TC - Item 4A - Bicycle Master Plan ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: MARCH 1, 2012 SUBJECT: BICYCLE IMPROVEMENT PLAN SUMMARY At last month’s meeting on February 2, 2012, the Commission was presented with an early outline of the Bicycle Improvement Plan, including goals and objectives and a working map of possible bicycle routes in the City. Data collection and analysis is underway and a recommended list of priority projects has been created for further consideration. Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the Traffic Commission: 1. Review and consider the studies and recommendations; 2. Solicit public input and provide direction related to the preparation of a Bicycle Improvement Plan that will serve as the basis for local and grant funding related to bicycle projects. BACKGROUND During its November 3, 2011 meeting, the Traffic Commission formalized several goals/objectives for the upcoming year. One such goal set forth to “provide safe and friendly pedestrian and bicycle transportation networks”. The Traffic Commission’s objectives for this Goal are to: Improve pedestrian and bicycle connections between regional centers and local communities. Improve and promote pedestrian and bicycle safety through public media and school information. Improve communications and enforcement for pedestrians and bicyclists. Initiate and develop bicycle safety and safe walks programs. Improve pedestrian lighting on streets. In January 2012, work on a City Bicycle Improvement Plan was initiated, including the development of plans and policies to achieve the above-mentioned goals. As part of a statewide requirement for creating and approving bicycle Improvement plans, a public meeting is required to solicit input from the general public and incorporate comments and Traffic Commission Meeting March 1, 2012 Page 2 of 2 suggestions into a draft improvement plan. To satisfy these requirements, staff recommends that the Traffic Commission further review and consider this plan in a public forum setting. At the public meeting, the Commissioners and the public will discuss proposed bicycle routes, improvements, and programs offered in the draft Bicycle Improvement Plan. Based on the analyses and comments received, a final draft Bicycle Improvement Plan will be prepared. The Commission may recommend the final draft Bicycle Improvement Plan to the City Council for its adoption. The more detailed analyses (including preliminary engineering, roadway plans for implementation, and outreach programs) will follow after the Bicycle Improvement Plan has been adopted. This two-step effort will produce a more comprehensive master plan. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Public Works Director Attachment: Bicycle Study Findings and Priorities