�iTJ6 in lane of traffic"6r, 15b v'h tot hko rnioving P "AND - -- I Yes No 0 1 The' " to ' t i a ' I ' entering volume si Tyiced clu,ring.th e, hour eqQ81S of exceeds 800vph for intersections with,f6je 61 rnore approa6his'br'�650 4ph for interisections with Yes No 0 trey apprbiaches, . . . .......... .................. .... PART B SATISFIED YES IJ NO APPROACH LANES One More Hour proa& - Minor Sire The plofted point fatil-s 6bqle,lhe curve in Figur 3. e-4C - Yes No ,94. The plotterg 0'oinvialfs above the curve in Figure 4C-4. Yes El No The satisfactionof at ' I raffi c §Qnal Warrot or %'vj§erantt IQ shall not in itself rec�fjit Me ins—nation of a -,taffic control 6io a 4C Trafric ('ojjjr0 S" igjj�jl beads, SwcUs 1'ar1 I I i 21iw TOT 1 26, 2006 Cali f6mili'M U, I'C"D ['age 4C' -13 s M(jr(;D 20w Revision 1, as amended lbr use in California) Jl�igurr 4C4`01'(CA). Traffit Si Rpt��,M Vorklshq SATISFIED YES ❑ N O�< Parts A tfd B. or, -art usi. it M B fi) Satis ed gn,4�Wqq. -�el eShpwt 3 of 4) SATISFIED YES Ej No WARRANT' me Volu u SATISFIED (6 YES 0 NO JAWPartt, Must $0 Satisfied), SOCe x — r. v Patt A, SATISFIED YES [I NO Children > 2O./hr YES ( NO C3 1. Pedestrian �Vqlume Any.%houe > 190 Yes El N o gfR',jny 4 hours � 100 Yes El No Ad6q(.;,k Crbssing' Gips L AND < 60 gapfhr Yes E3 No 2_ Peai6siej;an,V6WlVme , Yes O N Q3 Ah 4 h6brs Ye S 0 6M'Oe7d crossi.rig� 11,2rn/s (4 ft/sec) _Yes 0 No..Q_ Dart :l B SATISFIED YES '4" , N O 0 AND,Th he t to -6�dils ancelo the near tiAc'signal'a rg The major street4s greater ffia--n 90, rii 000,A) . ......... Yes No 0 6sed.."tire will nOl fesVicOrd mi '44affic (low atonq�the iajor st QR:pie prop n Met .................... Ye s No VARRANT 5 - Schodl,Critis_slng 'e SATISFIED YES ❑ N O�< Parts A tfd B. or, -art usi. it M B fi) Satis ed Pant GO�pilf,lh6tes'and,# of thildi, SATISFIED YES Ej No en q Hour e,,I > 'A ,ANQ Gaps 14S I'M 'es Ct4dren:Uvrig Tossing - I � 1.1 G SOCe x — r. v 'Minutes Gaps YES 0 NO 0 street,, hr Children > 2O./hr YES ( NO C3 AND Conisiideraiion�� 6 , a . s 61e, e4 n given tbless, restrictive remedial,measOres, Yes 0 No 021MEMOMIR e distance tojhp,nearest traffic;s� I along the major,street is:greater than Wdi p0b,ft) Yes;9 No 0 2R, The roposed signal vill not restrict the progressives mov err eni of traftic, o Ye �s N o , Part C%jAll. Parts 1, 2, and 3,befow must be satisfied) SATISFIED YES 0 NO 1 , 2. 3. v as ;:,`;:'r. Soo 350 Yes 0 No D �A ND, Schbol, A e, P&dewrians Ced sih9 Street i he 100 70 Yes 0 No EJ 2R_:��fjool Age f?adeatf inns Toss ing:street 1 -clay 5i7Q a Yes C3 No 0 When the rriticat'M`th Pet`c�" Vnfile aPPfOarh speed eXPPe0s,55 km1h (36 mph) or the sight distance to the is 16Ss4fihn'the," require d sto)plin d' g. is;anc6, rtsra l drjt ria showd be used, Thesatismi-, Of 3 tray IC signal warram or warranis sfjalj?' elf rcquirt 1he ins!allation of a traffic contiol swg,, a!, !,I its Ch apler 4C - Traiffic Control Signal Nced.s Studies part 4 -- I fit hA ay'Fraffic Sjgnql,'� SLpternbcr 26. 2006 California MUTCD Page 4C` -14 (FHWA*s MU')*(.D 2003 Revision 1, as amended Ibr use in Calil'briiia) Fig,UM 4C-101 (CA)., rraffic Signai Warrants WOrkshoet {Sheet 4 of 4) WARRANT 6 - (,'bordinite'd'Signal System SATISFIED YES 0 NO {Ail Darts Mustc13q;S,.a,t,i,s,fi,ed) Ml NIMUM ROCiUIREM&T, DISTANCE TO NEARS SIGNAL S—ft. E �w _a&L ft YesKNocl on "a 066-wav'street or a street that has. tr a ffi c predominantly in oneditedion,'the adjacent so I TO FA P� , Pr t fi-at they Olatbbni ' I I It_ y do not provkide.th6 necessary de.gree of -- — — — — ----- — — — — — — — — Yes C] No&KI WARRANTI -:Crash Ex' I periencewarrant (A,4Pa.rtl§, Must 'Be. Sat !§fied) SATISFIED YES 0 NO�< i�ue aware ,iriai,oralt,arnaii,ye,s.with saiislactory olnervance and. enforcement has failed to Leduc the crash.r tatty, Yes No REQUIREMENT8, Npmberof ciisfias,vAl thin a 12-month,period susceptible to!',corre coon 6y-atia "' ffic'signal,and inv�014ihg injury or yeso NOE] I d4magp- exceeding the requirernenti for a'reportable crash, ----------------------- Yes [:) No , YVArranl 4, Pedestrian. Volume Condition Nd Vol Zi52 for 6q, h6ur QE. Red ,VO'5M fdiaiiy, 4 hours ,WARRANT 8 -.Roadw13y,NetWork SATISFIED YES C3 NO 0 REOUIREMCNTS ENITERIN(� VOLUMES— ALL APPROACHES FULFILLED Veh/Hr Arid has, 5-year 1-11rojected traffic vOlui —lie - EM i; thaTmeet a or w"* OL of'Narrahts'l, 2� and ddrinj iFin averilgeeve e�kday, 1000 Veftft- � _� % ��, 11 , — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Peso Noo OR Duflng,Each Of Any'5 Hrs, of a S�atand/or Sun Veh/Hr ElyJERI'11.1 "OLUro' Typical We k(jay P"I' r I j"Jected m OLNa ran s I, an clu, ing 1jun VehH' CHA MAJOR RAM ERIS TICS M;A�10A f PF MAJOR ROUTES: U_r ROUT E A ROUTE 8 .H%vy. Systern Network,forThrough Traffic — — — — — — — — — — — --- — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — Rural,or ghwLy-Outside Of, Entering. or Trove ;sing a City Appears_aS:rM F ajor Rqule.on%�an Otricial Plan Met, Both Streets Yes 0 No 0 The satisfaction of a tie -i; - is signal or warrants shall not in itself require the invallation of a traffic control sional, Ch*&.4(', TrallicCmitrol Signal i,'qce&Stu(jieS r I ScpteinbeT 26, 2006 Parl Ili hwa. l- rafflic �ia nls California M UTCD (FHWA's MUTCD 2003 Revision L as attended tbr use in ealiffimia) �Condffi qn�:A,—Mihimurrt Veftieu far Volume Page 4C- 17 Condit.ioh-E8 —JfAqrr'uptiOh ot'ConfinuoW;Traffib -7 Vehicles per hour on Vehicles per hour on higher-volurne Nurhber oflanes� tot Vehicles per hour On rnAlor:street higher - VOIU to r, Vehicles per hour on major street minor�slreet ap, x p, pach moving -tralfi.c pI:eaCh:apprOaoh (total,of both appr,oaohos) (one direction only) Ma or street-, fy irtor.'Street 100V ,80%" Mlo" 56V 700- 5611, 10GIX6, 80% �Q M ..... ,2 ,,,,or morb... t.... I 500 400 350 280 420 33� 15 & 105 84 ,135 84 12 "be mere — .2 or rndre 60& 480 42O 336 200 160 140 112 • Of more.,.. 500 400 3.50 290 200 160 140 112 Condit.ioh-E8 —JfAqrr'uptiOh ot'ConfinuoW;Traffib -7 Vehicles per hour on higher-volurne Nurhber oflanes� tot Vehicles per hour On rnAlor:street minor-street �jpproach tttaving Afjffic -- h approach on each (Iotal 6 i:bbth.a h (one.dire0on only) N3i-60r,streial nov z6%d 10mv,80%3}•. 569,;" 6010 525 420 53 42 ?or hII&O.... .l ..... .1 X750 S, 630 04 53 42 ?,pr;.niore,,., ZQr,rnqra, - 720 630 504 100 80 70 2 600 525 420, 100 80 70 56 Basic Minihl6m hourly Used 4(Nn Adt�Wtle mp'A'swes, rvtay no, Useaw wan t��00120 roqI,,,pepd oxcoeds�Z-D- . ko,04,;. 4 itha y POPW-Mixi dlleis than lubb, L"my 00,,6r"I kv 61 Conditjonr, A andt aftet sdeq4,ajiz ?ia! of o1her mensures when the nv�jor- 'k (This space 4�fil inleallonvIll, blank) Chapia4C - Triaffic Control Signal Needs Studics September 26, 2006 dart -4 Highway Trat fie Signals California MUTC D (I-HWA's- MUTCrI 2003 Revi.Mon I, as- atnendcd fvr,use in California) 500" M . 400 LJ E. c cc T 0 T Figure #C -1. Warr nt '2, Fbur -Haut Vehi.culzir Volume •11 t J n[i t atJ i f 3' N %_ 0 -000 1OW 1100 1200 130D 1400 A QR:ST ET-- J,0TAL C F BOTH APPRC H — y j r °g 1414 W 1 i;5 VPh'APPli s the lower, itare� bld slu ne te�r ,a min r- streel ap i�3 rh vitll 4140 cr"rnore lanes and 80 vpli Plies es the i W r thrdMplc Ventre for a miriiar- siresi eppr'oiich witWone ion e, Page 4C -9 e our-Hour i tsP stt t A*in1_h0RA80vE40m0 ON MAJOR STREET) IF 4,60 Lj [ t.t�' t MW MAJOR STREET —TQTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES— VEHICLES. PER HOUR (VPH) l tile: ao +plt Ala €€ t ".il<L; lower threshold volute f or s ftl €€Ur t3 ,t 1')Pt600 Watt" t =r r O'C"fu ienes af1d 660 vph applies as th € tlt'estiQW volump for a ih tylE�d tz'.i2 t;ltaptc 4C `traffic Control Signal Nu4As 5tudi<e: Septcniber 26, 20(W> Part 4 114 h% uv `l mfft sj,,nits `California MUTCD Patre 4(- 10 (FHWA's MUTCD 2003 Revision 1, as amended for use in California) Figure 4C-3. Warrant 3. Peak Hour > ................ . .................... .... .......... 32.4.1 kwt . . . . . ........... �2 6 OBE LAID �s a: 2 OP, m, RE LANES �w 0 WIL . �2 R MORE LANES & I LANE E. I LANE &1 LA NE 21M r!: 0 w S2 . . ...... .. 4 06, f; "600 760 '86D OW 100 1200 13 14DO 1500 '1600 1700 1800 MAJORSTREET—TOTAL OFBQTH APPROA CIF E S- VEHICLItS PER HQU4(VPH), *Nole�-, , 1'50,vpljapp0as as minor-'stroel wfluawd"1W vph'appliesastheJower a fvlin K-;slreewppfoach with ohe"afle, Figure;4C4., Wa�nint 3�, Feak: Hour (70% Factor) MIM 01 If A`rii —T loo w . T- - 70 MAJOR, STREET—TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES— VEHICLES PER HOUR WPH) I *Note,' I:Qqyph appfies as the, bvier !,,�-. h'' - I minor-street res aria r tl, vp : �1_n fies, as the lower I P threshold volume for a minor-stroet avpmcft with onc- iane, I '10 75 (I Owpter 4C,- Traftic ('or trol -%,gnil Needs.Studici SeptcmNr 26. 2000 ATTACHMENT 2 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: - TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: JUNE 26, 2008 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC STUDY AT RUSH STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE SUMMARY In late 2007, the City received a petition from local residents to evaluate traffic conditions at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue, adjacent. to Rice Elementary School. This issue was reviewed by the Traffic Commission and then forwarded to the City Council for review and further direction. On February 12, 2008, the City Council directed staff to improve traffic markings in the area and have an independent engineering company conduct a new traffic study for the location. Since that meeting, staff has made traffic marking improvements and has contracted with Kimley -Horn and Associates to conduct a new traffic study for this area. This traffic study was conducted in May and an overview of the data collected including traffic and pedestrian counts is included for your review (Attachment 1). Additionally, a presentation will ' be made highlighting these counts, reviewing traffic signal warrants,, and reviewing potential traffic calming enhancements that can be made at the location. Staff has sent notification card mailers regarding this issue to households within a 500 foot radius of the location, individuals that signed the initial petition, the Garvey Unified School District, and other affected parties. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission review and provide recommendations on the information presented, take resident input, and forward to the City Council for further review. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachment 1: May 2008 Warrant Calculation Sheets Attachment 2: February 12, 2008 City Council Agenda Report Attachment 3: February 12, 2008 City Council Minutes In cyiicm aM ASSU�a!e5, lie. Angelus Avenue / Rush Street Inlcrscction Stu& e' • P esentation�,� Background, A al s s n I sues } What Are Traf c ig a rr ts? - - -'� 2008 to s • n Tra I a edsures / • Questions a d Wers • Future Direct 'o aM A—:.i .. tc: Angelus Avenue / Rush Street Intersection Study S S a art conditio o p r 4 I to fund, t o in a�lation of a tr'af c i L • W rrant analysis ,co p et d, t et; So__signa s It stalled... • e ents a I ve e 7 e- ev ate con itio and s otme. • Traffic Commis i n tes to install t a I aiming measures, staff It e ine what' o f ctive. • There is a crossin g Angelus A%enue, / Rush Street Intersection Studv C n do criteria io-provl to a st ld di d efinition of the in um on tiods for making decisions n h t i tall a traffic signal. • Si ply, meeting the wa`an ng t r es not mean that alsi nal is 'us[ red at a given. local io . he a factors thatLim ct the Me veness of a signal, a d al sh Id cc lua before eci ' n in all igrfal -is-i n a'de. owe failure to me y tin 'te ' ind' s t a tra signa not tat • nnun m o m I Control -Del\i r TCD defines the stan d a gers nationwide i st II nd maintain traffic control device II treets and highw ys e MUTCD is published by the Fed rat H h ay. Administrat' n F W ) under 23 Code of Federal Regula 'o ( R , art 65S p rt . ®� P.aej k -. -;f. .....,, Avenue / Rush Street Intersection Vehicular -None were met, G Angelus Avenue / Rush Street Intersection Studv 1 raffic and pedest 'an Il cted before sc o I I tout - 7:30 -8:310 m, 2. M_ rants_condu ed T is a min t, S m e Ii e be ana yze dvance sign d ashers \ • Intersection " u b- u s R. • Speed feedba g s • Enforcement ' • Crossing guards ^ A% enue/ Rush Street Intersection | | | �w°m= bew",==| 1��M Avenue / Rush Street Intersection Angelus Avenue / Rush Street Intersection Stud, 1 :(What is the',p o I a we're tryin t s 1've —what is e o at tra e e i can M ent r o .. »�cf Acska!es, Inc: Angelus Avenue / Rush Street Intersection Study I a ut T ic.calmngmeas es nb se ar< ed' totwogrodps Volume control measo s a e sed to address cut= hrough traffic proble b c i c ain movertiettts, t ereby.&erting t,rafTi to ree be le aridle it. •ed control me es a rim it d a eedm In c gi verti al a e c angin < It I ali n o g [h .roa ay. The distinction be w en th two types of me a ur t as clear as their nam s u es since speed,t;o tr ea ures frequently divert a c ehtate' ?o s, n v lume control measures usu Ily to a tc. :n K:ny:PYHOn Angelus Avenue/ Rush Street Intersection Angelus Avenue / Rush Street Intersection Speed / Rush Street Intersection Angelus A %enue / Rush Street Intersection Stud% r i • I nt' an al e a p riate, ff ctive interim o t ay be: • Advance flashers, si or lighted cro al • ulb- out interse io cos i \` C nue use C n G ' St mo ' t' s En , — • Modi y C edition #4 • To use fu o iersectiori r v ments" • Monitor with t 'c a ua c t a d warrants • Design signal for e Avenue / Rush Strcct Intcrscction Studv sn-I]ONV. 7 3nN3AV ViI30 HMENT 3 Z C/11 w Z W U) M Z 0 d 0 Z 0 < — LL — w U) w W U) 0 W U) LL 0 F- m C.) E g 52 cci I ®p= Z w R J.VM3AN0 laVN --lVM inN3AV V1130 4 MINN.! J w w J z a az �W wO Uw z Cl) OQa U�U <Q a wow _ w �wCO O N F- rr W Cn LL =O CE U a o-- m 57cc I FA 0 Z 3� x; O wF2 vi I I S G UG - - i I 88 \ I� I �f� I w � I U), o% N� \ I ,3AV Sf1339NV 0�3 AVM3A180 iaNA —IM 1 JN �w �a _�i wo 3 4 . 311N3AV V1T3a o3 x 3 WIN 0 E 0 7 n Y Y fV J W W J Z Q a Z F- W d2 Z U) OQ¢ U�U <0 Q Wow =mow W 0 O Cl) W C/) W cr = O OZ IiIU c u KI1 3 , V E 20, / rl, V M31 A I WI 12iVW -1VM �- Xz Zl i 1 _ a� 6 I o� 3f1N3AV V1130 ' zN,6 �1 i ooz w N 1 a m ; =y - 0 O l'a"al - z loa� o� se �k 00 G) LIV � � [ H; -�z J.o 3 _ 1 i I i i fl10 i o W - �I I Y 21 M J W W J Z J � a Z w 0-2 W (j Uw ZC/) 00Qa U3:U Q °a0 wow 2 w LU (n W 0 W U) Cc O (3--) `y r IL Cc U �m 9 S2 cc ATTACHMENT 4 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 2, 2008 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC STUDY AT RUSH STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE SUMMARY On June 26, 2008, the Traffic Commission reviewed a presentation related to resident traffic concerns at Rush Street and Angelus Avenue, adjacent to Rice Elementary School. Prior to this meeting, staff was directed by the City Council to conduct a traffic study at this location to determine if additional traffic calming alternatives are needed. The results of the study show that a new traffic signal is not currently warranted. However, the Commission did express interest in adding traffic calming enhancements at the location, including: • Consider extending red curbing on the south side of Rush Street adjacent to Delta Avenue. • Consider.providing temporary options for bulb outs at the location. • Consider trimming median landscaping to enhance visibility. • Consider reducing on- street parking along Rush Street. Based on these comments, City staff and its traffic engineering consultant, Kimley -Horn and Associates, have prepared several concept plans for the Commission's review. The concept plans (Attachment 1) are categorized into three levels that include a summary of the improvements, associated costs, and potential advantages /disadvantages for each improvement. After analyzing the traffic information and traffic calming alternatives, it is recommended that the Traffic Commission approve the Level 1 Concept Plan. This concept plan addresses several of the issues raised by local residents, incorporates comments made by the Traffic Commission, and is available at a reasonable cost. Further, this Concept Plan will allow staff to evaluate the effectiveness of improvements and "ramp up" the improvements to higher levels if necessary. After installation, staff will continue to monitor this location and provide the Commission, with updates on traffic issues. Staff has sent notification card mailers regarding this issue to households within a 500 foot radius of the location, individuals that signed the initial petition, the Garvey Unified School District, and other affected parties. Traffic Commission Meeting October 2, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission: 1.) Review the presentatiori made by staff and Kimley -Horn and Associates; 2.) Recommend to the City Council that Level 1 improvements be made along Rush Street; 3.) Direct staff to continue monitoring traffic conditions and provide updates regarding the effectiveness of the Level 1 improvements. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachment 1: Concept Plans and Summaries Attachment 2: June 26, 2008 Traffic Commission Agenda Report Attachment 3: June 26, 2008 Traffic Commission Minutes Attachment 4: February 12, 2008 City Council Agenda Report Attachment 5: February 12, 2008 City Council Minutes n tion • a gro.un - - -_ Initial Issues I June 2008 Me ti u dry n us us ree g • ative o errtents:. • Questions n swers 1 F Hrlr Rush Strcet Analysis ® rA scc a'xs rc'. a ro • nit. Is es_and as — • W Mart condition f d s e , crossing guard arrant analysis comp) ted n t R silent petition 11/'00 , a t on ucted again,still t at • Tr fficCommission.vot s t in II a c I meas as J e 8 Meetin Si I warrant expl n d s ermine at is e a ay segment, o u t i tersection • Descrip !o n us tr ffi calming techniq as i • Action to prepare c pt al,levels of imp r v m n Rush Strcet Analysis 'CMV K n'.ev Hm. t O Rose a s O tober 2, 2008'. Rush et Ana s And the An I sh" ' s ion vi-Y. H" n tion • a gro.un - - -_ Initial Issues I June 2008 Me ti u dry n us us ree g • ative o errtents:. • Questions n swers 1 F Hrlr Rush Strcet Analysis ® rA scc a'xs rc'. a ro • nit. Is es_and as — • W Mart condition f d s e , crossing guard arrant analysis comp) ted n t R silent petition 11/'00 , a t on ucted again,still t at • Tr fficCommission.vot s t in II a c I meas as J e 8 Meetin Si I warrant expl n d s ermine at is e a ay segment, o u t i tersection • Descrip !o n us tr ffi calming techniq as i • Action to prepare c pt al,levels of imp r v m n Rush Strcet Analysis 'CMV K n'.ev Hm. ruour�eo�xwtervR,�:ee.o L ............................. ............................... _................... An average of 60 more veh cle tri sl hour on Angelus Avenue to or a warrant would be met. Rush Street Anahsis for 4 contiriu�(usihorsor, 190 in one hour befor a r nl ould be met. ng Volume control measures Used to address cut- through traffic problems by blocking certain movements, diverting traffic to streets better able to handle it. Speed control measures Used to address speeding problems by changing vertical alignment, changing horizontal alignment, or narrowing the roadway. I Rush Street Anahsis YnierHerr ax. A <cvia'�s.ec nal r unto and Title riteria. W man 1:8 owVehlcular Volume ana t 2: -Hour Vehicular Volume Hi h i s ling traffic volumes on all a to ch na 3: eak.Hour mor Ve we ex dances er del We ant Pe lriariVolum'e ran :se Crossing a to c nts c sin Warra : C­I., tad Si nal aW Warrant 7: Acci h n there are 5 +,se re ac ide t/ ear at location Warrant 8: Roadway Network i emonall divert owto volume roadway -None wee et, a pp a e Rush Slrccl Anahsis .lim @ Nmny +hir. _ -__- ruour�eo�xwtervR,�:ee.o L ............................. ............................... _................... An average of 60 more veh cle tri sl hour on Angelus Avenue to or a warrant would be met. Rush Street Anahsis for 4 contiriu�(usihorsor, 190 in one hour befor a r nl ould be met. ng Volume control measures Used to address cut- through traffic problems by blocking certain movements, diverting traffic to streets better able to handle it. Speed control measures Used to address speeding problems by changing vertical alignment, changing horizontal alignment, or narrowing the roadway. I Rush Street Anahsis YnierHerr ax. A <cvia'�s.ec Rush Str t Analysis le Rush Street Analysis ied based mission M de traffic c cost Rush Strut Analysis 1 Rush Strut Analysis I , Rush Slrccl Annlysis 0 MEN = i V Rush Strcct Analysis /® en I I n n p valuate effectiv e s u it ive) with traffic d a. • Obtain school and es d i p (qualitative) on ffectiveness. I _ a ed-upon c s , o i on • n se t Is • Asse 6nditio6l t rmine if funding can d.for impl n ation. Rush Strcet Analysis � t Pr FCrn ...1. ax �ucexs rr Rush Strccl Analysis WN I M IIA m d en I I n n p valuate effectiv e s u it ive) with traffic d a. • Obtain school and es d i p (qualitative) on ffectiveness. I _ a ed-upon c s , o i on • n se t Is • Asse 6nditio6l t rmine if funding can d.for impl n ation. Rush Strcet Analysis � t Pr FCrn ...1. ax �ucexs rr Rush Strccl Analysis • e t a •c do criteria-to -provi to a s nd r ed efinition of-the ni u on ions for making decis ns n in al, -a traffic signaL, • Si ply,i meeting the warrant ng ri e i as not mean that a jsi nal is 'ustfed at a given location T e r a y' factors that imp ct he ffe iveness of a signal; a all sho Id a al ted - before a d isi n t i sal signal is_ made: Ho ver, eat f cri sates at fFc ' al should no st d. • he ual on Unifo ra ro is defines th tender s y o an gers'nationwi to in all and maintain traffic de ' I treets and high y . h MUTCD is published by the Fede at ig w y'Administration ( H A u der 23 Code of Federal Regulations (C R) P rl655, Subpart'F ® kintirrHem —: ®� 3X': ti'CG'd'kS.lft: ATTACHMENT 5 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2008 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Community Recreation Center, 3936 North Muscatel, Rosemead. PLEDGE OF ALLIGIANCE - Chairperson Knapp INVOCATION' - Vice Chairperson Masuda ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairperson Masuda, Commissioners Gay, Hunter, and Lewin Absent: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of May 1, 2008: Commissioner Lewin requested that the third line on page 5 be corrected to read "Commissioner Lewin visited the location on two occasions....." It was moved by Commissioner Lewin, seconded by Commissioner Gay to accept and approve the amended minutes of the May 1, 2008, meeting. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairperson Masuda, Commissioners Gay, Hunter, and Lewin Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: Hunter 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Manual F. Cox 4527 No. Earle Ave. 626- 627 -1511 Crosswalk at Earle and Mission used for the park and school needs signage review. There is speeding on Mission and Earle. Sidewalks are incomplete and something needs to be done to stop the speeding and racing. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 26, 2008 Page 1 Jlnec (06160)17470/1002/Min01 DRAFT Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Sal DeLaCruz 4533 No. Earle Ave. 626- 291 -5535 Mr. DeLaCruz commented that two years ago he asked for speed bumps and he was told that the City of Rosemead does not, allow speed bumps. He pointed out that there are speed bumps in the City. Something has to be done to stop the speeding on Earle before something tragic happens. Commissioner Gay asked if most of the speeding is on Mission. Mr. Cox replied that speeding occurs on both Mission and Earle, coming off Mission heading southbound Earle towards Shuey (towards Wells). He wondered if the stop sign at Wells /Earle should be larger. Commissioner Lewin made inquiry about the location of the speeding and racing, and the time of day. Mr. DeLaCruz stated it was on Earle in the afternoon, mostly school hours. Kids racing. Mr. Cox stated it is a long block, no breaks, great for racing. He believes a camera would be a deterrent to the speeding. There are no posted speed limit signs. Chairperson Knapp suggested that there should be more police enforcement in this area during the appropriate times. She also suggested the installation of larger stop signs. Speaking before the Commission: Mr. Todd Kunioka 8400 Wells Street 626- 309 -9924 Mr. Tunioka stated the same problems occur on Delta as described on Earle and Mission. Drag racing occurs. He asked about possibility of speed humps or bumps along Wells. Speaking before the Commission: Jim Flournoy 8655 Landis View Sunday at 2:00,in the morning a delivery truck arrived at Wal -Mart. There was a lot of noise. The truck routes need to be regulated. A friendly letter to Panda to discourage deliveries on Delta might be all that is needed. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 26, 2008 Page 2 Jlnec (06160)17470/1002/Min01 DRAFT 3. OLD BUSINESS A. REVIEW ON TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ALONG RUSH /ANGELUS Chris Marcarello, Deputy Public Works Director, presented the Staff Report. Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission review and provide recommendations on the information presented, take resident input, and forward to the City Council for further review. Mr. Marcarello introduced Bill Dvorak and Diana Turlik of Kimley -Horn for the presentation of the traffic study. (Kimley -Horn presentation followed.) Chairpersor, , Knapp asked about cost of in- pavement lights of wide streets such as Earle /Mission compared to Rush. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that the cost of in- pavement lights are based on the width of the street and the number of travel lanes. Vice Chairperson Masuda asked about bulb -outs at crosswalks. Mr. Dvorak referred to the drawing of the bulb -outs. Commissioner Gay asked if there is any special funding for lighted crosswalks. Mr. Dvorak responded there is state funding for some lighted crosswalks. Commissioner Gay asked if there could be funding for both bulb -out and lighted crosswalk. Mr. Dvorak responded that it could be done but wondered if both would be of benefit: Issues Commissioner Gay cited the Edison traffic and that people are afraid to cross because of traffic. The median landscaping blocks visibility southbound Angelus. The median landscaping needs to be lowered for better visibility. Commissioner Lewin stated there is speeding on Rush. Delta is part of the equation yet has not been studied. Sight distance is severely limited for left turn from Delta. If study had been completed for Delta as well, he wondered if warrant would be satisfied if Angelus /Delta /Rush volumes were combined. Mr. Flournoy indicated speed is the number one problem and number two is the left turn issues. He would also like to see if the signal at Wal -Mart is justified. Commissioner Gay stated the issues are to slow down the traffic, make it a safe crossing for students and clean up the median landscaping for visibility. Larry Bevington indicated that he believes the signal warrants indicate that if there is a complicated intersection that a signal or yellow flashing light should be installed. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 26, 2008 Page 3 Jl:mec (06160)17470/1002/Min01 + DRAFT Mr. Peter Wu, from the audience, was recognized by the Chair. Mr. Wu explained his lateness at the meeting and stated that he was present at a Traffic Commission meeting a couple of months ago and spoke about Mission /lvar and the new construction on southeast side of Mission. Traffic will be heavier when construction is completed and something will need to be done. He was informed that that item will be agendized and he will be notified. Mr. Kunioka also believes that Delta needs to be considered as' well as bulb -outs combined with flashing lights. Chairperson Knapp called for recommendations to be forwarded to the City Council. Commissioner Lewin: Install bulb -out and flashing light with solar power; extend red curb from Delta. Commissioner Gay: Remove vegetation in median on west side. Provide information for funding sources. Vice Chairperson.Masuda: Can bulb -outs be placed on a temporary basis to see if they are a calming effect to slow down cars? In- pavement lights will be a continuing cost and maintenance to the City. Commissioner Hunter: No signal needed; need some safety feature for children; more done on Delta. Chairperson Knapp: Delta visibility (left turns); does not want a cul -de -sac; likes in- pavement lights. 4. NEW BUSINESS - NONE 5. STAFF REPORTS - NONE A. WALNUT GROVE AVENUE /HALKETT AVENUE — Letter Request Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki asked Commissioners for any special items that they would like included in this analysis. Commissioner Lewin would like distance between Grand and Halkett, and Halkett and Mission. Also adult pedestrians versus kid pedestrians; separate the two. Chairperson Knapp questioned the request for a marked crosswalk in order to gain access to a mailbox when residents can place mail in their own mailbox and it will be picked up by the postman. Vice Chairperson Masuda stated that every time he crosses Walnut Grove, he runs across. Even with the four -way stop at Grand and Walnut Grove he doesn't think it is safe. Edge line dots or some warning device at the curve might cut down on the Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 26, 2008 Page 4 Jlnec (06160)17470/1002/Min01 DRAFT number of sideswipe (of parked cars) accidents. Stop marking at southbound Walnut Grove at Grand cannot be read, it is very , faded. Chris will take care of it. 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Vice Chairperson Masuda, all issues have been covered. Commissioner Lewin: Valley Vision Plan meetings. On a couple of occasions he has heard that Caltrans can supersede work along Valley because of the 10 Freeway. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki has no specific information regarding that issue. For Chris, is the loading zone on Muscatel at library coming soon? Chris responded it is. Westbound Ramona at Walnut Grove (agenda item for next meeting). Needs lane directions /signs of existing movements, perhaps create two lanes. Chairperson Knapp, coming off the off ramp at Walnut Grove and Hellman, there are two large `potholes. Chris will look at it. Also, extend the left turn for the southbound Walnut Grove at Hellman /Ramona. This work has been approved and has not been completed. Referred to Chris. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned until July 17, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. (July 3rd meeting cancelled due to the Holiday.) Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 26, 2008 Page 5 Jlnec (06160)17470/1002/Min01 ATTACHMENT 6 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION OCTOBER 2, 2008 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. The pledge to the flag was led by Commissioner Lewin. The invocation was delivered by Vice Chairman Masuda. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairman Masuda, Commissioners Deary, Lewin .and Russell Absent: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of September 4, 2008, Regular Meeting were amended as follows: On page 3, second paragraph. under Mr. DelaCruz speaking before the Commission, Commissioner Lewin believes it would be appropriate to mention that Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki explained speed humps historically have not been used by the City. The paragraph is amended to read: "Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki explained history of speed humps in the City. That historically speed humps have not been used by the City and that staff has not been given any other direction from the City." On page 5, next to last paragraph, Commissioner Lewin stated he. believes the location of the 7 foot hedge is the northwest corner. (Southwest corner is correct; no change in minutes.) Commissioner Lewin requested that on page 6, 2nd paragraph, "stops sign" be changed to "stop signs." 3`d paragraph: Change spelling of "Garvailia and Jcakson" to "Garvalia and Jackson." Under the Vote Results change Hunter to Russell. Vice Chairman Masuda motioned and seconded by Commissioner Russell to accept and approve the amended minutes of September 4, 2008. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairperson Masuda, Commissioners Deary, Lewin and Russell Noes: None Abstain: None 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mr. Roland Rodriguez, 8267 Artson Street, stated he is concerned about the crosswalk on Mission Drive that is directly in front of the Rosemead swimming pool. It needs to be repainted. Two children were hit by cars last year at that intersection. Other citizens are also concerned about the crosswalk. He asked that perhaps the City could conduct a study, possibly put in a Rosemead Traffic Commission Minutes of October 2, 2008 Page 1 of 10 FINAL reflector system where the reflectors light up, and signs. He stated that while waiting to pick up his children he has noticed that people drive pretty fast in that area. Chairperson Knapp asked Mr. Rodriguez if he could be more specific about the location of the crosswalk. Mr. Rodriguez answered that it is on Mission, directly in front of the Rosemead swimming pool. Near Newby. Mr. Larry Callaham, Principal of Rosemead High School, verified that two children were struck after school last year while in that crosswalk. He stated it is a very dangerous crosswalk because people traveling westbound have a speed limit of 45 and then 25 mph at the school, but when there is little traffic the crosswalk is ignored by the drivers He arrives at the school between 6:45 and 7:00 a.m., not a heavy traffic time, but there are students using the crosswalk crossing north to the pool and on down the street. During peak hours the traffic is congested and much slower. It is after school hours when' traffic moves freely that the crosswalk is the most dangerous. Mr. Callaham confirmed that the crosswalk is at Newby. He also requested a study be conducted. Commissioner Lewin stated that Mission Drive is one of the things that he was thinking of as a possible study topic. In particular, that stretch between Rosemead Boulevard and Valley Boulevard. In general, he believes the Commission needs to take a look at Mission Drive and see if it could be made a safer street. He believes 40 miles per hour is too high for that street, especially that section. He agreed with Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Callaham that something needs to be done with that crosswalk, and that Mission needs to be looked at. Chairperson Knapp asked if painting the crosswalk isn't something that should have been done earlier. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki responded that Deputy Public Works Director Chris Marcarello will make sure the crosswalk at Mission and Newby will get painted. Mr. Marcarello stated he will take care of it. 4. OLD BUSINESS A. TRAFFIC STUDY AT RUSH STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE Deputy Public Works Director Chris Marcarello presented the staff report. Notification cards were sent out to people within the immediate vicinity of Rush Street and Angelus Avenue. Mr. Marcarello stated that unfortunately it did not appear that many people were able to attend the meeting. Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission: 1) Review the presentation made by staff and Kimley -Horn and Associates, 2) Recommend to City Council that Level 1 improvements be made along Rush Street, and 3) Direct staff to continue monitoring traffic conditions and provide updates regarding the effectiveness of the Level 1 improvements. Rosemead Traffic Commission Minutes of October 2, 2008 Page 2 of 10 FINAL An unidentified person from the audience stated he just received the postcard not The card is postmarked September 30th and he received it October 2 "d. He is not at the Traffic Commission meeting because of Rush Street but for the Delta Avenue agenda item. His neighbor received his card October 1St and that is what made him aware of the Delta Avenue agenda item. There was some discussion about the notification process; many cards were sent out to tenants and property owners a week earlier notifying them of the agenda items. The lateness of delivery will be addressed by the Commission at a later time. Mr. Bill Dvorak of Kimley -Horn and Associates made the presentation of traffic calming alternatives for Rush Street and Angelus Avenue. Kimley- Horn's recommendation is Level 1 improvements and staff to determine if Wal -Mart can be conditioned to pay for these or any improvements. Discussion Commissioner Deary inquired about Wal -Mart's stake in the improvements and wondered if they had been invited to the meeting. Mr. Marcarello responded their stake is nothing. Chairperson Knapp explained that Wal- Mart comes up because of the condition of approval, number 41. Mr. Marcarello explained Wal -Mart agreed to provide a certain amount of money for a crossing guard at that location and if warranted, they would fund installation of a flashing yellow beacon. Vice Chairman Masuda likes implementing Level 1 and part of Level 2. He asked if higher visibility on bulb -outs can be installed. Delineators, large Botts' dots, short berm were suggested by Chairperson Knapp and Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki. Chairperson Knapp asked if the installation of Botts' dots could cause any problems such as when the children are walking on them. Mr. Dvorak stated he was not sure if that has ever been an issue and he would need to discuss it with the engineers. He would hope there would be no issues. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki agreed with Mr. Dvorak, stating the children would be in an area where they should not be crossing because the dots would be on the outside of the crosswalk; it all depends on what is suggested and how designed. Commissioner Russell asked about the time frame if the improvements are approved, if Level 1 is not successful and Level 2 is approved for implementation, and also if Level 3 is implemented. Mr. Dvorak stated. generally one year review period is used. There needs to be objective opinions as well as data. Maybe six months to review while school is in session and then make a decision whether to proceed. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki explained that the Commissioners will have an opportunity to pick and choose parts of each level. Commissioner Lewin asked about crosswalk markings. More reflective paint? What about retro - reflective? He also suggested extending the median for a "safe" area, a stop point in the intersection if the pedestrian needs to stop. Rosemead Traffic Commission Minutes of October 2, 2008 Page 3 of 10 J1► /_1I Vice Chairman Masuda asked if the intent of having a pick up / drop -off zone as shown in Level 2 is for convenience and to slow the traffic. Mr. Dvorak indicated yes. Maria Perea, 2434 Charlotte, did not sign the petition. She drives Angelus and Rush every day. She stated one improvement would be lower shrubbery and trim trees higher. Trees and shrubbery limit visibility. Concerning the drop off, she asked if that would actually be on Rush. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated the intent is for some of the cars westbound on Rush to drop -off there and not have them turn right on to Angelus. Ms. Perea indicated Rush is a very dangerous street; speed is the issue. Virginia Peterson, Superintendent of Garvey School District, expressed interest in the drop -off area. This is something the District is looking at for all their schools. She stated the drop -off might be helpful to the school; it will remove traffic from Angelus. She suggested it might be appropriate for some City staff to talk to school staff and provide training for them and the drop -off volunteers, and even drivers. Chairperson Knapp asked Ms. Peterson how the crossing guard is working out at that location. Ms. Peterson responded there are no problems specifically identified. It appears the crossing guard is taking great care in his position. Mr.-Richard Vasquez, 8105 E. Whitmore, does not live in this particular area but he does drive it every afternoon while returning home from work, east to west_ on Rush. He has heard the focus of the Commissioners' discussion to be on the crosswalk, but he believes installation of speed signs is just important. When he sees one of the flashing signs it immediately makes him aware of his speed. With the idea of prevention, he believes it is important to slow the drivers before they get to the crosswalk. He also suggests lowering the speed limit. Commissioner Lewin stated he is leaning towards Level 1 with a few modifications. He would like to look at changing the vegetation on all three median areas. Have low growth and possibly trim trees higher along the whole stretch. Chairperson Knapp asked if all Commissioners agree. They responded yes. Commissioner Lewin would also like to add an extension of median nose into the crosswalk with ADA ramp on either side; basically have that as a stop area for pedestrians if needed. After discussion by Mr. Dvorak, Commissioner Lewin revised his request to have staff study the feasibility of adding the median nose ramp. If the drop off /pick up zone is implemented, Commissioner Lewin would like for staff to work with Rice Elementary staff to establish a time frame for installation so that Rice Elementary can get everything they need into place before installation. Commissioner Deary asked with regard to the drop off if there would be a painted line. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki responded yes, it is shown on the Level 2, Figure 3 diagram. Rosemead Traffic Commission Minutes of October 2, 2008 Page 4 of 10 FINAL Chairperson Knapp wondered if the Botts' dots should be added to Level 1. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki suggested to keep this in Phase 2. After Level 1 is looked at the City can ask the residents what can be done to improve it. Vice Chairman Masuda asked if there is a need for dots or delineators at the south side bulb -out. He believes there needs to be something to slow the traffic; even the traffic cone the crossing guard puts out slows the traffic. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki asked a question of Commissioner Lewin for clarification. His motion is to look at Level 1 and do the drop off, because Level 2 includes the bulb -out on the north side. Commissioner Lewin stated he is asking for the bulb -out on the south side also. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki explained that what she sees is that with Level 2 the drop off could be done without the south side bulb -out. For this reason she was asking for Commissioner Lewin's intent. Commissioner. Lewin stated at this point he had made no motion or intent for the bulb - out. Vice Chairman Masuda is in favor of adding the bulb -outs on the south side too, with some kind of delineator. Commissioner Russell wondered how paint will slow someone down. ' Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki explained it has been shown that when a street has been visually narrowed with lines, there is an effect of a corridor feeling. So even though it is only paint, it does affect how you feel when driving. Commissioner Lewin added that if a bulb -out is added on the south side at the crosswalk, there would also be a need to put, the painted 13 foot bulb -out on the west side of the driveway. He ` is concerned that since basically everything east of the crosswalk on the south side of Rush is being red curbed, many parking spaces will be eliminated. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki asked Mr. Dvorak if cars can still park west of the driveway.. Mr. Dvorak indicated that parking would be allowed. Commissioner Russell wondered, when the Commission is talking about Figure 3 Level 2, why the Commission doesn't go to that Level instead of going to Level 1 and changing it. The Commissioners looked at the Figures and agreed on Level 2. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki clarified that the recommendation is to go to Level 2 with the addition of a study of the feasibility of adding an extension to the median nose, and to work with the Rice Elementary and the District with regard to drop -off and pick -up zone to make sure that they are able to accommodate the drop- off /pick -up zone. Motion Commissioner Russell motioned and Commissioner Lewin seconded that the Traffic Commission recommends to the City Council that Level 2 improvements be made along Rosemead Traffic Commission Minutes of October 2, 2008 Page 5 of 10 J I J-11 Rush Street; that staff continue monitoring traffic conditions; that staff be directed to work with staff of Rice Elementary and the school District with regard to the drop -off and pick -up zone; that shrubs be lower and trees trimmed higher to increase visibility from the Wal -Mart entrance to San Gabriel Boulevard. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairman Masuda, Commissioners Deary, Lewin and Russell Noes: None Abstain: None B. TRAFFIC STUDY PRIORITIES Deputy Public Works Director Chris Marcarello presented the Traffic Study Priorities report. Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission review its list of priority traffic studies and provide direction regarding a study to review. Discussion In response to a question by Commissioner Russell about the Priorities list, Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki explained that the Traffic Study Priorities are more city -wide traffic issues, such as having a neighborhood traffic management program. Speeding is an issue throughout the City and the Commission is very limited in the number of ways it can be handled. What is being done with Rush /Angelus is a start at looking at the bigger picture. It is a specific location with specific problems, but it gives the Commissioners an idea of other tools that can be used to help address some traffic issues. Past issues with specific crosswalks for example, what can be done with uncontrolled crosswalks? When the Commission talks about traffic studies it should be looked at as an opportunity for the Commission to have a voice in how things throughout the city can be addressed in a more "global" manner. Another example is the recent "blue curb" policy. Commissioner Russell asked about Rosemead Boulevard. Mr. Marcarello responded that Rosemead Boulevard is under Caltrans' jurisdiction; possible relinquishment is down the road. Commissioner Russell cited possible studies of signals /flashing red lights for both fire stations. She also suggested Walgreens driveway and northbound San Gabriel at about Hellman as you enter the freeway. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki suggested these two items should come before the Traffic Commission as a regular item. Vice Chairman Masuda suggested looking at tour bus traffic and truck routes, along Walnut Grove Avenue and other residential streets in the area especially. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated truck routes is one item that has been addressed in the General Plan by the Planning Commission. Rosemead Traffic Commission Minutes of October 2, 2008 Page 6 of 10 FINAL Commissioner Lewin asked Mr. Marcarello if the intent is for the Commission to choose several things, make a motion and approve them, and that will be the study list. Mr. Marcarello responded it is staff's recommendation that the Commission pick out a few studies to start with to get the process going. It would go to City Council and advise that the Commission has recommended that the issues be looked at. Commissioner Lewin stated that because the truck route study is included in the General Plan Update he will drop that from his list. He recommends a neighborhood traffic management improvement option; residential speeding is a big issue for the City. Speed humps should be included. City Council previously indicated, about two decades ago, that they did not want speed bumps in the City, Commissioner Lewin believes it important to learn the attitude of the new council concerning speed bumps. Commissioner Lewin also suggested guidelines for protected /permissive left -turn signals. Chairperson Knapp cited her desire to get the pocket at southbound Walnut Grove and Ramona. Also the potholes at the ramp and throughout the City. Motion Commissioner Lewin motioned and Commissioner Masuda seconded that the Commission recommends to the City Council that staff be directed to study the development of a Neighborhood Traffic Management improvement program which would include speed bumps, bulb -outs, and various tools. The Commission also recommends to the City Council that staff be directed to develop guidelines for protected /permissive signals within the City. Commissioner Russell submitted a substitute motion. She believes the southbound Walnut Grove /Ramona left turn lane is a vital issue to the community. Chairperson Knapp indicated that the work has been approved but it just hasn't been done. Commissioner Russell asked if it has been approved or not approved; what is the status? In response to a question from Mr. Marcarello, Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki stated that the work was to have been completed by the previous City Engineer but was not. It is a matter of getting it added to a project list. Mr. Marcarello will make sure that it gets back into the pipeline. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki suggested the Commission send this back to the Council and let them know it was already approved and there needs to be a way to fund the work. Commissioner Russell would like to have a study for the fire station lights and the speed bumps. Commissioner Lewin pointed out that the speed bumps are included in the Neighborhood Traffic Management study. Concerning the fire station lights, Mr. Marcarello stated staff could work with the Fire Department. This will be added to the list for the Traffic Commission. The original motion by Commissioner Lewin and seconded by Vice Chairman Masuda was amended to include a reminder to Council regarding the left -turn at southbound Walnut Grove at Ramona. Rosemead Traffic Commission Minutes of October 2, 2008 Page 7 of 10 FINAL Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Vice Chairman Masuda, Commissioners Deary, Lewin and Russell Noes: None Abstain: None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. EARLE AVENUE AND DELTA AVENUE: BETWEEN MISSION DRIVE AND WELLS STREET — Concern Regarding Speeding and Lack of Sidewalk Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that selective speed enforcement be conducted on Earle Avenue and Delta Avenue between Mission Drive and Wells Street especially during school start and release times to address the current speeding issue. It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council consider the .implementation of a speed hump policy or a neighborhood traffic calming program that could be applied city -wide. Discussion Mr. Manuel Cox, 4527 Earle, likes staff's recommendation. He noticed a deputy at the corner and there was a difference. Mr. Cox has observed residences that have vegetation growing on City right -of -way which forces the children into the street. He stated there is not much foot traffic because parents drive their children to school, only a short distance away. Mr. Sal De La Cruz, 4533 Earle, stated enforcement officer parked on the street has helped this week. The crossing guard at Walnut Grove and Wells is very slow. Mr. Marcarello will follow up. Chairperson Knapp asked Mr. Marcarello about the sidewalks. She wondered if there is a code requirement that would mandate installation of a sidewalk. Mr. Marcarello responded there was a code requiring a sidewalk when valuation of a remodel is over $10,000. However, Council approved an ordinance contrary to that; right now there is no legal course to require a sidewalk. The City is being proactive and will work with the residents. There are CDBG grant funds that can be used. Traffic Engineering Deputy Itagaki asked if the City can require a resident who has vegetation within the City right -of -way to cut it back. Mr. Marcarello said "absolutely." Residents are supposed to apply for an encroachment permit for any vegetation or if there are accessibility issues. With a specific address the issue can be addressed to the property owner. Rosemead Traffic Commission Minutes of October 2, 2008 Page 8 of 10 FINAL Mr. Cox was asked for the addresses of the homes with the vegetation. He could provide no addresses but the residences are on the west side of Earle, two houses north of Wells. Mr. Roberto Salazar, 4504 Delta, stated speeds are faster during commute times on Delta. There is some cut through traffic. He believes speed humps will help. In 2001 when he added a bedroom to his house he did not have to add a sidewalk. Commissioner Lewin suggested speed limit signs be posted at either end of both streets to serve as a friendly reminder. It may not affect the worst speeders but it may act as a reminder in some kind of positive fashion. Commissioner Lewin stated that eastbound Wells Street, almost no one stops at that stop sign. When he was with Mr. Cox they watched two or three cars basically go through the stop sign. He recommends a larger sized stop sign and more enforcement. Motion Commissioner Lewin motioned and Vice Chairman Masuda seconded that the Traffic Commission recommends to the City Council to install 25 mph speed signs in both directions of Delta and Earle at Mission and Wells; and increase the size of stop sign on eastbound Wells at Earle, and refresh paint at that intersection. Mr. Marcarello indicated the City is going to bid to inventory all traffic devices throughout the City. This inventory will record all traffic signs. The inventory will then be used as a maintenance tool. Vote Results: Yes: Chairperson Knapp, Lewin and Russell Noes: None Abstain: None 5. STAFF REPORTS - NONE 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Vice Chairman Masuda, Commissioners Deary, Commissioner. Deary asked about the form for "problems." Traffic Engineering Deputy has it ready and will email to each of.them. The form will be prepared as a pad for their use. Commissioner Russell wants to make sure that someone talks with the crossing guard at Walnut Grove and Wells. Vice Chairman Masuda stated that notifications of agenda items need to get out earlier. Chairperson Knapp suggested making courtesy phone calls to the key people. A speaker from the audience stated that one reason some residents from Delta and Earle did not attend the meeting was because of the Vice Presidential debate scheduled earlier in the evening. Commissioner Lewin added perhaps the calls could be made specifically to those who spoke previously. Those are the people who are the ones most likely to come and talk again. Rosemead Traffic Commission Minutes of October 2, 2008 Page 9 of 10 . FINAL Vice Chairman Masuda suggested a recorded message about the meeting. Mr. Marcarello responded that might be happening eventually. Some cities are going to CRM (Customer Relationship Management) that could handle this type of thing. But for now, the website, mailers, or calls to the critical people would be good. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned until November 6, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. Jlnec (06160)17470/1002/Min04 Rosemead Traffic Commission Minutes of October 2, 2008 Page 10 of 10